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Posts posted by Malgonious

  1. You did a great job Alex, I'm putting this video on the refrigerator.  Your diamond armour is so strong!  Aren't you just the toughest little mine man :)

  2. m2GTqdAp0fm7efvNFL0pyJpin2WLTAHMFysTVwJnUSDxzvx-uQXXydGkVNnLtUQMYNJJMItASCel76QREjUjy_hqV-UMeBw2irWIJBOrFQQ8D4vRvq4Vc07-cGFsrbnP33SDbbb0

    I will be live-streaming a game I recently discovered, Halo Online,  with some other players who have the game later tonight.  I’d like to share with you all what this game is, how to play it, and to also invite you to come play it with myself @ norland.teamspeak3.com. This game is entirely free and legal to play and enjoy!  

    NOTE: You must have Windows to play this game!




    Below is me playing a random match of lone wolves







    First go to this website: https://eldewrito.com/download


    From here, I  personally have found the Download from Mega button on the left-side works just fine.  Go ahead and click that.



    You’ll want to click Download through your browser.  Now, depending on your download speed times can vary.  For myself at about 30 dl mbps it finished in about ten minutes.



    Now, you’ll want to go ahead and double-click on the DewritoUpdater icon.




    From here you can customize your Spartan in-game.  I recommend you adjust all your settings and VOIP Settings before heading into the game.  Then, you can go ahead and press Play Game and begin!  Enjoy LoTC! : )


  3. 33 minutes ago, DPM said:

    like little ants and im just mowing through them like the legend i am



    9 minutes ago, InfamousGerman said:

    upload the 1v10 too



    4 minutes ago, Hero_ said:

    Did anyone glitch again...?



    Im glad Hero_ is coming to the Flay's rescue !  The hero they needed but dont deserve : ^) 





    MCname:  doopnoot

    Rp name:  Markus

    Character Age:  31

    Character Race:  Human

    Reason for applying?:  "I have wandered too long, I seek purpose."

    Prior Training:  I worked as a companion-type figure in Vailor.  Helped a few friends in combat on my old pony, thats about it.

    Have you killed anything/anyone before? If so list who/what, and the reason for doing so:  A couple of people and beasts.  Reason: they were trying to kill me too

  5. Ashguard Battle-Rank



    Below is the battle-rank of the Ashguard Roster.  Currently, the top 25 members are presented on the ranking board, with points added based on mission completion, practice attendance, and combat performance (RP/PVP).  These points will only be assigned by designated officials below:

    Keeper Arthas Ruric

    Vykk Volaren

    Artyom Ruric

    Adalwulf Horen


    Hakon’s Chosen (Veteran+)

    1. TBD

    2. TBD

    3. TBD

    4. TBD

    5. TBD

    6. TBD


    Those that bear the rank of Hakon’s Chosen, are the finest the Ashguard has to offer.  These men are reserved a position on raid and war council, given a seat at the Ashen Table, and are by far the most respected of the Guard.



    An illustriously forged set of Runeplate Armour will be smithed in the likeness of the wielder appropriated to the rank of Chosen.  You may wish however to request ancestral Armours as your own to wield, as is a common practice.



    A key to the sealed Rurikid Oasis, otherwise inaccessible through normal means, is now yours to use.


    Will receive command of three Battle-brothers, anointing you a leader.  Future missions must now be completed with your Squad.  (Unlocks Leadership quests on the mission board.)


    The Veterans










    Those that bear the rank of Veteran have completed their Veteran trials, and placed within either the first or second ranking in the Battle-Brothers at least once in their service to the Guard.  Once you are a Veteran, you must actively work to contribute to the state of the Realm, or face removal from the Elite and restated as Battle-br0ther.


    May now complete tasks to gain favour in the name of the Father. (Unlocks Religion Quests on the mission board.)


    A piece of enchanted Runeplate will be forged in the likeness of the wielder, by Adalwulf Horen in the All-father’s Kiln.


    A weapon in likeness of the user will be forged by Adalwulf Horen, in the All-father’s Kiln.



    Is granted access to the quests of Myth in an attempt to recover lost Norlandic artifacts. (Unlocks Legendary Quests on the mission board.)



    The Battle-Brothers













    Those that bear the rank of Battle-Brother have been personally promoted by one of the Four listed above by acquiring ten Marks of Ash through missions, participation, and performance in the guard.   Battle-brothers also have permanent confidence in their rank achieved, never to be a new-blood from this point onward.  (If you have already been promoted, you do not need these marks.)


    Battle-brothers receive a Norlandic Great-Axe, blessed in the Flames of the All-father.  They may wish to name it post-haste in their likeness.

    [Norlandic Greataxe] - 30%+ Sharp I


    Receive a set of enchanted platemail forged by Adalwulf Horen.  It has been emblazoned in the kiln of the All-father.


    Receive a key to the Battle-Brother’s lounge & shared armoury.


    Is granted access to quests relating directly to the well-being of the Kingdom.  (Unlocks Combative & Joint-Operations on the mission board.)

    [Mission Board will be posted shortly after this.]





    "I have been to many places and collected a great deal of different trinkets.  Won't you take a look?"

    - Curio


    Curio will be a new interactive character that will be visiting many different settlements, locations, and ruins offering his vast knowledge of the world's many secrets for those that seek him out.  Mysterious artifacts, strange rumors, and dark whispers are all available for the brave and bold, all you need to do is find this interactive character in the world to receive his knowledge and companionship to whatever adventure lies ahead!



  7. +1, I'm very confident this lad is going to do great work.  We need more active, aspiring young individuals to step up and take roles that will groom them to be the future leaders of the server.  Give him the rank already!

  8. Just now, 吳憾戰士14 said:

    I don't understand what this thread hopes to accomplish. Anymore than I understood the ones made by Vetren on the opposite side. If you're looking for symptoms of what is wrong with this community, this is it. From the OOC ****-slinging, to the probably inaction of the FMs too apathetic to put a stop to it.



    or maybe just stop taking **** so seriously, it's all fun and memes.  No one's having their feelings hurt by a little mineman forum banter, if anything your attitude is more detrimental in making an active whiteknight effort to silence others, dude seriously its all good we're all good, calm down.

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