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Creative Wizard
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Status Updates posted by ibraheemc2000

  1. When lotc went down, all the other servers suffer and even we did as well this is us screaming why why lotc why have you forsaken us


    1. ibraheemc2000



  2. I got my first warning! dono how i should feel about it...if you asking what i did was i put a ooc comment on a rp post. Good thing is i didnt get a warning point so YEAH! Cheers on firstys!

  3. Come to Haria and ask for Saeed's Harian and Qali poetry ;3 or his violin music or just talk about bird taming...(ill be glad to RP in general with anyone ;3)

  4. When you smoke a ****** with a group of harians and they all start doing this


  5. Making good quality skins is pretty easy to make if you got reference pics ;3





    1. sneLf


      for f-f-f-free?


    2. ibraheemc2000


      0-0 ommm If you guys want Qali/Harian Clothing you can send me a pm on skype xD


  6. Haria Will Always remain ;3

  7. Good Moring Haria
    I heard the sun whispering gently : 'Good morning Haria'

    Good morning, oh you the land of all blessings, who would ever dare to turn off your sun!

    Haria, the land of highness. you will never obey anyone, but God.

    You'll never get in a trouble, nor be shaken off, you're the winner hopefully.

    Enjoy it folks, enjoy loving our homeland.

    (Where) canonist goes hand in hand with Al’iiman Rashidun. We have no sectarianism.

    Oh you Haria, the land of all lands, you've always opened your doors to the whole world. 

    Only traitors and invaders are not allowed to enter in. 

    (Haria) hugs its son once he comes from outside just like the mother.

    These beautiful feelings are so difficultly found outside Haria. 

    Oh you Haria, a mother who spreads passion all over around.

    Your love is and will always remain forever and ever.
                                                             -Saeed Ibn Malek

    1. mmat


      i too wish to join a death cult

    2. argonian


      end the blockade

    3. ibraheemc2000


      end the blockade

      its already ended xD

      end the blockade

      its already ended xD

  8. Haria is the best place

    1. Carson


      your profile picture is hot af and before I started dating my bf I had a huge crush on OMAR BORKAN AL GALA.


      (still do, hehe.)


  9. my deep condolences to the souls in Jberg Always know things will be better.

    if some one can tell me where is all the refugees moving to now that jberg got blown up?

  10. i am! I AM! I AMMMM!!!!!!!!.......not the arab trying to be dead,I AM THE ARAB WITH THE HUMMUS AND THE PITA BREAD!!!!!!!

  11. one does not simply EAT CHEESE!!!!-Ibraheem


  12. Cant wait for the New Harian City HYPE!!


  13. Why do people think Haria wants to kill everyone? also why do they think Harians are barbaric if they only lived in Haria they would see how nice we are.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. ibraheemc2000


      and that happened more then once

    3. argonian


      well icly you're considered heathens by the canonist church, so you're an easy scapegoat for anyone looking for a bit of loot. I was there one time a guy accused you of banditry, and he was literally a bandit himself not trying to look like one in front of the guards.

    4. ibraheemc2000


      but but.....we talked to many monks from the church they agreed we were not heathens and our faiths are pretty much the same....I MEAN if thats true that they look at us that way then WTF we dont look at them that way we respect everyone i mean damn....i know in our army we got even canonist in it,the faith elves belive in,and our national main faith....but still....if you look at it in rp our people are very kind and never treat anyone with disrespect....we are if you look at it the most peaceful country ever...No race is ban in our country even....Tho we can fight really good with our culture ;3


      and i can make MEAN lamb chop ;3 but we got very good govt. we have very nice laws,all religions are aloud,AND I MEAN DAMN we are even giving shops out for pretty much free(you need to talk to the regent and sultan for more info on that stuff xD) and we are even giving houses out! guards are friendly and so much more(im just talking about how haria is epic)

  14. lotc makes you wounder,"What else can i do?"

  15. when things go bad eat cheese- Ibraheemc2000


  16. let me guess someone stole your baklava.
    gada keep my eyes open,darn monsters can come out of nowhere
    guard may get nervous,A man approaches with his weapon drawn.
    /s halt you committed crimes against Haria and its people,What say you in your defense?

    /s halt you committed crimes against Axios and its people,What say you in your defense?

    skyrim much

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