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Everything posted by JuliusAakerlund

  1. What was your first thoughts when you woke up this morning guys and girls? 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. JuliusAakerlund


      Personally I awoke calmly taking a deep breath as I was rendered with a feeling of satisfaction knowing I had the whole day off and I could spend it in my own little corner of hell, noteably it seems like the caretakers had upped the antey as they had proceeded to defile my hell into my worst nightmare. Overall i'd say that is quite a accomplishment no?

    3. Vege


      was thinking about how good it is that Jeremy Corbyn and the snp have risen to power and how the combination of the two has destroyed the left and made the Labour Party unelectable in the short to medium term securing power for the tories to ensure economically motivated decisions rather than politically motivated decisions designed to capture labour votes

    4. argonian


      it'll be hilarious when the snp lose their second referendum

  2. Is this some sort of Daoist race of monkey people straight out of the myths of China? Not really played more than a week on this map, so quite outside the loop on the current going ons but a very well written piece my friend.
  3. I went to bed thinking when I wake up everything will be fine and fixed, seems to not be the case... SAD

  4. Wakes up, server is down proceed to question reality.

  5. So anyone know why our world is currently stuck in a perpetual Night/Day depending on where you are? I've watched the moon be in the exact same spot for 20 hours....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JuliusAakerlund


      The night is getting depressing and the occasional spasms of the moon on LoTC is getting awkward.

    3. bumblefina


      The ET's tend to forget to turn the sun back on after events. I usually just modreq

    4. JuliusAakerlund


      Yeah since this post they turned it back on about 5 minutes later, so suppose we've succeded in what I wished to accomplish. But thanks for the advice either way Shannon.

  6. I come back and hear guns are a thing? Are we making these mistakes again, really?

    1. justDEWit


      Dwarven guns???


      If so, they are simply applying for them to be made. If you're talking about the magic guns, you can't really shoot gunpowder out of them. The magic guns are just for aesthetic and accuracy.

    2. JuliusAakerlund


      See these things have happened in the past and usually what end up happening is that after they get introduced like this, a lot of people get them and use them in ways they are not able to be used. Now let's not go too far into that because i'm not here to claim everyone will make this mistake, however there is something even worse that usualy happens when lenient behaviour towards guns is made. In time the guns and other things amongst them like cannons are improved, someone manages to convince a lore master or some other high statured individual and then the real problem starts. I have seen these problems a lot on LoTC before and my statement is moreso a simple reminder of what  I believe will happen yet again.

  7. o7 Cruz is one of my true brothers

  8. Posters would be pinned to trees, taverns and stalls all over the realm asking all and any to read them. "Markus the Merchant is in need of Diamonds, send me a bird, pin a note or pen a letter and a deal shall be made and a price met." (Contact me over the forums, make a post here or message me in-game username Julius55, Grind_AI and Grind_Bot. Trade can be made IC, or OOC depending on the sellers wishes but RP is always a enjoyable.)
  9. De Solarbeams can't melt these Courlandic Memes.

  10. Weak, not enough Baguettes

  11. The Colbornian merchant sends sealed scrolls to those whom have offered dealings to House Colborn.
  12. Upon the streets a Colbornian merchant comes up to a gathered crowd, he speaks out as he unscrolls his scroll.
  13. A Colbornian Merchant steps up onto the heightened square speaking out as he holds a scroll in his hands with firmness.
  14. As the week comes to an end it is up to those of The Carrenguard to make way to their lord for payment. (Meet me IC in Carrenhall for payments.)
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