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About Carson

  • Birthday 03/01/1874

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    Leihana | Ehawee | Nutmeg | Red | Suhae
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    Wood Elf | Forest Dwarf | Musin | ??? | proto elf

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  1. Pedophilia and racial supremacy need to be rooted out, and complicity is just further ruining the server. Get a backbone and some integrity and do something, unless you really want LoTC to fail.

    Edited by hamberder
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    2. Carson


      I doooon’t think being a racist is a political opinion. And no, I’m not referring to conservatives, because conservatism doesn’t mean you believe one race is above the others.

    3. AlphaMoist


      Putting white supremacy on the same level of pedophilia when you’re talking about a Minecraft server is kind of sketchy. Pedophilia genuinely inflicts massive damage to a person no matter the medium it’s on. A racist though... what can they do to harm you? Just report them and turn off your computer if it’s genuinely an issue, but if you’re getting upset at memes or some ****, then just don’t look at them. The horrible **** gets deleted pretty quickly when it occurs on the forums, and people have been banned before for being a racist ******* on the server. Harassment is already not allowed on the server, so if someone is constantly bullying you because of your race, or for any reason for that matter, report them. Otherwise..... what else is there to do...? Like what even is the point of this status? Why don’t YOU make the dossier of the apparent racial supremacists flooding the server if you think it’s a genuine issue? Otherwise this status just looks like a way for you to look like some keyboard hero who cares about **** that they aren’t willing to do anything about themselves.   

    4. drfate786


      Hamberder, please stop trying to one up me. There’s a difference between an edgy joke and being an actual racist, blurring the line between the two doesn’t serve anyone. Edit: If you want to continue this discussion you can DM me on discord though I don’t feel like this is a discussion I want to have.

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