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Status Replies posted by Caravaggio

  1. NLs should be under a PK clause if they die due to RP. I think that, similar to Heists, there should be a system for assassination where the would-be assassins also are under a PK clause for the duration of their mission. Thoughts?

    1. Caravaggio


      Being an NL is a voluntary position. You could choose not to be one. I think a lot of people don't RP their role as the leader of a nation seriously. 

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  2. Greetings Mulchmaxxersloamy feast at my house💝💗bring ur best🎀 red40 💗and💝 microplastics 

    1. Caravaggio


      oh I know I
      lived this life afore
      somehow I know now
      truths I must be sure
      tossin', turnin', nightmares burnin'
      dreams of swords in hand
      sailing ships, the Viking spits
      the blood of father's land
      only to deceive
  3. 💗Loam Sisters 💗 Work hard and 🎀PROSPER 🎀The blessed 💗day of the Forest Fairy is upon us 💝May you harvest plentiful mulch💖💖

  4. Why is literally everyone posting lore amendments

    1. Caravaggio


      Amendment amendment: amendments cannot amend other amendments

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  5. Honest Question:
    How do people RP Astronomy/Astrology within the server?

    I've really really been wanting to dwell into that and any RP it might potentially give way to, but with the lore not really giving much concrete material to work without the need of any magic, I am not sure where to start...

  6. Remove berrybushes or make each berrybush cost 50 minae to place.

    1. Caravaggio


      we need more berry bushes - every time someone uses your berry bush it should pay you and if they die to your bush it should give you their items

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  7. petition to make it so kid characters are unplayable until they're 10

    1. Caravaggio


      Also like... conflict RP and warclaims where children are present just is uncomfortable

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

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