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Status Updates posted by Governor

  1. The server is ded like zedd

  2. Annnnd server's down

  3. I just typed a Lord of the Craft backstory at 1:07 AM on my iPhone. ._.

    1. Lvke


      arent you cool

  4. #KeepCalmAndCarrion

  5. I attempt to change my display name to Governor Chase Weischoff, and hit enter too early...

    1. Endovelicus


      Lol. G'day govena!

    2. Reckless Banzai Screamer
    3. Governor



      But seriously. I've been sending out RP mails today, and instead of calling me Chase, they resend it labeled 'Governor,'

  6. I attempt to change my display name to Governor Chase Weischoff, and hit enter too early...

  7. Trin Keeper, it's even worse when you bump into someone, that happens, but then the next day you figure out they are in class with you at school..

    1. Trin Keeper

      Trin Keeper

      That would be awesome and terrible at the same time...

    2. Governor


      I should know, it happened around when I joined.

    3. Trin Keeper

      Trin Keeper

      O_O.. wasn't it kinda cool though.. I mean its like heyyy I know you I roleplayed with you!..then again... I'd be really nervous that poeple would think I'm as awesome as my characers..O_O... never mind, I wouldn't like that at all.. nope, nada!

  8. Annnnnnd server's down for me.

  9. Question from a newbie... how may I acquire the awesome banners for my signature?

    1. ThumperJack


      Go to the graphics forum section, should be pinned there

    2. Governor


      Awesome, thank you. :)

  10. As I am fairly new to the server, after acquiring a very valuable staff, when I was advised to destroy it, I did. The same staff was later on auction for 3000 Mina. I believe the worst part was the fact my character would've known it's value, but threw it away anyways.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. oblivionsbane


      Think of it this way. That same staff you saw for 3k has probably been in that auction house for the last few weeks, waiting for some fool to buy it.

    3. Raomir


      No one has actually bought them, they've been there for the last like 2 weeks lol

    4. Z3r05t4r


      As the one who RPed with you there and advised you to burn them, it's better, a waste of space for the common player. You can't use them as it stands right now. And RPly they would only corrupt you over time.

  11. About 25% of my servers on my list are 'offline.' These are the days when I want to nuke my own computer.

    1. High Prophetess Mezua~ ♥ ツ

      High Prophetess Mezua~ ♥ ツ

      100% of servers on my list are offline. WTF Minecraft.

  12. I listen to this during RP... #Rocky4

  13. Can someone please just start the server? This is about to turn into the LotC apocolypse, according to most opinions.

  14. 24 hours down soon :P

  15. This isn't a nap, it's freaking hibernation

  16. Someone click the start button so we can freaking roleplay.

  17. I hope they can fix the server lag and crashes soon, makes it hard to play :P

  18. Just lost all my belongings yet again to the lag :P

    1. Huh


      If you need help recovering your losses, feel free to hit me up.

  19. Give thanks for LOTC!

  20. Give thanks for LOTC!

  21. Those trees tho.

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