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(old account)

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Status Updates posted by (old account)

  1. What's with people writing insanely long stories about their character? Who even reads all that?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. excited


      It's more or less for personal logging and sharing. I will admit, it's a bit annoying when people do it constantly, but it still serves a purpose. :)

    3. Endeavour


      Like the character profiles? It you looked at mine I didn't really care about writing a long story.

    4. Imam Faiz Kharadeen
  2. Looking back at my past roleplay servers, the one that was too underpopulated has shut down and then the other which had more bickering, meta and powergaming than rp itself has turned into a forum flame war. Yay for LotC!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Narthok


      Soon you will learn...

    3. bickando


      Yep, yay for Lotc...

      Land of definitely no bickering, meta, or powergaming.

    4. (old account)

      (old account)

      ^ nope, not at all xD

  3. Christmas shouldn't be allowed because it seriously makes me continuously happy for more than one month every year. It's a drug!

    1. Raptorious


      go to rehab for too much jolliness

  4. a potaaatoo flew around the roooooom

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