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  1. OOC In-game name: KazTheDuelist Skype: (just so we can keep in touch with you) Kaz Duel RP Character's name: Kass Race: Highlander Amount of time that the Character has been played: a few days here and there Homunculus name: Jason Key Symbol in the homunculus: (fire, water, earth, or air) Fire Appearance of homunculus: (Remember, your homunculus must be have slight disfigurements, such as a ripped eye, twisted shoulder, hunch, leg longer than the other, missing/extra fingers, etc. Also, the homunculus’ skin must be closer to the Symbol’s colour: red for fire, blue for water, yellow for earth, and white for air. Aside from that, you are free to choose eye colour, hairstyle, as well as clothing.) Has a blood red skin tone, his eyes a pale green and a head of white hair. He has two extra fingers on each hand. He wears a black Tail-coat with short sleeves that has fur on the shoulders and a red vest along with pitch black pants and shoes, and to top it of, small white hat. Personality of Homunculus: (It’s best to have your homunculus have some traits from their key symbol. For example: Fire homunculi are more temperamental and easier to anger, as well as more destructive than the other three. Although they may be caring and gentle, depending on which side of the Symbol you want to take.) Is strong willed, tries to come off kind, but insanity seeps through him when he is angry, which easily happens. Are you aware of the PK cause and do you agree that your character will be PK’ed if one of conditions are met? Yes, I have read the rules, and I do agree.
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