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Status Updates posted by DblDrawedDog

  1. apparently there is not gonna be another trench warfare thing again, and we cant raid anything sides inactive warclaimed areas with 1 person to defend, guess the only pvp we're getting is these laggy warclaims

  2. uh oh! 9 warning points!

    1. LPT


      you don't even have 50 posts.... How bad of a memer are you?

    2. Kahzo1
  3. going away to see family for christmas see everyone in 2 years! thanks for all the pvp and stuff, pce!

    1. Lubbie


      2 years?? Whaaaa

  4. ┗(`ー´)┓ TUNE ┗(`ー´)┓

  5. >gates open for pvp

    >i get stuck in a block

    > relog

    >******* dead

    >good ****

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