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Posts posted by MissToni

  1. Lalina shook her head upon reading the missive, the young woman bore a heavy frown as she spoke to herself in her room. 


    "I hope the church punishes these men... She even wrote she was bitten whilst pregnant. It is not her fault she got bitten at such a vulnerable time, she did not ask or choose this. She even said she wished to give birth before she took the cure to ensure the survival of her children. A shame there are men and women willingly defending these misguided churchmen who did this to her."

  2. Marjorie watched from the seven skies as her mother was in anguish. She looked to her family in the skies for answers.

    "She must know I am alright now, right? She does not need to cry, I'm okay. I'm happy here, she knows. Does she not? So why is she still crying..."

  3. I also offer payment plans of a maximum 3 months if you are unable to pay the full price in one sitting. I will then ask for a minimum of 15% paid as a deposit after layout has been made and approved. First month of payment will begin after the build has been finished. No interests or extra fees etc, unless you go over the time period that was agreed upon with the payment plan which upon what you already owe will be increased with $10 after five days and then another $10 for each 30 days you go over. 


    Update to portfolio:

    Gray Seaward Keep



    Little White Keep


  4. [!] A missive was sent out to all the children that had been invited and their parents.


    "The sleepover has been decided to be scheduled for four saint's days later due to the peace summit of Veletz that is to happen today. As I imagine parents will be too tired to bring their kids for travel afterwards. So we are happy to inform we shall see all the children in Aquilae then instead." [Monday, 6pm EST]


  5. I will be putting in an anti snipe for this auction. If anyone bids on the keep within 15 minutes of end time, the auction will extend with 30 minutes each time. 

  6. 53 minutes ago, Unwillingly said:

    Is this something I could look at in-game before bidding on?

    Yeah of course, do you have access to the Balian build server? 

  7. Building Auction


    Hello, I have decided to make a small auction here for a building with full interior decor I have made to see if it would be of any interest to anyone. Most of the bedrooms are copy-pasted in their interior with a few variations to allow for those that want theirs decorated, but also to give way to those wanting to do their own bedrooms. 


    It has a total of 3 small bedrooms upstairs along with 1 main bedroom which is slightly larger & 5 bedrooms underground. A throne/grand hall, a library, lounges are considered in the bedroom hallways, dinner room & kitchen/storage room. There is an aviary in the open tower and a hangout area in the roofed tower.


    The bidding will start at $35 USD for the 30x30 manor, it will end on the 24th at 5pm EST


    Exterior pictures:








    Interior pictures:





















  8. I gotta agree with so many others. Barclays has an incredible rich roleplay history and a huge activity of active members. They are experts in including and welcoming new players into their group and teaching them how to role play and not just in a “Join our army teehe, here is your weekly pay.» 


    Whilst yes sone of their players have not behaved right on an oocly level, I would say there are nation leaders and leaderships that have acted way worse. And the past is the past, we should allow players the chance to show that they have grown up from their mistakes. So a big +1 from me to the Barclays and good luck!

  9. Children’s Sleepover

    9th of Owyn’s Flame, 1960



    [!] A painting depicting children sleeping together with their dolls



    To the children of Balian,


    House Vuiller extends an invitation to all the children in Balian, and allied children of other kingdoms, to join us in our new keep on the hills on the large island in Balian’s territory.

    [25th January - Thursday, 6pm EST]


    So bring your teddy bears and other curiosities that you wish to help you sleep for the night or to show off to your fellow children. Pets will also be allowed for this event. We ask the parents of the children that if you allow your child to bring their pet then it must be in a condition to sleep outside in the courtyard for the night, unless it’s a fish in a glass bowl.  



    Each guest is invited to have a look at Dona Marjorie’s own fish massive tank, with many varieties of fish that swim around on the top of the roof. Feeding of these fish will be available to those wishing, and an adult will be provided to look over each child feeding the fish to avoid them falling into the tank.



    Storytime by the Axolotl pond in the Aquilae keep shall be hosted before bedtime where dinner shall be provided for the kids to enjoy. Sausages, buns, s’mores and other plate fillers will be on offer for dinner The storytime will be held by none other than the famous Lady Olenna, whom the kids will remember from last time in the square.   



    As the evening reaches its end it is time for the kids to be put to bed with their plushies and blankets. All the boys will be sleeping together in the ballroom and the girls will be sleeping in the library, both huddled with comfy pillows and blankets for the night. And then in the morning they will be sent back home with waffles and jam for the journey.


    PS: Onesies are recommended for fun, but not required.




    DAME Gwenyth Callista Vilac Vuiller,

    Countess-Consort of Aquilae & Baroness-Consort of San Haraldo


    DONA Marjorie Cecile Eirene Vuiller



    x:3108, y:43, z:2879, bring a boat


  10. Courta Cometa

    Published by the Office of the Palatiodora

    7th of Horen’s Calling, year 1960


    Culture of Hairstyles



    Her Royal Majesty, 

    Queen Sybille I donning her Sybilline braid



    Hair of Portoregne


    The hairstyling culture in Balian has evolved over several generations, forging its unique identity and cultivating a rich sense of heritage and tradition. This study produced by Lady Marjorie Vuiller, under the supervision of Her Royal Majesty, Queen Sybille I, has been written to showcase the most prominent hairstyles that one may come across upon entering the city of Portoregne


    Long hair serves as the cultural standard in Balian, symbolizing femininity and fertility. The act of cutting off one's hair is regarded as a revelation, signifying societal perceptions of undesirability in women. There is one exception to this, however: is for the women enlisted in the Balianese Armada, or an active Dame, as short hair is a sign of strength. Shorter hair in the line of combat may help a woman in the long run. Longer hair is often prone to getting in one's eyes, snagging on armour, weapons, or even being pulled in battle. Shorter hair makes this much less inconvenient and allows the woman to move freely and offer her one less component to think about. This may also symbolize a woman’s comfortability in her own means of femininity along with 

    her devotion to her kingdom as she exposes her neck to dirt, the harsh sun, and mud.



    Listed below are a few of the many different hairstyles that have been seen in Balian over the years. 

    1.           Pigtails, Plaits & Ponytails
    •  Often being viewed as the hairstyles of youth, children are seen to don these styles in their everyday life. A symbol of innocence. With pigtails, the hair is brought into two different strands at either the back, or top of the head and left loose. For plaits, they bear a similar symbolism of  innocence. The difference between a plain pigtail, and a plaited pigtail is simple. One, like noted before, is loose. Plaits, however, are often composed of three strands folded and twisted together to create something resembling a rope. 
    • And last but not least, the ponytail.A ponytail holds, one again, the symbolism of innocence in children. Until pigtails, a ponytail is singular. Often tied at either the top, side, or back of the head. 

          II.            Buns

    • A bun is a well known form of updo in which the wearer takes a singular, or even a plaited strand of hair and twists it around itself. Fastened with pins, or ribbon. Some are even accompanied by a veil which drapes down the wearer's back.

       III.            Balianese bun 

    • The Balianese bun is a special type of bun or braid that may simply be tucked under or built around a central pin, tiara or other hair accessory. It is also fairly common to wear a veil attached to this bun that wraps around your shoulders. The hairstyle was popularized by the Princess Royal of Rosemoor, Elena Casimira. Who has been known for donning the hairstyle during her lifetime.   

       IV.            Crown Braid

    • A crown braid is a form of braid that wraps around one's head like that of a crown, hence the name. It is encouraged to braid this hairstyle with a ribbon inside the hair as an accessory. Often seen in adult women or teenagers, though not so common in young girls or older ladies.

         V.            Farm Braid

    • Balian's relentless sun, known for causing hair to cling to one's face amidst work-induced sweat and grease, spurred a timeless tradition. Farm women turned to the technique of weaving their hair into a single braid, a practice spanning generations. Today, this practical solution has moved from simple farm life, and is now embraced even by nobility and royalty. Paired with a shawl for sunburn protection, the farm braid remains a stylish and functional choice.

       VI.            Half Updo

    • Many noblewomen love to showcase their long hair whilst also keeping it out of their face. And so a method was created by braiding one’s hair in a half crown braid or a bun whilst keeping the rest flowing freely down the back.

    VII.            Sybilline Braid

    • Before and after Sybille I’s reign began one could often see the woman donning a high and sophisticated braid from the top of her head that falls down to the shoulder and to one’s stomach. This braid would typically be decorated with a golden headpiece in order to hold the braid in place and keep its intended form. It has now become a symbol of the Queen Regnant herself, and if one is to visit Portoregne you are certain to see this braid in person.




    DONA Marjorie Cecile Eirene Vuiller




    Thank you to @_yink_ for going over the grammar of this whole post and prettying the writing up <3


  11. 3 minutes ago, Narthok said:

    The solution to the infinity realms question does not have to be killing all of them. Surprisingly on a roleplay server you can solve a lot of problems by just.. talking to people.. in roleplay

    We also ended up becoming more active cause people from Oren came down to visit us after they saw us being vassalized and wanted to see what the deal was about and ended up making more friends and some even settled down there. And we also ended up uniting two other farfolk settlements into one with that settlement after some months of roleplay. At the end of the day it didn't survive but it was a fun run that had been a blast to deal with. And I agree the solution doesn't have to be killing them all indeed, have them vassalize and maybe not be so scared about the fact they have full control of the tile they vassalize under you with. I understand NLs being scared of their vassals rebelling, but so much of that creates roleplay and gives activity to the nation. There is put too much ooc stress and anxiety onto vassals that they have to be 100% loyal. Let vassals do what they wanna do, and then suffer the consequenses for it if their King or Queen doesn't agree with it etc etc. 

  12. 14 hours ago, Narthok said:

    I do not think the problem here is being able to make settlements. It is more that nations are too spineless to actually annex random sleeper nations. Half the reason we can't do this is because essentially every nation is semi permanently guaranteed by the major super powers. This is a solveable problem without any rule changes.

    Haense is easily strong enough to vassalize essentially every polity and make a new Empire. Haense could wipe out or vassalize any of these piastdoms they wanted to without even a war. Send a single diplomat or post demands on the forums. All of these tearpers will fold immediately.


    I remember back when Oren was still well and alive AND STRONG and I tried my hand at creating my own settlement. Oren literally came to me unprompted and unasked on a diplomatic mission asking if we would be willing to vassalize. And that our group's religion would be allowed and protected as long as the leader got baptised under Canonism, but didn't HAVE to believe in it.


    We then got threatened by these bandit groups and ended up vassalizing for protection. And low and behold, we no longer suffered the bandit problem. Because they were too scared of pissing off Oren. In the end it was a failed project, but it was quite fun and interesting to see how the big human nation at that time noticed us and wanted us included when we had just started out. But we were very much left to our own devices and able to create our own roleplay and culture. 

  13. Marjorie Vuiller heard the news with a saddened look upon her visage. The girl thought long and hard to herself before she spoke to her mother with much uncertainty.


    "What happens to my study now? It was almost finished..."  @_yink_

  14. Every Girl’s Dream


    This is a roleplay post of something that happened during the aftermath of the wedding to the Queen of Petra. If you were not there or not told, then please don't metagame this information.


    Every girl’s dream is that of being a princess, is what Marjorie had always thought for herself. Every girl’s dream is to wear the finest jewelry and the prettiest dresses. And she had access to all of that if she wished to, all her wishes and wants except for one. A tiara. 


    Her family didn’t own one, there had never been a royal marriage or a royal gift to the Vuillers. And so she envied the Queens and princesses she saw, all of them so beautiful with their heads beautified in gold, silver, bronze or other metals their crowns were made of. But it would never be her, all she could do was dream. And so she dreamt, Every. Single. Day.


    Until the Princess Ramona of Hyspia rained down her kindness onto the young girl of seven. Marjorie was barely even able to look the princess into her eyes, she was so beautiful the girl’s face reddened in full glory and she clung to her mother for comfort. Her words sounded like a mouse squeaking away in the night for food. One single comment of flattery from the girl had thrown the ball in motion as the glistening of blues slowly reached her head. 


    “Keep it safe for me?” She heard from the Crown Princess of Hyspia before the woman muttered other things as she turned to leave. The girl had given her pinky promise to do her very best. Her happiness was out of bounds as she turned to her mother with tearful eyes. “Did that really just happen?” She asked for confirmation and a yes was given in turn. She felt the tiara, it was still there. It still was on her head, the princess had not taken it away when she left. And she had let out so many giggles already that now she just wished to show it off.


    “Can we go show it to my siblings?”


    And so the two returned home, with a child full of hope that all things in the world would be good and a mother’s heart full of warmth. For she had fulfilled every girl’s dream. 






    Thank you to @_mady07 and @_yink_for the wonderful roleplay to further my character's story <3


  15. 1 hour ago, HIGH_FIRE said:

    As the Princess of Monterosa watched her father slowly slip from consciousness and soon life, she would mumble something, something very quiet. “Until all my enemies are dead-“ she paused and thought to her father’s strong response to her kidnapping to all the attacks Balian and her people had received. She thought of his strong resolve to bring down Veletz, Station and any other who sought to harm the otherwise peaceful Kingdom of Balian. “-I will not be free” she finished the sentence, uttering the words she heard from her father many times. She’d sign the Lorraine and get up from her seat, no longer the Princess of Monterosa, but the Queen of Balian.


    Sibyl would, after seeing to her father’s dead body, leave her father’s chambers tears staining her cheeks as the man passed away. Over the past months they’d had several important talks and Sibyl was preparing herself for the oncoming inevitability. She had hoped being mentally prepared for such an occasion would help her bounce back from such a happening, but such was not going to happen at all. As she wiped away the stains on her cheeks she would take a deep breath, thinking through the many memories of her father, the day he had her invested as the Crown Princess, the day he met her firstborn and her core memory of him, the day they went to a festival in Haense together. Life was a lot less complicated back then, she was able to enjoy her time and her and her father enjoyed that day greatly. As she got to her own chambers, she lifted a pen and began writing a document, despite the tragic day, she still had a nation to run now, and that nation was at war.


    Lalina did her best to stay by the side of the now Queen of Balian. Serving her tea whenever she wished for it. The woman would stay right outside her chambers, not taking her time for sleep. For Lalina knew how much she was needed now. After all the duties of a handmaid was to serve. And serve she would.

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