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Posts posted by Whiplash

  1. My opinion on the matter, like it or not, is so:


    You shouldn't be able to get on in the dead hours of the night (At least on the Eastern Seaboard of the United States,) and immediately pull a region under someone's feet. The whole @Babadooks fiasco was one thing, he should've logged off, but it's obvious that what happened was a region snipe. You can't just get a region in minutes after PMing a GM "oh hey we took the region can you remove the other guy from perms". It's a blantant breaking of the rules. That's all I'm going to say on the matter.

  2. ((In character information))

    Name: Viktor Clarke


    Race and Age: Human (31)


    School of Arcane known(Magics Known): N/A


    Why do you wish to join the Enchantry?: I wish to join the Enchantry to gain knowledge in new and foreign fields, and to gain a more complex understanding of the Arcane.


    Do you understand and accept the Enchanters Codex?: Aye, very much.


    ((Out of Character Information))

    MC Name: Whipsmash


    MA/SA's for listed magics: N/A


    December 1993, Colombia.


    We edged closer and closer to the big bust. We were on the tail of the Narco known as Spod Escobar. My partner, @hexmarzku, had left me behind to hunt the cartels in Mexico. Spod was one of the richest men I've ever seen, being able to build his own prison that he could be detained in. Spod Escobar was very much into the sale and production of Narcotics, such as Cocaine. Hopefully Hexe fares well, as the Cartels are some of the most sick men in South America. We continued to hunt him until the big day, where police officers shot Spod Escobar with a bullet, with a special inscription. What does it say? "Spod's ET Actor App 2: Electric Boogaloo.



  4. From the evidence I've seen, I need to -1 this, as your overall attitude around Staff members, your immature, irresponsible behavior, and your unkind demeanor really screams that you aren't currently ready for a staff position. 

  5. Venice Beach, 1984


    My work has brought me here, and I don't know why. We've been tracking down these people, these strange, strange people. It's been months since I've seen my wife. All I have to keep me sane are VHS tapes of films such as Alien and Vertigo. This investigation has gone too far, even driving my colleague and partner to his death. I dragged him into this, and now I pay the price. The job as a detective is hard. The only lead I have left is this strange tape I found in the basement of an abandoned home. On the label, there's writing in black Sharpie. "Ban Report on Venomoo". Upon examination, I realized what I was chasing. I was chasing a cold case involving someone meme-BRing someone. I don't believe I'm worthy to see my wife and kids again, after leaving them to chase this worthless lead. This is what meme BRs have done to me.

  6. I walk into a bar. Gus is there. He orders a martini, apple-flavored. I approach him. "Gus, the **** are you drinking?" I say, looking at his strange apple-flavored concoction. "It's an apple-tini!" He slurs, the apple-tini obviously being his tenth. "Gus, are you gearing up for a new application? Last time you applied, you didn't drink your prissy hipster drinks, and look where it got you, GM!" I say, concerned for the readers of his newest application. He proceeds to punch me in the face, and submits his FM app. God help us all.



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