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Posts posted by Whiplash

  1. On 10/21/2016 at 6:33 AM, Jaeden said:

    he application is rather good, I only have one issue however.

    With how you've given your event examples, they seem fairly railroaded. In a situation as an Event Actor, you'll be expected to improvise no matter what happens. You might have someone in your group that's capable of doing some sort of spooky magic, bypassing barriers that you've set. While I'd love to take you on, you need to be aware that event acting isn't just about 'story-telling', it's about progressing the story of your participants.


    On 10/21/2016 at 6:35 AM, Sky said:


    Seems good, as long as you keep things dynamic and do not force outcomes if those involved push it away from the path.


    I'll definitely take these into account, thanks!

    • Minecraft name(s): Whiplashist, Whipley
    • Skype ID: live:whiplash321
    • Timezone: Eastern Standard Time
    • Do you hold / have you held any other staff positions?: I have not in the past.
    • What MMORPG/video games have you/do you play (past and present) I have played:
      • Fallout (1-4 + NV)
      • Elder Scrolls (Morrowind-Skyrim)
      • Overwatch
      • World of Warcraft
      • Witcher (1 and 2)
      • Civilization 5 + Beyond Earth
      • Age of Empires III
      • Counter Strike (Source + GO)
    • What are your characters? Are you willing to sacrifice any to become a event team member?: Joseph Haverford and Wu Jin, I'm willing to sacrifice Wu, and my Alt has no important characters on it.
    • What race / group do you think your events would best cater to? If none in particular, give an example of the type of group that your events would entertain.: My events would most likely cater to Humans and Elves, although I could adapt my style if needed.
    • What do you believe are key factors for a successful event?: In my opinion, the key factors for a successful event are as follows:
      • IT NEEDS TO BE FUN. If nobody enjoys the event, then the event is an overall failure. I'd combat this by pitching my ideas to other people I know, most likely other Event Team members and Game Moderators. If an event is fun for other people, it's a success.
      • For an event to be successful, for both the people running it and those participating, everybody participating has to have the same amount of attention. By this, I mean that it would be an awful idea to run an event and ignore a single person, making them feel left out while all the others are having fun doing said event.
      • Teamwork is one of the most crucial parts of the event, in my opinion. Events are designed as multiplayer experiences where you do things that aren't usually seen in action. For example, many festivals are events that require a large team effort of both ET members and non ET members for the event to run fluidly.
      • For an event to be successful, one final factor would be in those participating. Events require good behavior. While you can meme a little bit,  it seems really nonsensical and RP-ruining if someone walks up to an event and acts strangely. By good behavior, I don't mean you have to be stone cold serious, you can still retain your personality,  just don't ruin the event for others.
    • What strengths could you contribute to the event department? Are you knowledgeable in lore or great at organizing?: I've been told by many that I am very creative when it comes to Event Ideas, and I believe I can bring strong storytelling and fun experiences to the team. I've participated in many events, and I am knowledgeable in how they function overall. I know a fair bit of lore, and I can organize my schedule for events when I feel they are needed,
    • Why do you want to be part of the ED?: I'm going to make this a bit complex, just bear with me. I've always marveled at how large in scale an event can become, and I've seen how much fun people have hand during them. I specifically want to be part of the Event Department because I feel as if I would be a great addition to the team with my knowledge of storytelling, and I want to see people happy. I really just want to see people come out of the event knowing that the RP that they had during said event was one to remember. Knowing that I had a very profound effect on those around me due to what I could give to the is what makes me really want to be a part of the team. All I want to do is give people great experiences and leave behind amazing memories of Lord of the Craft.
    • Create three distinct RP scenarios/events based on LOTC lore that you would organize. These are pitches to the managers and the lead, not to the community. Note: not all of the group must be handled at once. Eg: 20+ people via 5 person increments in a dungeon.
      • Spoiler

        Event #1: The Owl-Man (~5 players): An old, yet eccentric entrepreneur invites the party to his manor for dinner. However, this manor is odd. The outside shows boarded up windows and a large hedge around the entire building. All over the walls and floors are Owl-related paraphernalia. From stuffed dead owls sitting on shelves to old feathers strewn all around the floor, this house has seen better days. However, the party continues on, sitting down for dinner with the man. However, when the man gets the dinner, the place becomes stranger and stranger, including owl calls, and sounds of flapping in the other rooms. Eventually, a scream is heard downstairs. When the party goes to investigate, the man is seen sacrificing another man, praising a pagan god. This cellar has three owls in it, all under the command of the man. When the man realizes that the party is in his cellar, he begins to go after them. Once the party runs for the door, they discover it's locked. From here on out, it becomes a very stealth based experience, with the party having to find a way out without alerting the man, or they'd have to face off against him and his swift owl companions. From this choice comes two results. If the Owlman is slain, then the party finds a key on him, that of which unlocks a chest containing owl based items. If the party flees, the Owlman would realize his mistake in letting his sacrifices getting away, and sacrifices himself and his owls to the god he worships.


        Event #2: Dead Man's Sail (~10 Players): A merchant tips the party off of on a small island containing multiple treasures, those of which from a past islander society. The merchant invites the party onto his ship, in which the party begins to sail. The crew of the ship are seen as twitchy and shaky, oddly staring at the group. The merchant gets his crew to turn on the party, as the crew outnumbers the party, the party is tied to the mast as the ship finds itself in the midst of a rock full of sirens. While the crew is distracted by the sirens, the group ends up escaping from their bonds and getting below deck. However, a confrontation happens between the people below deck who haven't heard the Sirens. However, a solution is found within a barrel of black powder. After blowing a part of the ship up, the crew is able to float off of the boat on driftwood, and end up on a shore. Thinking that they are stranded, the Merchant, who also survived, attacks the party for ruining his life. However, a bounty hunter finds them, proving that they were actually on the island of Tahn, and compensates them for killing the merchant, who was actually a pirate.


        Event #3: Tomb Raid (~20+ players): An ancient Elven ruin is found in the mountains near the home of the Wood Elves home, Linandria. A small group of adventurers calls for a group of able bodied people to conduct a dig in the site. Once they arrive, they realize that this ruins was a tomb. Dead elves are found all around. Once the group finds a large, yet locked door, they have to find the way in. There are two doors, requiring the group to split into two, and to complete two different tasks. Both tasks are completely different, one of which being a puzzle that involves old statues, while the other is a puzzle of finding the way over a snake pit in a room with little to no supplies. Once both levers are pulled, the door can finally be opened. The door opens to reveal the true purpose of these ruins. It wasn't a tomb. It was a prison. Immediately, a large amount of tiny spiders rush out of the room, the entire room coated in spiderwebs and dead spiders. To stay alive, the broodmother had to kill her babies to eat and sustain herself. The party begins to face off against the broodmother, her smaller, yet still versatile spiders engaging the party. The webs are flammable, showing a way for the spider to be wounded. Once the broodmother is killed, the center of the nest reveals a large hatch. Inside is a old stockpile of elven antiques, such as gold, art, books, and weaponry. Each member of the party gets a share, and they exit triumphantly as the spiders return to their nest, tending a new generation of babies.


    • How long do you plan to stay on the ED?: If I am accepted, I intend on staying as a member of the Event Team until I feel as if I am done doing my part for the team, and I want to return to just being a player.
    • Tell me a joke!: A horse walks into a bar, and orders a Hay Martini. The bartender signals the other patrons to evacuate as there's a wild animal in the establishment.
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