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Status Updates posted by Dhoran

  1. If a war cleric cannot use thier light against a descendant race who can they use it against? Villains? Halflings? Liches? Do halflings count as a descendant race, humans and dwarves?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Ventusyr


      War cleric magic requires a connection ritual that must be performed by a very very powerful cleric/Itharel, and like priest healing takes many RP years to learn.
      PM me, Dhoran, I run one of the cleric orders, I'm a teacher, and I wrote the current lore. We can set up a time to meet! Currently, war cleric magic is a little difficult to find teachers for (only people who can are Itharel, and there is currently one active), but we're working on making it more accessible, and the RP being a cleric brings is dope!

    3. Dhoran


      i will get with you asap, I work fairly often irl and will get with you when I can usually weekends are when I have free time away from work and family, I would be interested in clerical studies.

    4. Ventusyr


      Awesome! I'll be here :D

  2. How do I contact the app team I don't feel my app was read in it's entirety.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Neri


      Yeah you got denied because you're already accepted.



    3. Crowbill
    4. Dhoran


      This was sent before it got looked at, thanks though

  3. Does anyone know if there is a forum for the dwarven legion?

    1. AGiantPie
    2. Dhoran


      Thanks all I could find was the clan forums

  4. In the immortal words of Fudge Supreme, "Lawyered."

    1. drfate786
    2. Dhoran


      It's from the show how I met your mother

  5. looking forward to meeting everyone if my app gets accepted

    1. Burniston


      Lol nice little hint to the App Team xD

  6. i need a GM in game. my app was accepted yesterday and so far i haven't been whitelisted.


    1. mitto


      Give it time the GMs are busy people. Someone will do it soon 

  7. Just put in my app for the server, I'm hoping all of you enjoy it. I really have nothing against elves irl. I became inspired and ran with it.

  8. so i was accepted now the last wait before roleplay, the whitelist wait.

  9. can we get items back that were lost in the server reset? or is that still a no? theres only 1 i cared about

  10. how long was it supposed to be down?

  11. I want screenshots of my use of fast travel until then your evidence is circumstantial. Those of you admins who still do your job fairly i congratulate you. the others let your guilt stand as your own punishment.

  12. DrakeHaze check your messages your new Gorkil skin is complete.

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