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Posts posted by Malgonious

  1. RP Information

    RP Name:  (Bart)holomew Grimlee

    Race: Sturdy Norlandic lad

    Age: 13

    Past services to Norland: none

    Current residence: Hearth Monastery


    OOC Information

    MCName: Villain_Prodigy

    Discord: Malgonious#9566

  2. Current Username: 



    Discord(‘You got it’ does not suffice): 



    Timezone(s) you mainly play:



    What group/nation do you consider to be your main?: 

    I've been a part of many nations, Norland for about two and a half years, Orcs for a year, and random factions for another two-three years.



    Have you held a staff position before?: Yes, Event Team Twice


    Do you currently hold a staff position?: Nae


    Do you plan on applying for other staff positions?:

    There's no other staff team worth applying for to be honest.


    Have you ever been banned before? If so, how long ago and what reason?: 

    Yes, all of them can be found in the archives of ban apples.



    What style of events do you feel you enjoy creating? (Low Fantasy, High Fantasy, Quests, Dungeons, etc.):


    I enjoy Random Encounter events the most out of any form listed here.  The idea of making the world feel dynamic, like it's actually alive aside from the players that are inhabiting it has always been my goal as an Event Team member.  That was the only area I always felt was severely lacking in the team, so I focused the majority of my time flying around, thinking up new ideas for areas around the world that people could stumble  into, and have an enjoyable experience because they took the time to explore our world.


    List three factors you feel play a part in a quality event and expand upon them:


    As an Event Team member, you must always look to see how you can manipulate a planned event, and change it to those that choose to participate.  You dont want to force someone into an encounter you know they're not going to enjoy.  That defeats the whole purpose of the event, and you're wasting not only the players time, but your own.


    As an Event Team member, you really should ask what you can do differently from those who came before you.  Talk to players, and see what they liked/disliked from events you've done in the past, and work to better yourself as a Roleplayer from that feedback.  One of the best parts of being an ET is that you get a much wider range of roleplay capabilities because well, you're trusted enough to handle them, follow the lore, and expand the player's experience.


    As an Event Team member, you should actively work to make the most rewarding experience possible for not just yourself, but everyone participating.  Look to what these players are capable of, add in little things that would make them feel like not only are they experiencing something unique, but growing themselves in RP because of this experience that their character is being put through. 


    Which member(s) of the team would you attempt to emulate and why?: 

    Skylez, he's always been a quality event team member and I've never encountered one of his events that I didn't enjoy.


    Provide three event scenarios, in total, of the style(s) you listed above:


    Upon Salt and Sea


    The waves were calm.. the thick mist of sea-salt and fresh air bounded against the vessel docked in the quaint harbor, small barnacles placing themselves on the base of the large merchant vessel's belly.  In the distance, you could hear what would be an sailing expedition about to set sail, a Captain and his companions preparing for a trip South of where they'd been docked.  As the sails were let loose and the vessel began it's course, Giant Crabs on the rocky shore had to be cleared as they were going to be an interference to the sailing expedition.  The sailors all gathered their weapons, jumped from the ropes tied promply to the side of the ship, and went down to slay the Giant Crabs on the rocky shores.  Now with some meat gathered and their path clear, the ship would leave the harbor it docked upon, sailing into the night.


    It would however, suddenly change upon an saint hour's time of sailing.. the calm waves suddenly whipped with energy and life, bounding against the vessels underside.  The Captain, kept his stellar demeanor as the sailors began to feel uneasy.  His rallying cry set them once more against the now tirade of sea and salt that whipped their vessel back and fro,


    As the expedition continued, a mass of bubbling and sudden calmness appeared before their vessel.. an aquatic dragon rising from beneath the cursed waters they had sailed into, its eyes a pale amber.  A webbed claw went to swipe at the ship, breaking some of the starboard front, and then crashing into the waves once more, it's figure massive and shadowy as it swam beneath the waves.  The crew, frightened at this point, began to take aim with their ballistae positioned on the center of the ship, aiming it just ahead of the shadow, letting loose a massive bolt that plunged into the waves, sinking the shadow far into the depth with a sudden jolt of it's body, then.. a stillness.


    The ship would arrive with minor hull damages in the next town over, taking time to repair and recover from their tumultuous expedition.


    A Witch's Curse


    Deep within the bogs of Norland, rumor began to circulate of a Witch unnamed that inhabited the deep swamp and would assail the merchants that would travel far to the distant city of Nyrkrag.  An expedition is planned and set a-course as they trugged through the thick bogs onto where the last merchant reported his cart being attacked, overturned, and ransacked by descendants of this Witch.  As the expedition neared, they saw a sudden motion in the far-left bog, a Flesh-Worm lunging towards them, clearly its mind warped and altered as it ravenously attacked the group, killing one of the vanguards assigned to the task.  Upon defeat of the Flesh-Worm, they find strange crystals lodged all over its body, clearly the act of some sort of manipulation from afar.. they begin to follow the direction the creature had attacked from.


    Upon further trudging through the bog, a black mist began to perpetuate the air.  A sudden mass of fleshy tentacles is seen as they continued, springing to life and attacking the expedition.  One of the men here had recalled seeing such before in his time as a Marked Man, calling it a Fleugal.  A battle would ensue with much tactics involved, the party eventually being triumphant against the massive beast and culling it as they had done to the Flesh Worm they faced prior... such a wide arsenal of deadly beasts.. they must be getting close to the Witch.


    The black mist a thick haze at this point, the men tired and weary of the travel.. a small straw shack would be seen in the distance, sitting upon a rocky hill.  The part would silently make their way up the rocks, using stealth to their advantage.  They would set the straw hut ablaze with the Red Priest who accompanied them, hearing a blood-curling scream from within as the Witch burned alive.  The party merrily set their travel back home, satisfied with their efforts and expertise with dealing in the unknown and unnatural.


    ((I am to include an old Quest Board I drafted up before I had become an ET to show an example of how I could run different events rather than just random encounters for my final event as well.))


    Scouting: The number of Undead inside the crypts is currently unknown. The commanders have decided that a rough number is required, to better prepare a battle plan and a possible expedition.

    Difficulty: Medium

    People required: 2-3

    Objective: Explore as many layers of the catacombs as possible without getting detected, while taking notes on the type, position and number of Undead. Stealth is a /necessity/, thus people won’t go inside heavily armed. Highly advised to avoid combat. If in danger, run.

    Side Objective: Draw a rough map of the Catacombs that pinpoints the best spots where to withdraw in case of a fight, and other interesting locations.


    Thin their numbers:  No matter the amount of the Undead, the hordes must be kept in control lest they burst forth from beneath the Ashtree and swarm the Krag from the inside. It is crucial that their numbers be diminished. Bring polearms to keep the Undead at bay.

    Difficulty: Hard

    People required: 4-6

    Objective: A heavily armed group must go inside and kill as many Undead as they can. The group’s size must be limited as the Catacombs are a cramped and enclosed space, and too many men would be an obstacle to each other. Stay alive.

    Side Objective: Relics important to the Red Faith have already been recovered from fallen Undead. Be on the lookout for such relics, but do not risk your life or that of your comrades’ to retrieve them.


    They must not rise again: Even when destroyed, the foul magic that animates the Undead’s bodies pulls them back together, and the wretches will keep on fighting once more. It is imperative that the bodies be cremated with special oil blessed by the Keeper, to prevent the Undead from plaguing the land for eternity.

    Difficulty: Medium

    People required: 2-4

    Objective: Gather together as many corpses as you can, then pour the [[Keeper’s Oil]] on them. After reciting a prayer, set fire to the pile. Repeat as long as there’s a supply of [[Keeper’s Oil]]. Be careful, as some Undead may rise again when you touch them.





    Why do you wish to become an ET Actor Member?:


    Being an ET gave me a connection to this community I never had prior.  I was able to meet so many different people and experience their characters for the first time without any sort of preconceived disposition.  It was something truly inspiring.


    What strengths would you bring to the team?:


    I'm very passionate about this community and the people on it.  I care about it, there's no other reason for an adult to be on a Minecraft Roleplaying server if they didnt have some sort of attachment to it.  I've made friends I never can replace on this server, and I would bring a friendly approach to running events, not wanting to enforce my own will on people but rather further their own enjoyment of the server.


    What are your weaknesses?:


    I can be brash and confrontational when it is not necessarily the time to do so.  I'll keep it in check as a responsible member of the team, and stick to my duties.


    How much time could you give to this position in the foreseeable future?:


    2-6 hours a day.


    Goodbye, many reasons to leave but I had my fun last little go at it when I still had spare time.  Things aren't the same as they were, and that's great change is a good thing and definitely the way forward for this server.  I just know it's about time I stopped.  So much of my life at one point in time was dedicated to this server, it's frightening looking back at it, but I dont regret it.  I met so many different people, in roleplay or OOC, this servers really diverse and something you probably wont ever experience anywhere else. I appreciated that break from life lotc had to offer for the longest..   But times change, and lifes gotta go on.


    To all my friends, you know who you are in the end, I hope to still keep in touch with you all.  You're the big reason I kept playing for as long as I have.


    To anyone else, thanks for the experience you all had had to offer.  It was unforgettable.

    Malgonious, doopnoot, Tonkanut, Villian_Prodigy. (etc..alts.....)


    [athera - axios]

    [Zagoth, Vorne, Malgunuz, Bjorn, Hakon, Jyor, Adalwulf]







    Adalwulf Horen found himself surrounded in the blizzard that had enveloped the ruins of the heartland of Johan..  on this particular day upon the snowfields however.. A fur-cloaked soldier along with a sparse assembly of bannermen with him, slowly began to approach the the rocky ruin of humanity.


    “Missur, how much further must we heft into dis’ wastelan’?  O’im not too fond of the cold!”  A servant would bark, hefting many quivers of arrows over his shoulders.  “Raheem!  Stop yer whinin’ and git movin!”  William would shout over the few men separating them in the assembly.  “Buh ees cold!  O’im real sore, my toes.. They ache with this weird blue snow.. Ees pretteh ‘ard too..”  


    Adalwulf would slowly turn to his men, raising his hand for them to stop behind him.. He would continue walking.




    I tell you this, not to frighten you all.. Nor to discourage.  But you may turn around if you wish.  I know not how much further I must tread.. But I am resolved.  Where I go.. is further.  Into the heart of this cold hell..  I intend to see what was left behind of my people.. What they fought and fell for.. That is my path forward into this pain and agony..


    Adalwulf would continue, walking further into the blizzard.  His entire bannerforce followed suit, not a soul turned back around to leave their leader behind.  And so.. They tread on.





    Adalwulf slowly approached the crater of Johannesburg.. He could feel the thanium-dust in the air begin to thicken, his breath becoming short and brief..The fall of his father’s empire.. His passion, hopes and dreams all lied in the hole that appeared to open and expand evermore into his visage.


    Men.. hold. the young leader would bark with a concern upon his tone.


    Adalwulf would slowly walk further, the crater below would be described as follows


    “A pit of what was lost, what could have been, and what will never be.”




    Black Legion and coalition forces seconds after the thanium explosion of Johannesburg


    The fallen of the Fifth Empire of Oren lay beneath the crater.. The surrounding Black Legion had encircled the city as the barrage of dwarven artillery shells began to rock the city and landscape already into a wasteland.  The blackened armor of those defenders, along with coalition armed berserkers, legionnaires, and courlandic infantrymen would be seen beneath the iced crater-side, their ruination etched into the icy block of solid thanium frozen into the rock and soil.  Crumbled stonework and decayed palisade would dot the thanium-drift, blown heavily around the crater of what would then appear in the visage to be the heart of the fallen empire, the Capital of Johannesburg.  The redbrick had stained a deep-blue.. Their scattering about the landscape would be ever-evident, along with massive amount of scorched stones and cobbles.  Black and purple would be evidently a strong color, as the frayed wool would sometimes appear strong, perhaps to the banners below that were incinerated in the frozen air.






    Adalwulf began to slow his pace, feeling his knee fall and slowly touch to the ground.  The dulled violet cape that he had dawned wrapped around his figure, cradling him as his arm began to sift through the snowdrift, pressing the thanium dust aside to reveal the permafrost that had overtaken the grasses below.. Scorched and burned were the small green speckles beneath the icy block.  Adalwulf closed his eyes, taking up a small pinch of the dust into his hands, and letting it fall back down the earth.  He slowly raised his knee once more, his figure outstretched and observant of what was before him..


    The past of my people.. My past.  All these stories of heroism, of bravery.. Those who stood firm to their final breath.  They lie before me, before us.. he would turn to the small collective behind him, a look of determination upon his face.  "I can’t let their sacrifice be for nothing.. I owe this to them.. To my father."


    His hands would grip around his cloak, tearing it from his shoulders, tying it to a scorched fencepost nearby, letting it wave in the frozen winds that whipped the crater.


    I pledge this to you, my people.. Father!  This does not end with you.


    The few men that weren't busy shivering in the cold, and coughing gave a half-hearted cheer to their commander.  The enclave of soldiers and their aspirant leader would be seen leaving the blast site..


    The dulled violet cape slowly blew in the wind, the sigil on the front being that of the Black Legion.. of renewed hope for a brighter day to come for the descendants of Horen. 





    My people sunk to their graves in Dogger Bay, beneath shallow waters their prideful hearts fell.

    My people burned alive in the hallowed Walls of Seahelm, their wives and children along with them.

    My people were hunted like dogs and rats, they became refugees, running is all we knew.

    My people grew again alone, raising one another as brothers and sisters.  Our ancestors before us gone with your ambition.

    My people have suffered enough at your hands. 

    Have you ever felt the pain of those beneath your boot of imperialism? 


    You will.

    The descendants of Eirik come for you.

    Hakon's Memoir, recollecting the recent news of his son and grandsons war to come before his passing.


    Hakon's corpse has arrived to the Krag within a hallowed dreadlandic cart.  His protector declared him dead seven weeks ago, just arriving now for his proper burial.  An assortment of artifacts and scripture would be tucked inside the cart for his descendants to read and wield.  Ancient weapons and armour from the days of the Red Brothers, Ashguard and other fallen norlandic organizations would be available for reconstruction or immediate use.  Check the cart for more details.

  6. iPGav3BAiPskPTQJJNyxNtlaUJBv7ZxOJjxrnlyOsndZEZvWzSWvL5fLWuj-QNTj-scjnpaEQlKqOGvAuUrkkKqjPHwT29OVkXmimch8eizo9QHCF6NNm2Ko7-wlcxP__S44IzhH


    Jyor Volaren would stand idle in his clan's hall, gazing around at the elves and companions he had gathered.  He would raise his hand to lower the common chatter in the clan hall, clearing his throat,


    "My friends, lend me your ears.  For the time of retribution is at hand.  Our beloved Amaryllis had officially been declared killed in action at the bequest of foreign Interlopers.  The denizens of Ponce deny the All father, and slaughter in the name of their God.  They will feel the vindication we have.  While we have not an army.. we've dedicated men and women who care for one another.. and they took one of our beloved away."


    Jyor would observe the reactions in the room, nodding at he continued;


    "There are things we must do in this life that are hard.  But because they are hard, we have grown strong.  Together, we stand united in a common purpose.  The loyalty of Amaryllis was unquestionable, her faith and duty paramount.  Her life shall not be lost in vain, she dines now in the Hall of Valkryia, high in the clouds where her service to the Father will be seen by all.  Let us tread the path COMRADES, let us take up the banner of the Faith, of Volaren, and March forward...Toward retribution.


    Jyor would raise the claymore of Clan Volaren given to him by his father Vykk Volaren in the air, his heart and rallying call known to those before him.






    Jyor would stand just outside the settlement of Ponce, familiar faces all doned in Brawm, Volaren and  other banditry outfittings at his back.


    "So it begins."

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