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Posts posted by Malgonious




    (Hard) & (PvE Encounter)






    Just outside the Fortress-City of Rivia, a loud blood-curdling roar can be heard in the thick snow drifts that blanket the barren wasteland just beside the Great Wall.. massive footprints would be seen in the wilds bordering the city, and the neighboring forests.. Corpses of wandering travelers have been strung along the path to Rivia on rare occasion as well, almost as if a warning to those that dare cross certain areas. . .  An investigation into what is causing such tremendous unrest in the region is being hired out to any willing mercenary group that can handle the issue without discretion needed.


    Reward: Twin-Bladed Glaive for the head of the beast, & 500 Minas for the corpse.


    ((make an ETReq between 7 pm est - 11 pm est to take up the bounty.  Have your party ready and prepared ahead of time!))



    Portraits of the two boss-creatures.

    Garreth & Kabul, Servants of the Void




    It was a peaceful day in Belvitz, the crossroad bustling with activity.. The populace ripe with conversation and delight at the many food and beverage being served in the Old Oak Tavern.. The air was calm, the sun bright and shining upon the dirt path that trekked directly through the center of the bustling human settlement.  


    “. . . So, this is the place they call Belvitz, Garreth?”  Kabul would state, his claws outstretched, writhing as they walked down the path toward the unsuspecting populace…


    “That it is, Kabul.  The whisper directed us here . . and here we have arrived.”  Garreth would float ominously above Kabul, his form that of a weak necromancer, Kabul being a massive hulking reanimation, souped up with strange crystals fastened all over his body…


    The two would stop just before the Crossroads, right outside the Old Oak Tavern..


    “Very well.. Shall we begin The Harvest, brother?” Kabul would state blankly as the populace would begin to grow aware of the two strangers staring from afar.


    “Indeed, brother.” Garreth would state, a bolt of void energy forming in his palm as Kabul leaped toward the amassing guardforce.





    The Old Oak Tavern, following the chaotic assault, still standing firm

    Kabul would have several hundred cuts and slashes down his body, his natural regeneration becoming dulled and slowed under the extreme loss of mana enduring the invasion.  “BROTHER! I NEED YOU, MEET ME ATOP THE TAVERN!” Kabul would shout, knocking a descendant back as he leaped toward the roof of the creaking tavern, climbing upward, holding his arm as a deadly wound would pour forth magical essence.  Garreth would fly upward, within his palm would be a seal, placing it upon the wound, the healing would begin to take effect.. Garreth himself suffering wounds of his own, would press his mana into his brother, desperate to make light of the situation very much going south at the hands of Belvitz defenders.  The undead horde defending the Tavern while the spell took place were easily cut down as the descendants pushed inside, climbing the steps at a breakneck pace.




    “BROTHER!  THERE IS NO MORE TIME, THEY COME!”  Kabul would roar as he lept from the Tavern, Garreth still mid-cast, would suffer even more wounds at the onslaught that climbed the steps, himself lurching into the warm air, the clouds growing around Belvitz.




    Kabul would become overwhelmed, cornered by the brave men and women of Belvitz, and all travelers and merchants who had arrived prior and during the assault, a combined force finally slew the creature of damnation.


    “Brother . . .” Kabul would let loose as his last breath was taken.


    “BROTHER!” Garreth would roar, witnessing Kabul’s untimely demise.  Upon his falter, Garreth would rush to his corpse, a stream of dark mana seeping from the fallen crystal which marked the deathbed of Kabul, up into Garreth.. His form twisting and morphing into a creature of nightmare.. His torment would be set loose upon the defenders…




    “Brother… I am coming . .” Garreth would let slip as his mana ran to empty, his lifeforce completely drained by the hundreds of arrows that dotted his form.. The wounds becoming much to grave as he plummeted into the ground, slamming into the descendants as his form would morph and twist, only a single crystal left behind.




    The Defenders of Belvitz had triumphed against the servants of the Void, felling both Garreth and Kabul and defending their homes from the creatures of nightmare.  Wherever they came.. Belvitz answered the call.




    stay tuned...

  3. xZ3betLZGN2qPWsKVF9G3eAXuiGKi9a3Mv0xez1XzE7RprUCFO3IRTKCcyv0tKnOEcP1EcSRBgWj85lcEHVye2P9rD2lkftsMW8Snzkh2Xrbs20F3zW036NpRTbkdHXuewFWN4u5



    Username Malgonious


    Discord Malgonious#9566


    Timezone EST


    What group/playerbase are you most involved with? None at the moment


    Staff History

    Event Team once prior


    Ban History 

    Yes, banned in 2015 and alt'd in the past.


    Blacklist History:



    What do you want to join the Event Team?

    What do I want to join the Event Team? This question is kinda weirdly worded



    Why should we accept you onto the Team?

    I would dedicate all of my time to the team and the betterment of the community through my system of Random Encounter Events


    What kind of events do you aspire to create?:

    The world as it stands seems very dead, if you aren't rping with people you're just wandering with nothing to do. You need people to create roleplay for yourself, which isnt always the case when you look at most fantasy roleplaying games. You can be walking out in the wild and some beast could attack you, or some trackings or clues could lead you down a road of adventure into the wilds that maybe involves just you as a player. Myself as an event team member would work solely on bettering the overall player experience through personalized encounters that could go for a decent amount of playertime before I'd move onto the next random player(s).


    What makes a good event? 

    An event that is random and can be influenced in everyway possible by the players actions would be my ideal for a good event. Enjoyment for all parties involved.



    Create three in-depth event scenarios. I’m not looking for some prelude or whimsical idea here -- we want an indicator as to your talent and potential to be on the ET. You don’t need to write a word-for-word script, but we want a solid structure and plan as to how you’d organize and carry out an event:


    Provide three event scenarios, in total, of the style(s) you listed above:


    Upon Salt and Sea


    The waves were calm.. the thick mist of sea-salt and fresh air bounded against the vessel docked in the quaint harbor, small barnacles placing themselves on the base of the large merchant vessel's belly.  In the distance, you could hear what would be an sailing expedition about to set sail, a Captain and his companions preparing for a trip South of where they'd been docked.  As the sails were let loose and the vessel began it's course, Giant Crabs on the rocky shore had to be cleared as they were going to be an interference to the sailing expedition.  The sailors all gathered their weapons, jumped from the ropes tied promply to the side of the ship, and went down to slay the Giant Crabs on the rocky shores.  Now with some meat gathered and their path clear, the ship would leave the harbor it docked upon, sailing into the night.


    It would however, suddenly change upon an saint hour's time of sailing.. the calm waves suddenly whipped with energy and life, bounding against the vessels underside.  The Captain, kept his stellar demeanor as the sailors began to feel uneasy.  His rallying cry set them once more against the now tirade of sea and salt that whipped their vessel back and fro,


    As the expedition continued, a mass of bubbling and sudden calmness appeared before their vessel.. an aquatic dragon rising from beneath the cursed waters they had sailed into, its eyes a pale amber.  A webbed claw went to swipe at the ship, breaking some of the starboard front, and then crashing into the waves once more, it's figure massive and shadowy as it swam beneath the waves.  The crew, frightened at this point, began to take aim with their ballistae positioned on the center of the ship, aiming it just ahead of the shadow, letting loose a massive bolt that plunged into the waves, sinking the shadow far into the depth with a sudden jolt of it's body, then.. a stillness.


    The ship would arrive with minor hull damages in the next town over, taking time to repair and recover from theirtumultuous expedition.


    A Witch's Curse


    Deep within the bogs of Norland, rumor began to circulate of a Witch unnamed that inhabited the deep swamp and would assail the merchants that would travel far to the distant city of Nyrkrag.  An expedition is planned and set a-course as they trugged through the thick bogs onto where the last merchant reported his cart being attacked, overturned, and ransacked by descendants of this Witch.  As the expedition neared, they saw a sudden motion in the far-left bog, a Flesh-Worm lunging towards them, clearly its mind warped and altered as it ravenously attacked the group, killing one of the vanguards assigned to the task.  Upon defeat of the Flesh-Worm, they find strange crystals lodged all over its body, clearly the act of some sort of manipulation from afar.. they begin to follow the direction the creature had attacked from.


    Upon further trudging through the bog, a black mist began to perpetuate the air.  A sudden mass of fleshy tentacles is seen as they continued, springing to life and attacking the expedition.  One of the men here had recalled seeing such before in his time as a Marked Man, calling it a Fleugal.  A battle would ensue with much tactics involved, the party eventually being triumphant against the massive beast and culling it as they had done to the Flesh Worm they faced prior... such a wide arsenal of deadly beasts.. they must be getting close to the Witch.


    The black mist a thick haze at this point, the men tired and weary of the travel.. a small straw shack would be seen in the distance, sitting upon a rocky hill.  The part would silently make their way up the rocks, using stealth to their advantage.  They would set the straw hut ablaze with the Red Priest who accompanied them, hearing a blood-curling scream from within as the Witch burned alive.  The party merrily set their travel back home, satisfied with their efforts and expertise with dealing in the unknown and unnatural.


    ((I am to include an old Quest Board I drafted up before I had become an ET to show an example of how I could run different events rather than just random encounters for my final event as well.))


    Scouting: The number of Undead inside the crypts is currently unknown. The commanders have decided that a rough number is required, to better prepare a battle plan and a possible expedition.

    Difficulty: Medium

    People required: 2-3

    Objective: Explore as many layers of the catacombs as possible without getting detected, while taking notes on the type, position and number of Undead. Stealth is a /necessity/, thus people won’t go inside heavily armed. Highly advised to avoid combat. If in danger, run.

    Side Objective: Draw a rough map of the Catacombs that pinpoints the best spots where to withdraw in case of a fight, and other interesting locations.


    Thin their numbers:  No matter the amount of the Undead, the hordes must be kept in control lest they burst forth from beneath the Ashtree and swarm the Krag from the inside. It is crucial that their numbers be diminished. Bring polearms to keep the Undead at bay.

    Difficulty: Hard

    People required: 4-6

    Objective: A heavily armed group must go inside and kill as many Undead as they can. The group’s size must be limited as the Catacombs are a cramped and enclosed space, and too many men would be an obstacle to each other. Stay alive.

    Side Objective: Relics important to the Red Faith have already been recovered from fallen Undead. Be on the lookout for such relics, but do not risk your life or that of your comrades’ to retrieve them.


    They must not rise again: Even when destroyed, the foul magic that animates the Undead’s bodies pulls them back together, and the wretches will keep on fighting once more. It is imperative that the bodies be cremated with special oil blessed by the Keeper, to prevent the Undead from plaguing the land for eternity.

    Difficulty: Medium

    People required: 2-4

    Objective: Gather together as many corpses as you can, then pour the [[Keeper’s Oil]] on them. After reciting a prayer, set fire to the pile. Repeat as long as there’s a supply of [[Keeper’s Oil]]. Be careful, as some Undead may rise again when you touch them.








    Two sworn-brothers of the Ranger Corp traversing the Godswood outside of White Peak


    … “How much longer must we travel Brother Balgruff?” remarked the lad clad in a dark-green tunic and cowl, following  just a pace behind that of the man proclaimed Balgruff before him. The Godswood was very quiet aside from the hushed whisper and light travel of the two rangers. Balgruff would turn to face the other ranger beside him.  “Lad, worry not . We have arrived.” Balgruff would raise his closed fist, pointing toward the collective of other hooded men upon the bank of the forest-clearing. Motioning for the brother to follow, the two would set down upon the gathering.






    Balgruff would halt his advance and motion for his companion to cease, as one of the Rangers were alerted to their presence and immediately drawn bow and arrow upon the two.  “Halt in the name of his Majesty, King Tobias Staunton... You are to progress no further until you are properly identified... State thy name!” barked the hooded ranger, a suspicious look upon his cheek as he took draw at Balgruff directly, his arrow knoched and prepared to let loose.


    “My name is Balgruff Bjornsson, promoted to Ranger by King Tobias himself.. I have come to answer the call.”




    The Ranger would lower his guard, his eyes inspecting the man and seeking to validate his story, he raised his hand to an open palm, six rangers hidden in shrubbery, tree-thickets and behind jagged boulders would all emerge, going to confiscate the weapons of the two arriving Rangers until their identity could be validated..
    “I’d recognize that voice anywhere...” A mild toned man would approach the search party, calling for them to cease upon his arrival, as he stood upright across the riverbank from the two arriving rangers.  A smile would press against the mans face, a weathered Tobias Staunton greeting the arrival of the two newest rangers. “There is much to be done,” said Tobias as the party began to make its way away from White Peak, towards a location unknown.



    King Tobias Staunton II after the Battle of White Peak

  5. On 5/19/2018 at 6:26 PM, HurferDurfer1 said:

    Coltaine, the mage who had shattered the Oathstone, sits alone in his meager keep deep in the Yatl  Waste, nearly in the shadow of the massive ice wall. One perpetually dark day, as he sat working on a particular bone staff, carving out small indentations in which to embed gems, he would hear a terrible rumble and roar. Coltaine would lurch to his feet and make his way to the parapet atop the main tower, looking south he would let out an audible grunt, "Did that damnable wall get closer! This wont do, a shield must be fashioned, I aint getting driven out no I aint." he clacks in the harsh wind and snow, before heading below once more to prepare his materials.


    Adalwulf would watch Coltaine hard at work, an audible sigh leaving his mouth as he slumped back against the corner of the wastelander's home, falling back into a deep sleep.

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