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Posts posted by paladinxo1

  1. I ran into this issue when I tried to be evil dark dwarves which is why I stopped playing them. People looked to us for a source of roleplay. Kinda like how early settlers in America would hunt large animals to the brink of extinction that's how I felt.  Just a mechanism to further someone else's white knight sense of roleplay of stop the bad guy and crush them or don't touch me because my fragile perception of my character being a center piece in the story of the lotc world can't be broken by a simple bandit. In truth I was being a bad guy to help give people that villainy roleplay they wanted but they just hunted us into extinction and life went on. Guards and cities need enemies to fight. Bandits need people to rob. The lack of wars going on in this map for the last year or so have sucked.

  2. [!] Grilthram Hammerforge appearing now after so long to read the tome of his brothers and sisters of the confederation. Standing in the room of the library a place he hadn’t visited in such a long time, with the travels of the world being seen across his face. He was old now streaks of white parted the red sea of his flowing beard and his face more wrinkled and furrowed then in his youth. He would smile as he unfurled the book opening up to read the history of the confederation of hammers. Greeted with the symbol of the confederation the symbol of the silvervein and hammerforge clan the gem and fire, the balance of them both equal in standing. He would think back to when he first roamed the wildlands near santegia finding a suitable mountain home. That when he stood in the valley where the cottonwoods would settle peering up to the two peaks of what was to become azgaraz and azgaryum. He never would have thought that it would come as far as it did, and it only has through the sheer determination of everyone that has ever called themselves apart of the confederation.*




    [!] He would write a letter in the back of the book for those who read after him.


    “Of all the greatest accomplishments of our race we can attest to. Never forget our greatest strength...UNITY.”

    “For all our faults, and all our sins, In the heat of adversity we persevere together and together we can overcome anything.”

    “Be loyal to each other, Never be greedy with power, All dwarves are created equal under the guidance of yemekar. Keep the lives of your fellow dwarves above all else, and stomp out any corruption.”

    Dwedmar of Azgaryum arise! Let us build the nation.”


    (A thank you to everyone who ever was apart of this movement. Those who built us to the peak and those who carried us through the valley. It couldn’t have made it this far without the strength and will of those who held high the banner of the confederation. When one dropped the banner another came to lift it up and so too when he could no longer bear that banner another came to share the burden until at last the banner reached its goal to forever be seen by all. A flag in the wind, flapping proudly the colors of the red,blue,and gold.)

  3. Axf42cdllI6HtUFVjrA9rtiyU_XgGUNjuN0ZOtlSNpXilTX7hLGLxRjV8ZhG4JBBScLIjMWpEB-rByoQg9rtUh2D528GJ2ywGvkuB-pjjOk42ywLNFbIcYkU76CBbh3ttDdsf8HS


    Hammerforge clearing the way of enemies during the battle at Aegrethond


    It was on the 13th of The Grand Harvest 1788 that Redwin hammerforge led his brothers and cousins Grimrodd, Grodd, Molack, Mrywynn, and Thavior into battle against the inferni. Tasked with protecting the medical bay that had gotten overrun he led his clan to jump down into the waters below and attack the enemy from behind. The enemy had breached the lower walls and we’re pouring into the medical bay killing all around them. Hammerforge might and resolve was thrust into the back of the enemy as the proud clan poured in from the breach the enemies had made. The inferni caught off guard by the sudden attack from the rear and the few that stood at the entrance were hastily cut down. Pushing forward the enemy had been alerted of the flanking movement and moved to form a shield wall to prevent them from attacking further into their ranks. The hammerforge clan moved into that all too famous dwarven shield wall and crushed line after line of inferni soldiers each shocked to see their friends cut down with such vigor and vengeance. They cleared out some 25 inferni from those small halls in the medical bay crushing any resistance before linking up with the main dwarven unit.



    Dwarves fighting the chaotic enemies in the depths of Aegrethond


    The battle below the gate entrance of Aegrethond was brutal as a stream of fresh enemies had gotten pinned down in the depths of Aegrethond broke off from the group that had flooded in from the medical bay. It was Redwin again who jumped from the side of the walkway down to the bridge below crushing the head of the nearest inferni soldier and pushing the demons back into a cavern hallway. There they hacked and slashed their way through another 15 enemies clearing the entire hallway of all the demonic filth. Pushing back up again to the main battle a giant gorilla had jumped clean across the motte and killed a few elves. The main dwarven line led by Dimlin Irongut Joined the HRA and sallied forth to kill the creature. Redwin led his dwarves on a flanking mission once more and jumping down from the ramparts landed next to the giant beast and by a working ballista. Him and his clan manned the machine and blasted round after round into the creature’s gut aiding his brothers in arms fighting at the main gate before watching the creature rear up and be shoved back into the motte below dying. The army was routing and the enemy had been pushed back, the battle was all but won. However, before the kegs were opened and the day called the enemy general Tichar cast an evil spell killing many defenders before his death. Including the mighty Grodd hammerforge who died that day from various wounds inflicted on him by the enemy. 


    Fallen Warriors


    Grodd Hammerforge

    Died at the Siege of Aegrethond 



    May his soul be watched over by the Braithmordikin on his ascent to the halls of our ancestors.

  4. Nf-BZItI5vQASi0O2D_3djIL9kBgZ_kFWesCbYEeeAItQ41Ok_fa7RIBrS8Ezyb1RF2JABGZFx_-_9qXG5gAcygB-cgLdxbDGU7IsR6BLjKuxL4w4S1jQ8Q1pGzgESnJACjXGij4


    Dwarf Navy | Warhammer Wiki | Fandom

    The Dwarven Naval Fleet arrives at the siege of Vitenna

    It was aboard one of the stoic dwarven cruisers that Redwin stood watching out into the water as the humans left to go fight in the city's invasion. Proud dwarven cannons roared from his own ship, and that of the royal dwarven navy pelting the great city with devastating shots. It was in watching the humans land fool heartily onto the shoreline of the demonic coast, that he could stand no longer to be left out of the gruesome fighting to be had within the city and called his clan forth to depart his ship and make landfall with the other races. Grimrodd Hammerforge, and Grod Hammerforge joined Redwin as they boarded the nearest lifeboat and rowed ashore to the once beautiful city of Vitenna, now set ablaze by the battle roaring within. Upon making it to the beach they saw the flame and devastation the dwarven cannons had brought to the walls and charged in alongside the humans and orcs into the city heading right through a small breach away from the main group. The hammerforges found themselves first into battle among the horde of creatures and slew them with great battle prowess causing a route to the demonic horde aided by the orcs. They pushed down the alleyway leading the charge slaying many a fleeing demon.


    Self Portrait as a Giant

    Hammerforges clearing the way of demons down the smoldering alleyways.

    Breaking off from the main group once more they found a ruined church and the sounds of battle coming from within. They burst through the window and moved across to the other side finding a horde of demons. The fighting was brutal and grodd and grimrodd were both stabbed by the infernal spears of the enemies. As things looked bleak it was the humans having followed their path of destruction who came rushing from the church and aiding the hammerforges in battle giving them a much needed respite. They retreated back into the church where they patched up wounds and having grimrodd escorted back to the beaches they made their charge back into the enemy. Holding his cousin up they battled together against the horde slaying many more enemies before the giant stone gargoyle appeared. At which point Redwin yelled to an olog to toss him and his cousin at the creature. Flung high into the air as the volley from both human crossbowmen and the dwarven cannons shot off culminating in Redwin receiving an arrow to the back as he flew towards the creature. Yet he was unhindered in his flight as he landed his blow on the creature just before he fell to the ground and watched as the combined effort of all of the attacks brought the creature crashing down. It was unfortunate that it landed right on top of the invading force, and as Redwin regained himself he saw the mass route of his allies and knew that it was time to retreat as well least he and his cousin be slaughtered by the demons.



    Gray-Dwarves; the "Duergar" - Corwyn


    Through out the land the feeling of dread can be felt. Stories are surfacing of short shadows kidnapping people for evil deeds all around the land. Few survivors make their way out of the damp and blooded caverns we’re so many died before them. They would find themselves branded with the dark and evil rune of khorvad a message to the world that the shadows are no longer empty, and the darkness is free of strife.Within every city a rune would be carved in various locations around guard bells, family homes, and hidden passages. Only those familiar with the evil that is khorvad would have any clue what these runes are and what it means.


    Deep within a hideout a clan father stands atop a small hill of corpses.


    “It is tiome bring the fire bring the brands. *Would make his way down the hill of bodies towards a man recently captured* “ you were a tough capture lad but t’at is gud khorvad needs strong followers. We onleh take t’e strongest anyway. *Would motion to the other dwarves to release a frail young man from the chains recently beaten and injured* “This one will leave ‘e will spread t’e message of our deeds.” *Would lean down near a fire where a brand had been placed for him by one of his kin waiting to be used just for this task.* “You leave wit’ yer liofe lad but not yer soul” *Would laugh hysterically with his comrades as he burned the runic symbol for khorvad into the young mans forehead* “It is a great day beh ‘eppeh t’at you can still serve khorvad in t’is way.” *Would then take the hot brand and slam the man across the face knocking him out* “Take t’is one top side make sure ‘e doesnt recall w’ere we are and cut ‘im lose tuh beh s’amed.” *Would turn back to the other man chained to the wall. A tall and strong man of great courage* “It will bring meh great pleasure breaking evereh bone in yer bodeh and ‘earing you beg for deat’ and ‘oi might just give it tuh you.”


    *After many hours of tourture and pain the main cried pleasing the clan father greatly.*  “Give meh t’e blade” *As he took a crooked blade dagger from another dwarf he would dig devious and evil runes into the mans body* “’oi release you tuh our great and mighteh lord tuh serve ‘im.”





    *Letters would be spread through out the underealm on posters outside the city and in the slums. They would also spread the word above in the towns of men and elves and orcs in the form of crooked and dark runes laced with dried blood written into the masonry reading.*


    “Submit to khorvad and you may serve in loife . Resist and serve in death in ‘is dark realm.”


  6. MC Name: overlord8000

    Character's Name: Datgog

    Character's Age: 67


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    Ologs are giant hunks of meat and destruction fueled by an endless desire to consume and feed.  Growing to be about 8-10 feet 10 feet at their max and 1000 pounds at the heaviest and most obese they live short brutal lives that usually end in death in battle. In fact for an olog dying of old age is considered to be shameful and is quite frowned upon. They have a low mental capacity unable to learn magics and comprehend complex tasks and mechanisms. The most an olog could do mechanically is push a button or lever maybe comprehend what its activating and possibly replicate it by pressing or switching the lever again. They have thick fatty layer of flesh that protects them and can soak up a good amount of damage but cannot stop a blade from piercing their hide. They possess the same curse as those under krugs lineage of warfare and destruction. An olog has little foresight saying whatever comes to mind and acting based on impulses.



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Do you understand that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  7. I was trying to condense the magic as best I could as it was already getting rather large in writing and scope and the key take away section was more of a like refresher on everything just covered so the reader for sure understands before moving on. I made this to be able to be read by anyone with the least amount of vagueness possible hence why I added the drawings and charts. I am really trying to redo formatting right now. Also @Burnsy I went with the multiple step process to add more areas of role play as well as more vulnerabilities to it. Lose your ring or your hefthyn stone start on a quest now to retrieve/remake these items by presenting garumdir with a great and wonderful device or prized item. The creation and maintaining of each item is just an addition to the overall possibilities I wanted to have available. Thank you both for your feed back I appreciate it and any one else who would like to chime in I need more perspectives on it.



    Update- I did some revisions to the format I hope this reads better than previously.

  8. Sorry about the formatting that will be fixed it looked great in google docs and I just didn’t know how to transfer it here properly and did the best I could still working on making it easier to read I know its a bit hard on the eyes but bare with me. And I can’t recall the origin of these words tbh @z3m0s I just kinda mushed cool sounding things together that sounded like it would be good for the lore.

  9. That is a fair addition and I am pro anti circle jerking. I will make some changes based on your input as to be honest its true. please excuse my formatting right now as it will be changing as I figure out how to properly import the original design from google docs. Sorry for the redlines.


    If any one has any questions after reading the entire document please post below and I will answer/Direct you to the place in the lore that can answer it or consider making revisions thank you.


    Update: @Zacho please reference the red lined addendum located under “Stones of Hefthyn and Tier Progression”

  10. All spells that would be of that size would be either for the admins to know of or something of like a siege nothing 100 blocks in scope would require a regular player to know the boundaries of and its not meant to as in it doesn't affect them( one addition to this would be the fogged lands spell but that will have a stone every 30 blocks with signs of notice.) I have no idea how to fix the red line spacing issue I am working on it now. only a few spells encompass that large of an area and those that are I have taken a great deal of time to flesh out and balance to the best of my ability.

  11. 88a575d9f876377b6f6423c94ebc6758.jpg

    -An adventurer gazes upon the last of the remaining above ground Valdahaz stones.

    Credit to Jacob Rail


    The History of Kar’Torak

    The stones of Garumdir are a collection of archaic stones scattered across the landscape. Stories tell of their creation by the daemon Garumdir as a necessary protection against those who might harm his work.  The creation of the first Garumdir stone, later named the Progenitor Stone, allowed Garumdir to protect the mountain ranges where his reevers worked. However, along with the rest of the world, time crumbled the mountain ranges Garumdir sought so desperately to protect. Still after all this time, a few of these Progenitor stones remain. With his measureless craftsmanship, the daemon made a smaller set of stones. These were the Valdahaz stones,  the knowledge of which was given to the greatest minds of the world. These worked to ward off forces that would seek to destroy Garumdir’s creations. This knowledge helped to further the discovery of multiple magical arts. However, it would be lost to the world until recently. When the dwarves delved deep into the rat infested under-roads, they uncovered a ruined city and a Progenitor Stone, sent by Garumdir to teach the ancients the way of Kar’Torak. After many years of research comparing linguistic similarities of old dwarven to the ancient text found on the Progenitor Stone they found the stones were powered by Garumdir and unlocked through the Ritual of the Artisan.

    -IC None would know of Garumdirs involvement with this magic and would seek their own gods as an explanation to its happenings.


    Red Wording indicates the Red lines of the magic.


    The Ritual of the Artisan




    The Ritual of the Artisan


    To begin, the aspirant must create a depiction of themselves and their soul on a large stone known as a stone of Hefthyn. Following the creation of the stone, the aspirant will begin to connect the Hefthyn stone and the Progenitor stone. They must submit a small pendant, ring, or other modest trinket that will help to develop the link to Garumdir. This trinket will allow them to utilize the Hefthyn stone and its developed powers without being near it or the Progenitor stone in person. The master of the ritual in charge of indoctrinating the new aspirant will take the trinket and will proceed to connect it with the hefthyn stone before handing it back. The Hefthyn stone is then slotted into the ground next to the Hefthyn stones of other Kar’Torak users. The slot is connected via a trench along with all others to the main progenitor stone. This connects them to the power of Garumdir, but must be in close proximity to the Progenitor stone. Because moving the stones away from the Progenitor stone causes its users and their Hefthyn stones to lose their magic, the location of these stones are kept on lock down in a secure location. Those with the full knowledge and mastery of Kar’Torak can restore power back to a user should their stone be lost or destroyed. However, this requires the use of the Progenitor stone. If the Progenitor stone is destroyed, a ritual requiring a sacrifice of great value must be performed in honor of Garumdir (Story Team Lead Event)



    Refresher--The Progenitor stone is infused with the magic of Garumdir. When the Hefthyn stones are close to the Progenitor stone, they tap into its power. The personal trinket a person holds allows them to then connect with that Hefthyn stone over long distances. With the power of said trinket in hand, they can create Valdahaz stones. For context, the Valdahaz stones are large warding stones located on the perimeter of the circle/barrier that allow the magic to function. (Valdahaz stones are discussed further below in “The Workings”)

    -The Progenitor stone is connected to Garumdir’s power, which is linked to the Hefthyn stones. These are placed in close proximity to the Progenitor stone, while the small trinket the user carries connects to the Hefthyn Stones - and thus Garumdir himself. If any of these trinkets are stolen or destroyed, the user cannot use the Kar’Torak magic.

    -The purpose of the Hefthyn stone is to act as a stand-in for the magic user’s actual soul having to be bound to Garumdir. A Greater soul is required to bind with the hefthyn stone and by binding to the hfthyn stone instead of the progenitor stone Users can cast magic at great distances away from the progenitor stone as well as not have their soul altered and remain untouched. However it is the hefthyn stones link that causes the curse of greed. A user can only have a single hefthyn stone connected to them at any one time.

    -The item or trinket the caster carries enables them to wield the power of Garumdir. He has infused progenitor stones with his power and the Hefthyn stones tap into that power. Should a user lose their trinket, have their Hefthyn stone destroyed, stolen, or moved out of its slot: they will not be able to use magic (See “The Curse and the Cavern”).

    -If the Progenitor stone itself is destroyed, all casters will lose the power to use their magic. A  great sacrifice (Life, Artifacts, or a greater creature - such as Ents or Wyverns) will need to be made in order to restore it. Likewise, if a Hefthyn or trinket is lost a smaller debt is owed, such as a troll’s life essence or a magical item.



    The Curse and the Cavern



    Image result for fantasy greed art

    The Curse and the Cavern

    Deep within a mountain, the users of Kar’Tarok gather at the Progenitor stone, which powers all of their magic. The Progenitor stone is held in a vault surrounded by the Hefthryn stones and their most precious artifacts/relics. Users of Kar’Torak experience Garumdir’s greed for artifacts most strongly when in the cavern. If an item is found to be valuable by a Kar’Torak user, the curse prompts them to acquire and hoard it. Examples include: well-made clothes worn by emperors or kings, magical devices, or powerful weapons. Kar’Torak users will attempt to acquire these items by any means possible - should legal methods not work. The curse to steal, buy, and obtain perceived “Grand” items is the cost of initiation into the Kar’Tarok magic. The vault, which holds not only the items collected because of the curse, but the Progenitor and Hefthyn stones themselves, is a closely kept secret. Kar’Torak users would choose death over revealing the location of the vault.


    The Workings of Kar’Torak

    (magical feat)






    The Workings of Kar’Torak

    (multiMagic slot- 2)


    The Workings of the Trenches and Progenitor Stone

    In the ritual to cast spells utilizing the stones of Valdahaz, the Progenitor stone, and the Hefthyn Stones utilizes a system of engravings in the dirt known as trenches. These trenches are lined with redstone chalk which when fully completed in a circle and connected to each Valdahaz slot will allow the dome to flicker into life. Essentially, they act as conduits linking each stone together.


    The Progenitor stone is the keystone of the  magic of Kar’Tarok. If found, it can be destroyed, ending the magic of Kar’Torak. Although mere weapons like pick-axes, swords, or even ballistae could not damage the giant rock, it is still vulnerable to attack from larger siege weapons, such as catapults. If destroyed, reference the red lines found in “The Ritual of the Artisan”.


    A Valdahaz stone is a smaller type of stone that Garumdir devised, to allow descendants to utilize the power found within the Progenitor stones. Valdahaz stones can have various distinctions but all have a few shared characteristics and limitations. Firstly, all Valdahaz stones must be grounded in the earth or stone. If removed, the stone will stop working instantly until it is returned to where it came from. Each Valdahaz stone depicts its purpose through artistic or pictographic portrayal etched on its surface. For instance, if a stone is used to guard a certain area, it would have various depictions of that location and its population. The stones can be no bigger than 15 feet in height. The more powerful and higher tier a spell the larger the stone will need to be.


    More information on the creation of the Valdahaz Stones:

    Each Valdahaz stone must be created containing these three depictions on it that answers the following questions --  Who is it for? What is it doing? Where is it located? It is up to the artist’s discretion to depict the stones in whatever way they like as long as they represent the stone’s purpose through the three questions. For example, when creating a Valdahaz stone for use in the Gateway spell, (See below: “The Gateway spell (Non-Combative)”) an artist could make a representation of a cavern or treasure hold. They would then create a depiction of themselves reaching into the portal, showing where the stone is currently located. So, if for instance the vault stone is located in a stone tower, a stone tower is depicted. However, it would not show the specific location of the vault.


    To use Valdahaz stones, they must be in a circular formation around whatever location they are to affect. The circle must have at least 3 stones to work. The circle can be no bigger than 25 blocks in diameter at the highest tier. Within this ring, the individual effects of the stones are activated, with all space around the outside left totally unaffected. Aboveground, an expanse of overhead air or other material appropriate in size to the circumference of the circle is also under the enchantment’s influence, creating a perfect semicircular dome. All Valdahaz stones can be easily moved as according to a stone of their size and weight. Once moved, all spells involved with said Valdahaz stone will be disrupted. In addition, stones cannot be tethered in place through any method.




    Overview and Meaning of Valdahaz:

    The Valdahaz are the stones that rest in the circle the caster creates. They can be easily physically moved if reached. This is the main method of countering this magic, since the effects of the stones immediately stop acting upon the circle when moved. They are able to be moved as easily as other stones of their size, or destroyed in a similar fashion. Generally, Valdahaz stones are wide and look similar to large memorials. 


    -Domes can exist within one another but they cannot be stacked, such as a smaller protective dome within a larger protective dome. However one can make a smaller decorruption dome within a larger protective dome. The domes cannot overlap and they must be within one another and not be of the same type.

    -As you go up in tiers for a certain spell the circle and area of effect gets larger which will require more and larger stones.

    -At tier one Valdahaz stones can be expected at a height of 2-5 feet. Tier one created circles can have a maximum diameter of about 10 blocks

    -At tier two the height of the stones can increase to 7 feet and the diameter of the circle expands, to a maximum 25 blocks;  the Valdahaz stone count remains 3.

    -At tier three another Valdahaz stone can be added to each circle, and their diameters can reach 40 blocks. Note that while increasing the number of stones per circle at a higher tier means more powerful magic, it also results in a more vulnerable spell, as it only takes one stone’s displacement to break the enchantment

    -At tier four another Valdahaz stone is added to the circle, now 5, and its diameter and power expands, along with its vulnerability. Rings can now reach 80 blocks across.

     -At tier five the only changes are the height of the Valdahaz stones, now 10 blocks, and the circles can increase in diameter to a full 100 blocks.








    Casting and Emoting of a Kar’Torak spell:

     First, the magic caster must find a suitable location to conduct their spell. Next, the Valdahaz stones are created for the spell. Depending on the specifications of the spell and tier, these stones range in number from 3-5. As seen above, (see: More Information on The Creation of the Valadahaz Stones) the Valdahaz stones will have artistic depictions based around who, what, and where regarding the spell. Then, a circle is dug/carved into the surface the spell will be casted on. These circles can range from 5 to 100 blocks in diameter, depending on the tier of the caster. Once the circle has been properly dug out, the placement of the Valdahaz stones must be confirmed. Next, the magic user will create a slot in the ring for each one to be placed into. The caster will then insert the stones into the slots. The small trenches that were previously dug are then lined with redstone chalk to allow the magic to flow between each of the stones as a conduit. Once the circle has been set up and the thanium is allowed to settle for a few emotes, the dome will start to flicker into life and then become transparent.


    Example of Emoting the Gateway Spell

    *Grilthram Hammerforge would locate the spot where he wished to place the Valdahaz circle.* *Upon finding the ground level, he would begin by making the first of three Valdahaz stones needed for the ritual.* * He would take out his tools and activate his ring allowing him to interact with the magical essence of his Hefthyn stone.* *As he started to bite into the stone with his tools, the design of the dwarf himself would appear upon the surface of the stone.* *The picture was a grand depiction of himself using various dyes and other paints to give color and life to his design* *Moving on, he would then take his own creative liberty in making the location of the vault he wished to connect  with.* *Having finished this depiction of the location he would move to make an artistic representation of himself using the portal to move an item to the vault as well as pulling an item from it* *After completing this stone he would move on to the next* (Grilthram would emote these next Valdahaz stones in the same way the first was created) * Grilthram would then make a trench in a circular fashion with 3 slots the size of the Valdahaz stones he had just created* * He would then go to line the trenches with redstone chalk before inserting each of the stones into place* (Traveling now to the cavern where he wishes to pull/put items. He would repeat this process he had just done as described in the spell allowing now a gateway to be formed from the original and newly created Valdahaz circle*) *A portal would flicker to life after the second Valdahaz circle had been created allowing him to transfer objects between the two Valdahaz circles.* ( This flickering to life would take three emotes)


    Sidenote: ”Blocks” are the blocks as represented in minecraft.


    Stones of Hefthyn and Tier Progression



    Stones of Hefthyn and Tier Progression

    The Stones of Hefthyn define the tier of which a user has mastery over the Kar’Torak magic. When first indoctrinated into the magic, the fledgling user completes a ritual with the Progenitor stone--creating their stone of Hefthyn (See “The Curse and The Cavern” above for more background). 

    Tier one as a user of Kar’Torak is obtained once a student has passed the ritual and made their own hefthyn stone. Tier two is obtained once a student has fully mastered the ability to create small and minor Valdahaz circles. Once deemed worthy they must craft or obtain an ornate object to offer to the cursed cavern in order to ascend to tier two. 

    Tier three is reached once a user has mastered and learned all of the various new ways of making larger circles and stones. They must demonstrate their ability and once again offer something up to the cavern of greater value than the previous item.

    Tier four is reached after a great deal of time has been spent searching the world for artifacts to hoard and the user gradually becomes obsessive and impulsive towards obtaining and/or stealing valuable objects. By this tier casters are very greedy and not quick to share. After mastering the creation of larger and grander Valdahaz stones they are ready to proceed to the final tier. They must offer up a rare item much more precious than the previous one to Garumdir to be judged.


    Extra information-The artistic design on the users hefthyn stone is reworked each time they progress to a new tier and become much more grand as they progress. Allowing one to distinguish a novice’s hefthyn stone from that of a master.


    - Once a player has reached tier 5 and wishes to split off from the original proginetor stone they were indoctronated under and go forth and make their own cursed cavern with a newly found progenitor stone. They must embark on a event lead quest to obtain the location of a lost progentor stone being the one they will claim. This adventure should be tough and frought with danger as rediscovering the long lost stones is no easy feat. Once the event line has been concluded and the new progentior stone unearthed it will now function as the tier 5 master Kar’Torak users new main progenitor stone and their tie with the previous one will be severed.


    Examples of acceptable items to submit:

     An ornate blade - Tier one

    Trolls blood- Tier two

    A magical amulet - Tier three

    Ancient writings and information of long lost knowledge- tier 4


    Kar’torak Spells/Valdahaz Circles


    The Vault Stone (Non-combative)

    This spell allows a user to create a small portal in which to store and retrieve items from. The portal created is only about 1 block in size -  enough for small items to be put into and pulled out of. The creation of this spell is made up of 3 small Valdahaz stones in a circular formation. This portal has a direct connection to a cavern in which the user can store and or pull items from. A corresponding second portal must be made at the vault or cavern the user wishes to draw items from.


    Tier 1- The Caster creates a small circle 5 blocks in diameter with 3 Valdahaz stones located around the edges of the circle ranging in height from 2-5 feet. Once the stones are completed and placed around the trench and the same process has been completed within the cavern of which they wish to pull items from (Thereby having two valdahaz circles one in the cavern and the other in the other location) the portal will activate after 3 emotes, allowing a user to pull an item from the cavern or vault to themselves.


    - Nothing wider than one block can be put inside of the portal or taken out of. Or in other terms nothing that could not fit within a 3 foot sized circle.

    - No living creature can be put in or removed from the portal of the Vault Stone

    - The portal is a stationary object and cannot be moved around once placed it must either be destroyed or left where it was made.

    - It takes 3 emotes before the portal is ready to be opened.

    - The user can pull items back from the portal providing  the same rules apply and the object is already inside the cavern.

    - Creation of each stone and emoting for them is done in the Creation/Emotes section under “The Workings”


    Valdahaz of the Communicator (Non-Combative)

    This is just a singular Valdahaz stone about 4 feet tall. The user will inscribe on the surface of the stone a depiction of two people talking. This spell acts as an aesthetic reskin of the roleplay bird messaging system. It serves as a different role play method to converse with a person over distance. Once the spell is cast, a small portal opens up above the stone and a letter can be pushed through, instantly being received by the recipient of the letter.


    Tier 1- This is a tier 1 spell only and the caster must create a small singular Valdahaz stone with which to interact with. The inscription like with all Valdahaz must depict the who, what, and where. 


    - It is the same as our current bird method of transferring information over distancing and the same rules apply. Anywhere a bird or other messenger animal could not get to deliver a message could not be reached through a Valdahaz of the Communicator either.

    - It allows someone to open a small portal to drop a letter through. And nothing else. It is not a two way device unless the other person also has another one in which they could send one back.

    - Creation of each stone and emoting for them is done in the Creation/Emotes section under “The Workings”


    Valdahaz of the Untainted (Combative) 

    This is  a very simple barrier that keeps back unnatural corruption and retains purity within the location. Also known as a ‘decorruption ring/spell” While the Valdahaz stones of the Untainted do not protect against physical attacks by unnatural creatures, they do increase the nausea of said creatures in circles of a diameter of 25 blocks or less as the power is more concentrated, leading to possible vomiting. Made by the Old Ones to reclaim their homeland from the corrupted influences of the world, this type of Valdahaz stone acts as a small beacon of hope in an ever worsening world.  The Valdahaz stones heal corrupted land one block at a time in rings almost like a tree, from the outside working to the center


    Tier 1- The caster can only create a circle with a diameter of 10 blocks and the dome will cover the entire area within. While the Valdahaz stones can be no larger than 2-5 feet in height. At tiers one and two, corrupted blocks within these rings remain corrupted, but the spell has the nauseating effect on invading hostiles.  


    Tier 2-The caster can create a circle with a slightly larger diameter of about 25 blocks and the dome would cover the entire area within. The Valdahaz stones must be 7 feet in height. The higher tier increases the circle’s sickening repellent effect on hostiles slightly, but still cannot heal corrupted blocks within it.


    Tier 3-Casters at tier three can now add an additional Valdahaz stone to the circle requiring up to four to be placed in the entire circle. While the Valdahaz stones must be 7 feet in height. The diameter increases to 40 blocks. Blocks inside the enchanted dome are healed of corruption at a rate of 8 blocks/emote, but at this tier and higher Valdahaz of the Untainted no longer cause nausea to hostiles.


    Tier 4-The caster can make a circle of about 80 blocks in diameter and an additional Valdahaz stone must be added, totalling five stones making it still more vulnerable. Each stone remains 7 feet in height. The healing rate is now to 15 blocks/emote.


    Tier 5-Tier five Kar’Torak decorruption spells are 100 blocks in diameter and require all  5 Valdahaz to function, each must be 15 feet tall. The healing rate within heals 20 blocks/emote.


    - All stones can be easily destroyed or moved if reached and cannot be tethered to the ground in any way. Destroying or moving one or more stones totally stops the spell.

    - All stones in a given ring must be on the same z level to function.

    - It affects aesthetic changes on the environment and keeps things unchanged so that evil cannot take root in the area it protects.

    - Evil creatures existing within the Untainted barrier will experience nausea and possible vomiting after prolonged exposure Around 6 emotes must pass before this effect begins to take place and 20 emotes before extreme nausea occurs.

    - This only applies to circles made with the specifications of tier 1-2. Any evil creature setting foot in a dome with a diameter larger than 25 blocks will not experience the sickness causing symptoms.

    - Conversely, the healing of corrupted blocks only occurs in tier 3, 4, and 5 made Untainted circles. Blocks corrupted in tier 1 and 2 circles will remain corrupted.

    -All tiers will need Approval and proper emotes. An example of what the creation of any Kar’Tarok spell requires is in the “Workings” section above.

    -Creation of each stone and emoting for them is done in the “Creation/Emotes” section under “The Workings”

    -While they have different effects, multiple Valdahaz of the Untainted circles of various tiers still cannot be stacked, e.g. a tier 4 Untainted circle to heal corrupted blocks enclosing a tier 1 Untainted circle to nauseate evil creatures.


    Valdahaz of the Elements (Combative)

    This Valdahaz prevents certain elements from entering a created barrier. These elements include fire, ice, and lava among other basic elements. This barrier also protects against magical based elements, such as voidal magic. It can only protect against one element at a time. Attacks of the given element will hit the protective dome, damaging it but blocking the attack from entering within, while attacks of any other element or kind will pass through, unimpeded. The spell may be broken by attacking the dome’s barrier at any place.


    Tier 1- The caster can only create a semicircular dome with a diameter of 10 blocks. The three Valdahaz stones can be no larger than 2-5 feet in height. Tier one protects against a single tier 2 attack and 4 tier 1 attacks before crumbling. Tier 3 and higher attacks of the relevant element are not stopped by a tier 1 Valdahaz.


    Tier 2-The caster can create a circle with a slightly larger diameter of about 25 blocks and the dome would cover the entire area within. The Valdahaz stones must be 7 feet in height. Tier two can protect against two tier 2 attacks or 6 tier 1 attacks before it is destroyed. Tier 3 and above attacks are not stopped.


    Tier 3-The caster can now add an additional Valdahaz stone to the circle requiring up to four to be placed in the entire circle. The Valdahaz stones must be 7 feet in height. The diameter increases to 40 blocks. Tier three elemental domes can defend against a single tier 3 attack, 4 tier 2 attacks, or 6 tier 1 attacks before crumbling.


    The numbers of above are not really easy to read so here is a chart.




    - They can protect against non magical and magical elements alike. A Valdahaz of the Element of fire would be able to stop an actual fire or flow of lava from entering it, as well as a lobbed fireball.

    - Only one element is blocked for a Valdahaz circle but other elements pass through to the interior without damaging the dome itself on their way in.

    - The barriers can be destroyed instantly with a tier 3 or higher spell of the corresponding element.

    - In appearance, the barrier is a thin dome over the protected area.

    - This is a weaker version of the guardian dome, the differences being  they can only protect against a single type of elemental damage, and are always active.

    - All tier 3 barriers will need Approval and proper emotes. Construction and emoting of Kar’Torak magic and Valdahaz stones are exemplified above, see “Creation/Emotes”

    - The dome is always functioning but requires approval for all tiers and of course the proper proof of creation emotes.

    - If the barrier is destroyed by a magical attack on the dome itself, rather than its Valdahaz stones being displaced or destroyed, and the circle itself remains in functional order, then it will take 1 irl day before the barrier returns to functioning, after which it works as previous with no change in power or abilities.


    Bestial Valdahaz (Non-Combative)

    This kind of Valdahaz was invented to prevent hostile creatures from entering the lands of the Old Ones. The Bestial Valdahaz barrier can keep up to 3 creatures of a single kind at bay. Past that amount the barrier will not affect the 4th and new additions to the barrier. Any creatures of this kind that manage to enter a bestial Valdahaz dome experience the stones’ power to hijack and effectively “scramble” their senses of sight and smell, disorienting them greatly. A path out of the Barrier is still visible to the creatures, so they remain able to find a way out if they choose, but they cannot orient themselves while inside the barrier.


    Tier 1- The caster can only create a circle with a diameter of 10 blocks and the dome will cover the entire area within. While the Valdahaz stones can be no larger than 2-5 feet in height. Can only affect small animals like wolves or deer. 


    Tier 2-The caster can create a circle with a slightly larger diameter of about 25 blocks and an accordingly larger dome. The Valdahaz stones of a tier 2 Bestial dome are 7 feet in height. At this tier larger creatures to the degree of bears, tigers, or sharks etc. can be affected.


    Tier 3-Casters must at this tier add an additional Valdahaz stone to their circles. their diameter increases to 40 blocks. These rings can affect magical creatures as well as ordinary, such as dryads, slimes, or other magical creatures of similar size.


    Tier 4-The caster can make a circle of about 80 blocks in diameter and an additional Valdahaz stone must added to a circle of this circumference,  totalling 5 stones necessary. Again, these increases in stones and size also make the magic more vulnerable and difficult to defend. Each stone must be 7 feet in height. This size of ring can to affect larger magical and ordinary creatures like trolls or ents.


    Tier 5-The caster can now make circles of 100 blocks in diameter, which require 5 Valdahaz to function. The stones in these cases must be 15 feet tall. These are the largest and most powerful of the domes created to ward off only the greatest of threats, including dragons or similarly powerful creatures. However, these creatures when near are aware of the location of the Valdahaz stones and are able to find and destroy them should they not be properly protected from their wrath.


    - Bestial Valdahaz, or Bestial domes prevent entry of creatures and negatively affect sight and smell for them that is if they happen to enter the barrier.

    - Only non-playable creatures are affected

    - It only affects one type of monster. Each Bestial Valdahaz is made to counteract attacks of a specific species. Other species of creature are unaffected by both the barrier’s repellent effect and the inside of the dome’s disorientation

    - Bestial Valdahaz warding off different species cannot overlap or contain each other , such as a tier 3 anti slime dome containing a tier 2 anti bear ring.

    - Instructions on creation of each stone and emoting for them is done in the “Creation/Emotes” section above. Crafting/assembling this kind of ring has the same guidelines as all Kar’Tarok magic outlined above in “The Workings”

     – All tier 3 and above barriers will need Approval and proof of proper emotes for activation.


    Valdahaz of the Timekeeper(Non-Combative)

    This stone was made with the purpose of keeping things intact from the curse of time. While it works well with keeping artifacts/relics from being affected by age (Rusting, Fading, etc.), the same effect applies to anyone entering this kind Valdahaz. The effect of a timekeeper Valdahaz works only on creatures with a greater soul, those who have a lesser soul are unaffected by this kind of Valdahaz. Timekeeper rings keep the person or people within its protection intact from aging, but only as long as the circle is unbroken and functional. Upon the link from Garumdir’s power to the protective circle being broken in any way, or the user inside leaving the dome, those within it will immediately experience the staved off effects of all the time that has passed. One such case would be a person who remains inside a Timekeeper, for over a century, looking just the same as when they entered. Then, one day, that Timekeeper’s creator has their Hefthyn stone destroyed suddenly, or one of the Valdahaz stones is displaced, or that person steps outside the ring momentarily. Any of those would result in more than one hundred years of aging occured to the inhabitant at once, resulting in their death if their natural lifespan is exceeded.


    Tier 1-The caster can only create a circle with a diameter of 10 blocks and the dome covers the entire area within and above in a perfect half circle. The Valdahaz stones must be between 2-5 feet in height.


    Tier 2-The caster can create a circle with a diameter of up to 25 blocks and the dome covers the entire area within. The Valdahaz stones on a ring of this circumference must be 7 feet in height.

    - All tier barriers will need Approval and proper emotes, exemplified in the “Workings” section above.

    - Any creature with a greater soul can use a Timekeeper in this way, Kar’Torak user or not.

    - Timekeepers cannot be used in a prison setting-- someone can’t be locked inside against their will. This kind of Valdahaz circle can only be entered willingly.

    - Multiple people can enter Timekeepers at once, with no change to its effects on each person.

    - These circles do not protect against any other kind of death not related to the stopping of time, such as projectile attacks, instant kills, or deaths from attack by other individuals inside the same ring to name a few.

    - Those entering are only immortal while they are within the dome and stepping foot outside even momentarily will make the years catch up with them. If this amount of time exceeds their reasonable lifespan, it can instantly kill them.

    - Critically wounded people or those on the brink of death can be put into the dome, and time ceasing its passing will prevent their condition from worsening, keeping them alive. However, this also means their condition cannot heal or be mended in any way. They will remain in a death state on the brink barely able to speak until they are returned outside of the dome where the results of their condition or wounds will resume as before.

    - Details for the creation of each stone and emoting for them is done in the emoting section under “The Workings”


    The Guardian Stone (Combative)

         The Guardian Stone is a variety of Valdahaz stone devised by Garumdir as a tool in his pursuit to protect his servants and workers. Similar to the Valdahaz of the Elements, they are able to block a number of attacks before crumbling, but Guardian stones exclusively repel large siege projectiles and magical attacks. Lower tier new initiates to Kar’Torak are not yet capable of maintaining control of this powerful warding spell until around tier 3. It differs in appearance to other kinds of magical rings by an additional single Valdahaz stone placed in the mathematical middle of the dome. This central stone is connected to the others on the perimeter by a series of trenches connecting to each surrounding stone, creating a wagon spoke-like formation from above. Unlike other kinds of Kar’Torak circles, these require one or more users to be inside it to work. To activate the dome, a user of the magic must place his hands on the  central stone. There are hand slots available for up to three people in total (6 hand slots on the stone) that can be found on this middle stone. Once the hands have been placed on the stone it will require all concentration to keep activated. Thus, the user cannot communicate with anyone around him or move from his spot in case of the potential deactivation of the spell/barrier dome. 



    Tier 3-Four stones are to be placed surrounding the circle. Each Valdahaz stone must be 7 feet in height, including the interior stone. The diameter at tier 3 may reach 40 blocks.  It can withstand the attacks of a single tier 3 attack or 4 tier 2 attacks and 6 tier 1 attacks. One tier 3 or above user is able to take control.


    Tier 4-The caster can make a circle of up to 80 blocks in diameter and an additional Valdahaz stone is to be added to the circle, totaling 5 needed perimeter stones. The central stone must be about 10 feet tall and can now have two users of tier 4 or 5 locked in. The additional user helping activate the dome’s power strengthens it, increasing the number of attacks it can withstand without being destroyed. With one user’s focus, the dome can withstand  1 tier 4 attack, 3 tier 3 attacks, 6 tier 2 attacks, or 9 tier 1 attacks. With a second user it goes up to 2 tier 4 attacks 4 tier 3 attacks, 8 tier 2 attacks and 11 tier 1 attacks. For larger siege equipment, 2 hits with one user and 4 with two users. It can also repel 8 small siege engines attacks and then 10 hits with both users.


    Tier 5-The caster can now make a circle of 100 blocks in diameter and it requires 5 Valdahaz on the perimeter to function. Each stone is 15 feet tall.The central stone is at least 15 feet tall as well and has slots for 3 tier 5 users. At tier 5, all three users are required to function at full power, all of whom must be masters of Kar’Tarok. A tier 5 dome with a single user withstands: 4 shots from trebuchets and other large siege equipment, and 10 from smaller equipment. The magical attack defense protects from 1 tier 5 attack, 2 tier 4 attacks, 4 tier 3 attacks, 8 tier 2 attacks, and 11 tier 1 attacks. With 2 users: 6 shots from large and 12 from small siege equipment(increased by 2). For magical attacks, 2 tier 5 attacks, 3 tier 4 attacks, 6 tier 3 attacks, 10 tier 2 attacks, or 13 tier 1 attacks.  The addition of a third user blocks 8 large and 14 small siege equipment hits. 3 Tier 5 magic-based attacks, 4 tier 4, 7 tier 3, 12 tier 2,or 15 tier 1 attacks.


    I know the above numbers are super confusing to read and digest so I made a chart.






    - The Guardian stone repels larger siege engines and their attacks but not small arms such as crossbows, swords, and the like.

    - It also does not prevent people from entering inside the dome,  or interfere with magic cast within as well.

    - The Guardian stones can be removed and lifted easily based on a stone of their size and weight which would break the magical network,  so they need to be protected, making this kind of Kar’Torak enchantment most useful in a siege type setting.

    - Attacks of different kinds and/or tiers are not cumulative, meaning x number of tier one hits cannot replace y number of tier 2 hits and etc. Destroying the protective dome using tier 3 magic takes exactly that number of hits to complete, and any different tier or siege attacks hitting the dome during the same battle will not help until one specific kind of attack reaches the necessary listed number.

    - Siege weapons fired from inside will hit the dome and cause damage as well so friendly fire is turned on.

    - All tiers will need Approval and proper emotes. Information on Creating each stone, setting up the ring, and emoting the process is found in the above header and under “The Workings”

    - It takes 5 emotes between the users locking into the stones and activating the shielding. During this time they are vulnerable, and unable to move or easily unlock themselves from the stone.

    - Only a user of Kar’Tarok can activate the shield and therefore must place their hands inside the slots of the central stone to activate it. Without a qualified user actively locked in, the dome and all of its effects will cease, making the entire structure inactive.

    - Only a Kar’Tarok practicant who has mastered  the same tier of the ring itself or higher may be able to assist with powering it. A tier 4 circle cannot be activated by a tier 3 caster. Tier one and two casters are unable to create or assist with activating this kind of powerful ring

    - If the barrier is destroyed by an attack on the dome, without its  Valdahaz stones being displaced or destroyed, then it will take 2 irl days before the barrier is able to be activated.

    See the source image

    The Fogged Lands (Non-Combative)

    Garumdir gave this spell to his followers to allow them to hide secrets in the mist. Developed for those who lived in the jungles and swamps, it allowed them to hide their gifts meant for Garumdir. When a person or group enters the area that is affected by the Fogged Lands they will become disoriented and find themselves turned around and will end up where they started, unable to progress further into the place they seek to find. However, should they turn around they would find their way back to the entrance easily. It does not disrupt their ability to fight, but does  prevent them from seeing further than 10 blocks ahead of them. Those whose likeness are carved on the area’s Valdahaz stones are unaffected and able to find the path they seek as in normal circumstances. This is an ancient, early developed spell unique in many ways from basic Kar’Torak spells, and requires a high tier to master.


    Tier 5-This is the only non-circular spell, as it conforms to the path that the user wishes to make. It must still resemble a closed circuit with trenches between each of the stones. There is no upper limit in size for the affected area, but there must be a Valdahaz stone spaced around the path every 30 blocks from its neighbors. This means while the Fogged area can be very large, the more sizable the path contained, the more vulnerable the spell is to breaking. Each stone must measure 15 feet. If even one stone is destroyed or removed the entire fog effect will disappear.


    - Creation of each stone and emoting for them is explained above, see: “The Workings”

    - Creating Fogged areas requires Approval and proper emoting

    - Each stone will need its own creation emotes making Fogged Lands easily the most resource and time consuming spell,  but successfully setting up a Fogged enchantment makes a place almost impossible to reach unless stones are destroyed.

    - No traps can exist within the fog to ambush  players inside. This spell is exclusively defensive by nature and the fog will dissipate immediately if any offensive action is taken against those who enter, including setting traps or planning on making hostilities which includes self defense.

    - Unlike other Kar’Torak spells, the Fogged Lands Valdahaz stones cannot be sheltered.

    - However like other Kar’Torak spells the valdahaz stones can be easily destroyed with regular weapons or picks.


    The Sea wall (non-combative).

         This spell was devised by Garumdir for his followers who lived on the coast away from the mountains and caverns. Unable to hide their valuable works devoted to Garumdir, he allowed them a way to make an underwater vault of sorts. This Dome when activated expels all sea water from within it, creating a vacuum inside. At the same time, the Valdahaz stones around the dome convert and pour breathable air into the dome. Due to their location, these spells are much harder to set up than the other land based domes and barriers. To create the dome first a caster must take a large or small ship capable of carrying the needed stones. From there, these stones must be dropped down to the  expanse of sea floor chosen for the dome. Since chalk lined trenches are impractical underwater, this requires the stones be wrapped with a chain made of thanium appropriate in size to the stones it is wrapped around. After this the chains are made secure in a circle between the Valdahaz stones in lieu of trenches. Once this is set up water will start to be expelled and replaced with air, finishing this process in about a day


    Tier 1-The caster can only create a circle with a diameter of 10 blocks covered by a dome overhead. The  Valdahaz stones can be no larger than 2-5 feet in height. This makes a pocket just big enough for someone to shelter a single underwater altar or other item below the water. This can be done by a single person using a small boat but still requires approval and proof.


    Tier 2-The caster can create a circle with a slightly larger diameter, up to 25 blocks.The Valdahaz stones for this tier measure about 7 feet tall and require medium sized ships to transport them out to sea as well as larger thanium chains.


    Tier 3-The caster can now add an additional Valdahaz stone to the circle, Allowing up to four to be placed on the perimeter. Each stone remains 7 feet in height. The diameter of the ring can be increased to 40 blocks. The caster will need correctly either a larger ship, or to make multiple trips in the same medium sized ship in order to place the stones.


    Tier 4-The caster can make a circle of about 80 blocks in diameter and an additional Valdahaz stone is to be added to the circle, now to total 5 stones, each now 10 feet in height.  Practicants must have proof of their ships used to transport the stones along with emotes throughout the entire process of creating and moving the stones to the location. The larger stones will require very large chains for the stones.


    Tier 5-The caster can now make a circle of 100 blocks in diameter and it will require 5 Valdahaz to function. The stones must be 15 feet tall. This spell requires an extreme amount of effort and resources. Huge ships that can move the giant 15  foot tall stones out into the ocean. Each stone wrapped with a huge chain of thanium infused steel. It is a momentous undertaking, the process necessitating its own event line


    - Creation of each stone and emoting for them is outlined above, see “Creation/Emotes”

    - It will require a full irl day before all the water inside any Sea Wall dome is cleared out and replaced with breathable air.

    - The dome does not prevent anyone or anything except water from entering there, one could swim or  fall right down into the air pocket.

    - Creating a tier 5 Sea Wall would need to be a large event that is overseen as it is a great undertaking.

    - Creation of any tier requires Approval and  proof of ships used to transport stones along with proof of emotes throughout the entire process of creating and moving the stones to the location. 




    I wanted to create magic that had a lot of roleplay additions and options that could open up new ways to enjoy seeing magic in the world. Large giant ominous stones with ornate depictions of archaic designs and other such things spread out throughout the world would be a great addition to the lord of the craft. All of the spells that are listed as combative are all defensive magics as I believe Garumdir was more of a secretive protective type keeping to his own. There is also no magic outside of this that really focuses on large scale warding at the moment ( some may have warding but none of them focus on it) and I wanted to try and fill that niche. I really want to provide a balanced and enjoyable magic entry into the lore so please post any concerns below and I will happily try to answer them.


    Credits -


    Revisions, corrections and formatting done by.

    Jokerlow and Dhealena


    Bonus track music to play while reading.




  12. RP Name:: Grilthram Grandaxe

    MC Username: overlord8000

    Discord: overlord#0292

    What Nation Are You Affliated With?: Urguan

    Why Do You Wish To Come?: To stand with my kin

    What Skills Can You Bring?: Rune smith, Monster fighting, Fire evo.

  13. Haha will have to do a rewrite to include that not just a reformatting so Ill need a bit more time to rearrange thing on my google doc if its not done in a week after this post I accept you guys closing this thread until I get the time to revisit the idea properly. But I am graduating this week so just need a bit more time on this project I literally just got free time this week and was planning on working on it so if the lts can work with me I can redeem this project.


  14. Will get to the rewrite this weekend. Been busy with school had to put this on the back burner for a bit but I got time now to fix it over the weekend. Also ya Figured you would have wanted to take Garumdirs magic in another direction @The_Broken_God but I just felt really passionate about making this stone magic idea hope you don’t mind me borrowing him.

  15. Ok thanks for the input I hardly ever make lore but I was really wanting to make something like this for a while and if I should add onto it what should I add more background lore and abilities or just one of those ? and I will make sure to flesh it out a bit more never been good at formatting crap on here. Ideas here just working on the execution. when you say magical feat do you mean like a addition to existing magics ?





    -An adventurer gazes upon the last of the remaining above ground Valdahaz stones.

    Credit to Jacob Rail

    Kar Torak-The history

    [][][][][]The stones of Valdahaz as called by the various races that have seen such old ancient stones scattered around the landscape. Stories tell of their ancient history how they once stood along all the places the daemon Garumdir wanted to protect from the other god's jealous gaze of his glorious works. As the story goes the creation of the first Valdahaz stone was made to allow Garumdir to protect the mountain ranges where his reevers worked on his glorious projects in the world; However as with much in the world that time had faded and soon much that had been built was gone returning to the stone it was carved from. Still few of these monolithic structures remain somewhere in the world broken long ago but holding secrets within them of the machine god. In all his infinite wisdom of crafting and machining the daemon created a smaller set of these stones gifting the knowledge of how to create them to the greatest minds of the world from all the races. They obtained the knowledge on how to make these stones with various purposes for creating magical works of art. However this knowledge would be lost to the world for many many years until recently; When uncovered in the deep roads by the dwarves delving deep into the rat infested depths near one of the old mountains were they uncovered a ruined city and within the ancient halls found the Grand stone of Valdahaz which was sent by Garumdir to teach the ancients there the way of KarTorak. Years were spent in the mines deciphering the ancient text but after comparing the words to many ancient dwarven words long since forgotten the miners were able to understand the stone and with it the KarTorak would be made once more into existence. The stones are powered by Garumdir and the one who wishes to make them must complete the ritual of the artisan to tap into this.[][][][][][]



    Kar Torak-The workings

    Valdahaz stones come in various sizes but all have a few distinct features that must be maintained. All Valdahaz stones must be grounded in the earth or stone if they are removed the Valdahaz will stop working instantly until it is returned to the ground. All stones are works of art and are covered completely in artistic depictions of what their purpose is such as a stone used to guard an area would have various depictions of the location the races living there as well as the place needing to be protected. The stones can be no bigger than 10 feet in height as these are not as powerful or grand as those of Garumdir’s vast makings. The last is that all stones must be in a circle around whatever it is they are protecting and or powering. The circle can be no bigger than 50 blocks in circumference however they can only exist 20 blocks below the surface of the ground unless they are being used in an underground location. The only Valdahaz not to standard with the 30 blocks is the Valdahaz of translocation. The Valdahaz can be easily picked up out of the slot in which it rests in the ground and will cease to work until returning to a slot in the ground doesn't have to be the same one. The circle must have at least 3 Stones powered to work and the larger the circle the more will be required one added for every 10 blocks added to the circumference.

    Stone of Hefthyn

    The stone of Hefthyn is what defines the level of which a user has mastery over the KarTorak magic. The first stone is created when the fledgling user is indoctrinated into the order and is what connects him to the power of Garumdir. The second stone is administered once the first of the Valdahaz have been mastered and a proper craft has been presented to the master the ritual will then be started over again advancing the user to the second level of skill allowing him various other abilities.

    • The first stone of Hefthyn (tier 1-2)
    • Second stone of Hefthyn (tier 3-4)
    • Third stone of Hefthyn (tier 5)
    • First Hefthyn stone abilities can fit within second and third stone Hefthyn barriers.



    The first stone of Hefthyn

    Valdahaz of storage. – This spell allows a user to create a small portal in which to store things in and retrieve them from. the portal created is only about 1 block in size enough for small items to be put into and pulled out of the circle is made up of 3 small rocks. This portal is a direct connection to the cavern in which the user can store and or pull items from the portal and is not something that can be summoned on a whim as it takes a while for the link to be connected between the cavern and the place currently at.


    • Nothing wider than one block can be put inside of the portal or taken out of.
    • The portal is a stationary object and cannot be moved around once placed it must either be destroyed or left where it was made.
    • It takes 5 emotes before the portal is ready to be opened.



    Valdahaz of the communicator- This Valdahaz allows a person to communicate between two locations on a vast scale. to activate the stone one user must place his hands on the stone which would then activate the other stone on the other side of connection to start blinking a blue hue until another creature places their hands on the stone which would initiate the official connection which allows the two of the communicators to hear what's going on around the stone in a distance of 3 blocks.

    • Both users have to keep hands on the stones or else the sound will not go through and they will cease to function.


    Valdahaz of the untainted- This is just a simple barrier that keeps back corruption of various sorts and keeps areas clean and pure of any unnatural destruction. It by no means keeps out creatures or any thing of evil just keeps back the environmental changes that would come with taint. It was made by the old ones to reclaim areas from the chaos that once surrounded their lands this Valdahaz is made as small beacon of hope in a ever worsening world to keep refugees and other’s safe from the taint of the world.


    • only affects aesthetic changes on the environment and keeps things unchanged so that evil cannot take root in the small area it protects it does not harm anything just is a means of aesthetically removing taint from a reclaimed area.

    Second stone of hefthyn

    Valdahaz of the elements- This Valdahaz prevents a certain element from entering the barrier such as fire, ice, lava and many other not listed here. this only prevents natural elements, not magical ones such as those from the void which can pass through the barrier as well as exist within the barrier. This barrier was only designed to keep the vaults safe from natural disasters such as volcanoes floods and the other torrents of elemental destruction the world has to offer.

    • Only one element can be blocked for a Valdahaz circle, This blocking does not apply to magical elements.



    Bestial Valdahaz - This Valdahaz was created to make sure that predators and beasts would not enter the lands of the old ones. The Valdahaz can keep up to 3 creatures at bay 6 for the third stone of Hefthyn user. The creatures are depicted on the stone only those that cannot speak and are without self-recognition excluding the undead are considered beasts and are affected by this is depicted on the stone. The barrier greatly diminishes the strength of the creature and prevents it from seeing or smelling properly disorienting it greatly however the path out of the Barrier is still visible to the creature and so it has the ability to find its way out but cannot navigate properly around when inside the barrier.

    • reduces the strength of monsters and takes away a lot of sights and smell for them that is if they happen to enter the barrier.



    Valdahaz of the times keeper- This Valdahaz was created to prevent the aging of artifacts and other creations. In the deep vaults of the ancients their remains their crafts untouched by time in a stasis of eternity forever on display. The time-stopping has no effect on living creatures only inanimate objects, Those within the dome of would find they could move things around as if they were in space sending objects flying weightlessly across the room however the sensation of moving through such  an area would have a drag effect on your body slowing you down as though moving in water. People exposed to the barrier for too long would cease to age however once leaving the dome they would find all the time catching up with them quickly and depending on the time spent within the dome would find themselves aged to grey or turned to dust. Hunger and other needs cease to be needed the body is allowed to work from the magic of the Valdahaz stones. the stones themselves are unaffected by this and

    • People can move unaffected within the time stasis however all objects including clothing have resistance akin to moving it through the water.
    • The time will catch up with you when you leave the barrier or it has turned off.

    Third stone of hefthyn


    Valdahaz of the Protector. - Valdahaz of the protector was the original purpose of Garumdir to protect his servant and their creations this Valdahaz creates a larges semi-translucent dome. The Valdahaz will require no less than 5 stones that are used to maintain the shielding. The shield itself is connected to the center via a singular Valdahaz stone placed in the direct middle of the dome. To activate the dome as it is not always turned on a user of the magic must place his hands on the stone of which 2 other hand slots are located for 2 other users to join in the ritual of maintaining the dome. Once the hands have been placed on the stone it will require all concentration to keep activated and the user cannot communicate with anyone around him or move from his spot or risk deactivating the dome. With the addition of 1 user, the dome gains the ability to strengthening its shielding as well as deflect magical attacks. With the addition of 3 users, the dome will have the ability to shut down all access in o out of the dome friend or foe. The user controls who is deemed friend or foe at the control. the effects on people entering the dome would be an extreme headache and bad eyesight and coordination they would be able to see the way back out of the dome however and with time all symptoms would start to get worse and worse. The dome with one user repels all types of siege shot withstanding 8 shots from trebuchets and 15 from smaller siege equipment. With a second user that number goes up by 4 in both aspects.


    • The Valdahaz stones cannot be placed underground unless they are making a dome for something underground they can, however, be in a tower or in the air.
    • the Valdahaz stone repels larger siege engines and their attacks but not small arms such as crossbows and swords and the such.
    • The Valdahaz stones can be removed and lifted easily which would bring down the whole thing so they would need to be protected and would offer a point of interest to attackers to go after.



    Valdahaz of the translocator- This Valdahaz allows one to teleport between the two rocks the place in question must be depicted on the stone and vice versa for the other stone the rocks will not activate if there is any kind of danger within 3 blocks of the stone and only those depicted on the stone will be allowed to use it. Both stones must as with all remain in either stone or soil surrounding the rock at the foundations. anyone can use the stones. In the old days, these would be used to move between the various underground vaults built deep within the bedrock and offered a great means of travel for the few.


    • If there is violence of any kind is transpiring outside the stone within a radius of 3 blocks the device will stop working.



    Valdahaz of the Levitator - This Valdahaz allows one to lift up the ground itself into the air away from those who would seek to harm Garumdir’s creations and crafts. The stones for this are the largest of all the stones in question being about ten feet high they are depicted as the location with clouds in the background and any other various mountain ranges or details that are seen at the height of the object the stones are meant to go. If any Valdahaz is removed from its slot all will stop functioning and the land mass or what have you that is in the air will fall back to the ground. Each stone added to the circle adds 10 blocks to the circumference with a max of 50 blocks.


    • These Valdahaz are the only advanced level Valdahaz to allow another Valdahaz to exist within its dome area.
    • If the power is cut for any reason the entire object lifted up will come crashing down ungracefully.
    • the stones are larger and harder to move so cannot be picked up out of the slot like the other stones but must be manually dismantled.


    Kar Torak-The ritual

    It begins with the creation of the first stone of hefthyn in which a small stone pendant/ring/or another small object with a depiction of the person and what can only be assumed his soul on the other side. With that on his body, he will begin to make his first Valdahaz stone in homage to Garumdir in likeness to the first Valdahaz stone. If Garumdir finds the stone worthy the pendant will light up as well as the stone he has just made the master will then carve and or dig a slot into the ground for the stone. This stone is then slotted in the ground next to the other KarTorak stones it connects them to the power of Garumdir but if the stones are ever moved they will lose this power to the location of the stone is kept secret and locked away in the deepest darkest vaults of the KarToraks. The head KarTorak user can restore power back to them however it will require the use of the grand Valdahaz stone kept even more hidden by the head KarTorak user and has the potential to kill the magic caster forever.


    • The Grand Valdahaz stone is connected to Garumdir which connects to the Hefthyn stones which are all placed in close proximity to the original stone which is connected to the user by the small object they carry if any of these objects are stolen or removed or destroyed the user cannot use magic. If the Grand stone is destroyed a great price described in the red lines below will have to be paid in order to restore it and all casters will lose their power to use their magic.

    Image result for fantasy greed art

    Kar Torak-The curse and the cavern.

    Most likely deep within a mountain the users of the magic gather at the grand stone which powers all of their magic as sort of a holy site for them. A cavern covered in hefthyn stones as the stones that give the magic caster's power must be within close proximity to the original Grand Valdahaz stone. This cavern is a giant vault for all things considered a grand craft the utmost secret to those who practice this magic as hoarding crafts is a compulsion they cannot control. The curse giving by the magic will compel a user to go out and retrieve anything perceived to be a work of art an exquisite painting made by a long-dead painter, The most well made clothes worn by the emperors or kings, magical devices, grand weapons, everything that was made by a creator and is considered to be a grand work of art will make a Kar Torak user go mad with greed over the object and will likely attempt to buy it on the spot and if failing they will more than likely attempt to steal it. As with most other magics the user is physically weaker from using this magic.




    The magic of the stones cannot be interrupted unless they are removed from their slots.

    They can only exist 20 blocks below the surface of the location they are protecting unless its an underground location in which case they must be no further than 15 blocks up or down from the underground location.

    Chains and the like cannot be used to hold down the stones.

    In the ritual to re-obtain his power if his stone is stolen then he must make a new one and that will require him to go to the grand Valdahaz stone which will make the user roll a d20 with three chances if the user rolls lower than a 5 on all three the user is pked. If the Student rolls less than a 10 he must roll again and above a 10 he will regain his powers once more.

    The student will not be subject to the pk penalty if he dies only one who has lost his stone before.




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