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Status Updates posted by Rebbie11

  1. Rumira sits upon a raggedy sofa resting in front of a warm fire. She sips a small bit of ale before picking up a piece of charcoal and sketching into the pages of a dark maroon book. Time passes and as she finishes the sketch she'd set the book aside and glance around Tharggus's mute home. The silence being unusual and dispiriting. She sips the ale once more and finishes off the last few drops before wrapping her arms around a pillow and crumpling up at the end of the couch. Swiftly her eyes would fall shut and dreams creep in.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Swgrclan


      (( ( is this a public rp

    3. Rebbie11


      muhaha, it can be if you wanna barge into tharggus's house
       (im at work and bored out of my mind, plz)

    4. Tharggus


      Tharggus walks into his house, soot covers his beard and spots his clothing. He notices Rumira on the couch in front of him and smiles. Quietly he moves to his left and places a axe of carbarum upon its place on a rack and moves to rumira. He quietly takes his seat next to her and shuts his eyes drifting deep into slumber.

  2. Is thornbark an alchemy ingred?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. _pr0fit


      Does anyone know of a savanna where I can chop acacia trees?


    3. Sythan
    4. Elvrohir Aureon

      Elvrohir Aureon

      Its a Dark Oak drop in Savanna biome


      Source- I have like a stack

  3. Post your thoughts on the Kha. http://tinyurl.com/hcglr53   

    1. Mrlollytime


      Interesting topic, hope it doesn't get to trolly 

  4. Tharggusssssss answer my application for mystics guildddd 

  5. What if you put a bucket of water in an icebox and it turned to ice...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. zaezae


      I would suggest that frosties drop ice on death but that doesn't sound too fun for the frosty.

    3. =Nkruma=


      Frostbeards could have a ice drop rate of 0-5.

    4. Rebbie11
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