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  1. Angelic to Demonic is now 1.5M Exp. Thats 500k MORE than it used to be. Joy.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Salvo




      am i right mr?

    3. meg


      Q U A R T Z if the benefits cap at aengulic then why are there even tiers past it ?

    4. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      I mean, it's not supposed to be realistic as, according to staff, skill isn't meant to be reflected upon rp profession. It is realistic, hell, I mean, some people irl work for hours and hours for a perfect result on art and alike. But the issue is that this is not real life.


      Realistic grinding, as you mentioned, is harmful for roleplay. It might not be harmful for roleplay in your case, but, for a majority, it is. People want to be the best or maybe even the number one, but, I think that it interfers with the roleplay aspect of the game while cattering to the MMORPG aspect of the game.


      We had a talk about this before, yeah, you mentioned that it's completely down to an individual's option to grind, which is needed for decent equipments and gear - you can make an iron sword, but you can't beat a +7 40% diamond axe. While it's completely down to the choice of someone, it's the option that is picked at most over roleplay. It's harmful for roleplay regardless of it being realistic or not.


      The levels past aengulic promote grinding, because, as I've mentioned before:

      People want to be the best or maybe even the number one.

      And, over this, there's the fact that it gives no actual buffs except for a small reducement on crafting time as it scales.




      Check this status update pls i beg you

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