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Status Updates posted by idiot

  1. Skin page updated:


  2. Stop changing your profile picture. <3

  3. We need a decent whole server meme... memes by singular people get boring...

  4. What do you want to see in 5.0, event-wise, that is.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Papa Liam

      Papa Liam

      I want to see an event where the Sprites wage war on Oren and we actually win.

    3. Aerochrometilt


      Tis simple really, bear hunting events!


      Just kidding, the events that are needed imo are exploratory ones that offer the ability for groups from multiple nations to come and explore. I'd personally really like to see the sea more utilized come 5.0, imagine the fun of sailing out to a sunken ship's location in a ferocious storm as beasts assault the ship and a dive team is forced to jump overboard in the storm and try and find the sunken ship that has fallen into a ravine. All the while various dangerous creatures lurk throughout in the zero visibility environment. Another scenario being some lost great Dwarven keep in a far off mountain sprawling with angered spirits of the past and lurking predators that have set up their nest/home in the Keep. Events can range from generic to special, all that really matters at the end of the day is you generate a fun RP for the players to experience and look back upon fondly, and look forward to any other event done by you.


      Also as Smawton sorta said, it's neat to bring back lore things once thought lost forever. Just a quick browse of the random pages of the Wiki will reveal so many interesting event ideas, ranging from old Halfling Squid battle mounts to lost Holy Swords. There is a plethora of things to offer to the players event wise, just gotta put the effort into transferring it all into an interesting event.



    4. idiot



      Thanks for the feedback.


      @Liam Kneeson

      If I'm honest, I think that would be done through a warclaim 

  5. What is the difference between a

    ginger and a shoe?

    "Shoes have souls." (Actually spelt 'soles' but for this purpose, leave it be.) :)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. DanDan420


      Ginger jokes don't hurt your feelings, because you don't have feelings!!!


      Have you ever tried looking for your soul?


      When you hit puberty did your fire crotch begin?


      Whats the difference between a brick and a ginger? A brick gets laid.


      Do you look forward for your grey hair, so you can get rid of that hideous and disgusting hair?


      What book will never make someone aroused? 50 shades of Ginger


      Yeah i've ran out now :(

    3. idiot


      The one about the brick is fake, lol.

    4. Ethan the epic

      Ethan the epic

      What's the difference between a ginger and a ginger bread man. Nothing. They both lack emotions, they both lack life. :)

  6. What is the need of a social life when you have the shenanigans of LOTC!

  7. Get Rekt Dunamis. Get Rekt Felsen. Get Rekt Courland. Get Rekt Caliphate. Get Rekt Laureh'Lin. Don't Get Rekt Summerhall. Get Rekt Aeroch'Nor. Get Rekt Fi'Ceru. Screw High Elves. Yeah so, basically, everyone get rekt except Adunians and people of Summerhall. :D

    1. Skippy


      orcs and dwarves good

    2. Pinochet


      ur annoying lol

    3. idiot


      Would that be so Athelstan? :)

  8. Oh, Hullo Vailor. Goodbye Social life.

    1. Kilig
    2. Billy5691


      What is "Social life"?

    3. idiot


      Aparently its something where you talk to people called Humans. Know what they are?

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