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Posts posted by grimmothy

  1. MC Name: SlamPiece

    Character's Name: Illidar

    Race: High Elf

    What magic(s) will you be learning?: Shade Father/Mother

    Teacher's MC Name: Norivna(Taught me **** in like late january, didn't post cause I wasn't active enough)

    Teacher's RP Name: Azerlynx

    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: No

    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: Yes

    Are you aware that if this magic is undergoing an activity trial and fails said trial, that you will lose the magic?: Yes

    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: No

  2. A thin looking 'Aheral would sit alone at a table, adorned with nothing but two full glasses and a half filled bottle. Quickly liberating the first glass of it's contents the she-elf felt a tear roll down her cheek for the first time in nearly a century, and thought to the countless years spent with her cousin. After a few minutes of staring down the empty seat that would once have been occupied by her larger-than-life counterpart, she placed a small glittering stone on the counter and took the bottle with her, leaving a long and storied era behind.

  3. Do you ever wish you could un-read something? First off, with your biased lm or whatever, if they didn't do something that warranted a staff blacklist (they didn't) then it shouldn't become impossible to ever be on a staff team again because they have "a reputation for bias" or whatever. Frankly its becoming a headache seeing people posting **** railing on staff teams when they regularly contribute next to nothing themselves if you don't like the way the lm's or the fm's operate, apply for the teams and help them move in a direction you find more appropriate. If you think that event lines or antagonists were unsatisfactory, write event suggestions or lore for one that would be better or apply to become an event team member who could have creative influence on it. People simultaneously complaining and offering nothing in the way of actual help is immature, a bad image for a server that's already having retention issues, and frankly would really only result in the people who could make world shaping events like that happen less likely to want to invest serious time in effort into it. Cool world events are nice to have, but if you think that that's where your rp should be coming from or that you're somehow entitled to something more than what you received is ridiculous. A lot of time gets spent cooking up **** for people here and there is absolutely zero thanks, and no system to really meaningfully reward it. So at the end of the day you're deriding people who are taking time out of their lives to create something for people to enjoy without compensation. The amount of **** you people give staff teams who do volunteer work to make your day better is getting ridiculous, take a god damned step back and think about what you're fuming about.


    tldr: I went on a tirade about people being WAY too entitled about the the work staff teams do.


    edit: for reference I'm addressing both of the two big repetitive complaint threads of this week

  4. 4im8mo7.jpg

    Over The last few centuries, a group of vigilant individuals has realized a need that can no longer be ignored.

    As his prevalence continues to persist this rag tag group of individuals realized that the man known as Ski, Ski_king3, Cyber_king3 or various other aliases needed to be tracked, to be spotted wherever he appeared, and documented.

              They came together, and formed the banner of the Ski spotting society, dedicated to tracking and spotting the rogue ex-admin wherever he appeared, the code for a successful spotting by a pair of Ski Spotters 



              "Tragic indeed."


    The organization had a simple paperwork system for finding Ski and documenting his activities, called simply the "Spot Ski Bingo Board." The paperwork was given a unique tag to each team to which it was handed, and the team's prevalence in the organization was determined by the percentage of completion on the board.



    (Each spotting must be 30 min or more apart and each spotting can only count towards one board spot)

    Any who desired to follow the prestigious trade of Ski Spotting are allowed to join and assigned a partner in their expedition. A partner duo of Ski spotters worked with the dynamic of one to spot the Ski, a second to document it on the Spot Ski Bingo Board. The spotter is also the individual tasked with saying "Tragic" and the recorder saying "Tragic indeed." Partners rise through the ranks of the organization together, with the teammates being bound in stature to each other. 


    The Ranks proceed as follows



    20% or less board completion


    Orenian Guard

    In between 20% and 40% board completion


    Leslie Wiseacres

    In between 40% and 60% Board Completion


    Gym Rat

    In between 60% and 80% Board Completion


    Undercover Cop

    Greater than 80% and less than 100% Board completion


    Guild Master

    Full Board Completion


    Upon achieving full board completed the title of "Guild Master" is conferred to the duo,  all documents, rules, records, holdings, titles, firstborns, watermelons, video/audio evidence, criminal enterprises, charitable organizations, monarchs, plants, animals, guildhalls, clean water, vaccines, magics, apples, shiny rocks, nat 20's, liches, oceans, personnel and slave labor are to be liquidated, with the proceeds to be flung directly into the nearest volcano to the guild's base of operations. The new Guild Masters are then to wipe all members from the guild. After this they are to designate a new target, rename the organization appropriately, create a new board and crest with appropriate spaces to fill, and post fliers to recruit members. (It is perfectly acceptable and encouraged for old members to rejoin on a successful full board completion). The only two hard rules for the organization's recruitment are that the individual being spotted, and ghouls are not allowed to be members under any circumstances. (These policies are not to be wiped during liquidation)


    (A reference for the no ghouls policy)

    Ski Spotting Society Application

    • MC Name


    • RP Name


    • Character's race (non-ghoul verification)


    • Are you Ski?


    • On a scale of Ventus to Antiopa how needlessly edgy are you?


    • You smoke?


    • Do you have a partner you're applying with (if not you'll be assigned one)


    • The monks?


    Contact Illidar @grimmothy or Hane @Haintrain



    Happy 500th post me

  5. The almost echoing silence of the Library of Dragur was pierced by a low “whoomph” followed by a short scream. On the second floor in the magic wing, a tall Mali’Aheral stood over the still smoking corpse of another Aheral as she took a deep breath, wiping a small amount of sweat from her brow. This one hadn’t put up more of a fight than any of the others but, she reminded herself as she looked back to the gray skinned witch behind her, she came closer to her goal and helped out some friends at the same time, two stones with one bird as they say. That being said, she was running out of public places to leave charred corpses, hopefully someone would turn up the heat soon….


     Image result for beheading art



  6. [Application]

    RP Name:
    MC Name:
    kinslaver (grimmothy)
    Known Arcane Arts:

    Arcane Illusion


    Position Desired:
    When is the best time to contact you for an interview:

    Send a letter on a lizard whenever you desire ((my skype is grimmothy, I'm usually on between 4pm and 2am))

  7. 11th of First Seed 1626:


    A tall Mali'Aheral sighed to herself as her Illusion ended, and proceeded to examine her work. The conflict had been short, a quick illusion, a shot from her blasting rod, and the young snow elf who had picked a fight for her daring to enter the princedom of Fenn was dead. As she wiped some sweat from her brow, she gazed down at the smoldering carcass, a look of surprise immortalized on the young elf's face. Soon after, she removed her victim's head, and continued further into the town, leaving a trail of red splotches in the snow as she went.



  8. 11 hours ago, PoliceAli said:

    I think I understand what you mean by this, but could you be more specific on what exactly you mean for which blessings.

    So the issue is there aren't any redlines set for any of the blessings, which is a pretty significant issue with any prospective magic. Basically redlines normally consist of hard rules for a magic, spell, or ritual which sort of define it's limits and make it clear when something is being powergamed or taken beyond what it should be, I'll give a couple examples of where red lines could be needed.


    • For Myro's blessings, its pretty unclear what the limits of it are, do people just hear them from farther away, and if not, how does the person speaking not immediately blow out their eardrums and harm everybody near them including themself
    • For Eirik's blessing, how powerful is the spell, would it physically prevent people from committing violence or is it just the sort of thing where people would have a more level head

    Basically The lack of redlines is a serious problem, not to say I don't support the concept, I think the aesthetic and mechanics here are super interesting, I'm just worried it'll get abused without better limitations to the spells written into the lore.

  9. This is pretty interesting, but I'd like to see what the limitations of this are, a lot of the blessings are pretty ambiguous and that's a bit of a scary proposal for something people will be running around with, especially considering it'll make characters go insane. 


    Edit: What's the duration for the final blessings? Do you degrade over like a week, or more like 10 emotes?

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