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  1. (( Telling people they joined a guild that you seem to not be control of, I don't know you might be, then saying to join a different guild that "is under a different name" sounds like you're either desperate, or trying to trick people. ))
  2. ((That is the dumbest way to get people to join your guild...))
  3. "Hm, interesting. I think I'll take up his offer," Ridley says as he pins a note to the notice. "Yes," is all it says.
  4. MCNAME: RidleyWing RPNAME:Ridley PROFESSION(IF ANY):Miner/Stonemason RACE: Dark Elf WHY DO YOU WISH TO JOIN?: Brotherhood and wealth SKYPE: ridleywing
  5. OOC: How active are you? On at least once a day MC Name: RidleyWing Timezone: EST IC Name: Ridley Profession: Stonemason, Miner Prefered section: Artisan Prefered Master: I don't care Which group(s) you wish to join: Don't care Anything more on your mind: No
  6. OOC: MC Name: RidleyWing Skype Name: ridleywing Do you have TeamSpeak? No If not, are you willing to get it? I don't have a mic In-Character [!]You stand before the Company crier clad in crimson and a scruff beard weathered from the ages, he takes out a document. "Interested in the Company eh? I'll need some information for the Council." "Your name lad/lass?": Ridley "Where are yah from?": The Ancillary of Ker’nor "What sect are you applyin' for? Sellsword? Service or Trade?": Service "What are yah expectin' from the Company?": Good jobs, good friends, and good pay "What is yer skills?": Miner, Sneak "Lastly boy/girl, be sure to bring warm clothes, it's fokin cold at base."
  7. Character Name:Ridley Character Age:120(ish) IGN:RidleyWing Timezone:EST
  8. Given Name:Ridley True Name (MC Name):RidleyWing (Skype Name):ridleywing Race? Dark Elf Doth ye aspire the path of The Knight, The Mechanist or The Magician? That of the Mechanist. Doth ye solemnly swear to protect your Crimson Heart brethren? That I do.
  9. MC Name: RidleyWing In game name: Ridley Reason for joining: I believe my stealth and smarts can be helpful to saving people Gender: Male Race: Dark Elf Vow: Do you, Ridley, wish to learn the secrets and plots of the devine Illuminatus Orientis, and to never speak of it? That I do.
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