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Posts posted by Violino

  1. It has been a pleasure working with you, Chorale. Something I've learned in the psychology chapter of pre-med is, don't let one hour affect the other 23 in your day; because then you give other's the power of your self-control. Keep your head up and everything will soon turn out okay. - Vio. 

  2. I'm excited to be apart of this team and help in every way that I am able. It has been a pleasure to work with players I had not had the chance of interacting with before; their work and insight have been phenomenal thus far. If you truly are interested in becoming apart of the team, please feel more than welcome in posting a Forum Moderation application! 

  3. Ali... I can't wait until you come back. I hope you find happiness and peace while you're away and just know, that you're an amazing friend and a good RP'er. Best of luck in all of your endeavors! - Vio



  4. Look, I’ll be honest, a lot of people only know or see Luv for a few negative choice categories. But if you truly know Luv as a friend, personally, she is a person of great integrity, excels with work ethic, and embraces players with friendliness. I’ve seen this player forgive people who have point blank snaked her. Her former work on other staff teams speaks for itself.


    This player is passionate about the server and I believe and KNOW that Luv will excel in her endeavors. Girl, you got my vote! (jk) Luv, I truly hope you get FM and shoot you a huge +1!


    P.S. Blue drools and red is always the best lipstick!

  5. I have never had the opportunity to RP with Pun, but I did have two OOC interactions with her that were not very positive. Considering she did not know me at the time (as could be said when interacting with a new player), and the behavior distributed from Pun and how she condones others toxicity, is not what I feel LoTC staff would want to be portrayed. 


    For all I know, it could've just been banter, but it was rude and hurtful. Something this small is known to be able to drive a new player away from LoTC altogether. I'm sorry, but it's a -1 from me.

  6. A woman clad in cloth that resembles nobility writes to the Industry with an inquiry! "Will there be iron and gold for purchase? If yes, may this purchase be made in bulk? [!] An unknown sigil is left behind in hot red wax to seal the letter shut and had a signature initial - V. " 

  7. xZ3betLZGN2qPWsKVF9G3eAXuiGKi9a3Mv0xez1XzE7RprUCFO3IRTKCcyv0tKnOEcP1EcSRBgWj85lcEHVye2P9rD2lkftsMW8Snzkh2Xrbs20F3zW036NpRTbkdHXuewFWN4u5



    Username:  Violino


    Discord:  Violino#1016


    Timezone: EST


    What group player base are you most involved with?


              Humans | Elves


    Staff History


    I have, I was an Event Team Actor sometime ago.


    Ban History 


    I have never been banned.


    Blacklist History:




    What do you want to join the Event Team?


    The reason why I would like to join the Event Team is that I previously had enjoyed creating and developing events for players, engaging, and interacting with various members of the community; in which I was able to create productive events and participation.



    Why should we accept you onto the Team?


    I could bring a myriad of strengths to the team, including, albeit not limited to, my connections to various groups and players on the server. I can produce events relating to their likes/dislikes, and produce scenarios which would benefit their culture/ settlement best. Previously, I have brought a series of events to the server that was both organized and well thought out, providing those who participated a long line of enjoyability and engagement into what I had provided for them, and due to extensive connections to settlements, I thoroughly believe that I can re-provide these events for their player base; also provide events off the bat, therefore, should I be required to swiftly engage in a procedure, I believe that I would be thoroughly capable of handling such in an orderly manner.


    What kind of events do you aspire to create?:


    I desire and am perfectly capable of producing a myriad of events, ranging from both low-fantasy to high-fantasy. I’m very knowledgeable in the structural lore system LoTC houses and I’m adept of supplementing that adequately into the server.


    What makes a good event? 


    Realism: I thoroughly believe that, with an event, should come to some formulation of realism with its execution. For example, were you to enter an important event which could potentially linger in the stories of individual characters, and you died during the event; then, perhaps, it’d be best to invoke some form of PK clause- to prevent the stereotypical ‘comes back from the dead, lacking memory’ kinda gig. Of course, a PK clause for the event would have to be broadcast to each and every participant beforehand, and it shouldn’t be misused.

    Involvement: It’s highly important for the players participating in your event to feel involved. It wouldn’t be fair for the focal point of the events be centered around one individual, praising their character, and pumping them up unfairly. Player involvement can invoke player enjoyment.

    Creativity: It’s important to emphasize on the creative development and implementation of your events, providing events that aren’t just droll and dull will provide the average player with a unique setting and event to participate in.



    Create three in-depth event scenarios. I’m not looking for some prelude or whimsical idea here -- we want an indicator as to your talent and potential to be on the ET. You don’t need to write a word-for-word script, but we want a solid structure and plan as to how you’d organize and carry out an event:


    I. In an abandoned settlement, a folly of bandits have taken control of the village, and have begun barricading it against foreign incursions. Stowed away within the free-lands, they use the area as a means of storage and a hub to plot their raids and pillages. Their leader, a cutthroat by the name of Bran aep Evron, whose prior military experience has permitted the once shoddy group into a formidable force who plagues the roads to various settlements; once a steady group has formulated, they may take on the settlement (with bandits spawned by mobs with swords and basic armour), whilst offering varying members the means to an adequate role-play fight, as well as engagement via PvP/PvE.


    II. To the mountains, yonder sits a library, ripe with knowledge and littered with potential artifacts. Once owned by a vigorous, but now long dead Dragaar, the archaic ruins are guarded by sentinels whose sole duty is to thwart the unworthy from entering the enlightened domain. Provided a group manages to obtain entry, they would be capable of learning knowledge relating to their culture/history; and mayhaps even individuals whose names never made it to the history books, but alas, played a part in their past nonetheless. This could amount to something larger, a potential series of events which could come to the conclusion of the location to the dead Dragaar, who had either turned itself to stone or had been butchered by hunters of yore.


    III. An archaic band of Undead had managed their way from the Abyss and have made a base of operations, whose religion revolves around their beloved Patron; Sol Invicta. The folly of sentient Undead, enlightened by the fallen God, have begun the process of sounding the three bells in an effort to spawn Sol Invicta above the Abyss, and grant her freedom from her chained domain. Their distaste for the Gods would result in an effort to rally allies with a similar idealism to aid in their endeavour, perhaps providing a smaller settlement and/or nation with a formidable foe; a series of events wherein they can involve themselves in the exploration of the Legion’s agenda, and discover various ways to halt them in their plight to relinquish Sol Invicta.


  8. Adelynn Sarkozic's heart overflows with an abundance of jovial admiration for the current leadership's decision. "In time comes understanding. May GOD bless and guide the Curonians on their new path." 


    ((The music selection for this is 10/10! Truly goes with the theme and is heavenly to the ears.))

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