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Posts posted by MunaZaldrizoti

  1. Aenora Araaloq readies herself and her bloodline for this historic gathering, knowing the future was fast approaching the mali'fenn.

  2. 14 minutes ago, Unwillingly said:

    totally gonna snag this chance to promote our bloodline

      Reveal hidden contents


    join araaloq today if you're looking for RP

    I'm very excited :) 


    araaloq best bloodline


    But, this was so much fun to work on and write for! I'm looking forward  to what is still yet to come! Congratulations to our entire community!

  3. Spoiler











    In days of yore, the Araaloq were led by wife and husband Taegen and Ruehnar Araaloq. The family not only lived, but they thrived during this time. Often they would partake in events and festivities designed to bring the family closer to one another, usually in forms of expeditions or feasts. This jovial time of peace lasted for many years among the family.

    However, whispers of war soon found its way towards Fenn, and thus, the Araaloq. The family found itself in a state of unrest as Taegen and Ruehnar contemplated how to address the rumors, desperate to know how they’d respond to the potential threats of war. When Taegen and Ruehnar spoke, however, they found themselves at a crossroads. Ruehnar wished to fight alongside the Fennic people in the war, while Taegen believed they were unfit to join any battles.

    “It is our duty to fight with our people, they need us!” Ruehnar declared.
    “Our family is young and inexperienced, we’ll be slaughtered like cattle!” Taegen begged.


    Despite the matriarch’s pleas, Ruehnar was unwilling. He declared to the rest of the Araaloq that if they didn’t fight alongside him in the war, they’d be disowned on the spot, left in the streets to starve. Thus, the family became equally divided. Half of them were in favor of fighting in the war, much alongside Ruehnar’s stance, while the other half found it an unwise death sentence, like Taegen’s.

    Infighting pursued for many weeks. Tensions rose as each side of the family argued with one another, much like the two who led it. However, a single letter marked the start of a very terrible age for the family.

    It was discovered that Ruehnar had been killed. Dakaith, his brother, claimed he was found dead in the rut of a road outside of Fenn. Devastated, the family joined to mourn the death of their patriarch. Taegen then declared she would continue leading, more than willing to stray away from the expectations Ruehnar had set upon them for the war. Finding that there was no one else to look to, the family obeyed, only for Dakaith to speak out against the decision.

    “You spit in Ruehnar’s name by doing this! How dare you!” Dakaith snapped at the widow before storming away with the slam of a door.


    The family fell quiet, whispering among themselves at the sudden outburst of the brother. They were soon dismissed for the night, Taegen then retiring to sleep herself.

    It was not long before she found herself assailed in her own home, Dakaith deciding that Taegen was unfit to lead the Araaloq name. Thus, the two relentlessly fought each other, each receiving a series of bruises and broken bones while the floor grew sticky with blood after many minutes. Then, after Taegen’s hands found themselves around the throat of Dakaith, she dug her fingertips in and squeezed down. He gasped for air as his hands attempted to pry hers away, fingertips clawing at her face in an attempt to loosen her grip. After one last attempt for breath, his body soon went limp, once pale and pristine face turned a shade of purple while blood ran from his mouth and nose.

    Taegen recoiled in realization of what she had done, soon calling to the rest of the family. When they heard what happened, they sobbed, heartbroken and dispirited. However, she convinced them to stay with her, that they would recover from such devastation and live on as they once did.

    From there, she documented the events that unfolded that day into three books, promising that as long as the Araaloq name was in possession of those books, their history would never be forgotten. The books were to be safeguarded and passed down among the bloodline in order to ensure history was not erased. 


    Many years since then, the family did not die in a blaze of glory, but rather fizzled out slowly. Each leader became less reliable than the previous, members of the family disappearing and leaving without notice. Soon, the books were lost, scattered among the realm without a trace — the very thing Taegen feared most.

    Centuries passed before Darcassan, unknowingly the great grandson of Taegen and Ruehnar, married a woman named Kindrel after each of their respective families found it beneficial for one another. While the marriage was done of necessity rather than a true bond, the two found themselves slowly connecting, soon falling in love with each other.

    However, history repeats itself. Once more did whispers of war find its way to the snow elven people, then to Darcassan and Kindrel. He believed it was his duty to fight with the people of Fenn, adamant on joining the ranks of the warriors to aid them. Kindrel warned him not to, finding it in their best interest to stay out of the war. For a short time, he acquiesced, heeding the word of his wife.


    Such a promise didn’t last long, however, as Darcassan began to dabble in unfavorable and questionable activities regarding the war. Despite Kindrel’s urges to turn him away from such, they quickly split apart after a terrible event unfolded, though the details of such an event remain hidden. 


    After the fall of Fenn on Arcas, Darcassan offered himself as a sellsword to various factions in times of war while traveling as a vagabond. It wasn’t until he heard rumors of an emerging snow elven conclave did he travel to the Realm of Elvenesse. There, he reunited with Kindrel, reconnecting with her as they once were, and later he’d soon reunite with his daughter Aenora and brother Ryunthur.




    The Araaloq bloodline is known for being bold and outspoken, but upholding a fiery religious zeal that is, at times, disagreeable to their older kin. Originally founded by Taegen Araaloq during the first age, the family, once splintered and scattered by the Cataclysmic era, rises from rack and ruin under the careful direction of archon Darcassan and wife Kindrel. Though the Araaloq have been known to dabble in politics when their guidance is called upon, they are most abundant within the practices of Isvinity; it is heavily encouraged for the progeny of the family to become Vigilants in order to take on bigger roles within the community.


    The Araaloq line values allegiance and devotion above all else, both to their bloodline and Wyrvun, in the hopes that such dedication will lead to both personal prosperity and the success of the mali'fenn. Usually outspoken and strong-willed, the Araaloq also view self-discipline, fidelity, and conviction as highly-valued traits to be exhibited by its bloodline members. Typically, Araaloq are recognizable by their lengthy and braided silver-white hair, sharp grey eyes, and attire that sways towards a neutral palette. Though they stand taller than some of their kin, with an average of 6' being common in both men and women, they are typically svelte and sylphlike in build, and have thus come to prefer lightweight weapons in combat; rapiers, scimitars, daggers, and even types of poison are not uncommon. Politically, they are Priorist, holding a neutral stance toward other Elves and favoring political isolation from their affairs. For their emblem, they take the owl to represent their collective strength of mind and spiritual enlightenment, paired with the colors black, blue, and grey for self-discipline, nationalism, and elegance.




    Beliefs and Values

    In most cultures, the owl represents facets of life such as wisdom, knowledge, or healing. However, the Araaloq worship it as a beacon representing silence and grace. With this, religious devotion serves as one of the most important cultural foundations among the bloodline. Many sons and daughters are encouraged to partake in worship very early in their life, sometimes to the extent that some view them as extremists and zealots.

    They often preach the importance of being reserved yet attentive. This follows the idea that it is safer to listen to local affairs and drama from afar while also retaining one's opinion and thoughts. With this comes self-discipline, devotion, and preservation. Many of these stem from the history of the bloodline, especially due to their recent revival among bloodlines that have centuries or even millennia of history behind them. This causes them to sometimes feel a sense of exclusion towards other bloodlines, though rarely to the extent of outward hostility.




    - Combat

    While the ‘Fenn of the Remnants are renowned for their military prowess and strength compared to other elves, the Araaloq prefer lightweight weapons in combat. This includes rapiers, scimitars, daggers, and even types of poison. This preference comes from their lesser muscle-mass (on average) compared to other ‘Fenn, though they aren’t terribly frail. Additionally, they often stress the importance of patience and wits above brute strength and brawn, finding the former to be much more reliable in hand-to-hand combat



    The Araaloq tend to celebrate dead holidays of the ‘Fennic culture where many others do not. The nature of these celebrations are often kept private in the family, strictly practiced among only the blood members.



    The Araaloq mostly follow the traditional meal routine of the average ‘Fenn, though they heavily prefer a sea-food based diet including copious amounts of fish, squid, and sometimes mollusks, all of which they hunt and catch themselves. However, they don’t mind dining on meats such as veal and venison if their typical options aren’t available. 



    Although the individual is certainly free to choose their own preference, overall the Araaloq tend to enjoy a variety of activities that range from physically demanding spars to studying literature. It’s often encouraged that they pick up a hobby of some sort, as it’s believed to be important for shaping one’s character.





    As previously mentioned in the Genesist topic, the Araaloq possess three tomes written by Taegen Araaloq herself. These tomes, being old in age, are weathered and torn, so their preservation is vital if the history of the bloodline is to be maintained. They’re often stored in a protected safe where only the trusted may be granted access. This is usually whoever is deemed to be the next archon of the bloodline.


    The tomes additionally reference five other lost relics: a silver circlet, brooch, shield, rapier, and dagger. Two of the relics, the circlet and shield, remained with the three tomes, while the other three have not been recovered yet. These relics are said to each bear great significance, though the history of the three lost relics are vague and unknown due to missing pages of the tomes.


    The silver circlet was said to have been worn by Taegen throughout her reign as the archon of Araaloq. Many believed this circlet to be a beacon of revival for the bloodline after the death of the two brothers. On the other hand, the shield is thought to have belonged to Ilvisar Araaloq, Taegen’s only son and second patriarch of the bloodline. He was a renowned armorsmith, though dabbled in occasional weapons and shields from time to time, thus crafting one that would follow the name of Araaloq for many years to come.


    The Araaloq are most easily identified by their darker attire of natural colors, typically brown or black, which easily stands out among the white landscape of Fenn. To contrast against their darker themes, they oft favor metal accessories over organic ones such as leather or fur. This comes with the donning of metal bracers, rings, necklaces, and most commonly intricate circlets worn atop the head. Hair is commonly grown long and worn in braids by men and women alike; some will draw their entire head of hair into one large plait, while others will let multiple tiny ones hang amid their otherwise plain locks. As for their hair color, it is most common for it to be silver to white, with the occasional cream tint. Much like their hair, their eyes are almost always a bright silver color, resulting in them looking naturally knife-like and focused.






    Unwillingly for main writing and brainstorming.

    bunnyeatsmoss for writing and brainstorming
    MunaZaldrazoti for writing and brainstorming

    MmmMonkee for feedback and consultation
    Rey for feedback and brainstorming

    Epistile for something

  4. You have always been nothing but sweet and a good person to talk to when things have gotten hectic. I'm glad you've found more strength than most of us (especially me and Ep) to finally leave! 😂 Time for you to get a much-needed breakaway from the haters and the drama.


    Don't be a stranger, and feel free to send a message if you ever need anything! 💖

  5. Charlotte Augusta would take time to pay visit to the cathedral, lighting a candle in honor of the late Pontiff. A certain added solemnity was present in her tone, the late holy figure having so readily offered himself to officiate her wedding. She had never been as religious as, say, her uncle of Crestfall, but it held a significant weight in her mind and heart all the same.

  6. Spoiler


    (Yes...I know. Don't judge me.)



    “Celebrating & reflecting upon over 100 years protecting the Rights of Man!”

    Hosted by His Imperial Majesty, John VIII & the Imperial Court of the Augustine Palace, 1820






    On the 12th of Godfrey’s Triumph, 1715, Joseph of Marna gathered within the now-historic walls of Nenzing and made his intent known to the people of Arcas. No longer would humanity struggle beneath the crown of greedy tyrants, not knowing when they might see their next day of peace. No more would murder and injustice run rampant upon country roads or in city streets. Surrounded by his allies and peers, Joseph I declared that his idea of leadership was one who stood up for all, equally, and allowed them their chance at building a country anew. 

    Though he didn’t prove successful in holding the empire he sought to utilize as a vessel for bringing about this dream, it was these so-dubbed ‘Rights of Man’ that carried onward to an eventual inheritor of the Imperial Throne, crowned as Peter III. Upon these sacred rights a new form of government was built, where power was given to the people, to determine how they might shape their own futures. Now, over 100 years later, we both pay witness to the fruits of that labor and continue the necessary work to maintain those rights for all men and women of the Holy Orenian Empire.





    The Imperial Address

    To begin the celebrations, an address will be given by both His Imperial Majesty John VIII and his esteemed Archchancellor, Ledicort d'Azor. Both will speak to the last 100 years of progress our empire has made, and what roles we must still uphold in order to maintain the ideas Joseph of Marna put to parchment.


    The Merchant’s Promenade

    Throughout the festivities, stalls featuring some of our Empire’s most premier goods and merchant wares will be on display for all guests to both parooze and purchase at their leisure.


    The August Tourney

    A tourney, hosted by HIH the Countess of Renzfield, will be held for all those wishing to prove their patriotism in a demonstration of strength and skill. The winner will receive a custom-made trophy and the title of ‘Shield of Providence’, which will also serve the victor as a court title.


    Historical Costume Contest

     A costume competition shall serve as the final hosted event of the afternoon, with interested guests being encouraged to dress as their favored historical figure from the last 100 years (1715 - 1815). The top three costumes shall be chosen by HIH, the Countess of Renzfield and a further panel of judges. His Imperial Majesty is also invited to have final say in these three victors, with each winning a mina prize.


    Le Grande feu d'artifice

    On the eve of war, we Orenians must come together and remember what it is we stand for and fight to protect each day. To serve as a more visual and stunning reminder of this solemn oath, a finale of fireworks shall be orchestrated from atop the Augustine Palace, concluding the night with quite the bang.





    [Saturday, May 15th, at 4:30pm EST! To be hosted in the courtyard of the Augustine Palace. Sign-ups for the tourney event will be posted soon!]


  7. The Princess Charlotte Augusta brimmed at yet another one of her cousin's newsletters. She paused amid the fitting of her wedding dress to speak in proud remark to her maids.


    "Dear Anthony, always armed with quill and parchment to deliver word of victory!"

  8. From her burrow within the Mother Grove, one Syndra Caerme'onn allowed her gaze to pool over a letter, written by a friend still residing within the walls of Amaethea. She stroked the growing king cobra that sat perched upon her shoulder, a stern look upon her visage.


    "A once great circle....now falling into relative obscurity. And of course, my dear Circe, we know why," She'd nod intently at the serpent, letting free a heavy sigh. "In due time, we will set things right. Perhaps it is time to have a word with my maln..."




  9. From within the confines of Montfort House, only a few dimming candles shone the form of Charlotte Augusta as she read the report, brought to her in the middle of the night by her maid Suzette. How fitting this news was, given yet another night of throbbing migraines that had plagued her since those brigands had tried to claim her as hostage in the previous war.


    "They're all the same, Suzette, in their wartime motivations. Rich or poor, they're capable of  claiming no role in the battles to come. If they choose not to, making no public damnation of Norland's false righteousness...it is not peace or retribution they want, but blood." She'd nod, firm in her notions. A wince flashed across her features as the maid went off to fetch her some warm milk that might calm the pain.


    A mutter emitted itself from the Princess' lips, "It is what they deserve...all of them."



    Disclaimer: This isn't any public remark, so please don't @ or quote me. My character was injured in the Sedan Rebellion and it has left her with chronic migraines which have slowly been affecting her personality. This is meant more as flavor for her development, and how she views any wartime enemy with this chronic injury.


  10. Charlotte Augusta would give a firm nod at her uncle's public statement, reading it alongside her morning tea. Regardless of the coming conflict, the imperial princess looked forward to the aid she might herself provide to her countrymen during this time. She returned focus afterward to her impending interview scheduled for the next saint's day, intent on finding place among those of the Emperor's cabinet as the head of Foreign Affairs.

  11. The general consensus among my friends and fellow roleplayers was that ScreamingDingo would be the best choice to follow Riftblade. I'm glad the other Admins thought the same. I look forward to the stories our ST come to create with his guidance!

  12. The Wyvern Druid, Syndra Caerme'onn, would catch word of the troubles being had within Elvenesse. Her decision to depart those lands seemed to have been a wise one, the auburn-haired 'ame watching the ambitious of both old Aegrothond and Siramenor finally clash. She only hoped some made it out unscathed, Andria and Avius among those favored few.

  13. Spoiler



    T H E  C O V E  O F  F R E E P O R T

    "The Most-Ideal Port in Almaris, Home of Adventurers and Free Spirits!"






    Are you seeking a life of adventure, devoid of (most) limitations? Do you enjoy the idea of seaside life, or being apart of a captain's hearty crew? If so, the Cove of Freeport is the FIRST AND FOREMOST destination for free-thinkers and innovative minds on the whole of Almaris! We have small fishing boats and might galleys, we have dockside banter and good ale. We even have a lighthouse....not everyone has a lighthouse!




    The Lord Admiral of Freeport invites one and all who find themselves wayward to consider taking up residence in our idyllic seaside town, which boasts a tight-knit community of entirely-harmless seafarers. Can't you just picture yourself in Pelican Pete's Pub, enjoying a stale beer with your chums? I SURE CAN!






    Join us in Freeport! Bring your finest fishing pole and sit for a spell, or till a healthy field of crops whilst you inhale a fine sea breeze!

    (Housing prices starting at 4o doubloons, Shops start at 20 doubloons!)


    [!] Warning: The Cove of Freeport does not hold itself responsible for any incidents that occur to non-citizens, visit at your own risk. Incidents may include robbery, thievery, drunken brawling, stabbing, beatings, seabird attacks, murder, and potential dockside splinters.





    If you're interest in a home or shop in Freeport, please contact any of the following:


    Mordu - Mordu#6495

    MunaZaldrizoti - MunaZaldrizoti#6175

    ShannonLeigh - bumblefina#0199

    Dyl - Dyl#5096

    (If any of us are busy, we can also set you up with one of our stewards, to get you sorted!)


    And if you want to get an idea of the community, consider joining our discord: https://discord.gg/JP7XAf4jgm


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