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Posts posted by Sybbyl0127

  1. 4 minutes ago, Medvekoma said:

    MC Name: Medvekoma

    Character Name: Koralon Onyxheart

    Commission type: 2000 minae full body

    Basic Description of what you want drawn: My Dark Dorf character. Either in a robe or armour, your preference, in a pose that you prefer.


    Description of characters involved, or links to their profiles: Here. I can provide more.

    Any Reference photos: 1 2 3


    Okie Dokie! Hit me up on discord @ Sybbyl#0002

  2. fc7f00f9bab5d785d2887508475bff3f.png

    Welcome to my Art Shop! I'll do my best to keep this thread as updated as I can : )

    My prices are listed below, I do art commissions regularly unless I set the thread to closed to take a break ^_^

    As most of you know, I'm a stay-at-home single mom, so the time that I spend drawing everyday is broken up throughout and isn't a whole lot, and I can't guarantee work every day, considering that with a two year old, you never know what will happen, haha!


    So, here are my rules!

    * I only communicate via Discord, if you don't have discord, it's easy to sign up!

    * I have the right to refuse any request, or cancel a request mid-drawing if the recipient is rude or otherwise disrupting to the process

    * I don't do NSFW art, but I will do any art that can be considered SFW

    * Unfortunately, I can't draw Orcs, or Goblins, my dwarf art is not so great, but I can do it. [This may also apply to other races with similar appearance]

    * Payment is not to be sent until the final stages of the piece [Ill let you know when!]


    To request a commission from me, please contact me via discord @ Sybbyl#0002

    Replies to this thread may go unanswered, I dont check the forums very often : P


    When you initially contact me on Discord, send me the information in the following application:

    MC Name:

    Character Name:

    Character Race: [ Keep in mind, I cannot draw Orcs, or goblins, and Im not very good at Dwarves!, Im willing to draw dwarves but only simple requests]

    Commission type: [headshot, waist up, full body etc.]

    Basic Description of what you want drawn:

    Description of characters involved, and links to their profiles: [Long, detailed descriptions are the best!]

    Any Reference photos: [Make sure to note what each reference photo is for, I.E.: This is her sword, this is her dress, etc.]


    I'll be able to use that info to assess what it is you are looking for, and then I'll ask you a few questions and we can work out the pricing as needed or stick to the price listed for your request, I work with it case-by-case, to ensure everything is fair ^_^

    After I have the full idea of what it is you want, I'll let you know whether or not it's within my ability, and if it is, I'll let you know when I've started.

    From there, I'll start releasing snapshots of the work I produce, to make sure everything is done accurately. Please pay close attention to the details of the snapshots I send, I do not go back and make major changes, say on line art, when I've already started coloring xD Everything is done one step at a time : )


    Now that's done, let's move on to the fun part!










    Click Here!

    To join my Trello Board so that you can follow cards and get notifications when they update, click here!





    1,000 mina:

    Char Items

    Logos, Symbols


    3,000 mina:

    Family Crests

    Detailed Char Items



    4,000 mina:

    Custom Stationary



    9,000 mina:

    Full body character

    A set of 3-4 high detail char items with custom designs or decoration/borders


    11,000 mina:

    Forum Decoration set for any 1 organization

    High detail bust/waist-up piece for 1 character



    Examples Below:





    A few policies of mine:
    If a commission is canceled after the line-art is finished, then a minimum price will be needed for the effort put into the line-art itself, usually depending on the size of the drawing, it's substantially lower than the commissions full price, so dont worry too much! Just try not to make a commission request unless you already have the funds on hand : )


    All art that I produce, commission or no, I will use later on as examples of my work.


    If the character changes in some way physically [loses a limb, an eye, major scarring, tattoos etc.], I may offer to add in the new changes for a minuscule amount ^_^



  3. MC Name: Sybbyl


    Character's Name: Vivianne Verdigris


    Character's Age: 227


    Character's Race: Bryophite [Human]


    What magic(s) will you be learning?: Blight Healing


    Teacher's MC Name: A_Keefy


    Teacher's RP Name: Hareven


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: Nope : D


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: Yep!


    Are you aware that if this magic is undergoing an activity trial and fails said trial, that you will lose the magic?: O'course


    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: Nope :D



  4. MC Name: Sybbyl


    Character's Name: Vivianne Verdigris


    Character's Age: 227


    Character's Race: Bryophite [Human]


    What magic(s) will you be learning?: Herblore


    Teacher's MC Name: A_Keefy


    Teacher's RP Name: Hareven


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: Nope : D


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: Yep!


    Are you aware that if this magic is undergoing an activity trial and fails said trial, that you will lose the magic?: O'course


    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: Nope : D



  5. MC  Sybbyl 


    Option 1: Special Animation - No Card? ≎  Character walking, falling down, and getting back up

    Option 2 if option 1 isn't do-able: Standing character, blinking eyes & flowy hair [let me know if you can't do that either :) ]

    Character  Vivianne Verdigris ≎ 

    Character  Bryophite ≎ 

    Character  Status ≎ (card only)

    Mini  Sprites 

    Reference   ≎ 




    Essentially, the character is a light, minty green skinned Bryophite with solid green emerald eyes, slightly darker green hair that has vines and various leaves within it, a bright yellow green rather large flower on her head, and wears a puffy shoulder sleeved light blue gown with a gold waist sash that hangs down. She also glows an aqua blue color, and her hair is Rapunzel-like floor length. 


    I can give you more details via Discord if you like, Mrs.Kitty#0002 , it's my preferred method of contact. Feel free to talk to me about options here if any of it is too much, I'm an artist myself, so I understand if some of the things I've requested are a bit too difficult. 

  6. Vivianne placed a small handy over her mouth in surprise, gasping with a small breath. She went round the city of Sutica and removed any of the posters she could find up there, tossing them off the bridge and into the water, before turning and running back into the city.


    MC Name: Sybbyl
    Character's Name: Evangeline Giovanni
    Character's Age: 16
    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable): Human
    Transformed form: Bryophite
    Creator's MC Name: N/A
    Creator's RP Name: N/A
    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature: 

    Bryophites are creatures created by a plant called Verridian Moss, it lies in wait until a mortal being passes by, upon which event the moss will release paralyzing spores and then form a cocoon around the person. Over the course of a night, the plant breaks down the mortal's body and rebuilds it with plant matter, selections of such seems rather random. At times, it has been known for Bryophites to have extra plants that grow, attached, to their bodies. They act as normal herbs or plants as though they were potted, but their quality is abnormally perfect, not achievable through normal means. Bryophites function much like their previous race, however they tend to live longer, meditate instead of sleep, gain energy from sugary substances [much like a modern day redbull]. 
    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: Noperino [no]
    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: Sure!
    Are you aware that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?: ... Yeah, of course! That sounds sad though.. xD
    Do you consent to accepting what may happen to this character?: Of course! RP is RP yo : )
    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: Nope!

  8. Hello there! I'm remaking this CA to put out an update on Glothir's current build, as well as to pull him out of inactivity : )

    here's his original CA that has the posted permissions of my creators and whatnot:

    Clicky clicky!


    MC Name: TheGlassPrincess 


    IC Name: Glothir


    Original Race [n/a if not applicable]: N/A


    Transformed Form: Thahnium Golem


    Creator [mc name and ic name, n/a if not applicable]: 

    Epicbeast6209 - Yeulf Oathcast

    Aegis_Lima - Lori Oathcast


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:

    Golems are simple beings, built through complicated and special processes to create each one individually, no two golems are the same. They are essentially beings of obedience, upon creation knowing not much more than the limits of, possibly a limited vocabulary, the concept of Impera, and how to maneuver it's own body. 

    They must be taught almost everything else. From speaking, to understanding the meaning of different tasks and how to perform them. Metaphors, jokes, hidden meanings, mean nothing to a golem. It will take everything that is said by its Impera completely seriously, and at times will continue a task until they are told to stop if that isn't included in the initial command.


    Golems cannot possess creativity, like it is said in the lore page, if Glothir were asked to build a house, he would most likely either A: pile up rocks against each other in a somewhat square shape, or B: hold up a rock and let Impera stand under it. 

    Glothir's overall build including his runes is highly upgraded, details of which can be found in his google document:
    Google Doc!


    Golems have also, no concept of gender. On their own they won't refer to themselves as He or She, but often It, and not usually I. Glothir more often speaks of himself as an It, as what most of the dwarves had called him. He was never told or corrected to speak of himself as a He or Him. 


    The most important part of a golem, is it's core. It is the most complicated, and it is also it's main component. The golem body can be broken, torn apart, rebuilt. However, any damage to the core is permanent, and cannot be repaired. A damaged core can quite possibly cause a golem to turn Red, which would cause them to be dangerous, perhaps spiteful [not in an emotional sense, but literally] in the sense that they unwittingly perform tasks they are told to do obediently but in fashions that could cause harm to an Impera, due to the damage of their core. 

  9. I can say, when I saw the announcement in druid chat that there was a re-write pushed for Bryophites without anyone telling me or asking my permission, I was infuriated. However after a few people telling me the LT was in on it, I went ahead and read through it all. Reading this re-write, essentially diffused my anger because of how nice it is. It's well written, easy to understand, and short and to the point.


    The reason I was so against re-writes for so long is because back when I was more active [about 3 years ago] Bryophites were probably one of the most hated smaller races, every time they were mentioned in a thread the situation only got worse, which is what ultimately lead to them being forced into an event only status. So I started telling people to stop, and to leave them be as they were, for fear of them being removed completely.


    But after seeing all the positive comments here I can see my reaction was outdated and unwarented, clearly the community has gotten over that now and I suppose that, outside of my pride, I can say I'm glad that you went ahead and suggested this despite my less than welcoming responses to your "pestering" lol. 


    The fact that you still gave me credit makes me happy as well, and the majority of the details themed around them were kept the same, you only changed certain mechanics, added some really nice lore, and made the post shorter and easier to read. My re-write was lengthy, and probably the main cause for why sooo many bryophite players never read the lore.


    So, I give this a hefty +1


    good job : ) Sorry for my stubbornness, lol. 

  10. As the writer of the current lore and longest surviving Bryophite, I will try to appease as many comments here as I can that relate to things I can actually answer. Be noted, I don't really intend to say anything else here after this comment, because these threads, as often as they come up, annoy me, and stress me out. "Bryophites should come back!" That's great, wonderful, I'm so very glad that you love my bryophites so much, but making posts like this does nothing to bring them back, it just allows people to come and be salty about them, and say mean things to each other, and argue.    Please stop making these threads.


    Before I answer anyone else's comments, I will make my own.

    Bryophites have been reworked, remodeled, purged and brought back. Ultimately, the downfall of the "race" [They are NOT a race, but I'll get to that] has been that players do not wish to read so much lore. The lore of bryophites is complicated, and long. Players often will jump in thinking "A plant person!" and just start playing. However there is a lot more to the Bryophites than what has been played, even one of you have already made an ignorant post regarding their roleplay, based on what you've -seen- and not on what you have obviously not read, in their lore. However Im not going to get into that here, just read the lore, please.

    In my personal opinion, Bryophites should not be brought back. They were a good idea, and fun to play, it was enjoyable. I would like nothing more than for them to be available to the playerbase, but that is not something I would recommend. The playerbase here in LOTC is too vast, it's not as closely manageable, and with a race like Bryophites where 70-80% of the characters built with it are left to the creator's imagination, it's dangerous. It's very easy to break lore with them, to pretend you have abilities you shouldn't, to attempt to be "OP" when Bryophites are supposed to be weak, frail creatures. Too many times I have seen this, and so from here on, whenever I see these posts I will say, that I do not want Bryophites to be re-instated.


    Now, on to the comments.


    On 1/19/2017 at 3:25 PM, Nagini03 said:

         Yes, I know that they have been axed an all, but I honestly think they should come back. We have more and more players coming into Lord of the Craft and I'm sure there are people out there who still desire the race. And as a compromise, we could make it harder for people to become Bryophites, like only having spores from when Bryophites are under a trace period or growth period. I know that I don't have much experience on this server and don't hold any major positions on the server, but it seems unfair to new players and those who are true to the lore.

    "trace period or growth period" .. Please read the lore, no such thing exists. I've clearly written out exactly how Bryophites are supposed to reproduce in the lore. It will explain to you there how difficult it actually is to become one.


    On 1/19/2017 at 3:30 PM, Nagini03 said:

    I mean people who know a lot about bryophyte lore and would abuse the race's abilities.

    The race have no abilities other than:
    Regrowing limbs [At the rate that it takes a tree to grow an arm sized branch, aka, months]

    Having any herbal properties on their bodies, however they still need to know alchemy to use them, and herbalism to harvest them, they're just walking plants, yo.


    That's it. No truly "abusable" abilities. Please read the lore.


    On 1/19/2017 at 3:33 PM, Nagini03 said:

    Then perhaps its time to change and reform them.

    Change the abilities and how they are played

    They have been changed, recently in fact. Bryophites were shut down shortly after I re-wrote the entire race, It will not be happening again.


    On 1/19/2017 at 5:53 PM, AGiantPie said:

    bryophite lore is really pretty flawed for several key reasons @mitto summed up the most important


    im not against plant people as an idea but bryophites were a really bad way of implementing plant people and I would rather they not come back

    Ouch, your comment has no reasoning or facts and I can only assume that you said this without knowing I wrote the lore, I hope. If you'd like to elaborate on why you think this, please do.


    On 1/19/2017 at 5:58 PM, Oodles said:

    My problem with the bryophytes was that there wasn't much to them other than being green and made of plants. You could chat with a bryophyte in a tavern just like anyone else. You could have a romance with a bryophyte, a friendship with a bryophyte, or a rivalry with a bryophyte, and if you took out the bryophyte part it would be the same roleplay. The bryophytes had neither culture, nor habits, nor attitudes which made them strange or different; they were essentially more similar to any given race of descendants than that race was to the others. Bryophytes should be made to do a certain thing, something that ideally creates conflict. They could suffer a curse and enjoy a blessing, anything that forces them to act a different way would make them interesting.


    I've always held that a special snowflake trait (rainbow hair, metal arms, being made of plants) that doesn't influence how a character is RP'd is essentially a crutch, meant to give a character the appearance of depth that isn't there. When you give characters these special attributes, you should think hard about how they'll affect your attitudes, habits, and values when you play the character.


    That said, I liked the green plant babes, and seeing as people have already grandfathered them in, they should be reworked and re-added.

    Please read the lore. 

    As it says in the lore, Bryophites ARE /heavily/ changed mentally. While the transofrmation is finishing, a Bryophites mind is still active, it will be the last thing to be converted into it's new body. As the transformation begins to take the mind, it will be registering the thoughts that are going through it. The last thought that goes through that bryophite's head will be what their new personality is based upon. For instance, before becoming a bryophite my character Violette was a very sweet, weak little thing who couldnt fend for herself at all and lived with a bunch of vikings she considered family. After the transofrmation, [during which her last thought was of Oren] she was essentially still that weak girl, but she had an unexplainable, burning love for Oren. She has spent years building up her funds, trying to get into Oren day after day, constantly getting arrested and beaten and thrown out. But no matter what she did, or what they did, nothing would ever change the fact that Oren would always be there on the forefront of her mind. [except you know, it being destroyed]


    This aspect can be used to do many things that would set Bryophites aside from normal people. not to mention as well, it is also stated in the lore that Bryophites are goverened by the plant parasite inside them and that a lot of the time, they have difficulty with social settings because obviously, plants dont know how humans work, and they need to re-learn how to act in society.

    So again I say, the ultimate downfall of bryophites, was people who not read the lore.

    On 1/20/2017 at 9:08 AM, Finalhazard said:


    I just found it a tad ironic considering the situation. Nor did I really 'search' for it. It wasn't that hard to find. But you're right, why argue things from two years ago.


    Anyways. To OP:

    The Bryophite, if to be roleplayed again should ultimately be reworked. Although, I'd hope that it would be up to the Lore Team to select individuals that are allowed to play them.


    But there are also other creatures [as previously stated], such as Satyrs and what-not!

    It has been reworked, another rework will not solve the issues with Bryophites. As well, several players have been allowed recently to start playing new bryophites by request of the lore team / event team, so it's not 100% impossible to play one.


    Thank you for your time! However, that should be the last of this. As I said before I dont want to comment again, but that's my final word on the subject. I do not agree with Bryophites returning. I'm sorry


  11. [1/5/17]

         Vivianne opened her eyes, blinking into the night sky as she took in where she was. She still lie in the clearing, flowers blooming all around her, a cat lay curled by her side, and fireflies blinked overhead. She smiled, this was peace. Some part of her knew that this was what she needed, for every day to be like this. But that irrational part of her still felt like it needed something, that human interaction she so craved. It wanted to move her feet, to stand her up and to walk her back to the lands of Oren, the lands of her home.

         She frowned as she thought of this, she knew what would happen if she did. If she went back, she would surely die again. And who knows how often someone can come back? How many times could she be killed before the monks would stop bringing her back? Or stop being able to, even. No one knew how it worked, and she's pushing it if there's a limit. She sighed.

         She got up carefully, gently moving the cat onto a patch of soft grass, it purred in it's unbroken sleep. She brushed her vine like hair back behind her shoulders and started walking again. 


      "Nothing can change them.." She spoke to herself, "They'll never just openly accept me of their own accord." She ducked under a branch, walking around the large tree, leaving moss where she leaned on it as she climbed over it's roots. "I need to find a way to convince them, that I am not a monster." She listened to the replies from the world around her, they invited her in, told her that she could stay there with them forever, she smiled. "I wish I could stay here forever, but I'm human, like the rest of them.. Though I may look different, I was born among them. I don't belong here alone, though they frighten me, I need people." The smile she gave as genuine, but it was also a sad smile.

         All around her the forest would say, she could spend her days here with them forever, and she so wished she could. But there was always something there, whispering 'Oren..' 'Oren..' in the back of her mind. Something always dragged her back, forced her to see it in a higher light than everything else. Even she knew it made no sense, but she couldn't fight it. No matter how much logic came into play, she always had to go back.

         After a long night of traveling, the sun was beginning to climb back up over the horizon again. She finished her mindless banter and climbed up into a tall oak tree, resting in the center where the branches met. She crossed her legs, and closed her eyes. Taking in a calm breath, the world around her became all that filled her mind, and once more, she would meditate the day away. In the coming hours, birds would come to rest in the branches of her tree, singing beautiful songs to her as she listened. Squirrels danced in the nearby trees, and caterpillars would crawl along her fingertips, before leaving her to her thoughts. Here she would stay, like this, until the sun had reached the far horizon again, drifting below it once more.

  12. [1/4/17]

        Vivianne was a long way from society, deep in the forests surrounding the roads that curved and twisted away from the lands of Oren. She walked calmly, her footfall was quiet as she stepped over tree-roots and plants, ducking under branches and skirting around p uddles of collected water teaming with isolated life. 

         She just walked, for what reason she wasn't sure. The world of nature around her new of her presence, she was here often, and the trees and flowers were healthy here. Everything she touched seemed to accept her, moss grew where her hands touched tree trunks, flowers bloomed as she passed them by. She had spent the past few years here, just living with the forest.

         As she reached a clearing, she broke through the line of the trees and walked out into it's center. Bright sunlight bled into the clearing from the cloudless skies, and she happily sat down in the soft blanket of lush green grass. She lay back in it, the blades of grass straightening, just barely standing a little taller than she, and everything that her glow touched teamed with life.

         She closed her eyes gently, smiling, as she was always connected to this world. And in this silence, she became still, she sighed once to herself and then she was in meditation. Over the course of the following hours here, it would seem as though she were sleeping. Tiny flower buds would begin to grow around her, and as the sun drifted below the horizon, fireflies would fill the clearing and light it, like tiny yellow fairies. Animals would occasionally come to the clearing to watch, in awe of the Bryophites dedication, staying in the clearing for some time before they would go back to their little forest homes.


         This was the daily life of the young, isolated Vivianne.

  13. [ Through the month of November I actively RP'd nightly meditations, practicing Control of Nature and learning Herbology, however once December came I became inactive, so i shall begin again at this point, this means I still require one more month of actively RPing nightly meditations in order to achieve Tier 5 Commune, I will update my MA with Tier 4 Control, and Tier 1 Herblore, and continue from those points once I am more active with them! ^_^ I just don't always remember to update this thread, lol. ]

  14. 246c0cdf91a123776c343d101bd80208.png


    * Vivianne Verdigris, the lovely bryophite, has found herself within the elven city of Haelun'or. Away from the dangerous clutches of the city of Johannesberg until proper preparations can be made for her safety. Here, she walks the streets calmly and often finds herself outside, soaking in the warm sunlight. Now, she finds herself just near the entrance to the city, outside the gate, sat amongst the many blooming flowers. Her presence among them makes the small green area seem... more lively.*


    *She smiles up at the sunny skies, her satchel laying beside her in the grass with her many materials within it.*


    [All requests must be done through RP, and will be handled through timely and organised emotes, one person at a time, the more that join in on the RP, the longer it will take. I will not be engaging in multiple at once, When I am talking to one person, you must join that current conversation to speak with me, it will all be done in the same timeline.

    Have fun! If my character decides to take your request, skype names will be exchanged and I will send you the form to fill out ]]



  15. Username: Sybbyl
    Art Piece (use a spoiler if not using a link):

    Gore warning!! 



    Explanation of how it’s LotC related:

    This was a character I played on LOTC a lonnnnng time ago.

    Her name was A. Kirkland, she never used her first name.

    While fighting against the undead, shades and cultists of the most previous campaign involving Iblees, 

    she was brutally murdered and put on display. Her ear was torn off in the fight, and she died when her attacker shoved their fingers into her eye sockets. They crucified her afterwards outside her home.

  16. 246c0cdf91a123776c343d101bd80208.png


    Vivianne's portrait services


    Seek out Vivianne, the Lady Bryophite, to have a proper portrait done.

    Purchase one for the Lady of the House and be praised! Have a portrait of your family done for the lounge above the fireplace.

    I even do portraits for services, such as posters for criminals, missing persons, etc.

    I can also do art for symbols, flags, crests, insignias. Seek me out!

    I charge low amounts for the art I do, it's worth it!


    Canvas must be provided by client.




    [[ OOC ]]

    Characters -must- seek out my character in game and speak with her in order to procure a place in my list.

    Applications will be done over skype after that, if you don't have skype, you don't get to apply, because I also use skype to communicate with clients during the process of the artwork to ensure a desirable outcome is reached.

    I will not quote prices ahead of time, as every request is different.

    My username is TheGlassPrincess, I'm on american central time.

    Have fun!


    Examples of my work:














    Reserved for the list1c691271f1b16fdf48124f53120b468d.png

  17. [Im creating a whole new MA because I was never on the magic list, only just realised it, but its been like a year since I updated my MA, so itd be silly to link the old one in the errors thread! Lol]


    MC Name: TheGlassPrincess 

    [previous MA was on Sybbyl0127, the persona moved to my alt]


    Character's Name: Vivianne Fuvur Verdigris


    Character's Age: roughly 26


    Character's Race: Human -> Bryophite


    What magic(s) will you be learning?: Vivianne has advanced from being a novice Druid to:

    Tier 4 Commune with nature through nightly meditation since the month of July 2016 (disregarding the month of August, as I did not RP meditating for atleast half of that month)

    Tier 2 Control of Nature through lessons and practice

    Intermediate knowledge of Herbalism in preparation for herblore (self taught, just putting this here for a date-marker)


    Teacher's MC Name: the_shrouded_one

    [Hes on aussie time so it might take him a minute to see this]


    Teacher's RP Name: Za


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: No


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: From here on out, sure!


    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: It wasn't denied, no.





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