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Posts posted by MissToni

  1. Player(s) Involved

    MissToni, Flemishsupremacy, iLime__, JosifNotJoseph, ronin_champloo, PerfecltyPeachy




    I got brought into the clinic to treat a patient in roleplay on my character Katerina and did so (iLime__). Then once I had finished Flemish's character Cassius explained what happened in roleplay that he had found the iLime's character talking to a woman who then attacked him with long claws and teeth (vampyre). And due to this he suspected her of being a vampyre as well so we asked to test the person in roleplay and get their consent for that with some arguments in between. But she allowed it, we did the salt test and the blood fizzled. So we asked if we could cure her IRP. And she said yes to being cured IRP, but oocly she said she didn't consent to actually being cured. So we were like fine, we give you the cure and you won't be cured. Talk over. We continue the roleplay, flemish leaves when alchemist (ronin's character) arrives after having been called on via letter. He makes the potion, second person comes in to help chain up the elfess (Josif's character). But then after she has been given the cure some arguments starts oocly because we say IRP that if the cure doesn't work our characters will kill her. 


    Arguments continue, we give her some options and also make it clear we have no ooc hate or vendetta against her. Doesn't seem to listen or care and then says they have a solution that will make both parties happy. We ask what it is and she roleplays her character dying from the physical trauma of her injuries. Peachy walks in and becomes a witness to the whole situation. We are all like "Aight..." and then she is told to /d40. But she refuses, so 1 person gets a sword and starts trying to pop them. But they log off. 



    Relevant Material


    Evidence of uncooperative conduct.




    Proof that they logged back later on after we were all gone despite having said earlier during the arguments that "They needed to go to bed soon" which are in the other screenshots.




    Before posting on this thread, please review the Report Rules.

  2. Full Name of Man - Izin Kortrevich
    Date of Birth of Man - x


    Name of Woman - Ada Colborn
    Date of Birth of Woman - x


    Location of Ceremony - Chapel of Ven. Dame Primrose, Jerovitz
    Date of Ceremony (Year) - 1905
    Name of Clergyman who performed ceremony - Katerina Cardinal Jorenus

  3. Katerina slumped down into the bed after hearing the news. Her sickness that she was still recovering from having stopped her from being able to say farewell and now she would never get the chance at all... Oh how she would miss him, the boy she had watched grow up was now dead. And a new one would take his place.





    [!] A painting depicting women of Jerovitz at a bonfire ag roast.





    House Kortrevich does formally invite all of Haense to Jerovitz, for the celebration of the triplets Ileana Stefaniya, Fenika Ophelia and Fabian Otto Kortrevich turning five years of age. The birthday will be held on Wzuvar und Byvca. [Wednesday, 6pm EST]


    This shall be a Solstice i Nikirala celebration in the old ways of their mother, Countess-Consort Viorica Kortrevich, and late grandmother, Countess-Consort Esmee Kortrevich. Gifts for the young trio are welcome, but good company is valued most.



    Each guest is invited to wear a handmade mask representing their house crest; or, should they lack a crest, a Crow. Furthermore, each guest is invited to don either black, for piety, wisdom, and the quiet of winter, or yellow, for hope, warmth, and the brightness of spring.



    A boar shall be roasted and served by a bonfire in the Jerovitz gardens, around which dancing, music, and celebrations shall unfold. At the end of the evening, each guest may take a pouch of bonfire ash, to keep on their person or in their home for good luck.



    Each table shall be served a galette, or sweet, almond-filled pastry-cake. In each cake, there is one whole almond. They who receive the slice with the almond shall receive a small prize, and be the ruler of their table for the evening. 




    THE RIGHT HONOURABLE, Matviy Artem Rahoul Kortrevich, Count of Jerovitz, 

    Viscount of Krusev, Baron of Koravia


    THE RIGHT HONOURABLE, Viorica Irena Kortrevich, Countess-Consort of Jerovitz, Viscountess-Consort of Krusev, Baroness-Consort of Koravia


    THE HONOURABLE, Ileana Stefaniya Kortrevich, Countess of Jeroovitz


    HER LADYSHIP, Fenika Ophelia Kortrevich, Seashell Protector 


    HIS LORDSHIP, Fabian Otto Kortrevich, Flower Keeper




  5. Full Name of Man - Georg Sigismund Barbanov-Bihar
    Date of Birth of Man - 1872


    Name of Woman - Esfir Kortrevich
    Date of Birth of Woman - 1869


    Location of Ceremony - St. Heinrik's Basilica, Karosgrad
    Date of Ceremony (Year) - 1902
    Name of Clergyman who performed ceremony - Katerina Cardinal Jorenus

  6. Full Name of Man - Viktor Erwin Barclay
    Date of Birth of Man - 1879


    Name of Woman - Alexandra von Audrick
    Date of Birth of Woman - 1878


    Location of Ceremony - St. Tylos' Cathedral, Reinmar
    Date of Ceremony (Year) - 1899
    Name of Clergyman who performed ceremony - Katerina Cardinal Jorenus

  7. Katerina would be resting in her bed and recovering from her injuries. The pain was luckily bearable due to the numbing agent that was applied once in a while to the scabbing wound. "Godani forgive him, he is dead but still deserving of peace in vyr skies despite his sins." she muttered in a heavy sigh. 

  8. 8 hours ago, argonian said:

    Few suggestions:

    • CT should be small and easy to navigate, not a gigantic distracting mess with random paths leading to God knows where and a load of unused space.
    • Mining and resource gathering should be vanilla. Give land some worth. Way less boring than nodes or resource farms too.
    • Introduce as many Minecraft biomes as possible, especially the new ones, and especially stuff like the Deep Dark. It'd be way more interesting to explore than the same 10 premade ruins you're gonna discover within a week of launch and which you can't touch unless you [[contact ST to interact]]. How cool would it be to find a random ravine and discover that some random players had already built a little base in a cave there? 


    • Heavily restrict pasting. Vortex making resource-gathering nigh impossible has caused people to become too used to the really silly idea of entire landscapes just changing overnight. Not only is the pasting utterly ridiculous and anti-RP, but because it's easier to wait for a paste than to gather and build stuff by hand, everyone will obviously wait for the paste--which creates boredom and stasis while people wait.
    • Add some areas with mobspawners and give mobs some decent drops so people can have fun and make some money hunting. The typical argument against giving them decent loot is "inflation!!!" but I'd rather an economy run off hunting than off of people selling so many cringe named items that they lose all meaning.


    All-in-all, just let us play Minecraft.


    Yes please on the hunting part! I miss the hunting plugins, they were so much fun. You can still roleplay going on hunts with your friends if fighting mobs ain't your thing. Just make sure the mobs don't attack first unless you do. 

  9. Full Name of Man - Matviy Kortrevich
    Date of Birth of Man - 1869


    Name of Woman - Viorica vas Ruthern
    Date of Birth of Woman - 1872


    Location of Ceremony - Chapel of the Ven. Primrose Kortrevich, Jerovitz
    Date of Ceremony (Year) - 1897
    Name of Clergyman who performed ceremony - Katerina Cardinal Jorenus



    Full Name of Man - Ernst Lothar Barclay
    Date of Birth of Man - 1875


    Name of Woman - Inessa Kortrevich 
    Date of Birth of Woman - 1871


    Location of Ceremony - Chapel of the Ven. Primrose Kortrevich, Jerovitz
    Date of Ceremony (Year) - 1895
    Name of Clergyman who performed ceremony - Katerina Cardinal Jorenus



    Full Name of Man - Valdemar Baruch
    Date of Birth of Man - 1872


    Name of Woman - Franziska Ivanna vas Ruthern
    Date of Birth of Woman - 1875


    Location of Ceremony - Church of St. Otto of Vanderfell
    Date of Ceremony (Year) - 1897
    Name of Clergyman who performed ceremony - Katerina Cardinal Jorenus

  10. The Girl In the Midst



    [!] A depiction of Tatyana and the rest of the BSK military returning home to Karosgrad after the battle.


    This is a personal recollection of what my character went through at the event with the inferi in the rimeveld, please do not metagame this information unless you were there or told of this in roleplay.



    “Shields in the front, spikes in the back!” was all she could remember hearing before the fighting began. Her heart had been beating so fast the entirety of the time beforehand whilst her hand firmly grasped at the thanhic steel sword that her mother had gifted her some Saint’s days ago. Her mind brought her to memories of her dear sisters as she tried to give herself courage that she so desperately needed. Tatyana Amelya Ludovar needing courage? It was hard to believe a woman such as herself would need so, but this was no normal battle she would be fighting in. She knew that the second she felt the malflame touch her armour and she got thrown to the ground. 


    The woman struggled so hard with her inner battle during it all, she had thought of just dropping her sword and making a run for it. She would be safe then after all, but she could not stand leaving her fellow soldiers behind. Even more, she would be labeled a deserter, most likely executed. No, she signed up for this after all. She would not run, she would stand and fight. And then, she rose herself up from the snow her face had been laying in and swung at the enemy veteran’s steed. From her helmet her eyes widened as she saw her effort, together with the man named Emeric Radovanic, bringing the veteran’s ride down. 


    Feeling herself almost panicking from such a fact she began looking around, trying to get a grasp of the rest of the situation. And as she did so she spotted the prince Marius laying down, rushing to him to help him stand up. Getting a simple nod of thanks from the man, though she barely registered it as her eyes caught the attention of something that could take both their lives if they did not move. Not thinking clearly she grabbed the prince and dragged him back, yelling at the rest that stood there “THE TREE, WATCH OUT FOR THE TREE!” Marius was not of much help, clearly still a bit affected from having been trampled by the veteran before they had brought his steed down, though she thanked Godan he did not fight her while she was walking backwards with him. 


    “WHOOSHhhhHhh” was all she heard ringing in her ears as they just narrowly avoided being flattened by the big trunk. She sat there breathing heavily before uttering a single “****…” still holding onto Marius, not even realizing she hadn’t let go until he thanked her for saving her life and removed himself from her grasp. All she managed was to give a single muttering of no worries to the prince while she tried to calm herself. Good thing she had already gone to the toilet before she had come to the battle or she would have peed herself right there and then. 


    A small chuckle escaped her lips in relief as she got back up on her feet, moving towards where she had seen a soldier not getting out in time. She had been prepared to pull out a dead body, the tree had been huge after all. But by godani’s grace the man was still alive by the time she pulled him out. She was not trained in medicine, so she was of no use to him as all she could do was lay him in a safe spot before searching for more soldiers to pull out. But by that time the tree had been lit up in flames, and so she was rushing to another soldier she noticed afterwards as time was of the essence. Ignoring the heat from the fire she dug him out while the rest were fighting the remaining inferi soldiers. Putting the other soldier with the first one she had pulled out. She would later learn their names being Ariovistan Bishop & Emil Barclay. 


    When she looked back she heard the call of the fight being over. They had won! They had won… But she would never be the same after her first battle. And it had been a horrible sight to witness, but it had given her a sense of triumph as she had survived and been of use regardless of her fear. Next time she would not even think of running, for now she felt like a true soldier of the BSK. She would no longer be the girl in the midst.

  11. Full name: Katerina Ceciliya Barbanov-Bihar

    Summers’ old: 102

    Clerical role: Cardinal Jorenus (Matriarch of Jorenus), Pontifical Chamberlain

    Diocese of Service: Jorenus

    Minister of Ordination: Jordan Cardinal Jorenus

    Racial identification: [!] “Human, child of Horen” had been filled out on all admission forms [!]

    Sex: Female


    [Username: MissToni ]

    [Discord: MissToni#0760 ]

  12. House Feuds Etiquette




    Issued by the


    On this 10th of Msitza ag Dargund, 448 E.S.

    Written and researched by Lady Tayana Ludovar


    House feuds have long been a common scene in Hanseti-Ruska, though in recent history few of these have resulted in battles; with the exception of the Barclay vs Ruthern feud in the year 418 E.S. In the past however, house feuds caused wars like the famous Duke’s War between Savoy and Adria. House feuds are between at least two houses where offenses have been laid by one or both parties that has given cause for them to hold unignorable distaste for one another. This document is a study of the opinions of nobility and peers of the realm at the time of writing, and not legally binding rules of feuds. For the legal definitions and laws on feuds, see the Haurul Caezk.


    Etiquette between the houses

    While a house feud is happening it is expected of all members to still abide by the laws of Hanseti-Ruska and members acting out can and will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. It is important that a house remembers their standing and conducts themselves in a manner that is befitting to their station as nobility. No scandalous, dangerous, dishonorable or horrible acts shall be done upon another house during a feud.


    Etiquette regarding feuds

    The start of a house feud can either be minor or great, as it all depends on the house on how much offense they wish to take. Upon the beginning of a feud, it must be made known to the other house either through a private letter or a public demand for negotiations on how the feud shall be handled. If no agreement can be made, a duel of equal numbers shall be held where the winner must have their demands fulfilled and the feud ended; such has been agreed upon by almost all peers at the time of researching. It is expected that houses inform and bring in the Crown should a feud escalate to duels, and the Crown can be expected to aid in negotiations, planning, and seeing the feud ended.


    A public feud generally ends in a public apology along with the other demands, whilst a private feud is seen as proper to keep all proceedings of the feud private, including the conclusory statements and apologies. If a private feud is ended publicly by the winning house, it will often be seen as dishonorable as it appears to be gloating the end of a situation that had been agreed to be a private matter.


    The demands a house makes to another during a feud can be a service for the house, a marriage contract, minae or a treasure; it is not limited to these examples as long as they are reasonable to the situation. 


    Silent Support

    Silent Support is for citizens outside of the houses feuding to give their opinion on who they believe are in the right. It is discouraged to call someone out on their silent support however, as this is a way to show support without getting directly involved in the feud. Other houses being involved in a house feud is highly discouraged to prevent large scale rifts within the Kingdom from forming, so many may seek out quieter means of showing their support for a house in the feud. It is considered bad taste to feud with a house over their showing of silent support during an existing feud. There are many ways to show your support silently, it can be done in the way of using the house’s colours in your own clothing, wearing brooches or embroiderment of the houses animal, bearing a badge on their chest of the house’s colours, or by sending the house yellow roses as they symbolize trust, friendship and loyalty. 


    Children in feuds

    Children have been encouraged to do playful pranks on the houses they are feuding with to avoid the feud reaching straight out war and keeping it lighthearted. It is also a way for the adults to get their anger out by being able to laugh at another being embarrassed from such pranks. This can also be equated to the reason that children won’t face much repercussions for their pranks.


    Though these pranks can not reach outright cruelty and are only allowed to be harmless and childish fun. 



    Her Excellency, Johanna, Lady Palatine of Hanseti-Ruska


    Her Ladyship, Tatyana Amelya Ludovar

  13. Full Name of Man - Wilheim Barclay
    Date of Birth of Man - 1876


    Name of Woman - Josefina Kortrevich
    Date of Birth of Woman - 1876


    Location of Ceremony - St. Tylos' Cathedral, Reinmar
    Date of Ceremony (Year) - 1895
    Name of Clergyman who performed ceremony - Katerina Cardinal Jorenus

  14. Katerina turned to the altar of the church as she knelt down into a prayer. When the tears started she was not certain of, but they were there as she thought of Emma. The woman who had made her feel welcomed back into the family alongside Sigismund after the pain her brother caused her. A shining light in the kingdom that had ushered forth new rights for the women. And now? Gone. How cruel fate was to give Emma such a painful death, when she had been deserving of peace and quiet instead. A sigh escaped her mouth as she wiped away the tears, opening her eyes and mouth to finally break the silence in the grand halls. 


    "Take care of her, Godani. She did much for us while she lived." 

  15. "Last time ea checked ea had already given vy a penance to the confession of vyr sins that vy then flat out refused to do. Penance is only something that of a priest can decide for vy, and vy can't go to another priest for a new penance when vy did niet like vyr first one." Katerina scoffed to herself after reading the missive. Planning to seek out the pontiff to ask on advice on this particular man.



     10th Owyn’s Flame OF 1889 F.A.


    [!] A depiction of a starry night on the river


    [17th September, 4pm EST]




    In the name of God,


    The Church of the Canon wishes to announce the hosting of the second Church Gala in the City of Atrus in Balian for all of the faithful flock of the Almaris. 


    The program for the night will go as following:



    A market fair shall be held as the opening to the second Church Gala, various stalls set up by the Church selling different goods along with a face painter for the children.


    SERMON (4:30pm EST)

    A sermon to celebrate the second Church Gala shall be held by the High Pontiff in the Basilica La Sorrella.



    After a nice charade around the stalls guests are invited to come join us in Balian’s ballroom in their palace that has so graciously been offered for us to host in by their Grand Duke. The theme shall be the midnight sky. With the best dressed winning 100 mina each.


    The Church would like to extend invitations to ALL canonists of Almaris



    Signed By,

    HIS HOLINESS Pontian IV, High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon, Archbishop of Visigia, Successor of the High Priesthood of the Church, Supreme Pontiff of the Church of True Faith, Keeper of the Canon, Missionary to Aeldin, High Servant to the Exalted's Testaments, Humble Servant of the Faithful and Vicar of GOD 


    TMR, Her Eminence, Katerina Cardinal Jorenus, Matriarch of Jorenus and

    Pontifical Chamberlain

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