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Everything posted by hotbox_monk

  1. Given Name: Veredin Years of Age: Something over 250 Race: Dreadknight Any professions, such as mining or smithing that could prove useful to the Legion: I can Enchant things. Reason for interest: I wanted to assist Mordring -OOC- MC name: hotboss_monk Skype ID: Hotboss
  2. (OOC) Information: Skype: You have it. MC Name: hotboss_monk Do you use TS3 (Y/N): Yes Chosen (RP) Information: Name: Godfrey de Aquila Are you Man or Elf or Neither (M/E/N): Man Age: 23 Weapon of Sufficient Ability: Lance and sword. Do you possess a steed (Y/N): YES
  3. MC Name: hotboss_monk Character Name: Arthur Tellar I want my character to be turned into a Dread Knight (Y/N): Yes. I want to become apart of your group because: I have been on here for a bit now and I really want to become a dread knight, I have seen one in role play and it seemed really awesome, I read your lore and it was great. Honestly becoming a dread knight seems like it can offer a lot of good role play and fun experiences. What can I bring to this group? I have had 2 years of role play experience on multiple servers and RPG games. I can offer a fun role playing experience of everyone around me, I can help bring in more dread knights if need be. I am also very good with RP combat and pvp for battles when needed. Can you play nice, and be willing to sit down with someone and explain something politely and cooperatively if something goes wrong, or someone is confused? Yes I am most definitely to do that, I actually enjoy helping others with their questions and problems. Time zone: GMT-2 Skype Name (You can PM it to me privately): hotboss_monk
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