Hello, Lord of the Craft, gather round, for I have some thoughts to share, thoughts on talking, and maybe also talking about talking, and then the way we talk about talking, and… well, you get the idea. You see, as I roam this forum, I can't help but notice just how much talking is happening here. The sheer volume, the words, the sentences, the paragraphs... Now, I’m not saying talking is bad, but let’s talk about it, shall we?
So here’s the thing, people talk about a lot of things here. People talk about talking, they talk about their thoughts on people talking, and then I see people replying with even more talking, and it’s like, wow! Have you ever noticed the beauty of how we talk about these things? but its also so meta. Like, you’re talking, but about talking, and then maybe you’re also listening, but to people who are also talking about talking. If that doesn’t blow your mind, I don’t know what will.
And then, there’s this structure to it. You’ve got your long talks, your short talks, your big rants, and your tiny one-liners. I call them “levels of talk” Level one is “I agree” level five is “Here is my entire thesis on why I agree in excruciating detail” and somewhere in between is just the perfect amount of talk, you know?
Anyway, I’ll wrap this up because, well, talking can’t go on forever, right? But I do think, as a community, we should celebrate the talk. Talk about talk. Talk to talk. And then, if possible, let’s keep talking about how great talking is, because in the end, aren’t we all just… talking?
Zolla, out… but not really, because I’ll be back to talk about talking about talking, very soon!