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  1. [There is nothing unusual about the entries.] Entries 2 - 5 -2- I have come upon a peculiar sight today while traveling. A graveyard, unmarked. It's next to a city, Pembroke, I was disallowed inside the walls. I have been trying to push such desires away, but curiosity is getting the better of me - it seems abandoned from even a glance. I plan on investigating - but by no means do I wish to bring ill willed spirits upon myself. I will gather flowers and gifts for the marked graves I find - perhaps that will ward such menaces off. If that fails, at least I have my charms. -3- I did not have much time before the sun began to set. Knowing that spirits are most roused after dusk, I decided to vacate the graveyard quickly after leaving a bundle of flowers and a few golden mina. I know the dead have no use for money, but I hope they will accept something vitally important to me regardless. Now, I walk alone on the road. I am still disallowed entry into Pembroke, I will need to find a place to camp for the night. -4- It's rained. I managed to protect my jew journal through the night, but most of my pack is soaked. My food ration is ruined. Additionally, I seemed to have expertly lost my flint. So, i had to camp without fire. Perhaps my offerings were not enough. I hope that I am not doomed to any worse luck. -5- Shortly after writing my last entry, I have stumbled upon some... structure. Just past Pembroke, in the mountain. It is monstrous in size - made of massive stone walls that seem to rot away. Abandoned, by the looks of it. I cannot hear anybody or anything inside, even as I sit before the rusted iron bars. It's alluring, how could such a hideously large structure come to be abandoned? I don't know. I can't seem to find anything that would give me clues upon the surface - for now I must move on.
  2. A second journal in a collection. [The book is fresh, untouched. The entries starts on the first page of the new journal. A few page for a new chapter in a sad woman's life. The writing is in charcoal, a warm, uneven hue. The writing was mere scrawling, chicken-scratch, unelegent in formation and form. A commoner's journal.] -1- Years have passed since I last wrote anything in any sort of journal - though, perhaps, this was for the best. I have had very little happen to me in these few years, and my mental health has suffered. My mind tortures me still, though as of late, such terror has receded.I am failing my quest, perhaps I should have expected nothing more than failure, it is a concept I have become familiar with. Perhaps I should stop pursuing such childhood wonders - they have given me nothing but failure and stagnation. I want to be happy again, start a new chapter in my life. In celebration of these wishes, I am placing my old journal away, and bought this one, today, on the day of my 27th birthday. Hopefully this new page will bring new, more fruitful adventures.
  3. [The entries are in charcoal once more. The pages are stained. The pages are fringed and blackened.] Entries 212 - 213 -212- A long-standing melancholy has gripped me these past months. I am a failure, I have wasted my life. Perhaps I should have never left my Caravan. My plea has gone unanswered, nobody wants me. Not even my own Journal. Perhaps I should just burn it. -213- I am leaving Haense. This will be my last entry for a while. I can't muster the will to write more.
  4. [The book shows signs of abuse once more. Pages have been ripped out, some are black with senseless, angry scribbles, even the cover has taken some new beating. There are no new entries - it quickly becomes clear the journal was neglected for some lengthy amount of time, as if the Author couldn't bring herself to write.]
  5. [The entries are written sloppily in ink] Entries 209 - 211 -209- I have bought ink, new parchment, and a quill. I mu [A glob of ink blots out the next few letters] -mit it's a tad... difficlut to write with, nothing like my pencils. I am going to write and post my writings in a few cities - perhaps I'll gain some attention this way. -210- [The writer seemed to be practicing more writing in ink to get the feel of using a quill. Most of it was just her name, Gawa Va'shoaz.] -211- [This entry seems to be a rough draft of this poster.]
  6. [ There is nothing unusual about the entry ] -208- I tire of my own failures. Three years of my life, wasted, and for what? Nothing. There has to be an easier way.
  7. [ A series of pages and entries are completely torn from the book. These are the next entries of the unaffected pages.] Entries 205 - 207 -205- I now depart from my short detour over the past year. Now that my sanity has returned to me once again, I seek the open road. It has been over a year since my leaving of Haense, and I have found nothing. It is time to wander once more. -206- I met a nice boy on the road - it was a cold and frigid day, and I was passing a still running stream. On the bridge a small boy sat, fishing. He was kind for me when I stopped, and even offered me food and drink. Apparently, his father worked for a brewery - but when he took me into the town and his supposed home, no father was to be found. Regardless, we traded - he gave me dried vegetables and dried fish in exchange for an old toy sword I had with me. This food will be good for the tinter travels. -207- I have arrived in Holm. While I found nothing here before, perhaps something will be here for me a year later.
  8. [The writing of this entry is shaky and uneven.] -154- My escape from Sutica was unsuccessful. In truth, it was all a blur. I remember some orcs meeting me on the road, panicked, they took me back into the city, I assume. I lost consciousness from fright alone. When I re-awoke, I was in the city once more. I remember distinctly fearing for my life and running - though I was stopped by two assailants. I was in such a frenzy to escape out of the sheer terror that they were going to kill me for what I'd said to Therese that I don't even remember what they looked like, only that they were grappling me and had tackled me to the ground. They didn't want me to leave. Then, another woman came near, Cyrene. Her presence was soothing - like a fire to banish the darkness that had taken hold of me. She was magnificent, and I later learned, a mental mage. She was very kind and understanding of my discomfort and terror, she even drove herself to exhaustion to keep me comfortable. We spoke after I had calmed myself, she made me realize that my paranoia was unfounded, that nobody in Sutica was out to get me. I am very thankful for this act of kindness, and I am upset that I do not have something nice enough to adequately repay her. I will put more thought into what I should create later, as for now my mind is battered. I need rest. I am leaving Sutica, and sleeping in the next town over. Cyrene said she could not teach me mind magic. I must continue to Holm.
  9. [There is nothing unusual about these entries] Entries 152 - 153 -152- I have arrived in Sutica as a detour stop. I planned to visit an old friend, Lae, so she could give me advice on caring for the plants Karyssmov had given me. The city is as grand as ever, but something about it feels incredibly... off. I still can't put a finger on it. Regardless I found the inn fine and have retired to a room. I'll find Lae tomorrow. -153- [The writing is uneven and shaky, the writer was not calm at all when this was written.] It is near morning, and I must leave this city immediately. I know what is wrong, they all know of my heresy. And they're all looking at me. Following me. Plotting, planning, I hear their whispers. They thought they could fool me into comfort, but no! I knew all along! They know, I am sure of it. It must have been that Therese woman! Damn her and the whole Wick family, we made a promise, a pact! I'll kill her next I see her! If I survive with my life, that is! They're coming!
  10. [There is nothing unusual about this entry.] -151- The Wicks have nothing for me. I spoke privately with Arend's wife, Therese. I confronted her, and forgave her, for her initial betrayal, then moved on to discuss matters with her. We both came to an agreement pretty quickly that what we both said would not be spoken outside the room we were in - and for that reason this entry will be vague in the case should any vagabond steal my diary, or should anyone in the forge get curious and read it whilst I am sleeping. If you are not me and are reading this diary, put it down. Regardless, we did not speak for long and I quickly found that the Wicks do not have what I search for. Though, perhaps, Therese may be lying. After all, I am farfolk, and she is noble. Perhaps she has some right to distrust me. I will keep the Wicks in mind, though for now, I will leave them be. Therese did, however, not wish to leave me empty handed and directed me to a certain Demetria Crow. Even if she would not tell me where her husband resides, she has given me a new lead. To Holm I go.
  11. [There is nothing unusual about these entries] Entries 148 - 150 -148- I am able to walk without assistance once more. Karyssmov did good work - the only problem I am having is a limp and some itchiness in the wound. It should be fine for me to walk on, albeit with some pain. Kary has done such an excellent job of caring for me these past few months, it's almost concerning. He's showered me in affection, gifts, compliments, and care overall. The thing I am most concerned about is his wife. She hasn't turned any hate onto me yet, but I've seen her glare at other women. She scares me. She really scares me. I'd rather not have her swing that sword she carries at me. If not for her, I'd readily return any affection Kary gave me, in truth. He has been a good friend. -149- I got out and about today, despite the pain in my leg. I saw a pregnant woman in the square - I decided to leave her be, as she looked... troubled, and people were already gathered around her. Instead I visited Manfred, an old acquaintance, who was sitting alone. I sat with him, and we had a pleasant talk. I asked him about Jib, if he knew him, and he pointed me in the direction of his house. I also asked about Arend Wick, and he sent me to his wife, Therese. I know Therese, we've met before, and I am not particularly fond of her. She is poor at keeping secrets. I'll find her, when I have time. I knocked on Jib's door and there was no answer, and I am not keen on waiting around to find another man. Therese is the best path to Arend I have at the moment. -150- [The following 'entry', if it could truly be called that, was completely wordless. It composed only of useless chicken scratch and tally marks. All simple, but repetitive, motions. This odd ritual continued, from front to back, for five pages, leaving them black with charcoal marks. Byproduct of obsessive impulse. The next entry came directly after, as if nothing happened.]
  12. [The few pages of these entries have been stained by blood.] Entries 146 - 147 -146- I am injured! A sword struck me in my leg, ripping it open near my waist. If this is my last entry, know I bled out and died a coward. I want this journal burned if found with my corpse. -147- Thankfully, Karyssmov found me as I was trying to tend to my wound (I was largely unsuccessful.), he offered treatment to which I obliged. I explained to him that a soldier's stray sword caught me when Haense was being attacked, and admitted that my curiosity got the best of me. The creatures that came, they were not of this plane. Magical entirely, controlled by some master whom I only caught a glimpse of. I hear he fled south. I will follow. Kary fixed my leg for me and stitched it up - the process was painful, immensely so, but at the very least it's over now. I've taken to resting, unable to walk without pain. As a side note, my pants are likely ruined by blood. I'll try washing them, but I may have to get a new pair tailored soon.
  13. [There is nothing unusual about these entries] Entries 143 - 145 -143- I had an excellent chat with Wulffrey today. I was in the crafts guild weaving, trying to calm myself of my baseless fears. The conversation started with Wulffrey asking what my purpose for working here was. An odd question, but I answered truthfully. I need money, a stable income, to keep living. He chocked it up to me wanting a calm life, which I agreed too. We discussed our trade - he learned to be a blacksmith from his brother and continued the trade after he died. I also learned he is married to a woman named Marion, though I suspect she has perished. He did mention that he left for thirteen years and when he returned his family was gone. I told him, in turn, that I had lived in a caravan all my life and my adoptive mother, Jalla, had taught me most of what I knew. Our talk ended abruptly, he was called elsewhere and didn't return. -144- I have been granted a room in the smithy by the graces of Wulffrey. No more sleeping in a stiff tavern bed - at least the one I was given is a tad softer. Though, the room has a broken window, and no door. I am afforded both very little privacy and cold breezes come night time. I'll have to make a drape for the door and window, as well as a thicker quilt. -145- Karyssmov gave me some flowers today. A kind gesture, I'll definitely plant them. He always pats me (That sounds much odder than I thought it would have on paper.) and says kind things to me, it makes me feel better about myself, if I am honest. I'll find a way to repay him. Somehow. I've also finished a tapestry piece, I'm going to try and sell it, obviously, but for now I tire. I must rest.
  14. [There is nothing unusual about these entries.] Entries 141 - 142 -141- My anxiety and sourceless dread has ebbed after a few grueling and terrible days. My mind went to dark places, but it is starting to come back from those black recesses. Still, some of my fear has stayed, as is per usual, but my consciousness is no longer paralyzed at the very least. I can write sensibly once more. I've yet to meed up with the Arend man - why are people so hard to find when I'm the one looking for them? -142- I had a nice wine in the tavern today, I brought back half the bottle. Though, when I entered, i saw a new man in there. I didn't catch his name, as he was very jumpy, and rather paranoid. I think he distrusted me because I am a farfolk, accused me of picking the lock and lying about working in the craftsguild. It was Wulffrey who had to convince him I did indeed belong. That really didn't make me feel much better about myself, quite honestly. I mustn't forget I am a foreigner here, I'll never belong. I'll just go back to weaving. I had intended to give the bottle to my friends at the forge, but maybe I'll keep it for myself.
  15. [Most of this entry is just a drawing of charcoal scribbles and smudges. A few words do accompany them at the bottom. The writing is calm and small- oddly so for what is said. The page has been stained.] -140- ((Art is not mine.)) I sometimes look out to the night sky and realize how truly insignificant I am. The sky stretched out into an infinite blackness before me, and it makes me feel cold dread. I am but a moth, lost without a flame. I am but a speck of dust floating aimlessly on a wanton breeze. I am nothing. Nothing. I am not deserving of my life.
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