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Posts posted by Sybbyl0127

  1. Do you have to apply somewhere to play a bryophite?

    No, scroll to the bottom of the lore post and there is a small section that explains how to become a bryophite.


    You receive poor forms of feedback as a reflection of what this concept has stood for in-game and as an implemented piece of lore. Tossing back an equally vacuous response to these reflections do not contribute to any positive light the Byprophites have to offer.

    I have unsteady thoughts on these creatures, and I consider them to be the same stock as the other complicated and psuedo-interconnected additions and revisions of Druidic or generally nature-oriented lore - it seems dull and I personally don't see any viable drive as to what a Byrophite would actually do when in the hands of players. When one looks at the common, hostile spooks like Dreadknights and Liches, one may easily identity that they exist to act as a source of darker roleplay. The players playing these creatures wish to take the role of an antagonist. But when you apply the same views on these beings, I don't see much coming up - what roleplay would they produce beyond the spectrum of "I am made of plants, marvel at the anomaly that is me"? What it actually feels like is just another toss-out concept, where players are able to become one because they want to be a plant person, not because it has unique purpose in the world. There is an emptiness, if you will.

    Your first point, though based mostly on opinion I will agree perhaps my methods in getting rid of the toxic replies to my hard work might not exactly be putting a good view out there for myself. But I've no intentions of taking it back, I was simply being blunt and expressing fully, how those people made me feel.


    Your second point, I can definately take into consideration. The idea of applying that view to the bryophites was something I haven't thought of, and I'm glad you brought it to my attention. However I'd like to express that, within that, though your post has been very helpful towards me finding something else to improve on in the lore, my lore post is not a "Yes or No do you like it or not" sort of situation, and I know that's not what you did to the point. My thing is, in reference to the posts I have denied, what I'm looking for here is comments that /help/ me -improve-. I don't want to know if you think bryophites are cool or not, I'm not bothered nor do I pay much attention to the "I'm sorry but I don't think this fits our theme" posts, because they give me nothing.


    I want to improve the bryophites, to rebuild them, to -make- them into something worth roleplaying. I thank you, genuinely, for your input, I'll take it into consideration on my next edit of the lore. Hopefully the next few replies will be just as helpful, and if you want, you can even comment again but more in depth, I'd like nothing more than to talk about where you might see flaws in the lore, as long as you suggest how to improve it.

  2. ::I believe we have multiple variations and what not on pre-existing lore that allows for far too many special species as is. This seems like some weird hybrid between a Dryad and a Frost Witch with memory loss. While it may prove to be a interesting novelty group for a month or so I think eventually its just going to become another neglected and unused set of lore within 3 months of its approval.


    Bryophites are already a race/creature in the lore of LOTC, indeed for some long period of time they have been forgotten, many people when I began adopting the lore did not even know they were a part of it. However, now that I am in lead of the lore itself, and it has been given to me by the owner, my goal is to revive the Bryophites, and also... preferably remove the ones ruining them, or educate them to be less, of what it is theyre doing thats giving them a bad name.

  3. That's chill, ignoring feedback because you're 'disgusted' that people don't like your lore.


    Anyhow, I think the lore has an image problem and a theme problem. If you don't care, have fun frustrating lots of people and getting "please no" responses. Otherwise, I ain't got nothing to say that's nice, so I'll shut my yapper.

    I'm ignoring your feedback because every time you have made a comment it has been rude, or aggressive. If you would pay attention to the thread, you would notice I have on several occasions politely responded to comments that were against the lore, as long as they were not aggressively so.


    In other words, you ain't special. Quit whining, and be nice about it. Please and thank you~



    Technically... wouldn't Byrophites be cured once they killed and sent back to the temple?

    I understand what you said about before when they are killed, but it just seems eh.


    If this is some sort of infection of one's body, then it should not completely sever the connection to the Cloud Temple. Since, when a person dies, they go back to a more fresher, more healthy version of themselves, since that is why we have the CT. The only way I see Byrophites being severed from the Triumvirate, is if they wanted this to happen to them and accepted this form of infection, since self inflicted wounds and other things would not be healed due to self harm and the Tri not liking that.


    I will admit, I did not read this huge wall of text, simply because it was unappealing, so I would rather opt for a quick answer.


    Basically, the reason bryophites are revived as a bryophite is because, as someone said in a quote below, the original body is actually the original person. The character is PK'd and replicated as a cloned body with copied memories and personality, that's why the copy isn't always exaclty right [as said in the lore] and will have trouble acting exactly like the original, as well as a lot of memory gets lost in the process.


    Well Karma, (on phone, may be bad with le typing) the Triumvirate restore the body to the point of what the Soul feels correct. The change depicted would be a fairly slow one, I presume, (haven't read it all) and thus with that elongation of time, the 'infection' would be seen as part of the body that the Soul is attached to. What you are speaking of, would only occur to recent changes by the 'infection' if killed, and of course if they die shortly after getting the 'infection' it would remove it entirely. My lil tidbit as I wait patiently for my internet to allow me back on minecraft.

    See above : D


    Judging by this lore it seems it would make sense to say that the original person is dead, and are replaced by a copy that this plant created. They may have a similar personality or memories due to... however replicating a brain would work, but they're basically a clone and the original character is PK'd. Would that be accurate? It would help make sense of the monk question, at least.

    See above : D

  4. As long as they aren't all about but still accessible I don't see why not still. It's certainly quite well written. 


    Change it to construct/state of being rather than race, this shouldn't be a race tbh. 

    A mistae on my part, I agree, it wouldn't actually be a race but a creature, I'll change it.



    I'm going to apply it here because I think it's not right with golems either. It's not about characters having to be scientists. It's about the lore OOCLY being laid out, make sense, and be in line with the other lore of the server. The "Magicalness" that magic types had allowed for ridiculous things to be honest. I don't agree that "it's magic" is a proper explanation, at all. Also, Golems are usually their own independent intelligence. My problem is that there is no way the "moss" could replace a brain well enough to retain memories and personality. Legit you'd be better off having this be a race that starts off as plant people, not having it be normal people that turn to plants.


    It's a fantasy setting, please remember that in a fantasy setting there doesn't have to be an explanation that fits into IRL theories, the most in depth I can go with this is that in a sense, Verridian moss is much like an Imp Parasite, its not actually a plant, it is in fact a living creature. It has the ability to take over a body and transform it by breaking it down into genes and microscopic pieces, feeding off the materials of the body itself while it uses it's own code to replace it with more plant-like materials, attempting to replicate the body into something it can control. As a plant-like-creature it has no power over an actual body and it needs to make it into something it's more familiar with to be able to make it into a proper host. If you think that is not a deep enough answer, I'll be more than happy to discuss it, if you would kindly point out actual questions about it that would help me write more on it instead of just saying it's not explained well enough. I'm sort of new to writing lore this deep, so I need a little help :)



    As a player that has interacted with one of these creatures. I find no harm with them, they just look different and have more flaws than normal beings. I've only RP'd with the OP and she gives a great example of how they should play. The lore is already accepted so putting -1 and no stuff like that is really unneeded and really nothing. She took time out of her life to fix and smooth out a lot of holes and issues with the creatures. To be honest I think she should be the owner of the lore of the creatures. Stuff like these than just the normal races. I know some are going to disagree with me on that. 


    Okay, good part is over with now for my concerns. I like the idea and have NOTHING wrong with the creatures, but with such unique creatures and playable and freedom with them comes responsibility with them. I would suggest when you accept people to play a creature, keep it small group and HEAVILY watched and make sure FOR A FACT they stand by the rule and tell them YOU have the power to remove them from the creature, because there can be someone that can ruin your hard work in a simple action. 


    Besides that, everything is fine with this improvement. But please change it from Ent children. Because Im sure they can't give birth or something. Sybby~ 


    Thank you for your kindness, <3  But yeah, the name Ents Children is temporary, Im just trying to appease the player base by giving them something they can call them IC. Its not supposed to make sense, its just something silly that "Some bloke" made a joke about in history that was a name that stuck. I know they cant have children xD  Someone actually did once, IC, refer to Vivianne as some sort of Ent spawn, that's where i got the idea from.


    I don't mind these things existing - so long as it's kind of a locked thing. I've seen Sybbyl's bryophite a few times and none of the instances were "in your face". If that makes sense. They were nice moments.


    I've never seen another bryophite in role play though and I can already guess there's gonna be someone really in your face. When I think of bryophites though, I imagine them being really scary things to those who don't know them (and assuming how rare they probably are, not many would get the opportunity to meet one). They would have to hide in most cases. Live in the deep forests away from civilization or wear robes or something to hide themselves among a crowd. Because naturally (At least in human role play) we're going to think bryophites are strange monsters that good Godanistan/Creator/Allah wants us to burn else it's going to harm us. They might be nice as peaches; but this is what I see!




    An exaggeration, but a fair point. Interaction with bryophites need to be realistic. We don't see open necromancers shaking hands with the Rex. Nor should we see bryophites in plain sight in taverns sippin' on some lean.


    Well done with the writing though. Was interesting and might hopefully improve on these creatures so they're better suited for Athera.

    This is actually generally how I roleplay Vivianne, she's been searching for a home for a while now, and she does in fact have somewhat of a fear of large groups of people, she doesn't go into taversn alone anymore and generally is very, very uncomfortable in them when shes with a friend due to the fact that she often gets attacked or killed for being a monster.


    Hrmm, two questions,

    1) Are bryophites able to learn voidal magic? (Such as fire evocation or water evocation?)

    2) If a bryphite dies, will its cadaver undergo any changes? (Such as the darkening of skin, wilting of plants, etc.)

    Actually, Bryophites can learn Voidal magic, however, if they use it too much it effects them more strongly than it does other creatures.


    If the body remains unrevived, often what happens is the plants their bodies are made of will root, and it will be like an itty bitty garden in the place where they died. Of course unless something happens like a tropical bryophite dies in the tundra, then it will just decay like a pile of dead plants.


    honestly, why? just why? why does lotc need this, since I really don't see it's pvrpose...



    Please refer to Reply #1 from my first set of comment replies


    From my talk with her, They can not learn Arcane magic. 

    They caaan~


    Is no one going to question why bryophites can do magic...but not enchanting? What does enchanting to to them that other void magics don't?

    They can do enchanting, it's just a lot harder for them because of the fact that their minds are changed. It is harder for a bryophite to learn things like enchanting and logical studies, and even so voidal magic as well is difficult for them, simply because learning period is hard, the only thing they can learn easily is druid magic, because they have a connection to it.


    The Overall Idea sounds good, but I must ask; What does this new race do that the dryads and ents do not?


    I'm all for more nature rp but not if it is redundant to preexisting lore and races.

    Its not a new race, for one, but they are actually completely different from Dryads and Ents. Bryophites can be looked at more as a disease, a person efffected by a nature-parasite that has taken over their bodies. It's not a good thing, it's actually bad. Dryads and Ents protect and love nature, but in some cases Bryophites can actually hate it, because it has caused them this change in their life that they can see as either a tragedy or a blessing, it depends completely on the character itself. Bryophites dont have any special powers or buffs, if anything, they have more negative effects. THey are like a victim, and they just have to learn how to live with it.

  5. While I agree byrophites and other such lore shouldn't be accepted, we already have this particular one LotC. This is just a re-write I believe, since the last lore was **** and had players who RP'd it poorly.


    As for Sybbyl, please enlarge the text saying that you /need/ to post here before you start playing a byrophite.

    That can be done, thank you for actually helping make an improvement. +1


    First of all, I'm one of those people who just do not like any kind of playable creatures and anything along those lines at all, so my next words might be a bit blunt.


    Bryophites in character have become an absolute joke, I have not seen you personally roleplay so I can't gauge the quality of the RP that you personally offer. However, I personally have seen a fair amount of Bryophites playing their characters, and it's almost embarrasing to watch, to be quite honest. Most of them I've seen have two extremes; just behaving like a regular person, just with some super quirky grass on them, or never stopping mentioning how they are made out of plants and how horrible their life is, there's no middle ground. And that's not mentioning that the RP quality is generally just bad, but that's more a people problem than a problem with the lore.


    Occasional event characters? Eh, sure, whatever. But I personally don't want them being things that any shmuck can play.

    I personally agree, I would like nothing more than to perma-kill all the current bryophytes and make it an application race only, but unfortunately I just don't have the time to manage that, so I am doing what I can to help the community have a little more knowledge on the race itself, in the hopes it will improve the RP. +1 for at least having somewhat of a nice opinion


    If the lore's already on the server, and this is an improvement, then let is persist and be improved upon. This way, it seems like we'll be able to be rid of the shitty bryophytes and perhaps give folks who are better have a shot.


    That being said, I wish the name wasn't something that had a strict meaning in the real world, although I suppose this is perhaps just confusing to me because I'm in a plant biology class.

    The name Bryophyte is something that will eventually be annhilated altogether, however completely removing it all at once would confuse the current player base that has bryophyte characters. Eventually, something better than Ent's Children will be made as well, but for now it will suffice, until I can go a little more in depth with it. But thank you, very much, for your comment. +1


      I played one and I talked a mod into switching me back to a regular human because it was so awful. You are looked to as a minority as Jallentime here said. We don't need all of these minority groups running around. Its good to have SOME diversity but at this point we just have a bunch of 5-10 player races then the main Human, Elf, Orc, Dwarf.

    Thank you for your opinion +1


    To note to everyone posting. It doesn't matter if you think it shouldn't be a thing since it is and people already have their characters.


    To focus on the lore I would change the name (ents children part), nix any involvement to Druidism, nix the personality section, and nix the aversion to enchanting. Specifically for the last one it just didn't make sense to me. Either allow all magic or allow none. You don't need to be a genius to learn enchanting on LOTC.





    Then, you as an RPer, have to evaluate the purpose of this lore and where it fits in. Personally I believe it is an event faction and should be treated as such. Those in the faction should be creating event lines for other RPers on the server and collecting feedback. What did they like? Did something seem OP? Was any of the RP hard to understand? ETC... 


    I like these small factions because players in them usually are more eager to create RP rather than just wait for RP to come to them, which is a big problem the community has in general. It's this reason that I support these little branches of players. However with that I do think those who play byrophites have an obligation to provide quality RP. The last thing a new creature faction needs are RPers who aren't taking what they are doing seriously. If you are engaging in this then do your best to make it worth it for everyone else, not just yourself.


    Sorry for the long-winded update. I was on my phone earlier and in class! haha. :) Good luck!

    If you feel obligated to critique my own lore I will shamelessly plug in a link right ~ Here ~

    The several sections you mentioned that should be removed, unfortunately those needed to be included because of the current people playing bryophytes going crazy out of the gates of hell with their characters. However I will take a few things you have mentioned to heart, and hopefully it will help me improve. Thank you. +1

  6. Can we please not

    Reply #1: Comments like this make me and more disgusted with LOTC. Please refrain from commenting on anymore of my threads.


    I don't like the name of "Ent's children". That's something...weird, since Ents are something whole different. All in all, they were there before and it's a neat read.

    Reply #2: The Name Ent's Children is just something some random bloke came up with as far as "history" goes, it's not supposed to make actual sense. People make up names like that all the time.


    While this is a large improvement over the original lore, I just don't think its something the server needs. The moss thing is still just freaking weird. If the moss completely replaced them, they would have none of the original memories or habits. I don't see how this moss could replicate the intricate synapses and nerves off the brain well enough to copy it. No thanks.

    reply #3: "Magic"


    These are literally monsters, not people.

    Please see reply #1


    Lol no

    Please see reply #1


    The lore is alright, the idea is fine, I just really don't think we need another minority species drawing RP away from what we already have.

    Reply #4: It's already official lore, this is a re-write




    Please see Reply #1


    Can we call our next map Gildorym?

    Please see Reply #1


    I'm sorry, but I can't get behind this.  I'm pleased you put this much work into something like this but I don't think it fits in the overall mythos of LotC.  As I always say we try and overcomplicate things by adding all this new lore rather than increasing or embelishing what we already have.


    As someone who is an "authority" on this territory of lore (aka I stamp my feet and shake my fist till I'm sated) I don't think it goes well with what we've already established.  Keep writing though! :)

    Please see Reply #4


    Darn, everything I would have said's been said.

    Please see reply #1


    I know it is stated a theory, but I would advise using a different name other than 'ent childern' for it would cause confusion.

    Please see Reply #2


    Well, in that respect,

    "Bryophite" is a name that goes down with fantasy lore like Orange Juice goes down with tasty tasty toothpaste. Not to mention that "Bryophyte" is a traditional classification of plant structures or varieties or something. 


    Perhaps "Moss Children" or something more magical could be a fix? 


    I would also work on making the "Bryophites" work better with LoTC's theme and lore.

    Please see reply #1 due to your previous comments that were insulting.



    Anyone else want to post something rude and unnecessary or can we try to be reasonable people and /actually/ just have something better than dirt to spit out of our mouths? [This only applies to ones who were referred to Reply #1, anyone not mentioned might be later in a THANK YOU post for having opinions that matter]

  7. Bryophites


    What is a Bryophite?:


        A bryophite, in basic terms, is a “plant person”. They are a type of character that has encountered what is called Verridian Moss, a parasitic type of moss that turns them into what they are today.

        They are replaced by the moss and mode entirely out of plant material, from their skin to the organs the moss decided to recreate, everything is crafted genetically from some sort of material that count be found in a plant around the world of LOTC.

        Often among them are things such as crawling ivy going down their leafy arms, vines and leaves for hair, flowers on their shoulders and collarbones, etc.




    Verridian Moss


    Why does the moss do what it does?


    All plants have adapted to certain strategies to get through life. For a specific moss, it started with making more endurant spores, and having little specks of gold, as well as being cushy to spread spores by getting an animal to sit on some the appealing moss and spread spores via them walking. Sentient creatures tended to care more about the texture of something they sat on, so by detecting nearby conscious beings to coordinate release of spores became optimal. Eventually the moss tried with spores that grew on people and produced spores, and, though it was not liked by the host, it was perfect.

    The moss got more aggressive progressively, until sitting would cause great puffs of spores which either caused avoidance or washing, which resulted in failure. Learning from its failure, the moss eventually developed sleeping powder, releasing vast amounts of spores once the victim was asleep. This, however, again resulted in failure, as hosts would die soon after as the spores either branched into vital organs or from nutrition deprivation.

    It was here that the moss gained such names as 'Nether's Bed'. Undaunted, the moss eventually figured that out, and solved the problem by much trial and error. Doing the unreasonable because it had to, the moss developed a way to not damage the body's system by, well, seeing to the bodily functions itself. After success and success it came to depend on this technique and refined it to perfection.


    What happens



    As the victim is asleep, the Verridian Moss releases waves of airborne spores that enter them via their respiratory system. Slowly, the parasite begins to destroy and replace the body from the inside out, a completely painless process. The body is rebuilt by the parasites being controlled by the Verridian Moss, slowly made into a new body, deeply resembling the previous. Scars, injuries, and illnesses are usually not re-made, destroyed and replaced with healthy substitutes. At times this can lead to bryophite “birthmarks” which are patches where the moss was left to it’s own because it needed to replace something with a new portion that was not a duplicate of the original.


    Things such as memories can be lost in the process, as the moss isn’t fully sentient, it does not understand the life of the victim and simply recreates that portion of the brain with as much of the original intact as possible. In most situations, a newly made bryophite will forget what names go with what faces, the names of towns, sometimes even their own names. The easier something is to forget, the more likely it is to be left behind.

    Old memories will be more likely to be completely forgotten, for instance, if a 200 year old elf is changed, they are very likely to forget anything above 60-70 years ago.


    Depending on the race of the victim, the way the body functions may be drastically changed.


    Humans, for example, are strict omnivores, they can eat just about anything. A human bryophite will find that they now have a distaste for most kinds of meat, and would rather eat things such as sugary meals, sweets, grains and fruit or vegetables.

    Many bryophites might also find the insatiable thirst, for sugar water.


    They now breathe, not oxygen, but carbon dioxide, and exhale oxygen, just like a normal plant.



    Many of the victim’s physical traits are changed, as well.




    Bryophite Harvesting


    Some people have been cruel enough to capture and harvest from Bryophites. A body of Verridian Moss will re-generate almost 100% of the time [in rare occasions, the plants growing on the bryophite can indeed change or die off after harvesting] to the exact same plant material, this makes them easy to harvest from, as they grow all season, can live almost anywhere, and have been known to render better, fresher, stronger, and slower spoiling items. It is not unheard of to find bryophites enslaved or imprisoned by underground markets, bandit groups or slavers who wish to use them for the items they may or may not have an advantage for.


    This list below contains things commonly sought for and why they are sought for.[things that are asterisked (*) will apply to all Bryophites, those without one only apply to certain Bryophites who are made up of or produce that material]



    Bryophites producing normal plant life: At times, it has been known for the bryophite kind, being comprised of plant materials, to sprout average plant life in accordance with the materials that make their bodies. This does not mean the plants that grow on the bryophytes bodies are like limbs, they are simply, plants. If they grow vines for hair, they cannot move their hair like snakes or arms, it’s just normal, everyday vines.



    Alchemical ingredients: If the Bryophite's body grows an alchemical plant ingredient in an easily accessible place (say, their skin, that will occasionally grow leaves), some alchemists will take advantage of this and use them like a tree for the plant. This is especially the case when the ingredient is either strong or a pain to find. Bryophitian ingredients tend to be more pure and, when doing recipes that require perfect balance or are going close to shattering equivalent exchange, they can be very helpful, giving you an edge.



    Herbs: Some Bryophites can find themselves sprouting common or even in some cases uncommon or rare herbs. Things like herbs used for cooking, or even healing, have been know to grow on the shoulders and collarbones of a few curious Bryophites. It is unknown what determines the kind of herb that a Bryophite may sprout, or even if it will happen at all, but it is known that the herbs when harvested tend to be higher quality than what one can get from your average garden, giving it high demand.



    Valuable Plants: Some of the more common but valuable plant materials that have been found to grow on Bryophites consisted of things such as Violets, or Lavender flowers, used in the expensive purple dyes that most nobles tend to keep for themselves. Dyes being the most commonly used of the valuable plants, there have been others such as fiber like materials in their hair that were often used to craft ropes and twines. Unfortunately, it is not unheard of to find female Bryophites whose hair had been cut for this very reason, as the fibers were more plentiful in this fashion, than harvesting actual fiber plants.



    Incense Plants: There have been a few cases where Bryophites have been found growing certain herbs or plants that give off pleasing aromatic effects. A few different categories were made at one point, to describe these odd mixtures that at times will appear amongst the few.  These plants have been known to smell inexplicably better, people saying that although it smells the same, it feels (and even the orcs would struggle for the right word) "more pure" (as most say) or “BETTER-ER-ER-ER” (as most orcs said).



    The Harvest: This type of incense is when a Bryophite grows the sorts of herbs that give off the aroma of the fall, pumpkin spices and the leaves of maple trees, these Bryophites are often sought after in the fall and winter seasons, though their incense continue to grow throughout the season.



    The Frost: These Bryophite can be a curious mixture of things at times, from the clean and harsh mint herbs to the cool and sweet smell of winter grass, their incense is sought after in the winter and spring seasons. These incense are used a lot at times by taverns and other places with large gatherings, due to the fact that this particular type is the strongest smelling, and able to put strong odors at bay.



    The Sweet: The sweet Bryophite, more often seen amongst the females, are a spring time category. They are the ones who grow things like sweet smelling flowers, honeysuckles, herbs that give off a calming sense. They are often sought after in spring and summer, and at times in the winter from those who dislike the season and try to replicate the warmth of spring in their homes.



    Poison Ingredients: Some Bryophites have been found with deadly plants or ingredients that grow on them. This is extremely useful for poison brewers, as they can make the same poison again and again. As with other plants, these plants will reproduce and care for themselves [as long as the bryophite is healthy] and stay in optimum health, without needing the knowledge of the care for the plant itself to keep it alive.




    *Bryophite Blood: Some have tried injecting rats with Bryophite sap blood to see if it is contagious. Bryophite blood is full of nutrients, more so than normal blood. When injected (in moderated amounts) it acts almost like a caffeine shot, however, if too much is injected, the animal or person will die from an overdosage of the nutrients and vitamins found in bryophite blood, do to the fact that bryophites are built to harbor the nutrients, while other races are not.



    Bryophite blood has proved to be "DEE-LISH-SHUSH" (~Anonymous Orc who was halfway through a cup of it, slobbering it down) to Orcs, but other races find it "not pleasant tasting, but then again, not bad" (~Anonymous High Elf, coughing and spitting it out when we told him that he was drinking blood).


    Fruit Bearing


    Some Bryophites have been known to bear fruit. This is NOT very big, usually the fruit is only about as big as a grape. No, the fruit does not shrink, any fruit much bigger than a grape just doesn't grow. A Bryophite eating it's own fruit has no benefit whatsoever, as their body put its own energy into the fruit in the first place. The net gain is zero.


    -On that topic, you cannot ‘plant’ a seed on a bryophite, or germinate a bryophite with a plant's pollen. Bryophites plants that grow on them grow because of how the bryophite developed during the transformation process. If you for instance make a bryophite eat grape seeds, it would be the same if a human had eaten them. At times it has been known for bryophites to “bloom late”, where when they hadn’t anything growing on them before, it would turn up after a year or so, but once something begins to grow on a bryophite, it will always grow and reproduce in moderation. Just as so, you cannot stop the product from being grown, it’s part of the Bryophite’s genetic makeup, remove it and cut it as you will, you will only make the Bryophite sick from lack of nutrition, as it is being put into the fruit and removed, and possibly kill it if you try much harder such as attempting to "dig it out from the root".



    Clarification on Magic


    In the original lore I stated,"During the Replacement, the Verridian Moss can’t replicate some parts of the brain as well as other sections of the body. While not stupid or even simple minded, Bryophites are not genius. This results in most Bryophite having a hard time becoming a scholar, enchanter or alchemist unless it was already learned before hand.” As clarification, Bryophites can learn most Deity magic, it's just difficult for them to learn things which take large amounts of understanding, or large amounts of new knowledge. Now, bryophites do have the capacity to learn dark magics like necromancy, however it's not very smart to do. Being a creature made the way they are, the practice of dark magics like that would simply cause them to be sickened, and die. Evocation magics, which already in the long run have negative effects on normal beings, are more harmful towards Bryophites, as their magical defenses are lower than other creatures.


    On a non magical level, for instance, a bryophite who was a skilled carpenter as a human, would most likely not be able to learn another profession like traditional medicine that has nothing to do with carpentry. Their new brain just can't handle that kind of high function.


    Bryophites as Druids


    As their bodies are plants, they have a slightly easier time connecting with nature than other simpler races. They have an easier time learning druidism, but can't become any stronger than other druids simply due to being a bryophite, because of their nature from the previous race they had belonged to.


    Bryophite Roleplay:


    There are one or two things that weren’t clarified in the original post for bryophite lore. Just a few pointers here to be sure when the character is made, the players know how to keep up with the other bryophites and not get things mixed up:


    • The word Bryophite does not exist in character, all bryophites are left without a name for their race, they have no idea what they are, or what may become of them. The race is rare, and the name ‘Bryophite’ is strictly an OOC name for the race itself. Bryophites are usually, commonly known as “plant people”, many other creative names have been discovered as well, use them as you will.

    • Bryophites cannot control the plants that grow on them like arms, anything that grows on them will act naturally, and must be a plant currently existing in the world of LOTC in character.

    • Bryophites look exactly the way they did before they were transformed, imagine looking into a green tinted mirror, now you are a Bryophite. The only differences is material, you can have long brown hair and then have it transformed into long dark green vines, but it still has the same shape. You won’t have extra limbs, you won’t be disfigured, you won’t be missing parts.

    • Bryophites generally do not possess any “new” or extra supernatural abilities, there are a few things certain types of bryophites can do in accordance with the plants growing on them, with the exception of the instinctual mega-painkiller that every bryophite can perform. You can’t control the plants around you, unless you are a druid.





    Behavioural changes:

    Let’s say, a sweet little girl gets changed into a bryophite. She will still be a sweet little girl, however, whether she liked staying inside all the time or not, she will feel more at home outside, in nature.

    If a human who lives in a large city with more stone than grass is changed into a bryophite, it’s very likely they will simply no longer feel at home in this place, and would prefer to move somewhere near a large forest.

    When changed, alignment is always kept.

    Fear of fire is a constant amongst all bryophites, it’s a natural instinct, just as cats don’t like water, they do not like fire.

    One thing that is common amongst them is the sudden loss of understanding how or why many things happen in social environments. As the Verridian Moss does not have the capability to understand everything about their host’s ways of living, mistakes are made. It is not uncommon to see that at times they have difficulty picking up on emotional cues, sensing dangerous situations like how the man in the cloak in the corner could be a murderer.

    Common sense amongst the bryophites has to be re-learned, as the parasite is still inside them, controlling them.

    Should a magi of the mind inspect the subconscious of one them, they would find that there is an extension, another section off the side of the mind there, like a small headquarters, learning and controlling by instinct and hormonal control as the body and mind work on their own.

    Many of them as well, are found to be clumsy. Whether they were skilled in balance or not before, it is apparent now that it has been affected, and most likely decreased and needs to be re-trained.


    Advantages and Disadvantages

    • Bryophites are completely infertile, and incapable of carrying living children, or becoming pregnant. Bryophites reproduce through a process unknown to them, in which once whilst in the flowering season, a bryophite will be suddenly and strongly urged to take a walk in the forest. While there, the parasites -still- in them will once again put the body to sleep, preferably on the base of a tree or rock, and then spores will be released through the body’s skin and hair onto the surface, creating new Verridian Moss.

    • Bryophites have the ability to produce a “mega-painkiller”. Should they be gravely injured, the body automatically begins production of a natural pain killer that will numb the injured area. This however is not to be used as an excuse to “feel no pain”, the conscious mind has no control over this, it is an instinct. As well, the pain-killer acts much like morphine, or demerol. The person will be extremely disoriented, hallucinations are common, as well as slur of speech.

    • Bryophites, though incapable of photosynthesis, do in fact need sunlight. The body takes energy from sunlight, nulling the need for sleep. Should a bryophite be without sunlight, then it would be basically the same as being without sleep. They become tired, and cannot last longer than three consecutive days without sunlight. They can survive on a minimum of 4 hours of strong sunlight a day.

    • Bryos need twice as much water as their previous race, needing to water the copious plant materials their bodies are made of, and at times the smaller plants growing on them.

    • Bryos are more prone to being affected by temperature change, preferring the climate of the plants they most resemble, and tending to get sick in climates that do not correspond with their own body’s needs.


    A quick recap:

    1. Bryophites don’t know the word Bryophite [Think of it like a child that has lived it’s life only around other children and has never seen an adult before in it’s entire existence. It does not know what they are or why, would it automatically know they are an “Adult” ? Or would they say “Big person”?... ]

    2. Memories are likely to be lost

    3. Cannot become pregnant or make others pregnant

    4. They do not sleep, but meditate in sunlight

    5. “Mega-painkiller” - instinctual, and disorienting like a high power drug

    6. Harvestable, within reason

    7. Body parts are not replaced with full plants, but made from plant material [AKA: from eyeballs and legs to fingernails, it stays as a leg, eyeball, or fingernail, etc.]

    8. No natural affinity for druidism, simply easier for them to learn, but no easier for them to perform.

    9. Distaste towards meat, thirst for sugar water, big sweet tooth

    10. Bryophites need twice as much water as their previous race

    11. More vulnerable to temperature change [Flammable and freezable!]

    12. Difficulty with emotional cues, common sense, balance, all need to be re-trained. [-Every- new bryophite is a clutz.]

    13. Breathe carbon dioxide, exhale oxygen.


    Things to Note:



    1.           Because of the link between the moss’s semi-conscience and the person’s conscience, in times of great emotion or feeling the body might respond, this response is sometimes logical to the situation, and sometimes just weird. [Examples:(all Bryophite body reactions are different between people, each person's body might respond differently, but this one thing is always consistent, reacting the same way to the same emotion. These are examples) see strength number three; if a Bryophite is very happy or pleased, the moss might start to grow along the skirts of their clothes; if a Bryophite is sad, the moss might begin to release water droplets into their hair, making it look like their hair is crying]

    2.      ALL races can become a Bryophite.

    3.           If interrupted it the middle of Replacing after the moss has formed a cocoon (say by someone cutting the moss open) the person will be in a coma, and the moss will be attached to them and will keep growing until the process is complete, you cannot be saved from being a Bryophite once the cocoon is formed.

    4.           If shown a silhouette of before and after being Replaced, a person could not tell a difference. Bryophite bodies are exact copies with plant material. The moss is sensitive to changes in color though, so a Kharajyr Bryophite will have the same markings, but the coloration would be off, and its fur would be of a given plant material.

    5.           Everything is changed, down to bodily fluids too. Bryophite blood is full of literal plant blood cells, that replicate regular human cells. When oxygenated, their blood is yellowish-green, when deoxygenated, it is a dark green. Saliva is like the liquid found in a pitcher plant.

    6. During the process of Replacing, the moss ignores physical objects like clothes or weapons.

    7. Bryophite can NOT control their body to grow or change at will.(e.g. a Bryophite can not grow his arm to reach or shoot roots from his hand)

    8.           Verridian Moss is one of the only plants not able to be controlled by any form of magic. (e.g. a sorcerer can NOT manipulate a Bryophite’s body or control it)

    9. Bryophites also usually have natural liking to plants. It is rare to find a lumberjack Bryophite, yet not unheard of. (See weakness  6)

    10.           During the Replacement, the Verridian Moss can’t replicate some parts of the brain as well as other sections of the body. While not stupid or even simple minded, Bryophites are not genius. This results in most Bryophite having a hard time becoming a scholar, enchanter or alchemist unless it was already learned before hand. (See weakness 6)





              This is extremely varying, as they are virtually the same personality type as they were before being Replaced.  However, their motto/goal/guideline given to them be the moss is definitely a definer of their personality. They find it extremely hard, if not impossible, to give up that view or goal in a situation, and its presence is inextinguishable. This trait also doesn’t necessarily govern everything they do, in situations where it can’t be applied, the Bryophite does not try to force it to be applied and govern his or her actions actions.




    1. Because their bodies are made out of plants, they can regenerate 1.5 times faster than normal humans and can regrow whole body parts that are as strong as the ones that they lost. That is, providing that they don’t bleed out initially.

    2. Plant bodies don’t die from age, however, if the life force of the person runs out, they will die. This means that Bryophites usually will live only to about 100-110 years longer than their previous race’s life expectancy rate.

    3. In events of damage to the body, the Verridian Moss will sometimes emit small doses of the same sleeping powder that it used during the Replace stage. This results in two things: relief from pain and a soothing aura around them(which might help if someone was angry)(see things to note one)

    4. They don’t get sunburn.




    1. Fire, as they are made of plants.

    2. Generally outcasted or make people feel uncomfortable because they are different.

    3. Because they are made out of plants, they are generally weaker than their former race.

    4. Will freeze to death faster than humans because their bodies are more susceptible to cold.

    5. Unless they were previously one before the Replacement, Bryophites aren’t scholars, enchanters, alchemists, or lumberjacks.(see things to note 11 and 12)


    What Does One Look Like?



        A Bryophite looks like it formerly did in shape, but everything is made plant material. This term is vague, because a huge variety of plants have been found in use, some Bryophite have been found with eyelashes of venus fly traps, others with roots for hair. Only thing that has never been seen is tree bark.(ie, don’t use tree bark)


    Some people have been known to go insane. The fact that their body has changed to a plant is too much for them to handle mentally. This Elf Bryophite has run off into the woods and lived alone. It is important to note that this insanity has no direct connection to body changing, the concept of being different for the rest of their life is what drives them mad.







    Want to be a Bryophite?

    There are a few steps/requirements:

    1. You must have an existing character

    2. You must read Lore

    3. You must roleplay the Replacement and take a screenshot of the roleplay, and post it in a comment to this thread before beginning to play the character. Descriptions of the new bryophite body must be included in the comment, to be sure that there are no misconceptions in what is allowed and not allowed.

    4. You must make and change your skin according to the Lore (after roleplaying)

    5. You must add that your character is a Bryophite in their bio (/persona bio)

    6. Once this is done, you have 1 IRL week to decide if the transformation is truly what you want. After that point, the change is permanent and you cannot go back.


    Thats it! You dont have to perma-kill the character, as they retain almost all of their memories (and therefore skills) and, since their bodies are copies, they retain the same buffs (race stays same).


  8. This is great! Though if I were you I might try playing with a few optional plant accessories or addons. Like partially flower hair, different shades of leaves, maybe? A red-leafed one could be pretty cool.

    Its all completely up to the player : ) The only reason they have been green so far is because that is how the characters were made, with the current lore [i say current because its being re-written and subject to change] there are limitless possibilities to the materials that the characters can be made of. Flowers come in ever color, there are many plants with thousands of different textures, and capabilities. One would simply only need to get a tad creative, the combinations are limitless.

  9. This is needed, as I know some people who want to play bryophites or are currently playing bryophites may not have access to decent skinners and can't skin themselves. 


    This is not a thread for "What would I look like as a bryophite". This thread is for the bryophites who dont already have skins, think their current skins aren't good enough or just want a little change.


    So yes, bryophite exclusive.


    If you currently play a bryophite and think your skin isn't good enough, and I approve that it might not exactly be up to par, I will do your skin for free. 


    If you are not current, but want to -make- a bryophite and play it , I will do your skin for free, but ONLY if you allow me to give you tips on bryophite roleplay and let me help you with your character's bryophite-us appearance, That meaning, if I think it's too edgy and you don't wanna change it I aint skinning it.


    If you don't want me to do the above and just want a skin, Ima charge, and it wont be cheap.


    On to the stuff! I'll be adding a few more of these here int he next few moments, but heres one or two examples of what I've done so far on Bryophites.




    JCmarine Before and after, a wonderful looking change! She needed help with her current skin, so I gave a helpful hand, and this is what we got with out collaboration. : )





    Vivianne, the luminescent bryophite before and after!





    A random transformation i  did as an example from one of my old skins. this is a good example of what a bryophite would look like just after they're been taken over by the living moss.










  10. What’s the name of the Minecraft account you're applying for?: - Oh_ItsAnotherSyb
    What's your MAIN Minecraft Account name?:- Sybbyl0127
    Do you agree to follow the rules on your new account?: Yes
    You understand you can not be on both of these accounts at once?: Absolutely
    You understand that if one account is banned, so will the other(s)?: Yup!
    In-Character Information
    Now you actually make your character - be creative but stay reasonable! Make sure they make sense and that they follow lore. Try to come up with a character that you actually want to play.
    What’s your character called?: - Evangeline Thomas
    What race are they (and sub-race)?: - Human
    What sex are they?: - Female
    How old are they?: - 22
    Give us a brief description of their life - their story, childhood, family: -
     Evangeline lived a pretty normal life, she was raised by her single mother in a small household outside the borders of any truly established towns in a little wood cottage. She helped her mother often with the household chores, went out into town for groceries with her to the markets nearby, and occasionally she would try her hand at hunting [which she's horrible at.]. 
    They lived outside the borders of Petrus, a reasonable distance away from it. After her mother passed at a resonable age a few years ago, Evangeline put the house to rest and now has embarked towards larger towns to find a new place to make her home.
    What are they like (personality)?: - Evangeline is sweet, but quiet. She tends to listen more than she speaks, and enjoys talking to new people over a cup of tea. She likes nature, and she is never quick to anger. She's the type of person whom is you tried to provoke her into being angry, it would most likely only make her sad.
    What are their ambitions?: - Her ambition is similar to that of the average lady her age, to be able to settle somewhere with a pleasant occupation and a small family, with her own house in some town close to the forests. She hopes that she will be able to one day own her own tavern.
    Do they have any special skills?: - She's the most skilled in social situations, believe it or not. In particular, she is skilled at being the 'middle man', understanding two sides of a story, settling disputes, calming angry situations with civil actions, preventing violence. At times, one might believe she would do best in politics.
    What are their weaknesses?: - She is allergic to [redstone] , and her left wrist is weak due to previous breaks from when she was younger.
    Give us a description of how they look (not a screenshot yet!)?: - She's roughly 5'2, petite but not too skinny. Normal skin tone and light straight brown hair that hangs past her shoulders. Her eyes are a deep dark brown, and she carries herself like a girl whose worked most of her life. 
    Anything else you want to say about them?: - Pretty sure I hit the nail on the head with what I have : )
    Please give us a screenshot of your character’s skin: -
  11. What’s the name of the Minecraft account you're applying for?: - TheGlassPrincess
    What's your MAIN Minecraft Account name?:- Sybbyl0127
    Do you agree to follow the rules on your new account?: Yesh : )
    You understand you can not be on both of these accounts at once?: I do!
    You understand that if one account is banned, so will the other(s)?: Indeedly do, ahuh.
    In-Character Information
    Now you actually make your character - be creative but stay reasonable! Make sure they make sense and that they follow lore. Try to come up with a character that you actually want to play.
    What’s your character called?: - Harry Lancolyn
    What race are they (and sub-race)?: - Human
    What sex are they?: - Male
    How old are they?: - 28
    Give us a brief description of their life - their story, childhood, family: -
         Harry was born a peasant child, among a family of farmers. His father worked the wheat fields of Nerezza and his mother tended to the kitchens within the stoney keep. He was raised within the farming life, and often found himself leaning more towards his father's footsteps than any other. Though the life of a soldier seemed luxurious at times, Harry as he grew up seemed to grow more and more disliking of the violent lifestyle, growing quiet in his travels as he took up the trade of a lumber jack.
         It was a good trade to take up, as the city of Nerezza often found itself in need of wood for their structures, always changing and always addings things like homes into the northern area around it. He often supplied the wood needed to build the fires in the cold, icy winters as well, and he seemed to do well for himself. When his parents passed away he simply stood in their stead, going to take unto his shoulders the responisbility of the farms as well, but now he searches for another farm hand to aid him, as these duties will soon become too much for just he to take care of.
    What are they like (personality)?: -
    Harry is the quiet, brooding type. He's like that one guy you see in a tavern sitting in the back just enjoying his meal by himself and not really speaking to anyone. He's rather sit outside and watch the birds the stand within a noisy bar. If he were confronted of course he would respond, he is not anti social, just quiet.
    What are their ambitions?: - His ambitions are simply to make something of himself, to help aid his home Nerezza in the best way he can, and to pass down his skills with an apprentice to be sure his knowledge is not lost like dust in the wind.
    Do they have any special skills?: - He is good with an axe, his strong swing confident and well aimed, but he does not use this for combat. He seems to have a keen eye for nature, in the sense that he can tell the difference between different types of plants that he knows, more easily than normal people, since he spends the majority of his time in the forests. 
    [ AKA: "Oh look thats poison ivy dont touch that." ... "Oh that's actually an edible plant", generic stuff]
    What are their weaknesses?: -
    Harry is allergic to peanuts
    He also has  a bad left knee where a mishap with a tree sliding off the stump in the wrong direction messed it up for him a tad permanently.
    Give us a description of how they look (not a screenshot yet!)?: -
    Harry stands at an average 5'7, dark skin and rough hands from the years of labor, he grows a thick black beard that matches his black hair and has hazel eyes, filled to the brim with curiosity. He has the average lumber jack build, strong and broad shouldered, but nothing special. Generally wears just normal peasant clothing.
    Anything else you want to say about them?: - He likes squirrels, and thinks that waterfalls are the prettiest thing he has ever seen.
    Please give us a screenshot of your character’s skin: - 
  12. *A carefully written advertisement would written, each handwritten, hanging in different places along Stone Road*

    ((OOC spoiler for specific locations))


    One in the Standing Inn, next to the bar door near the table to the right of the entrance.

    One stuck to the large board outside the cloud temple, carefully placed so as not to obstruct what is already there. 

    One is taped to the small stone pillar on the path towards the Dwarven Capitol

    One is stapled to a tree just in sight on the path to the elven kingdom

    One is taped to the wall on the outside of the Veridian Pub





  13. Applying for - A hatchling spider still in the eggshell <3



    A low mist hung over the cool night in the frozen north within the town of Nerezza.

    Wolves song floated along in the breeze as the moon hung lazily in the star scattered skies, the only sound unnatural in the night was the soft crunch of petite leather boots upon the frosted grass outside the stony keep.


    Vivianne hummed to herself quietly as she made her way towards the cliffside outside the keep, a leather sack slung over her shoulder. Her light blue glow easily lit the way she needed to walk in the eerie night, as she made her way up the slightly steep hill that she often traveled to reach the place she was headed.


    It had been a few nights since she had fed the bears of the small cave she was headed to, and the sack over her shoulder smelled of freshly cut raw meats.

    She sighed lightly as she looked down into the cave that twisted in a slight descent in the stony wall of the cliffside, and she carefully made her way inside, smiling as she listened to the sound of the soft snoring of three bear cubs.

    She kneeled by them where they lay, curled upon a soft bedding made of animal pelts, and she took out the large portions of meat, setting them to the side.


    As she picked up a few bones from some of the cubs' previous meals, she wasn't entirely paying attention to where she was stepping, and her foot nudged against  a small rock. The rock went skittering down into the cave, and the sound was followed by one that caught her attention.

    She quickly glanced to her left as she saw the source, a small critter of some sort, from the portion of a glimpse she had caught.


    She tread lightly as she went towards where it had disappeared, only to find the critter having stuffed itself into a corner no bigger than a foothole, it's fuzzy legs barely able to fit inside the hatchling shell it was using as it's little home.


    She furrowed her brow at the sight of the poor thing, setting down the sack gently as she reached into her small satchel, pulling out a decent sized jar, dumping the mint leaves it was holding and sticking a piece of the meat from the sack inside.


    Carefully, she slid the jar on it's side until it was a comfortable distance from the little spider, and she slowly backed away a good fot or two. There, she sat upon the cold stone floor, drawing her knees to her chest, and she began to wait.


    For what seemed like at least an hours time, she watched the spider slowly inch out of it's eggshell, taking cautious, twitchy steps towards the suspicious free meal that had been placed before it, but her patience would not run out on her with such a rare creature.


    Eventually, the spider indeed ventured bravely into the jar, snatching the piece of meat up into it's maw, and she waited for a few more moments. She waited until she could see the spider begin to chew, as she knew he was frozen, waiting for something to happen. Once it began to move the meat around in it's maw and chew she inched forward, and placed the cap upon the jar.


    Smiling warmly at the creature within, she quietly squeed with joy to herself before picking up her things, and carefully exiting the cave.

    The first thought in her head to find Radac and show him her little friend, and of course, Ahrkanch too.

  14. IGN: Sybbyl0127


    In Character Name: Vivianne Verdigris




    "I hope it's not too much, I don't know really if it is or not but, I think a pretty green cloak, would be nice, to cover my leaves, it doesn't have to be fancy or anything, or even green if you don't have green, just pretty. But really anything would work, I don't want to burden anyone."  *a few scratches out words where she decided she'd written enough*

  15. What’s the name of the Minecraft account you're applying for?: - wouter1246
    What's your MAIN Minecraft Account name?:- Sybbyl0127
    Do you agree to follow the rules on your new account?: Indeedly ah do! [Yes]
    You understand you can not be on both of these accounts at once?: Yupers~ [Yes]
    You understand that if one account is banned, so will the other(s)?: Of course! [Yes again]
    In-Character Information
    What’s your character called?: - Digrora Ulfott
    What race are they (and sub-race)?: - Mountain Dwarf
    What sex are they?: - Surprisingly enough, female.
    How old are they?: - 132
    Give us a brief description of their life - their story, childhood, family: -
    A small town family living the quiet life in the town of Brom'Krah, the couple had not been expecting their second child to differ from the usual dwarven son who would follow in the family trade, however, they were in for a bit of change.
    Digrora was a happy surprise of the family, though her circumstances were grave. Born from a dying mother, as was common in the medieval times, she was left to be raised by her father, uncle, and big brother.
    Her father was a burly Ireheart, strong, and proud of his mining spirit. He often tried to keep his little girl safe, as much as possible. He would shelter her, afraid for her being harmed due to her rarity, she was his greatest treasure. 
    However, she seemed determined, as she was aging, to show she did not need this. She took a keen interest in working with gems at a young age, but of course her father taught her mining first. She often played with her brother like she was a boy, just like any other dwarf would. 
    She had only just begun in her life, learning the ways of her heritage, showing pride, honor, strength, as much as she could, trying to stay on par with the boys.
    However, when she was only young, for a dwarf, the time of the rise of the Odenarch dawned upon the Dwarven people, and many were forced to flee for fear of death. Digrora's family departed, taking way in the direction furthest from the destruction, beginning the sheltered life which would be the one she knew. 
    They stayed in a lonely mountain valley deep in the southern areas for as long as possible, she grew up only with her father, uncle and brother, learning to teach herself craft through experimentation, failure, and practice. She gained a fair amount of knowledge in the field of gemcutting, learning a small enough amount of metal work from her brother and father to be able to craft jewelry.
    Though she had much to work on, she always had determination on her side. However once more, her time was cut short, for the dwarven race were a busy race, and they could only stay away for so long.
    With the fall of Kal'agnar to the undead, she and her family knew it was time they reintigrated into the society they knew their souls belonged to. Her brother stayed behind in their valley home to make something more of himself. Her mother and father, too old in their years to go with her to rejoin the glory of their dwarven heritage, they gave her all they could, and she departed for the home that had always left a calling, pounding inside her chest with pride.
    What are they like (personality)?: - Much like that of an average dwarf, but her raising has brought in a few unique qualities. She is most definately not superficial, she cares not about her appearance, and tends to reject compliment or special treatment simply because she is a woman. She is determined to stay on par with the men in standards, absolute she will be just as much use as the next dwarf, refusing to let anyone think anything less of herself than what she does. She shows strong determination, and tends to stand up for herself.
    What are their ambitions?: - To make a name for herself among the dwarven kind, without the quality of her gender playing a part in it.
    Do they have any special skills?: - She is an average level gemcutter, though she started out as a miner. She still has much to learn, but she prefers to learn this through experimentaion and experience.
    She has a small enough amount of knowledge in metal working from the artistic side to be able to craft jewelry.
    She is average level with a hammer in combat, but tends to avoid it as much as possible since she has no training.
    What are their weaknesses?: -
    Like many of my characters, she cannot swim.
    She has a horrid fear of heights.
    She has the opposite of claustrophobia, wide open spaces freak her out.
    Though she is skilled with a hammer, she has no combat training.
    At times, she will not get parts of society a normal person would, since she was away from it for the majority of her life.
    Give us a description of how they look (not a screenshot yet!)?: -
    She is average height for a female dwarf, with bright vivid red hair and dark green eyes. She has freckles that spread her cheekbones and the bridge of her nose, and lightly colored skin.
    She wears shoulder armor, a metal skirt, and grieves, with leather boots that have some amounts of steel plating in certain areas. 
    Anything else you want to say about them?: - She tends to be a tad defensive when men try to do something for her, always certain she can do it herself.
    Please give us a screenshot of your character’s skin: -
  16. This app is for Tsuyose to moderate, this has been arranged between Tsuyose and I in advance, please don't claim this application.
    Out-Of-Character Information
    What’s your Minecraft Account Name?: Sybbyl0127
    How old are you?: I am 19 : ) ,  20 in January 
    Are you aware the server is PG-13 (You won’t be denied for being under 13): Indeedly do! [That's a yes]
    Have you applied to this server before? (Please link all past applications): I believe I did once, in the past. However it was a  very long time ago, and unfortunately I can't seem to locate the previous application.
    Have you read and agreed to the rules?: Indeed I have, and yes I do.
    What’s the rule you agree with the most?: 
    Using roleplay to get into areas that are not accessible via Minecraft mechanics  
      That by far is my favorite, you don't see that rule in particular very often, as a set rule. It makes me happy to see that.
    Are there any rule(s) that confuse you or don’t make sense?(If so we can help clear it up! You will not be denied for having a question on the rules): nupe
    How did you find out about Lord of the Craft?: Via a friend that plays here, I figured I'd check it out
    Feel free to Google the answers or browse our forums, but make sure that you write the reply in your own words, not those of another website or person!
    What is roleplaying?: Doing it, one thing, explaining it? Another xD  Basically, Roleplay is acting out the role of a character designated by some form of previous creation, be it your own, or maybe it was set beforehand. Either way, you are essentially typing out the actions and reactions of this character, playing out their life.
    What is metagaming?: Metagaming, is when a player uses information not originally obtainable by In Character means to benefit their character in roleplay. Aka, taking OOC information into RP, when in all actuality their character did not have access to said information.
    What is powergaming?: In accordance to roleplay, powergaming basically is when a player is unrealisticly performing actions that restrict another play's reactions, or in some cases avoiding environmental effects to escape character harm. Aka, emoting too fast for someone to reply, or waltzing through a plague ridden village without contracting the disease when without proper precautions. 
       Not to be confused with Godmodding! Which is when a player roleplays that their character is illegitamately stronger or immune to effects that would harm them under realistic circumstances. Aka, blocking a sword strike with their metal arm guards, even though they didn't have time to block, or perhaps their hands were tied, and they broke the ropes in time to block without having known ahead of time the strike was coming.
    In-Character Information
    Character’s name: Vivianne Zima'Maloj
    Character’s gender: Female
    Character’s race: Human, Heartlander
    Character’s age: About 27
    Biography  (Please make it a decent two paragraphs long. Remember to add server lore, and events that happened to your character so that they don’t contradict history.):

    Not long ago, under the thatch roof of a small peasant farmhouse, within the seaside town of Aldersberg, a daughter was born. A wife and husband, the proud parents of six sons, had finally given life to the baby girl they wanted. The family was ecstatic, it was reason to celebrate, and the parents got together with all their sons, and their new baby girl, and they celebrated her day of birth.
    Yelena Zoma'Maloj was the mother, a slightly thick woman of average height. She bubbled an aura of love, and care. She was the motherly figure for any poor soul who needed a pair of warn arms to hold them as they cried, she cooked often, not only for her large and happy family, but for the poor ones of the streets who had not the pence to provide for themselves. 
    Arthur Zima'Maloj was the father, a strong a heavy built man with a mustache that much resembled a street sweepers broom. His skin was hard, and tan, from the years of farm work that were a weight on his old shoulders. Though, in spite of all the labor he did, of all the times he had to fix more than what he had to his name, a wide smile comes from beneath that broom-mustache.
    Vivianne's many brothers consisted of the following:
    Aaron, the eldest of the six, at the age of 14 he was considered the head of the little clan. He acted as their leader and kept them out of trouble, especially his little baby sister. He would help them when they needed it, and teach them even when they didn't want it. 
    Stephen, at 12, he often butted heads with Aaron. Always trying to show off and compete with his big brother, at times they would argue until their mother seperated them. However there was one thing that never got between them, and that was their family. 
    Finson, the middle brother, at 8. Finson was not the smartest of children, and everyone knew it. But they loved him all the same, he often got confused and his brother Aaron would have to turn him the right way, but he /always/ had a smile on his face, no matter what someone said to him he'd take it.
    Arulon [Are - oo - lawn ] at the tender age of 6, he was in a bit of a learning curve. Arulon was the quiet boy of the bunch, he was often found 3 feet behind their father, pretending to farm behind him while he worked. He loved his father more than anything, and was always right in his trail. At times he had gotten in the way, but all the brothers could see that he would grow up to be a good farmer, learning at such a young age.
    Then, there was the curious two. Reimond and Demitri, the twins of the bunch. These two were the crafty buggers of the crew, at the age of 5. They were always trying to play tricks, and tease, they often played mean jokes on their little sister, and at times they would make her cry, or fall. But no matter what, when she went to sleep at night they would tell her they loved her, just like they all did.
    Violet was surrounded by a loving family, all of her precious life. But it was unfortunate, her timing. Born from her precious mother when she was 33, Violet was growing while Yelena was aging.
    Many of the brothers had tried to protect her from this, but it had seemed that as Violet grew older, with her brothers by her side always, they knew that teaching her of death was not needed. 
    She grew up much like her mother, when she was 12, and her eldest brother was 26, their mother was still only 45. She would often sit with her eldest brother and talk about all the things she had seem that day, or all the things she wanted to see, and she would amaze him with how warm and creative her young mind was. 
    When Vivianne had grown, they could see that this girl they had brought into the world would do more good than they were worth.
    She often sat with the poor of the streets and would not leave until she made them smile, she would help the neighbors with their children, with their farm animals. She played games with the children of the town, she nursed wild animals when they were harmed or sick. As she grew, she saw many things that most would not recover from. 
    When Vivianne was only 19, her eldest brother 33, their mother passed at the age of 51. It was a dark age for the Zima family, the family was devastated, for Yelena was the rock of their souls. But it had seemed that as Yelena passed, it wasn't Aaron who consoled his brothers, but Vivianne. She took her mother's place, making sure they would not give up when in this time of loss, and keeping them working hard to keep them all healthy in the absence of their mother. 
    After a year or two, the family had recovered, and Vivianne had become their rock. When she was 23, her brother Aaron of 37, left home to join the military of Oren. He said goodbye to his siblings, who were proud of him, and he left with the clothes on his back, and what Vivianne had made him take along.
    In his stead, Stephen took care of his brothers. At the time he was 35, and Vivianne 23, the family began to move apart and make roots elsewhere. Finson was the first to leave, having learned to be a hunter, he departed with a happy face, excited to see the world for himself.
    When Vivianne was 24, Arulon had fallen in love. He found himself a wife, and a child of his own, and they moved away to a cottage elsewhere, a few nights horse ride away from the ever shrinking household of the Zima family. 
    Reimond and Demitri followed in Aaron's footsteps, still together like they always would be, the best of friends, they joined a military and left home.
    With Vivanne left, she kept the house for some time, but tensions were rising between her fellow Heartlanders and The carrions. When the fighting of the Storm Rebellion had begun, she was forced to leave sooner than she had planned, selling her farm and buying a horse to escape the violence of war
    Now she has found herself here on this curious road, searching for a new place to put her own roots down, and to thrive the way she knew her mother would have wanted her to.

    Personality Traits: 
    Often referred to as a fragile flower, Vivianne has the traits much like those of a southern bell. 
    A heart worth it's weight in gold, and the eyes of a knowing mother, she tends to bring a smile on the faces of those who know her, and at times even the strangers who don't. She cares about life, be it small or big, and at times that can get her into trouble. For even if a murderer were to find himself dying on the street of hunger, she would spare a loaf of bread for him, and perhaps a small amount of coin. 
    She is a clumsy lass, unlike the graceful women she sees in their fancy dresses, she often finds it difficult to pay attention as her thoughts are distracted and can at times, well, run into things. She falls, trips, bumps into people.
    She is shy, like most sheltered girls, having spent her life around 6 older brothers she never had time to think romantically about other people, should someone flirt with her, her cheeks would turn into apples, and she'd most likely find an excuse to leave.
    To make a home for herself, simply at the time. She wishes currently to just find a new place to make her roots in, maybe open a small shop and make friends with the people of whatever city she may come to find, hoping she can somehow aid the community of the place she'll eventually call her new home.
    She seems to have a knack for cheering people up, always happy herself, no matter what life throws at her, she can be the healing hand for many tortured souls.
    One of her strengths I would think is her determination, as once she has a goal in mind, there is nothing that can stop her from achieving it, and she won't put it down until it's finished.
    Another could be her ability to view things from both sides, even if she is always standing on the line of good, she will always read scenarios from what she knows of both sides, to make sure she has the story correct in her head. 
    She cannot swim
    She is, essentially, innocence re-incarnate, but she is a bit of an air-head. She tends not to understand a lot of military talk, or things that have to do with lessons and learning, she just goes with what she knows and finds herself confused at times.
    She is manipulable, and gullible. She tends to believe the words of anyone who sounds like they know what they're talking about, often having come home telling her mother about strange stories someone had told her as a joke and coming to believe them truly. At times she had been tricked into performing foolish stunts, like standing on a horse or trying to fish a cat out of the well for half a day when in all truth there was no  cat in said well.
    Appearance (List the extra details of your characters appearance, IE; height & weight):
    Build: Standing at only 5 feet tall she is of the fragile type, slender, with an underlying beauty that some would think is attractive and some would think of as just skinny, it depends on the eye of the beholder, in all truth. 
    Hair: A light golden blonde, and long, she often had it braided or up in a bun because she didn't like to cut it, but it also got in her way at times. At the age of 27, her hair nearly touches the floor, and she usually keeps it in a braid, pinned back carefully.
    Eyes: A bright, swimming blue, much like the ocean's water mid-day in the winter without the clouds to block the light from the sun.
    Skin: Pale skinned, she has freckles on her cheeks and on the bridge of her nose, as it would seem she often burns more than she tans, so she tends to just try not to spend too much time in the sun in the first place. 
    Tattoos/Scars: None
    Distinguishing Features:  Her hair, is probably the most distinguishing thing about her, but if you get past that, I'd think it would be her freckles, or her height.
    Clothes: Average peasant girls clothing
    Hygiene: Average hygeine if not a tad better, as she tends to spend a lot of time in the woods, she'll often stop in her travels to bathe in a creek or river where it is shallow.
    Voice: Think, Arianna Grande as Cat, in the TV show Cat and Sam.
    Appearance, please provide us a screenshot of your character’s skin (If you need help, see our screenshot guide here):
    This app is for Tsuyose to moderate, this has been arranged between Tsuyose and I in advance, please don't claim this application.
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