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Posts posted by Whiplash

  1. When you pack a large amount of people into a place like LOTC, there's always gonna be personality conflicts, and there's always gonna be the bad eggs. Making the statement "LOTC is full of psychopaths, sadists, and narcissists" is speaking the truth, yes, but to many it's been apparent for a long time. However, almost every internet community in the world has psychopaths, sadists, and narcissists, which makes the little revelation found within the post a lot less surprising. We only see more of it on LOTC because we're not as large as many other communities.


    I do want to know why it was necessary to put this post on an anonymous account, actually saying it in person would give it more strength as a post, instead of playing the safe card.

  2. Along with the more recent news of Global Assembly affairs, a well-written, formal missive would join them.

    "Upon the recent events, it's about time I write this as a way of formally announcing my resignation from the Global Assembly.


    The entire organization itself was a mistake.


    What was once the a great beacon of global discussion has since been bastardized into a globalist nightmare that I can no longer properly follow. I used to preach great things of the Global Assembly, planning to return it to our original idea, but we went further and further into the deeper end. The horrid one. I cannot bear stand witness to something I've built with the sweat of my brow become bastardized more and more by the sins of Lotte Baptiste and his agenda. I no longer wish to uphold the ideals that we had created, for those have been bastardized in itself. I wish to publicize this resignation as an admittance of failure, regret, and sorrow. I failed the organization from going down the path it at once pushed for. I couldn't stop him. I apologize for the failure and the sins of what was once the grand idea. I came in as a small-time political theorist, and came out as a bastardization of my own person. I denounce anything that is to come of the Global Assembly, and beg of them to formally dissolve their current assets."

    -Alexandra Bradshawe

    12th of the Grand Harvest, 1660.


  3. Alexandra would reminisce, piss-drunk, alone in her office. "A friend was lost today, a good one indeed..." She'd mutter, setting her whiskey-laced vintage Stauntbucks dark roast to the side, as she'd put her hands in her face, stricken with grief.

  4. Minecraft Account Name(s) Whiplashist, PoisonX

    Discord Whiplash#1815

    How long have you played on LoTC? I've played on LOTC since Late-Fringe Era, although I had grown active during Athera.

    Timezone and Availability Eastern Standard Time (EST), I'm usually avaliable almost every day, from 4 PM -10 PM


    What lore are you versed in most?

    I'd say I'm most versed in Creature and Magic Lore of all things, I've went through multiple guides in the past and I have a general understanding of how particular things work for them. I'd say the voidals are my strong-suit for magic specifically.


    Give a summary of any staff positions you have held on LoTC

    I had once held a position as an Event Team Actor for two months, but had fallen out of activity after a family trouble came around.


    Have you ever written lore for LoTC?


    I've written lore once, at the 2017 Creature Submission form back in December of 2017, hot off the release of Star-Wars, The Last Jedi. Here it is:

    Other than that, I haven't written lore, but I've proofread, edited, and contributed with some pieces of separate lore, such as Vezzin's Kloning Lore.



    Have you ever received a blacklist or ban?

    I have never been blacklisted or banned, no.


    Who do you not get along with on the Lore Team?

    I can't say I quarrel with any LT Members. Except flam he extra lame and smelly.



    Current Username: Whiplashist


    Discord(‘You got it’ does not suffice): Whiplash#1815


    Timezone(s) you mainly play: Eastern Standard (EST)


    What group/nation do you consider to be your main?: I main a human, although they interact with both elves and humans.




    Have you held a staff position before?: Yes, I held ET at around December of 2016.


    Do you currently hold a staff position?: I currently do not.


    Do you plan on applying for other staff positions?: I do not intend on it at the moment.


    Have you ever been banned before? If so, how long ago and what reason?: I have never been banned.




    What style of events do you feel you enjoy creating? (Low Fantasy, High Fantasy, Quests, Dungeons, etc.): I’d say I’m more of a proponent for lower-fantasy, darker events that involve more darker tones and twisted imagery, as a way to move the participants of my events into a more uncomfortable and almost scary environment. I enjoy quest events as well, giving the players a means and a reason to travel to a distant area, allowing for them to discover a brand new location that has either never been seen, or often overlooked.


    List three factors you feel play a part in a quality event and expand upon them.

    1) Participation: An event requires a fair amount of participation that’s spread between all of those who wish to attend. It’s generally a bad idea to give one player the complete spotlight in the event, as it proves discouraging for the others who wish to participate and achieve, and it shows a sense of favoritism. This is also the case on the actor’s part, as if the players are seemingly doing too much too fast, without any actor emotes, it’d show a general disinterest by the actor themselves.

    2) Storytelling: Coming from someone who has collected comic books for over three years now, I’ve paid a lot of attention to story arcs and long-lasting plot trends. An eventline can be proven successful if it can follow the basic plot diagram, involving the exposition, opening conflict, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution. Another way to tell a proper storyline over a longer time would be planning events ahead of time, factoring in potential player-choices and solutions.

    3) Pre-writing: A pre-written and pre-planned event can go miles ahead of an event that’s done on the spot. I know that some events have to be done on the spot due to timing purposes and such, but the best-laid events are those that have been conceived, developed, and played properly. Pre-writing can go a long way for any sort of event as, like an essay, preplanning can get ideas across and compared/contrasted, while also showing a certain level of professionalism.


    Which member(s) of the team would you attempt to emulate and why?: Papa_Liam. He’s such a good RPer, and his events (after attending one myself), are totally insane and fun to participate in. His utilization of music and scenery allows for a more immersive roleplay experience.


    Provide three event scenarios, in total, of the style(s) you listed above:

    Scenario One) The Black Butcher: A mysterious serial killer has terrorized the frontiers of Atlas, cutting his victims open and butchering them like animals. His heinous acts have allowed for him to garner a certain level of notoriety in the land, to the extent where many have chosen to investigate his ferocious killings with a certain level of intrigue. The Black Butcher himself is a seemingly elusive man, whose multiple skills involving covering his tracks and removing proper evidence have made him a spectre in the eyes of those who search for him. However, a major flaw in his work is discovered, as he has seemingly left the notes of the man he had previously murdered behind, the man being one who has investigated his killings. It’s up to the participants to discover the true motives of the Black Butcher, track him down, and solve the problem for good.


    Scenario Two) The Stone Ledger: An anonymous tip sends a group of explorers towards the site of a former mass-grave, marked by a scattered amount of descendant bones and a simple two-sided stone tablet. The ledger itself contains the names of the victims, and a simple marking of the name would signify the dead. It’s soon discovered that the anonymous tip is made by a local farm-owner, who has utilized the stone ledger to keep track of those he wishes to feed to a nearby Wendigo, as a means to keep it away from his family. The group will have to make a moral choice, on if the man is morally correct for protecting his family and their home in such a way, or if he should receive a form of justice.


    Scenario Three) A Skeletal Affair: In a more morbidly comedic event, a wooden key is given to a group by a seemingly sweaty, heavy-set man, whose entire home is covered in skeletal memorabilia. The key seemingly only fits in one of the doors across the house, which is seemingly his cellar, where deep within, they would find that the man had kept his own personal collection of skeletons, belonging to multiple different organisms, such as dogs, cats, descendants of all kinds, and even the skeleton of what looks to be a shark. The man explains himself, having fallen obsessed with skeletons after seeing his parents pass away and rot, as he feels a sort of parental solace with the quiet, empty bones. How the players react, is their choice.



    Why do you wish to become an ET Actor Member?: As an ET actor, I’d love to give anyone on LOTC memorable experiences and a certain amount of fun to their RP experience. I like to see events as an occasional foray into the unusual, like a trip to a new restaurant, or a vacation to a new spot. By giving LOTC players such events, RP in general is spiced up, as


    What strengths would you bring to the team?: I think my storytelling capabilities would bring stronger narrative-based and morally-gray events that could offer the participants an emotional and heavy experience that they will remember. I’m always into giving people fun experiences that they can look back on and smile at. I also believe that my strong work-ethic can provide a constant flow of events, considering my writing talent and my very large imagination can give anyone a very interesting and strong event.


    What are your weaknesses?: I’m generally one to get extremely stressed if something goes wrong, which eventually leads to a general sense of OCD in me. I generally don’t enjoy those who wish to do an overtly annoying amount of OOC in events, either, considering the OOC will eventually provide distractions more than just them. One final weakness that I have is my need to take breaks occasionally, sometimes lasting as long as a week, considering I usually feel burned out after doing a ton of work on something.


    How much time could you give to this position in the foreseeable future?: I could probably provide a very grand amount of time into working on the ET, as my future is currently cleared out. The only times I couldn’t really be active is on vacations and during project-days for me.

  6. This story has encourage me to address other things about my life. I know that there are stories out there about me and that have been fueled by the fact that I have been so protective of my privacy. As those closest to me know, in my life I have had relationships with both men and women. I have loved and had romantic encounters with men throughout my life, and I choose now to live as a gay man. I want to deal with this honestly and openly and that starts with examining my own behavior.


    Name: Alexandra Bradshawe
    Address/Property: 3 Cloud District
    Nationality: Marnan

    Party: Marna First


    [ ] Aran Talraen

    [x] Alexandre Ashford d’Aryn

    [ ] Godwyn Crast

    [ ] Abstain

    [ ] Force these structures into vassalization

    [x] Assimilate these settlements peacefully

    [ ] Destroy and displace said settlements

    [ ] Leave these settlements be

    [ ] Abstain



    [x] Yes

    [ ] No

    [ ] Abstain



    [ ] Yes

    [x] No

    [ ] Abstain



    [x] Yes

    [ ] No

    [ ] Abstain



    [ ] Yes

    [x] No

    [ ] Abstain

  8. (Name of the creature ): Borps


    (Picture reference including credit to artist)


    Designed by Neal Scanlan


    Image by Chalecus (deviantart)


    Habitat: The Borps can be found in mountainous and forested environments, as they opt to nest in higher-up areas, that being ridges along the mountains, or high in the trees.


    Size: Borps are usually about a foot tall, yet their young hatchlings would range to be only a few inches. Due to their small size, they usually only weight two to four pounds.


    Diet: Borps feast on a omnivorous diet, similar to many other seabirds, eating foods such as worms, nuts and berries, and even discarded food left behind by people, such as leftover pieces of lettuce and celery.


    Temperament: Borps are generally docile little seabirds, bound to use their small wings to flap up and bite when threatened.


    -Brief Summary of the Creature -


    Characteristic: (Behaviour, Reproduction, Gathering food)

    The Borp, as a creature, live on rocky coastlines, in coastal forests, and on beaches. Borps are usually well behaved little seabirds, yet they follow a pack mentality. When a fellow member of their flock is in danger, they tend to come together to use their numbers to scare off prey. Borps are crafty little birds, tending to swipe things from visitors to their habitats, such as small pieces of their food, coins, arrowheads, and in rare cases, large sticks. Borps tend to lay eggs in nests made of grasses and sticks, and they follow a general roosting behavior, where the male Borp stays with the eggs to keep them warm. Borps are characterized by their white-feathered bellies, with dark grey and dark brown feathers on their backs. They also have either orange or clay colored feathered accents around their beady little eyes. Borps have webbed feet, making them excellent swimmers in water.

    The noises that Borps make are in the form of small, loud warbles, making a GWAH noise with every warble. Other than the warble, they tend to make small chirps on the side, however. Borps tend to be afraid of those who pose a threat, such as a those who run at them quickly, attempt to pick them up without their trust, and of course, attempting to hurt them.



    Borps were originally found as the descendents arrived at the beaches of Atlas, their large, beady eyes and their egg shape attracting birdwatchers and admirers from all around. The Atlasian shorebirds began to adapt to lifestyles around new coastal settlements, flapping themselves onto rooftops and thriving off of stolen food.



    Borps have multiple weaknesses, many shared by other small birds. Their smaller stature makes them harder to hit, yet they aren’t durable from many attacks.


    LM Approval Required: No.


    If playable, what are redlines?:

    -It’s unlikely that a Borp would be useful in a fight, and it carries no lethal parts to their body.

    -Borps tend to not be loners, tending to stay in packs with their flock. However, if they are tamed, they will consider their owner as a part of their flock.

    -Borps do not have tail feathers or sharp teeth.

    -Borps, due to their inexperience with sentient beings, tend to trust descendants, allowing them to get close, and even pet them. Borps are almost never hostile to those who don’t pose a threat to them.

  9. OOC:

    MC Name?: Whiplashist

    Discord?(Required, can PM me.): Whiplash#1815



    Full Name: Alexandra Bradshawe

    Race: Heartlander

    Age: 35

    Reasoning for joining?: I wish to learn more about the world and the arcane, as I've studied in the past, and to share and take in new knowledge that I haven't seen before.

    When are you free for an interview?: Many evenings. ((Early-to-Late Afternoon EST))

    Do you swear to follow and uphold all of the Guild's rules and customs?: I swear.

    What position do you seek?(If an official position, let me know.): Researcher

    What is your favorite color?: Magenta

  10. There's a lot to say about Wapples, and all of it's positive. He's an amazing friend, and really fun to hang around. He has a great work ethic, and can easily dedicate himself to a task at hand. I think he'd be a well-set member of the Wiki Team. +1

  11. MC Name: Whiplashist


    Character's Name: Alexandra


    Character's Age: 35


    Character's Race: Human


    What magic(s) will you be learning?: Transfiguration


    Teacher's MC Name: SpodoKaiba


    Teacher's RP Name: Steven


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it: N/A


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?: Yes.


    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app: N/A

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