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Ender VIP
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Status Updates posted by Remyy

  1. Hey can someone tell me the ranks of Sillumir ( High Elf guards.) I am slightly confused about it.

    1. Samler


      Some time since last I checked but, Initiate -> Guard -> Officer -> Tilruir'tir.

  2. how do I make another character?


    1. Potts244


      Type /me then the far right box will show you available personas, then click on the skull which is an empty slot, to create a new character.

    2. Remyy
  3. how long does it normally for your application to be approved or notim on hour 22

  4. idk but if you re be crefull humns wil kill you fast


  5. Im on skin making rampage tell me if you need one made

    1. Rayna Star

      Rayna Star

      What's the price?

    2. Sujamma Addict

      Sujamma Addict

      I can negotiate an in-game currency price. I'll pm you the info :)

    3. Remyy


      depends on how dificult the skin is :3

  6. im tired of waiting to see if my application was accepted or not,I'm relay worried I didn't have enough biography...


    1. Remyy


      But its worth it ?

  7. Is anyone intrested in being my elf brother/ sister? if you are comment or message me.

  8. Minecraft please come back so I can play :'(

  9. R.I.P mr.killagin


  10. when your character gets captured by an ork...........

    1. Nekkore


      Been there done that.

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