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About tannaku

  • Birthday December 18

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    United States

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    Rosie Nym Vainglorious

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  1. Imartia Basic Information Age: 88 years Gender: Neutral Race: Dark Elf Status: Living, no titles Description Height: 6 feet Weight: 135 pounds Body Type: slender, average Eyes: violet Hair: gray-blue, black Skin: grey-violet Health: damage to memory centers, stiff in the joints Personality: reserved, passionate, brave, loyal, conflicted (that's the 'alignment' trump card) Life Style Alignment: chaotic neutral, determined usually by current loyalties Job/Class: vagrant Special Skill(s): able to read and develop circuits Flaw(s): difficulty with long-term memory, prideful, non-conciliatory (personally) Fighting Style: sword, duelist History (the abridged version) Abandoned as a pup, he was found by Muriel, who lived in the Middle of Nowhere, with her husband, Eustace Bagge--just kidding! Kidding, kidding, it was only a joke, now put that knife away.... Proper pronouns are they/them/their. Imartia--if that's really their birthname, who really knows--was a servant to the Haelun'or who found out too much about the rebellion about to take place and was seduced into biting in to a golden apple by an enemy agent. Unfortunately, Imartia was just one of those few it affects, and so their memory was lost and they slept for about 50 or so years somehow making it to the Cloud Temple in Vailor. So maybe not unfortunately. That actually seems like pretty good luck to me. And the fact that even though their clothes were eaten up pretty bad, they are still not revealing! Now all that's left to do is figure out what comes next.
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