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Posts posted by Sybbyl0127

  1. Haku glanced over the fliers, which he noticed amidst his walk this morning. He tilted his head slightly, crossing his arms over his chest as he pondered over the possibility. If nothing else, it might be quite fun simply to submit texts to the library, and perhaps study in it’s halls for some time as well, if it were stocked with things that might hold his interest.


    In a notebook procured from his pocket, he carefully jotted down the details, safely returned the notebook to his pocket, and headed back home. Surely someone he knew would be able to bind a book for him?


    Then there was the matter of ink.. He tapped his chin as he considered the varying supplies that would be necessary for a hobbyist writer.


  2. Some mood music



         “Mom, are you going out again?” Called the young boy, as his mother hovered by the door, her hand resting on the handle. Though she paused for a short moment, her eyes on her fingers, she pulled the door open slowly with her brow gently knit together, and as she walked through she closed it quietly behind herself.

    Haku frowned as the door closed, looking over the empty space left in their home. He sighed deeply, and went upstairs.


         Outside, the sun hung lazily in the center of the sky above. A cloud or two here and there passing by, casting great shadows that flew across the earth below. Birds called, and creatures of all manner wandered the lands that the inhabitants of this grove called, home. 

    Great trees towered above, but a little outside this haven of nature, just down the cobbled road, a lonely figure stood in the grass. She gazed longingly out, down the roads, across the hills on the horizons. Her hands, fingers crossed together, resting by her chest as the gentle breeze played with her hair. 


         The sun kissed her pale skin, and made her golden locks shine like it’s own light, but there she stood. Long after the sun had gone, and the white moon had risen in the sky, there she still stood. Her once golden hair had begun to fade into grey. 

    Age, and tragedy, had taken her thoughts. Taken, the sparkle in her eyes, the playful smile on her lips. Too many scars, too many tears, now none were left for her to cry. She was lost, trapped in a time from long ago, waiting here for something that would never truly come.


    “My dearest Vivianne,
       How are you? I hope you are well, I have told my sons the stories that you’ve sent me in your letters. Who’d have thought our beautiful sister would grow so much in so little time? I write you this letter to let you know that during some travels, I and Demitri will be able to cross through the lands you’re in, we can see each other again! Like old times. 

    I’ve sent letters to our other brothers as well, in the hopes we can all come together again, to see each other once more face to face! Do you think Eric may have grown taller?
    I heard that Aaron has a new daughter on the way as well, our family grows ever larger!

    I hope to see you soon, my darling sister,

    With love, Reimond.
    4th of Grand Harvest, 1462


         The letter clutched in her hands, the paper thin and cracked, browning with age. Still she stood upon the road, her eyes far away, staring into the memories of a world that no longer existed, trapped in her own mind.
    Her lips cracked, and as her bones began to ache, the life of nature around her welcomed her. Roots protruded from the earth beneath her feet, twisting together into a stool, as a vine reached out, to gently guide her onto the seat.


         Every day, her son brought her food and drink, giving her water and feeding her food, draping blankets over her shoulders at night. He spoke to her, calmly, hoping that this would end. He had grown used to the days where his mother would live in her past, but this one had gone on much longer than before. As the days went on, she took less and less of the food, but the boy continued to come. He held her hands, hugged her, greeted her in the mornings. All this, and yet, she stared still past him, through him, lost. He cried for her, until his father came to put his arm around the boys shoulder and lead him back home, tears in his own eyes.


         As her pale skin tightened over her bones, and her body became weak, the roots grew further beneath her. They rose up more from the earth, building themselves up so her back could rest. Though the whisper of nature around her, urged her to leave this place, to eat, to drink.. To sleep, her ears no longer heard them, and her eyes no longer saw the roads that they stared upon. She was already far away.


         The trees cried as the flowers reached up for her, begging her to listen, to see, to come back. The roots behind her grew ever more, holding up her weakened body as more and more of her energy wasted away. In time, a tree had begun to form, where she leaned upon its bark.

    As this new tree’s voice finally reached Vivianne’s ears, she blinked, and silence fell over the worried whispers around her.


         “They aren’t coming, are they?” She spoke, in a broken whisper, her breath short, and wheezing as her body labored in exhaustion. All around her, sadness encompassed the many voices she could barely hear. “I wondered.. When the time, would finally catch me.” She gently closed her eyes, a single tear slipping onto her cheek. Her cracked lips smiled, her cheekbones sharp beneath her pale skin.

    “If I’d.. Never been, turned into a monster..” She took deep, haggard breaths. “I could have lived, such a normal life,” She said, with a break in her voice. She tried to open her eyes, but her energy had finally been used with those last few spoken words, she took one last breath, and whispered an apology.


         The tree cried out, reaching around her to hold up her exhausted form, holding onto her as her sweet, loving soul, slowly slipped away. 

    It was there that her body stayed, as the tree that had worked so hard just to reach her far away mind with its young voice, held onto her. It grew around her slowly, as her connection to their world faded into the nothingness. 


         Though the Mint druid had gone, time passed on. Every day, her son came to the tree that now functioned as her grave, and sat among its roots. Haku had understood, his ancient mother hadn’t long left in the living world, but it still hurts.. And now a flame was lit underneath him, he’d do what she had wanted for him, for him to be attuned with nature, like she was. If only to thank this tree, for holding his mother up as her strength left her, and to thank for the plants that gathered round it, for staying with her in her last moments.


    For many nights, he’d have sweet dreams, of himself standing in the long swaying grass, surrounded by vines and flowers. He’d sit by the tree and talk through the night, falling asleep leaning against its trunk where his mother lay to rest.


  3. 313b15e46ba609e68aae1f07671f2071.png


    The massive stone body of a golem ages old slowly approached a board of posters, reading through them all as it studied each part carefully.  How did the mortals write their posters? Clearly the advertisement had a sort of, running theme of announcement.. Varying degrees of excitement over products, description of wares available.


    The golem scanned each, among which was the poster for the trading company. The golem tilted it’s head at the detailed depiction of the bulky mortal being at the base of the poster. Then glanced at the other posters, a few of which may have had depictions of their writers upon them. It made note of this, too.


    The golem wandered off in the direction of the nearest market, seeking out more knowledge of mortal kind’s way of trade and economy.

  4. I get bored occasionally and artists block is a horrible thing to have, and when I get that way, I like to just draw little, small-sized low effort things that have a function.


    -most- of the time, those things end up being forum reactions, like +1s and -1s, and various characters of mine making emotes like a confused face, or a shocked face. 


    For this particular post, I’m going to be filling it with things that don’t need characters, like the +1s and -1s. Small reactions that anyone can use if they want to : )

    Everything I post here, anyone has permission to use unless I say otherwise ^_^ spread these cute little things everywhere! Since they’re so low effort [they take like.. 5 minutes tops to draw x’D] and so small, I won’t be adding a signature, but it’s not required to credit me : ) but feel free to tell people who made it if someone asks. If I catch someone trying to say they drew them, just know I’ll  stop at nothing to force you to correct yourself.


    That aside, have fun!






    The emojis below are personal emojis for various folks, and aren’t open to use to anyone unless they get permission from the owner of the character:
    a5621e06c834965a228a70fc08fed435.pngisilia :thinking:      


    There will be more! If you have any ideas for something I could add to this tiny collection let me know below : D

  5. Vivianne glances at the sweet child, sleeping in a toddler bed, grown and built with her own druidic power. She touched the kuila crystal that hung on a chain round her neck, matching the one that hung above the small boys bed. She kissed the boys head, and went downstairs to ready their things. She couldn’t stay here when she had this precious life to protect.. She’d already seen the destruction the prince had left behind with her own eyes, and fought alongside her druid brothers and sisters in many. 


    Sealing cuttings of her precious garden into glass jars, and safely tucking them away with the clothing she’d bring, she cried as she wondered what she’d tell her little one the next morning, when they’d have to leave the home she’d only just finished building for them months ago. She spent many hours that night, moving their things she couldn’t carry into hide-aways on the mountain, hoping that when it was all over she might be able to return and retrieve them.


    When she’d finished preparing a few meals for their travel, she lay down next to her little one, holding him carefully and praying to whomever may answer that her son, and her family in the grove, would be alright..

  6. * The great golem Glothir takes note of the message, having learned decades ago from it’s masters, the skill of reading in the languages it is familiar with, and would promptly bring said message to various mortals that wandered the city. It asked for assistance in reading the message, as it had not been taught how to decipher a message written with poor grammar and punctuation. *

  7. I dont actually know this person on a personal level, but I'm quite active in the druid discord chat, and I've seen their activity enough to know that this person is very helpful in answering other's questions [often times, mine, lol] and is quite knowledgeable in lore & server information. Kind and attentive, it'd be a shame to see this be rejected.


  8. "Ooh, that sounds wonderful!" Vivianne exclaimed, laughing as she chatted with some nearby villagers after hearing the town crier shout out the news. 
    "I used to live in the old caliphate, a long time ago, they were some of the very few who didn't mind me being there." She smiles, happy to see that they were doing well. She patted her big ol' preggo belly and wandered off, reminiscing about her days in the old sandstone city, soaking in the oasis by the sultan's towers.

  9. Hello o/ Sybbyl here, 

    A short period of time ago the Bryophite discord server was attacked by a couple to a few people, followed by a slew of spam bots, who banned & kicked three quarters of it's members and deleted all the channels and history. They also changed server settings and roles, and essentially made the server itself completely irreparable, and so here we are.

    Shortly after swinging the ban hammer until my wrists hurt, I realised that the majority of the community members were lost to us, I couldn't remember all of their usernames, and there wasn't much of a way to get in contact with them because my friends list is rather extensive. 


    So! Please, if you are a previous member of the Bryophite Community who would like to be re-invited to the chat, OR someone who is interested in playing a new Bryophite when the lore re-write is released, contact me VIA DISCORD [I dont get on the forums much, and might not see messages I am sent] at Sybbyl#0002


    I will gladly re-invite people to the best of my ability, in light of the tragic event that caused this situation however I may have to "interview" people interested in being added, just to be sure we don't see a repeat of the incident. I hope you can understand and won't get irritated with me x) Im just a tad paranoid, we lost weeks of commnity ideas that were planned to be implemented into future lore. [although I /think/ maybe someone had them in a google doc, not all of the ideas were recorded outside of the discord chat history.]


    So, just a reiteration, please contact me on Discord, comments below may not be read in a timely manner, and forum messages most likely won't be read in a timely manner either. I get a lot of notifications on this site, so things tend to get lost in the pings.


    Please feel free to comment below and tag anyone who is a bryophite or wants to be so they can see this message : )

  10. * casually necros the crap out of this thread *


    Whether it's welcomed or not, haha, I find that word to word translations tend to be a bit -easier- for the general public to learn and use in a fantasy setting. Not a lot of people want to have to actually learn a new syntax in order to talk IC, you know?

    Also, I sent you an editor link to the translator when I made it : P You were always able to edit it.


    Either way!! I've brought it up myself, and with a couple other folks I have with me to help, I fully intend to use the translation system on LingoJam to actually make an attempt at finishing this language. I've sent you a friend request in discord, in case you'd like to be a part of it all ^_^ 


    I intend to work on the translator until I feel confident that at the least, in everyday conversation, a full sentence can actually be translated into the dwarven language. ❤️ 

  11. 1 minute ago, Boruto said:

    MC Name: Boruto

    Character Name: Olgierd

    Commission type: 1000 minae from waist up

    Basic Description of what you want drawn: A blond human druii, with a partially scarred visage and a rough, brawny contour.

    Description of characters involved, or links to their profiles: I'll send you a character sheet on Discord!

    Any Reference photos: Will be included in the character sheet, or I'll describe it on discord.

    Ill add you in ^_^ ❤️

  12. 1 minute ago, Wurfv said:

    MC Name: Wurfv

    Character Name: Quigo Torena

    Commission type: 800 Mina Head

    Basic Description of what you want: I just have 3 tattoos I need on the face. It'd be better to describe what I want over discord.

    Any Reference photos:


    I'll add you in : )

    hit me up at Sybbyl#0002

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