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Posts posted by MissToni

  1. Mother Alexandra smiled at the invite everyone had received for the wedding. 


    "And so our distant cousins are being wed" she chuckled lightly, though she had no connections to the Barclays, despite being a descendant of them. 

  2. Mother Alexandra would be wandering around in a nearby village as she heard the news of the King's passing. The woman looked up at the sky with solemn eyes. 


    "A great man has passed over to the seven skies today. The world shall miss him, and all eyes will be upon his son now..." she mumbled to herself before offering a prayer to God for the King. 

  3. Although the cardinal had not known the Queen at all, she welcomed her openly into the seven skies. For she had always looked fondly over all matriarchs both in life and in death. 


    "Rest now, your Majesty. You deserve it and have made your ancestors proud with your rule."

  4. 9 hours ago, SapphirePool said:

    Lavanya, a woman hailing from the nation of Cresonia read the decree. "Inking of any kind?" she sent a letter then to her childhood friend, Princess Kareena.

    'Your highness, it appears we shall not be able to partake in our traditions of Henna inking for the foreseeable future. I had hoped to set up a small business to bring the artform to this land, though it appears persecution would befall my clientele. How unfortunate' @MissToni

    Kareena Nasrid would glance at the missive Lavanya had just shown her after she had just arrived back to Aevos from her travels to Cresonia. 


    "I... what? No, henna tattoos are important to our culture when it comes to weddings. I will speak to the High Pontiff about it, surely he will allow such since it's a wedding tradition of our people and it will fade. Unlike the ink he speaks of. Don't worry, Lavanya. I will let you know soon how it goes!" the princess then patted her friend on the shoulder as she began to write a letter.

  5. 4SBBKqGgHg5v7r8HXKrQWJrbfF6mUICHMQGkq1Nk3KVXKTQr2jw6HZa5IT-JNNzW7thIqOQzaPjv8xLsvX1_sxtuNyRFexQKJ_4i3s8YaYFJY8zpdi2u-D_YujUrfrBs5UKp3Nby6JqTcrlXi4CDimw



    Opening of the Royal Headdress Exhibition

    [26th of March, 4:30pm EST]


    Courta Cometa extends an invite to all of Aevos as the gates are opened for a new extension of the palace of Balian. This new wing will contain an exhibition of the royal crowns, tiaras and circlets with a few other jewelry pieces that have been prepared for a time now.


    Drinks and beverages will be served for the showcasing of the different trinkets. We hope to see you all there.



    The People of the Kingdom of Balian

    HIS ROYAL MAJESTY, Aleksandr II, and the Kingdom of Haense

    HIS ROYAL MAJESTY, John I, and the Kingdom of Aaun

    HER MAJESTY, Catherine I, and the Commonwealth of the Petra

    HER MAJESTY, Tar-Caraneth Aryantë and the people of Numendil

    HER ROYAL HIGHNESS, Ramona de Pelear, and the Sovereignty of Hyspia

    THEIR ROYAL HIGHNESSES, Alfred & Leon Barclay and the Principality of Reinmar

    HIS GRANDNESS, Grelu Irgard, and the Grand Kingdom of Urguan

    The People of Aevos




    HER ROYAL MAJESTY, Sybille I, by the Grace of GOD, Queen of Balian, Princess of Providence, Duchess of Helena and Lorraine, Countess of Pompourelia, Viscountess of Eflen and Anatis, Baroness of Renzfeld, Brucca, Valens, Malenos and Ciavola, Lady of Portoregne, Atrus and Monterosa, Warden of La Costa Rubinissima, Protector of the Heartlanders and the South, etcetera.


    HER ROYAL HIGHNESS, Kareena Isabel Nasrid, Princess of Cresonia,

    Keeper of the Crown Jewels of Balian

  6. Ileana Kortrevich would greet the old Queen with open arms. Hugging her fondly as she thanked her for watching over her children so steadfast and making sure they grew up well without her.


    A priest sat idly in the church with a solemn look on her visage. Mother Alexandra then bent down to pray for the soul of the Queen, her second cousin that she had a chance to meet before her death. There were no tears, for she hadn't known the woman long. But the things she had given in turn during their fleating moment was worth gold to the priest. For to get to know the heritage of what her grandmother had done in the world meant much to her. So she promised to always remember the Queen. And to go by the words she had told Amaya herself. 


    "A single moment can mean a lifetime." she uttered in her prayer "Amen" 

  7. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Kareena Nasrid


    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Holly Hornwood


    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?



  8. [!] A missive was spread around the world of Aevos, containing a painting alongside it.




    "Greetings, I am Princess Kareena Nasrid of Cresonia. I have recently with my guild of Ak'vei slain a sea serpent and been allowed to keep the head as a trophy. But I wish to preserve it in full and perhaps be able to mount it onto something without worrying about it rotting. So I am asking if anyone might be willing to help me do so? I can pay a small sum of 50 mina, don't have much on me as of current. If you wish to offer your services to me, please send me a letter to Balian or Kaethul."


    HRH, Kareena Isabel Nasrid, Princess of Cresonia,

    guild member of Ak'vei and Keeper of the Crown Jewels of Balian. 

  9. Kareena would hear of the news and frowned greatly. Another person dead in the kingdom she was a ward under. And demon attack earlier too. A long sigh escaped her as she glanced at the project she was working on. 


    "I had hoped you would get to see the finished work, but seems it wouldn't be so. Rest well, Lady Poppiya"

  10. 3 minutes ago, Ibn Khaldun said:

    I appreciate this decision extremely. Without revealing the details of discussion, I was adamant from the beginning about penalties needing to be doled out regarding the controversial report against Tabby64 & rukio13 and - though I was not reproached or admonished directly - I did have an uneasiness that my good reasoning would paint a target on my back by the prison guard as the community's meme went. Thank you so much for making this even-keeled decision.




    We appreciate that you tried at least, though it is done now. Rukio and tabby are both banned

  11. 2 hours ago, beetle said:

    to my beloved favorites, i appreciate you ALL <3
    @Phersades @Tav @Itz_Cookie @StrongBear @ratlordmagic @PufferfishTrash @carebear @Tremerus @Rosey @Destructokeith @Deets @Pepto @Crabby @marslol @envy @AstriaS @BasicDoctor @MissToni @Generi @Fleur___ @Travisty @Maevlin and to the rest of the
    Númendil + Petra community <3333333333333 (and ig @Spoopy_Duck)

    I appreciate you a lot too <3

  12. A totally real dwarf of the 'Sunstone' clan, AND NOT A HUMAN CHILD, with a TOTALLY REAL BEARD saw the missive as she went to show her friends "Do you think he will invite us to vote for him as well?" she snickered "Bardi Sunstone might have to rally the clan again"

  13. 4 hours ago, ReveredOwl said:

    ok @satinkira where is your thread banning frost witches? They hunt and eat men because they hate them, imagine the uproar if the admins approved a magic group of creatures who hunt and eat women because they hate women. Why would misandry be ok but misogyny not? If we're going to ban every single real world prejudice, lets be fair and axe the frost witches too

    There is in fact a current creature with lore on this current map that mostly and almost only targets women. And a woman can’t even fight back against it if caught in its web if I read the lore correctly

  14. A thirteen young girl grasped onto the flyer to read it with much interest. She then wrote to the man despite her young age.


    "Hello, my name is Kareena Isabel Nasrid. I would very much like to join in the party that you are making to undertake on this very task. I understand my age may be of question as I am a bit young, only thirteen of age currently. But I promise that I will not be of hinder and will play my part, sometimes having someone small and agile is better when it comes to tight underground caves. I was taught by my father how to fight and have been training in Balian. I am also hoping to learn the art of alchemy in a guild called Ak'vei in Kaethul. I will bring armour and weapons that are needed for this task, and even buy some potions for the trip. I look forward to hearing from you"



    HRH, Kareena Isabel Nasrid,

    Princess of Cresonia

  15. Unknown Blue Crystal


    I discovered a beautiful crystal in the deep and dark caves under Numendil that stretch all the way to Haense territory that I have brought back home with me. I am unsure what kind of crystal it might be as I am not an expert on the subject. So I was wondering if anyone might help me with such? I currently reside in the palace in Balian so please send your birds there for a meeting. A sketch has been put under this pamphlet of the piece.




    HRH, Kareena Isabel Nasrid,

    Princess of Cresonia and ward of the Curador of Balian


    [!] Attached is a painted sketch of the piece.




  16. 1 hour ago, esterhase said:
      Hide contents

    I would like to know why my post was deleted!

    The notion of mutatis mutandis, or substitution of terms, is a legitimate (and interesting!) counter-argument to this. If you were to say depriving somebody of their desire is immoral as it leads to the sins of envy and lying, you tacitly allow a lot more than two dudes kissing.

    Please tell me who removed my post and explain why it was removed.



    It's cause pedophilia and beastiality is against the rules to even mention icly and people have used the argument about pedos against gays for irl for literally decades dude... 


  17. Kareena Nasrid beamed upon reading of the newfound changes being made in the current nation she warded under along with their allies.


    "Wonderful news of change, though I don't believe in my own culture's religion anymore and have chosen Canonism for myself it is a sad thought they still barred love to blossom for same sex couples unlike my people." 

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