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Posts posted by Malgonious

  1. Submission of Raguk to the Rex, and the Iron Uzg


    Addresses his forces, before riding to Kador'goi


    "Ug bruddaz, rulg fer gruking da Iron Uzg, an Rex Vrogak iz hozh. Yub, we zubmit tuh da Rex, and da Rex will lead tuh viktureh, and hunur!"


    The combined forces of Glogol and Garr ride to Kador'goi


    Slowly walks the steps of the Palace, along with his elders to face the Rex, Vrogak.


    "Mi, Malgunus'Raguk, of Clan Raguk, furmd frum Glogol n' Garr, zumbit tuh lat, Rex Vrogak.  Weh in yur zervice."


    The group of elders and the chieftain nods their head in respect before the Rex, and accepts him as their leader.

  2. Diplomacy


    Clan Yar Neutral

    Clan Lak - Friendly

    Clan Braduk Bloodpact

    Clan Gorkil Bloodpact

    Clan Ublu Neutral

    Clan Lur -   Neutral

    Clan Lak - Neutral

    Clan Azog - Neutral

    Pinkehs - Unfriendly





    The Unbroken, Clan Raguk


    "Forged in stone, iron, and blood."

    "ângh-gund grish"


    Formed from Clan Garr, and Clan Glogol rises Clan Raguk


    With the formation of the Iron Uzg, many fierce supporters of the ideal began to rise up and hold a strange banner, a slight adaption of the current Iron Uzg, these Uruk would begin to call themselves the Unbroken, and were loyal only to their Chieftain, whom was nicknamed, "The Shatterer," and the Iron Uzg itself.


    Clan Raguk was formed by the Rex's most elite and valorous soldier, wanting to create a clan dedicated to the strength of the nation itself, rather than just it's own clan.  He wanted to create a Clan to rival all others, and defend the Will of Iron alone.  The Unbroken Uruk were formed, hailing from the newly formed Clan Raguk, their forges hot, their mines active, these Uruk were going to be the cogs in the great system of the Iron Uzg, and would be it's most valuable fuel to it's raging scorn.


    Clan Raguk allows their clan-members to worship how they will, whether it be Spirits, Lakul, or Krug himself, however, within the clan's daily activities, serving the Chieftain and the Uzg comes above all else.  Klomping is the main methodology of solving disputes among the Unbroken, and should be done so in an orderly and respectful fashion, as to not insult or belittle the other uruk.


    The main task of the Unbroken is smithing, and if you cannot smith, you mine.  This is to fuel the fires of the War Nation, and to better arm yourself for the upcoming klomps with enemies.  Most of Clan Raguk will have a weekly quota of sorts, and if it's completed, the Unbroken will be added to a list to acquire the best armaments, while those who do not get whatever is left-over, as their contribution is seen as lacking to the Iron Uzg.


    Clan Raguk is strongly opposed to using magic, however, it's tolerable of Shamanism, so long as it's permitted by the Chieftain.  Even then, it's to be used with discretion, as most unbroken are rigid, fierce warriors, dedicated only to the battle-axe and fierce war-horn of the Iron Uzg.




    Current Members:



    Nagg'Raguk "The Ironborn" (Son of Leyd)


    (Sick) - Malgunus'Raguk, "The Shatterer"




    Malak'raguk, "The Blackhand"












    Grom Snag'Raguk




    Korgulg'Raguk - Traitor/Whitewashed
























    Dead Raguk(s):

    Warchief Kilug'Raguk, "The Betrayer"

    - Died after an attempt at his Elder's lives, falling in a klomp to Malgunus'Raguk.  Had his horn taken, and is used as an artifact. (Horn of Kilug)




    MC Name:
    RP Name:
    Teamspeak (Y/N):
    Mic (Y/N):
    Skype (PM it if you want):
  4. Mordir scans the poster, crimson eyes looking the parchment up and down with dubious content.  


    "Dedicate your life to a sellsword company?"


    He scoffs, rolls his eyes, and walks off. 


    There's no poster, you have to be given these in-game.  Please remove your post.))


    GN:  Abeam1

    RP-Name:  Caleb Crider

    Do you hold any prior faction allignment:  Yes, I served with the Levy of House de Bar, and in the Guard of His Majesty, King de Savoie.  Order of Saint Amyas footman, during the Dwarven war.

    Are you willing to dedicate your life to the Storm-sword:  I'm willing for the duration of the war.

    Do you understand desertion or breaking your contract mean's execution:  Yes.

    What company would you intend to join:  Autumn Company

    Skype (Feel free to PM it):










    Sammy Calden


    Do you hold any prior faction allignment:


    Learning magic under a teacher, but other than that none that are still around.

    Are you willing to dedicate your life to the Storm-sword:


    As long as I'm making minas and have the company of good drinkers.

    Do you understand desertion or breaking your contract mean's execution:


    Of course.

    Skype (Feel free to PM it):







    IGN: EmoGuyGothic

    RP-Name: Alexandria Fireblade (Prefers to be called "Crimson")

    Do you hold any prior faction allignment: None

    Are you willing to dedicate your life to the Storm-sword: Yes

    Do you understand desertion or breaking your contract mean's execution: Sure!

    Skype (Feel free to PM it): seth.linderbeck2



    Accepted!  Report to Fort Pyke.


    IGN: underwhereknight

    RP-Name: Xander Volaire

    Do you hold any prior faction allignment: I do not.

    Are you willing to dedicate your life to the Storm-sword: I am.

    Do you understand desertion or breaking your contract mean's execution: I understand.

    Skype (Feel free to PM it): Relin_lord




  8. Team Name: Flower Knights
    Team Member 1 (MC/RP):  Malgonious/Vorne
    Team Member 2 (MC/RP):  Professorus/Vykk Volaren
    Team Member 3 (MC/RP): BunnyBoyPvP/Krolik

    Do you understand anyone caught cheating in the tournament will be punished?:  Aye, we do.



    IGN: FoxyRevenge

    RP-Name: Lyko

    Do you hold any prior faction allignment: no

    Are you willing to dedicate your life to the Storm-sword: yes

    Do you understand desertion or breaking your contract mean's execution: yes i understand

    Skype (Feel free to PM it): foxyrevenge



  10. IGN: Graf

    RP-Name: Alice Fáóláin-Hightower

    Do you hold any prior faction allignment: Nothing that would matter to you.

    Are you willing to dedicate your life to the Storm-sword:

    Do you understand desertion or breaking your contract mean's execution:

    Skype (Feel free to PM it): benji420cob.swagmasteryolo.mcshekelstein.royimbestgm.ilovecappy(at)hotmail.com.cz.ru




    GN: daanyolx3
    RP-Name: Annie
    Do you hold any prior faction allignment: No.
    Are you willing to dedicate your life to the Storm-sword: Aye.
    Do you understand desertion or breaking your contract mean's execution: Yes.
    Skype (Feel free to PM it): LuxPoop



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