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    Mok'han'Braduk - Elrach -

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  1. As much as I am happy that we won, and that I am confident we would of won without lag, I feel this war claim should be voided or resolved differently. If it were us that had 30 and then declared the losers, we would be fuming. To be told that we were defeated when we had 30 men left would of wounded us deeply.

    1. Shalashask


      Neither side is to blame, but the staff team who have had plenty of time to fix war claims yet have made very little progress. I would suggest that this war claim be resolved 'red-rover' style, and as soon as possible. This would be where each side gets the same numbers that turned up for the war claim, and then fights it out in say groups of 10 until one side is annihilated. Just an idea. 

    2. Taketheshot
    3. AGiantPie


      Realistically the coalition could have won. Realistically Oren could have also won. I'd have put my money on the Coalition, (and it's not like the outcome of this specific battle has any meaning considering we can't do the follow up warclaim :/), but the precedent here is unacceptable.

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