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Status Updates posted by Malgonious


    1. LatzMomo


      ? Good song man, made my morning

  2. grimlees rise up

    1. rukio


      grimlee fall down and fail

  3. your legacy will never compare to the legend of barnett bros.

    1. rukio


      I beg the differ ?

  4. cock tails with cosmic

  5. Have a safe new years, drink responsibly and take care of yourselves.

  6. this kid is slept on

  7. How many times can you use Administrative Level in a post without it becoming blatantly obvious you're doing whatever the **** you want and everyone else can suck it

  8. I'm sorry for that, and I can't find the delete button. Shame. *ding ding!*

  9. #Pray4Arteh (The Orc's Rex is having heart surgery, keep him in your thoughts!)

  10. Oil money has been exposed, the prophet foretold of this reckoning..

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