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Posts posted by MunaZaldrizoti

  1. Spoiler



    G U L L F E S T

    Hosted by the Sea Senate of Freeport

    Year 18 of the Second Age





    Ahoy, Me Hearties!


    His Grace, the Lord Admiral and the Sea Senate of Freeport invite one and all to the first of many seaside celebrations, showcasing the very best our small port has to offer the denizens of Almaris! On behalf of Freeport, enjoy an afternoon of raucous competition and carefree fun! We dub this festival GULLFEST, in honor of the totally-harmless native birds that find perch upon our homes, ships, and cliffsides.


    Fisher's Folly Tournament

    Try your luck with pole and line as you attempt to catch the finest fish in Freeport! Judged by the Lord Admiral and Lady Dock, the winner will recieve a prize of 50 minas and a spit-shined trophy to put on their fireplace mantle! We'd advise against pestering any seabirds with hooks or nets during this event, for the sake of your own life.


    Underbelly Fisticuffs Competiton

    Do you believe yourself to be the best boxer on Almaris? Come prove your worth and test your strength in a series of match-ups fought entirely bare-fisted! Hear the ladies (or gentlemen) swoon as you knock your opponent unconcious and claim the champion's seaweed laurel! The ultimate victor of this competition will be known as 'The Fist of Freeport' and will be offered a place as personal guard to His Grace, the Lord Admiral. Please refrain from attempting to hit ot fight with any of the local seabirds. You have been warned for your own safety.




    Local Businesses and a Spot of Ale

    If you find yourself with nothing to do, consider taking a gander at our local entrepreneurs, or nursing a tankard of beer in our port's favorite watering hole, Pelican Pete's Pub! Below, we have advertised two such businesses:




    Kelora Tapestries




    Kelora Tapestries specializes in unique, colorful decorations for your home and business. Tired of lining your walls with the same paintings passed down for centuries? Looking to brighten up you home in an affordable way? Kelora Tapestries has a number of options from beautiful florals, elegant landscapes, and simple geometric wall rugs. Custom orders are available and most tapestries start at just 15 minas!




    The Tinkered Bottle






    Tired of getting splinters from your peg leg?  Hate poking yourself with that crusty hooked hand of yours?  Can’t swim for fear of drowning?  Then head over to The Tinkered Bottle, where Celiasul may tend to your needs - for a price, of course!


    The Tinkered Bottle specializes in fitting the most enhanced and efficient prosthetic limbs and bodily enhancements to those with deep enough pockets, as well as a competent personality!  If you’ve no need for the mending of your body, and would rather have something to prevent an injury or aid you with any other task then tinctures, tonics, and concoctions of varying sorts can be prepared by Celiasul Sul’Sumana.




    ((Friday, April 2nd, at 6pm EST in Freeport! You can following the signs leading to the Druids from Cloud Temple, or take the ferry that can be found in Henry's Wharf just outside of the city of Providence in Oren!))

  2. From her cavernous dwelling, an ancient monarch contemplated upon her next meal. The tyrant-King of Haense proved more and more each day to be the perfect choice. Even with her more wicked inclinations, perhaps she could do that northern kingdom some selfish act of kindness.

  3. Spoiler





    Every night, for the last two elven weeks, Syndra Caerme'onn had dreamt the same dream. A dozen winged beasts, horned and scaled and breathing molten flame, descending upon long-abandoned cities and castles, reducing them to nothing but melted stone. Afterward, once their intial chaos had been wrought, those same creatures flew to great inhabited citadels and villages, leaving any who once lived there with nothing but ash and death. Always, in conclusion, would one singular great beast turn upon her, in her frozen observation. It would settle two golden eyes upon her form, seeming to acknowledge her before opening its maw and coating her in flames. She would feel her spirit rise into the air, almost upon unseen wings of her own, and pay witness to what came after her demise. Nature, with all of it's force and bounty, would begin to creep through the fallen towers and demolished streets. Grass would grow, flowers would bloom, and the natural cycle would resume where flames had previously wreaked havoc.


    Her return to civilization hadn't been easy. For a decade or more, she had searched for her father, who had yet again abandoned his sole daughter for the life of a wayward druid. She had need of him, for his tutelage and approval...but now she also needed him for the sake of her own anger. All her life, she had lived to only be the star of his life. He pushed her out into the wilderness at ten years old, bidding her good fortune so that she might return wiser than before. That had only left her feeling as if she had done something wrong, something to make her own maln feel shame when in her presence.When she had arrived at the Father Grove, he welcomed her as if nothing had happened. Syndra was her father's daughter again...and that was all that mattered to the young Caerme'onn. She could prove herself to him, be what he wanted her to be.


    Venom. That was the totem she had taken, after her attunement. She had been so sure, so keen, on claiming for herself a name that evoked the same power and strength as that of her maln, Viper. Only later did she realize how everything around her, at a time when such a connection is so sacred, was all related to him. Attuned in his own private pool, hidden away in his own home. The visions of snakes and her own mother's gruesome death. And at it's climax, a specter in the form of her own father...speaking in disapproval. How could she not seek to please him, after paying witness to his disappointment in her own attuning?


    All these woes and worries were brought before the sacred nature dragaar, Taynei'Hiylun, as Syndra located the last of her remaining beacons. She witnessed others there too, though paid little mind to their tasks as to see through her own intention. As the dragaar spoke, it relayed to her a warning, that dreams of Taynei's own ilk were never good. However, the source of these visions might be found in the young druid's own totem. Syndra seemed to understand in that moment of clarity, but couldn't grasp the idea of her totem being the pinpoint by which these troubling images had manifested themselves.


    As the beacon faded and she made her way through the trees, she crept up onto a sturdy branch and sat awhile. She dwelt on the meaning of her dedication to the Aspects, her dedication to her father or the legacy of their bloodline. She felt as if she didn't know herself anymore, she was unnatural in this natural world. But in that moment, the realization collided with her all at once. Syndra knew, finally, what the visions had been trying to tell her all along.


    Her death in flames was her rebirth, leaving behind the woes and invisible chains of her past to forge a new life in dedication to the Aspects. The weak-willed, prodigal child of the Viper Druid needed to shed her skin, not unlike a serpent, to ascend towards her higher self. And so too would she claim the unnatural for her own, so that perhaps she might one day guide them to a more natural existance.


    It was at the union of two druii that she came into her own, renewed and revitalized. A friendly face from her past, keen to know the reasons for her abrupt departure, sparked a certain hubris within to tell of her new identity. Beneath the cover of a tree's winding canopy, Syndra Caerme'onn spoke the name of her new totem for the first time.


    No longer was there Venom, a weapon the Viper could wield. Now, she would be nature's punishing flame, a force of restoration.

    Sister Venom was no more. In her place, Sister Wyvern now rose.



    Just a flavor post for a major turning point and closing of an old chapter for my character, Syndra Caerme'onn. Obviously this information is only privy to those whom she has told already, so please don't metagame otherwise. Hope it's a good read!


    (I will fix any typos in the next day or so, wrote most of this in an hour and a half.)


  4. Spoiler




    - Published the 7th of Snow's Maiden, Year 17 SA -

    "It's bad luck to kill a sea bird"  - Local Proverb





    A Brief Statement from the Lord Dock

    To begin, I wish to thank the citizens of Freeport for electing me as the first Lord Dock beneath the leadership of His Grace, Lord Admiral Darius Sare. We have gone through much and more in this last year, but I already feel our small community building bonds to outlast any storm or onslaught of obstacles. These next four years, I hope, will see further growth for our portside home.


    Town Hall, Taxation Office, and more!

    Having been left with very little infrastructure in regards to the port itself, the Lord Admiral has requested I begin my work on establishing firstly, a town hall, and then a system of mild taxation so that we might build a proper and healthy treasury to fund regional improvements. Any interested in applying for the role of Steward, please find myself or the Lord Admiral to promote your interest. As of now, it is decided that the old Shipwright Guild will be converted into a proper municipal building which we might operate out of, while a tax office shall be built as some form of extension to our local bank.


    We've also constructed a ferry between our own port and that of the city Providence, capital of the Holy Orenian Empire. For those wishing to save themselves and their legs, feel free to catch a ride on the very best ship doubloons could buy!


    Local Business? Say no more!

    Within the next saint's year, local entrepreneurs will be approached in regards to promotion for their businesses, by the Lord Dock. If you're interested in putting word of your wares further out in the open, don't be shy!


    A Condemnation of Witchcraft

    The Lord Dock would like to offer a formal condemnation of any witchcraft used to harm the citizenry of Freeport, following the events of the previous saint's day. All townsfolk are asked to NOT antagonize the local seagulls until a further investigation into their behavior is conducted.  We also ask that any suspicious activity be reported to the Lord Admiral Darius, the Lord Code, or the Lord Dock.




    The Missing Bell of Freeport

    The Lord Admiral is seeking to locate the lost bell of Freeport, a somewhat-historic relic that was lost at sea by the former leaders of our port. Any desiring to aid in its recovery and restoration are free to form a party and garner assent from His Grace. 



    Her Excellency, Elizabeth 'Bess' Fletcher, Lord Dock of Freeport





    [For anyone interested in Freeport (becoming a citizen, placing a ship, obtaining a stall, etc.) please contact Mordu#6495, devvy#7777, or MunaZaldrizoti#6175]


  5. ((MC name: MunaZaldrizoti))
    Name: Bess Hardwick
    Are you a Captain or Resident of Freeport: Resident
    Desired role: Lord Dock
    (If running for Lord Dock) Relevant experience: N/A
    (If running for Lord Dock) Plans once in office: Drawing in new citizens, hosting cultural events, tending to repairs and necessary building work.
    Any loyalties to note beyond the Admiralty of Freeport: No.

  6. Charlotte Augusta sat upright in her bed, lips drawn into a thinned line as she read the missive from the confines of Montfort House. The ISA lingered at the entrances to her front door and bedroom, the princess entirely confined. Her mind drifted to thoughts of the conflict that ensued following his private execution, leading to her own injury and attempted kidnapping.


    "I pray Victoria can forgive you. I hope that, at the very least."


  7. Nienna Telemnar, having been shown the work of Princess Idril's students the previous elven day, would take the time to pay witness to any completed mosaics within the cavernous sanctuary. Before each intricate work of art, she muttered a quiet prayer to Thalassa.

  8. Nienna Telemnar sat with her elder brother, Olorin, as they read the published accord together over a lunch of seafood stew and salted bread.


    "My arrival is timed with a declaration of peace. Perhaps I carried good luck across the sea," She'd jest, humming in approval.



  9. [!] An anonymous reply, written and scrawled in ornate hand, is copied and pinned around the city of Karosgrad. The corners of the parchment seemed to be slightly-coated with lingering frost.

    "To the poor author of this foolish scrap of paper,


    I advise you decide what the remainder of your days shall consist of. You have attempted to tarnish the name of my descendants and have now attracted my attention. This is something you should've feared when you first decided to bring such lies to parchment in the first place. Your claims of auburn hair are especially false, considering the first Ramdir Amador's own mother, Abrielle, had bright red hair that was passed down to her children and grandchildren. I understand that your clear-lack of education prevented you from investigating this matter beyond hearsay and gossip.


    I will give you a single saint's week to recant these claims. If not, I will find you and take your writing hand. It won't be difficult. I act on my own, but I will act. rest-assured."


    - A


  10. Charlotte Augusta would practically leap from her seat as her maid, Suzette, read her the news at breakfast. Brows lofted in genuine surprise, the Princess was honored to be able to set an example for a fine interior by which her new flood of neighbors might themselves aspire. Peering over final decoration details regarding a townhouse recently purchased by the Dowager-Duchess of Cathalon, the Novellen maiden made a reminder to send for her prize earnings. She'd likewise send along small notes of excitement to her father and newly-minted Private Secretary!


    @Maur @gohliad @CharmingCavalier

  11. Charlotte Augusta would fret from the confines of Montfort House, troubled by the wickedness this season had seemingly spurred. She had spoken with Helena just a few days past, so this news of what she assumed was an intended assassination was quite a blow. The Social Season had begun so well for her, fulfilling her love for interaction and gregariousness. How could another of her own peer group be so cruel?


    As she had preached in regards to the recent gossiping tabloids, why could they not simply take pride in each other and share in their mutual-rise to womanhood? The Novellen of Aldersberg posed this query to her maid, Suzette, as they sat down for a quiet dinner that night.



  12. Princess Charlotte Augusta would receive the gifts with great admiration herself, having always admired Lady Margaux from afar for her beauty and engaging nature. She hoped, in future, they might build a strong companionship. For now, she simply wrote a letter of thanks, and an invitation for tea.

  13. From her private residence of Montfort House, Princess Charlotte Augusta would sit in her bedroom idly whilst Suzette spoke on about the impending deliveries being made for the impending year's festivities. The pamphlet was delivered within the hour, reaching Charlotte's desk for her visage to skim.


    She drew in a breath following her reading, the jovial Novellen worried about how all of this gossip might affect the ladies' opinion of her.

  14. 13 minutes ago, heartclue said:

    Skimming her eyes over the publication, the young housemaid Suzette parted her lips and offered no more than a disapproving tut. Folding the note, she then marched up the many stairs of Montfort House - delivering the paper to the hands of Princess Charlotte Augusta. @MunaZaldrizoti


    Upon receiving the tabloid from Suzette, Charlotte Augusta seemed unsurprised. She, of course, couldn't be upset at the mentioning of her name among those who dazzled the court. However, the vulgarity of the latter paragraph was quite jarring for the princess, making her cheeks a bright enough crimson that one might think she had spoken the words herself!

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