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Posts posted by Astrophysical

  1. MC Name: Astrophysical

    Character's Name: Feno

    Character's Age: Enough


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):

             Dark Elf


    Transformed form:



    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    An Epiphyte is essentially created when a decedent which has under purposefully or accidentally falls asleep next to a fae plant which seed has slipped through a fae ring into this realm. The fae plant can call to the descendant to them, luring them in. Once the decedent falls asleep next to the fae plant, they will be encased in a cocoon which transforms all of the decedents bodily mass into plant matter. The new form of the descendant will be similar to their original form and the fae plant which was slept under. This can range from flowers to mushrooms to even carnivorous plants.


    Once transformed, the Epiphyte will have a unique bond to the fae plant which is both physical and mental. If the plant or the Epiphyte is damaged in some way, the plant AND the Epiphyte will share that pain and physical damage. For example, if someone accidentally bruises the fae plant, the Epiphyte will feel the pain and receive the bruise in response. The fae plant and Epiphyte will also experience a mental bond such as the ability to talk to the plant similar to a druid. The Epiphyte will feel an urge to treat the fae plant as their own favorite child and care for it, even protecting it with their life. The Epiphyte can also spread the seeds of the plant, but can only create one fae plant at a time unless the one currently existing dies.



    - Epiphytes are reborn every 50 to 100 years in a cycle where memories are transferred to the new body upon choice.

    - Being reborn cannot shift personality unless there is a valid RP reason.
    - Epiphytes cannot have children unless it is through the rebirth process.

    - Epiphytes cannot use void magic or they will likely shrivel.

    - Epiphytes can only be connected to one Fae plant at one time, no more.

    - Epiphytes cannot use the Fae plant to meta game their death.

    - Epiphytes, if they receive a sickness or physical injury, the plant will receive it to and vice versa.

    - Epiphytes can be damaged easy, easier than descendants.



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story writers updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Do you understand that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:



    Memey RP or using this CA for subpar villain/bandit RP can lead to your app being denied, even after acceptance. Please put "I understand" as your response once you have read this part and understand the consequences.

             I understand


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  2. Feno, despite often not taking interest in the politics of Oren, chuckles at the missive which has reached Sutica’s walls. “This rabbit hole we call a war keeps getting deeper by the moment.” She hums as she reads further “If this Antonyus has proof of Emperor Peter III being a usurper of the throne, I personally pray for his and House Horen’s quick victory. This war must end or we will all suffer to this invasion.”

  3. Vergil Goldhand, outraged by the news of the Oren’s savagery slams the table at the temple library. “I never t’ought the rumors to be true, but Oren does appear to kill c’ildren! W’o knows w’at the child is doing now, all alone without ‘is sister. May the Brathmordakin watch their path.”

  4. This is my formal farewell from LOTC.

    I am sad to say I will now be leaving LOTC and likely not returning. My experience on this server has grown to the point where it causes me stress and frustration in real life. Once a game becomes a cause of stress, what’s the point of playing? Thanks to all of those who actually cared for me and not make my experience an absolute pit of toxic sludge. I had to leave sooner or later due to college, so now is a good time.




  5. Spoiler


    Dezperate Tiks, Dezperate Meazurez

    See the source image





    Mine [REDACTED]




    Gusiam Jusmia
















    An expedition was prepared to Mine [REDACTED] led by Shanka’Yar who caught wind of a Volatite deposit in [REDACTED]. With the crew assembled, the expedition headed out. The trip to [REDACTED] was safe with no difficulties, and camp was set up. Night passed without difficulties. Next morning, while Khlor’Ox and Gusiam Jusmia were preparing to begin extraction of the Volatite, a mountain dwarf was spotted within the extraction site. The dwarf was removed from the extraction and was let go peacefully without difficulties. Preparation continued for the next couple hours until Kretz’Ox reported sightings of more dwarves over the mountain. A team was sent to investigate, but discovered a small company of dwarves approaching. The camp was sent into a panic, with Khlor’Ox and Fuze’Ox going into the mine and the rest scattering. The dwarves surrounded the mine, demanding the two goblins to come out. Yelling between the two commenced, the Goblins threatened to light the Volatite while the Dwarves threatened to blow up the mine as well. With no other choice, Fuze’Ox stuck the Volatite. The mine erupted into flames, consuming Klor’Ox and Fuze’Ox in an inferno, killing both. The mountain shook with the explosion’s might, causing rocks to fall overhead. In the aftermath, Kretz’Ox was captured and killed by the dwarven company. Gusiam Jusmia was also captured by the company in the aftermath. With the deposit gone, the dwarven force is not able to obtain the Volatite. May all remember the sacrifice of the expedition. Kor lead them to Stargush’stroh



  6. [!] A pamphlet would be found in the mailboxes around Urguan.




    A Priest’s Response to the Greenskin Extermination Grudge






    Recently, the Grand Kingdom of Urguan has been rather hectic with the war against orcs and the bombing of the Obsidian Throne. The dwarven race is in chaos. From this chaos came the Greenskin Extermination Grudge. I, Vergil Goldhand, Priest of Da Kirkja Dverga, am in opposition of this grudge. Although my voice is small and few compared to the opposing masses, I write nonetheless. I implore every last dwed to read this and heed my words.




    The logic behind the grudge is rather faulty and blinded by vengeance and rage. First off, as the representative of the orcs, Dominus Fiil’Yar, has claimed, the Orcs do not support the actions of Skalpboila’Raguk on the day of the bombing. This makes his action solely on his own volition, and not the will of Krugmar itself. If the bombing was known to the leadership of Krugmar, no orc would have entered the throne room to risk their lives. On the subject of lives, no dwed was killed in the attack, so why must we commit mass murder in response? Yes, the Under King, Utak Ireheart, was harmed, but there are better alternatives. The extermination of orcs is an abhorrent overreaction over the actions of a singular orc.




    The Greenskin Extermination Grudge, if resolved, would be a great disturbance to Yemekar’s balance. The orcs are Yemekar’s creation, just as we are. We dwed were tasked by Yemekar himself to protect his creations, not to commit genocide on them. War is inevitable, but this grudge is not. You take out a large cog in the machine, the whole machine will fall apart.




    Don’t think I don’t want to see the orcs punished for the attack, I just believe there is a simpler solution. As seen in Fiil’Yar’s response, the Rex is gone and the leadership of Krugmar is falling apart. I believe it is the best course of action to take Fiil’Yar’s offer and take her arm to settle the grudge. I am aware that a grudge is a grudge, and there’s no changing that, but the violence we create will only hit us back in the future.



    Vergil Goldhand, Priest of Da Kirkja Dverga



  7. Vergil Goldhand would begin to write a response to the grudge.

    I, Vergil Goldhand, argues against the severity of this grudge.

    The state of Yemekar’s balance will be altered altered in effect of this grudge. The one orc has indeed have done us dwedmar wrong, but the orcs themselves are still Yemekar’s creation. This genocide is too severe a punishment for the actions of one singular uruk. I propose financial compensation rather than blood, for the mass killing of orcs will only breed more fighting. We dwed need to protect the balance of Yemekar’s creations, not alter it for our own blood lust and vengeance.


    Narvok Oz Brathmordakin,

    Vergil Goldhand, Priest of Da Kirkja Dverga


  8. Ogradhad always needed his own lore piece, and some of it is pretty good. I personally love the idea of neutrality.

    My main problem with the piece however is the focus around runesmithing and golemancy and how Ogradhad and the Thelumar communicate to an exclusive few. Another problem is how set in stone the piece is, the Brathmordakin should be up for interpretation, but that’s just a personal preference.


    For the time being, -1

  9. Vergil Goldhand would nod at the post and sigh “T’ese kin ‘ave to understand t’at nae one can speak to de gods like dat. T’is wouldn’t be ah issue if t’ey didn’t do t’at.” Vergil shakes his head “Otherwise, ah believe a branch o’ de clergy wi’hin Heferumm would be a grand idea, but to separate from de clergy itself? Nae.”

  10. Lareh’Lenti slams the table at the tavern looking downwards at his drink. Dammit! Why wasn’t I there?! My commanding officer dead because I wasn’t there!” He yelps as he slams the table again, spilling the drink on the floor. Lareh’Lenti then looks down at the mess he made and sighs sadly, a tear rolling down his face. “Why wasn’t it me...”

  11. Vergil peers at a copy of the work and slams the tavern table he was sitting at. “Oi! T’is is rig’t! No one man s’ould ‘old de power of de c’urch! I demand a reform!” Vergil stands up and storms out of the tavern.


  12. MC Name: Astrophysical

    Character's Name: Tie-Niang

    Character's Age: 28


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):



    Transformed form:

             Hou-Zi (Laobai-Zu)


    Creator's MC Name:



    Creator's RP Name:



    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:


    The Hou-Zi are a race which were originally primitive apes until the daemon Metztli decided to experiment with them. She came to the alpha primitive and transformed him in mind and body into the first Hou-Zi. This alpha became known as Hou-Shen who became the immortal god-king of the jade city of Jing-Taiyun.

    They developed rapidly and began to hunger for the riches of the world. In response to their avarice, Metztli commanded Hou-Shen to invade and grow the empire in her name. They invaded the home of the Kingdom of Malin, the Hou-Zi pushed far into their lands until they were halted in the Island of Tahn where both the Hou-Zi and Elves met at a stalemate and agreed on peace. The Hou-Zi kept the peace for a while, but Hou-Shen still hungered. They then attacked Malinor City where Hou-Shen met his demise and the Hou-Zi were obliterated by the Elves. The elves then reconquered their lands and commited genocide on the Hou-Zi. But before they reached Jing-Taiyun, the primordial being known as The Poison collapsed the city in a red, poisonous mist. Angered by The Poison’s involvement, Metztli gave Hou-Shen a second chance. The return of the immortal god-king sparked another invasion of the now separated elves. The elves then made a pact to defeat the Hou-Zi once and for all. The United elves then took arms and once again defeated the Hou-Zi, but in miraculous mercy they made a treaty with the enemy. They were to never leave the Jungles of Asul or build beyond Jing-Taiyun. The Hou-Zi, still corrupted by avarice, took arms against one another in the Jade Wars. Brother fought against brother until the immortal god king had enough. Hou-Shen left Jing-Taiyun, never to return. The Poison then returned and collapsed the jade city once again. Metztli, angered once again by the primordial being’s involvement, decided the Hou-Zi were a failed experiment and left them to their fate.

    The Hou-Zi are ape like in appearance, sporting fur and a skin-exposed face. Their appearances range from the monkey-like Laobai-Zu, the Baboon-like Fei-Zu, to the Gorilla-like Hei-Zu. They live to be around 100 years in age.

    The Hou-Zi have two major religions. One being Shenjiao and the other being Hua-Jiao. Shenjiao focuses on Hou-Shen and his three sons as gods who rule over a heavenly realm of infinite luxury. Hua-Jiao focuses on the teachings of Hualian who is a Hou-Zi nobleman who reached enlightenment. His-Jiao focuses on the Four Truths and the Eightfold Path.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?:



    Are you aware that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:



    Do you consent to accepting what may happen to this character?:



    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


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