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Posts posted by Astrophysical

  1. See the source image


    The Barradin Plea


           Once upon an era long past, in the youth of the world anvil, the Aengul Wyrvrun embodied righteousness and purity. The treasured draconic child of Yemekar, our blessed creator, was corrupted by the dark whispers of Khorvad, the firstborn, the betrayer. The celestial’s heart was corrupted with avarice, and his mind with hate. What was left was but a shell of the child of Yemekar, Odnarch. The monstrosity set his sight upon the Kingdom of Urguan, ravaging the lands with his numerous hordes of icebound beings. His mighty wings beat with the fury of winter itself and the weapons of ferrum and steel used against him were futile. 

           The elder runelords of yore then forged runic weapons and armor, empowered by Ogradhad himself. The greatest of these weapons was Kal’Varak, a prison to separate mind and soul from flesh. This weapon was entrusted to Barradin and his two friends. After the bloody battle, Odnarch was defeated, however Barradin’s two friends met their fate and passed into Khaz’a’Dentrumm. Hailed as a hero, Barradin returned with his hammer, fueled with a fragment of the old Aengul’s power, and hid Kal'Varak, so those who seek Odnarch’s release never do.

           Eras have passed since that fateful day, and now the infernal minions of Azdromoth now scorch our lands and crumble our walls. In addition, those descendants thralled by Azdromoth, known as the Azdrazi, have breached our walls, living among the chosen race. Clan Doomforge, once the slayers of wyrms and drakes and the slaughterers of the corrupted spawn of Odnarch himself, have fallen into the grasps of their ancient enemy. Although not all of the descendants of the sons of the paragon Urur Ireheart have heeded the words of Azdromoth, there is no denying that the clan has become corrupted.
           Therefore I put forth the notion that those Doomforged Clan must not be treated with disgust, but with compassion. Odnarch was once Wyrvrun, a being of purity and righteousness. The Doomforged, as mentioned, were once the slayers of the corrupted. One must remember that they are kin as well. This does not excuse the corrupted Doomforged for their fall, however, their clan in its entirety should not be cast out.


    Penned by




    Don't be racist towards Doomforged.


    ((Works Mentioned))



    Works Mentioned




  2. Draaghluk, a shaman bound to Kezt, lets out a hearty sigh as he walks through the jungles of the west, noticing a notice in the wind. "Dizappointing that that Levazport fell to the handz of zuch, another way Krugmar haz fallen into degeneracy. Alaz, it iz nub longer my problem."

  3. Draaghlûk, a shaman bound to Kezt, reads over the missive slowly before smirking behind his masked helmet. He folds it, creasing it neatly,


    “The horde iz too weak to faze the elvez. If they try to rezizt, which they likely will, they will be… obliterated. To face them izn’t bravery, or honorable, it is zuizide.”


    Draaghlûk sighs, disappointed as he wanders offwards,


    “But they will nub lizten, nub. Too blind, already has refused to believe the warningz ob Freygoth in favor for their pride.”



  4. Spoiler


    Mood Music




    Mau Kezt’ob

    A Warrior of Kezt


    Fizzard’Raguk’s weary eyes settled onto the blurred surroundings. He moved to rub them with his crimson forearm before he scanned the area slowly. The goblin stood within a square constructed of marble and ferrum which is decorated with doric pillars which line the flanks of the adjacent halls every few ten feet. When he looked down each of the halls, visibility was cut by a gentle fog. The floor which he stood on was clean, unnaturally so. There were no cracks or dirt present on the marble tiles. Looking to the center of the square, Fizzard noticed a tree with bark made of ferrum with leaves of aurum which reflected the sunlight which shone down into the area. 

    At the base of the tree sat an armored figure, one knee to his chest with the other crossed beneath. His pale white armor was like a mirror, looking at it was almost blinding from the sun’s reflection, silver. In one gauntlet the figure held a large warhammer’s shaft which the head rested upon the earth. The figure looked at Fizzard’Raguk, but his expression was obscured by his plate helmet. The figure in silver spoke, his voice firm and commanding.


    “Uzgfarghatal, bathagh’mirz izish? Golm’lat bugud’lab.”

    “Realm Jumper, who pesters me? Offer your name.”


    The goblin responded calmly, his voice also firm, but respectful.


    “Kezt’hai, bugud’izub, Fizzard Raguk’ob. Nargzab’izg gadhl’at sha lat.”

    “Great Kezt, my name, Fizzard of Raguk. I need to pact with you.”


    The armored figure, now identified as Kezt, softly laughed. His laughter echoed through the marble halls. He took a moment to lift himself from the base of the tree, using the warhammer as a crutch. He began to orbit the goblin, the sound of armor clanking as he did. Kezt stopped for a second, seemingly contemplating, and observing Fizzard, before he vocalized,





    “Nargzab’izg inûrl’at drau’at thak’ishi agon’ob ”

    “I need to learn to shine in the face of twilight.”


    Kezt nodded slowly, his helm clanked upon the breastplate. He stood now in front of Fizzard, his presence towered over the crimson goblin. He extended his silvered gauntlet forward to the crimson goblin, an offer to shake, without any further questions, as if he knew the deeper reasoning. Fizzard’Raguk took Kezt’s armored hand, shaking it firmly to seal the pact.


    “Gaakh kramp’lat.”

    “May it be that you do.”


    From here on, Fizzard is to be known as Draaghlûk, a Mau Kezt-ob, for he is bound now, even in death, to Kezt.



    This post is to mark a soft reset of Fizzard'Raguk's character for I was dissatisfied on which direction I was taking him as more of an extension of my IRL self that didn't do much.


  5. Shamanism community is a lot stronger than people think in my opinion. Main thing that people take issue of is that most shamans set out on their own rather than forming communities. I personally find magic communities short-lived most of the time, other magics included.


    My main gripe is, as Panashea said, and the reason most shamans quit the magic as I have seen, that Shamanism is VERY misunderstood by ST, causing most of the magic to be not that that powerful as it used to be. For example, Farseers are extremely limited when it comes to spells. Although I am one who despises power grabbing via magic, I do find the magic very weak other than spirit walking, which is to this day my favorite part of Shamanism.


    When it comes to elementalism, I really doubt that it will ever come back as it used to be due to it's freeform style which encouraged powergaming. Unless heavy reforms are set in place with drawbacks, it's not coming back (as many wish it could).


    To even begin fixing shamanism we need to realize that the community is not the problem it's the education of those who do not understand or are afraid of the magic.

  6. Pharos, a voidal construct of flame, finds it strange that Oren is taxing magic, as well as beings such as himself. 

    “A rather strange notion of safety, it seems more like a scam.”

  7. 6ck1d1.thumb.jpg.faf6d15d44c907109ff745818c69ceee.jpg


    I personally find the family thing very gatekeepy. Especially with the line:

    1 hour ago, Markisstreaming said:

    One may not claim that they are part of the family. This is pure metagaming and the moderators will be contacted.

    Is there a specific reason why this feat is locked behind familial lines oocly? The lore of this piece isn't a reason.


    “Mi iz nub razizt, mi juzt nub like him…”


    [!] An artistic depiction of the fight with Ixula




    With a heavy heart I write this declaration for I am not usually the one to involve myself in such political affairs. However, I have grown tired of the recent conflicts and have decided that I must intervene. I, Fizzard’Raguk, claim the position of Dominus of the Iron Uzg. With the recent situation between us and the former dominus, Ixula, which has left him in troubled waters in the city, and with war with Elysium on the horizon, I have been forced to move my hand. If anyone wishes to challenge me for this claim, you are welcome to do so.


    Gaakh Ghûlb-Ilz’gûl Izish



  9. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?



    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    Shamans serve as the cultural heads of the orcish religion of spiritualism. Serving as the anchor between the spiritual realm and the mortal realm. Shamans are the mouthpieces of the spirits, beings of power which represent ideas, actions, and nature.  Shamans are devout to these beings, loyalty sworn to spread their word for those willing to listen, being their hands in the mortal plane.


    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    Lutaumancy is different from their Witch Doctor and Farseer cousins as they are able to traverse the ancestral plane. With the help of herbs, Old Blah, and calming music, these shamans can take themselves and others into the realm of the dead, Stargush’Stroh, beyond the gates of Kor. These shamans are also able to serve as a conduit of Kor himself, bestowing his blessings to lost spirits by devouring them into their body, returning them to the soulstream. This however takes time. Finally, Soul Resonance allows a Lutauman to auditorize or visualize an ancestral spirit without going into Stargush’Stroh in a form of “channel.”


    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?


    Traveling to Stargush'stroh


    Fizzard’Raguk takes a swig from the gourd upon his staff, dulling his senses with the cactus green infused grog. He removes a small handheld drum from his knapsack and begins to drum a slow, relaxing beat. “Relax bruddahz, lizten to only da muzic,” he says softly as he meditates, forming an anchor between this realm and Stargush’stroh.


    The orc nods, relaxing his shoulders and swaying back and forth to the drum.


    The shaman continues to drum, relaxing himself with deep breaths. Forming a tether between those present and the realm of the dead.


    “Kor-hai! Badz’lat dagronk!” The shaman calls out to the spirit of the dead. Before long, a black inky darkness swirls outwards in, leaving the two in the dark as they would feel a swooping feeling, lifting them upwards towards a glowing silver light.


    Before long, the two find themselves in a field of golden grasses, joyous voices chioring calmly throughout the wind, Turu Dobu Ziimarum. The goblin takes steps forward into the grasses, beckoning the accompanying orc.


    The orc with the shaman quickly looks about in awe and confusion, but follows nonetheless.


    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?


    “To travel to Ztargush’Ztroh iz to walk da land of da dead, therefore it iz rizky,” Fizzard’Raguk explains plainly, “if lat diez in da realm of da dead, lat iz ztayin there unlezz Kor himzelf bailz lat out.”


    The student gives a worried expression as his teacher explains.


    “With dat out of da way,” he goblin chuckles as he offers a drink that smells of cactus green “lat peeped me do it with da firzt lezzon, latz turn.”


    The student takes the drink into hand, downing it within seconds


    “Nub need to be afraid, juzt nub pizz off any zpiritz.” Fizzard smirks as he takes a seat, awaiting his student’s next steps.


    The student nods, giving a sigh of relief, as he takes a seat as well. Beginning to drum on his handheld bongo. He calls upon Kor in the elder, gutteral tongue of old blah. The room grows dark as darkness closes in on the two. They both feel a swooping feeling as they are brought closer and closer to a bright silver light. They then found themselves in a forest which what appears to be no end


    Fizzard’Raguk nods as he looks to his student “Welcome to Tauob Bûbhosh Hoital, da eternal forest of da hunt. A popular plaze for da hunterz among da worzhiperz of da zpiritz. Now, lat cannub stay too long for now, only a few hourz at a tik. Thiz tik will grow however az lat doez thiz more.


    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    If a student powergames during teaching, I will communicate OOCly that that was powergaming, explain why it was powergaming, and to tell them not do such an action again. If the student continues to powergame I will immediately remove them from my teaching list.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:

             I do.


    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  10. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?

             Witch Doctor


    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    Shamans serve as the cultural heads of the orcish religion of spiritualism. Serving as the anchor between the spiritual realm and the mortal realm. Shamans are the mouthpieces of the spirits, beings of power which represent ideas, actions, and nature.  Shamans are devout to these beings, loyalty sworn to spread their word for those willing to listen, being their hands in the mortal plane.


    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    Witch Doctors, like farseers, can traverse the immortal and elemental planes and serve as mouthpieces to these spirits in particular. However, unlike farseers, Witch Doctors focus on the gray, ambiguous side of shamanism. They hold the ability to create maledictions and their bottled form, hexes. These maledictions usually hold both a bane (Bad effect) and a boon (Good effect) which affect the very soul of living beings, flora and fauna alike. These maledictions however must align with the spirit’s goals and have the use of three different ingredients. Witch doctors can call upon the spirit to heal detached limbs within an allotted time. These limbs however often carry side effects such as spots are strange feelings. Finally, Witch Doctors are able to create Voodoo dolls with the hair or blood of a victim in which the victim can be cursed from afar.


    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?


    Hex of Glutros creation


    The crimson goblin stands before a cauldron, brought to a boil from a fire pit underneath. He sets before a table a set of ingredients which he has gathered beforehand: a bowl of powdered gold dust, a cake, and a golden coin pressed from gold. He begins his ritual, making large, heavy steps about the cauldron, mimicking that he is overweight. 


    He chants slowly in the guttural tongue of old blah “Glutros-hai! Naakhûrzar snû naakhum, tûar snû tû!” The shaman grasps the cake from the table, taking a handful and shoving it into his maw. He chews it slowly as he gingerly dips the rest into the boiling cauldron with a smirk. 


    “Maath izishûr! Maath latûr! Akrum dushat dagam bûrz!” The goblin continues to chant, his mouth still full with cake, as he waddles to the side to take the gold dust and


    He simply dumps it into the cauldron with a plop. The shaman continues his ambulation about the cauldron with heavy steps, slapping his belly every so often, allowing the gold dust to mix.


    The goblin now stands before the cauldron, a gold coin in one palm. He raises the coin above his head as he tosses it into the boiling cauldron. The mixture begins to turn into a golden hue!


    ((Roll out of 6 here, assuming success.))


    The mixture roils and vortexes, forming into a thick, honey like texture which smells of cake and metal. The goblin takes a flask and dips it into the golden liquid to fill.


    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?


    “Ztudent, now that lat haz ztudied Old Blah, it iz tik to uze it in practize.” Fizzard’Raguk taps his staff on the earth, dropping a singular seed, “Curze thiz zeed to grow.”


    The student nods as he kneels before the seed. He furrows his brows as he looks back up to the teacher for instructions.


    “Call upon da zpirit, put on a hozh danze, actionz,” the goblin grins “Zpiritz love a hozh danze. Uze da ingredientz mi has zent lag to gather. Remembeh to chant in between.”


    “But which zpirit do mi call to?” The student queries as he looks to the seed once more.


    “Zpiritz can altar da material plane in many wayz, to make zomethin grow iz trivial.” The teacher responds with a tap of his staff.


    The student nods as he stands. Beginning to dance for the ritual. He calls upon Gazigash, spirit of blood and bone, applying the ingredients to the seed. 


    Fizzard’Raguk remained silent as he did so.


    As the ritual completes, the seed sprouts open into a small carnivorous plant which begins to knash and maw at the nearby earth.


    The goblin nods at the result “Hozh. Lat did well.” He tilts his head at the plant “It iz bezt to stamp it out howevah,” he mumbles, “Bringz imbalance to our plane, but mi will leave da decizion to lat.”



    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    If a student powergames during teaching, I will communicate OOCly that that was powergaming, explain why it was powergaming, and to tell them not do such an action again. If the student continues to powergame I will immediately remove them from my teaching list.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:

             I do.


    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.




    Prelude to the Slaughter


    Fizzard’Raguk watched as the slave dug away at the gravel with the crudely made shovel. He stood to the side of the Warboss silently, his arms crossed as the tireless slave put shovel-load by shovel-load aside. He eyed Fishbref with an eyebrow perked, skeptical of the purpose of bringing the elf all the way here to simply dig gravel, but decided against speaking out, returning his gaze to the work, watching on.


    With a final chunk of gravel cleared, a pathway opened. The goblin uncrosses his arms, narrowing his eyes as Fishbref took head into the depths, Fizzard followed in suit. Before them lay a temple of elder design, filled with offerings and sacrafices to the pantheon which the Raguk clan held dear. However, one thing caught the goblin’s eye, a pool filled with crimson blood which nestled into the side of the temple.


    The shaman approached, kneeling before it and gingerly placing one hand within the red blood. A vision came to him at that moment. A vision of a young goblin submerging himself within a small pool within the sands of an arena. He recognizes this scene and smirks to himself, out of both joy and nostalgia. The vision faded from his mind as he stood and announced,


    “A GIFT FROM THE SPIRITS!” He cried before the gathered group, “A beautiful gift! We can bestow the boon of Gazigash upon our brothers once again!” The goblin raises his hands towards the sky in praise as he prays “Lup’Gazigash-hai! Gothlob ob Grish agh Azht!”

    The Slaughter

    The noon sun was cruel upon Lower Petra, Fizzard charged mercilessly with his battle brothers of the Sons of Nagg into the fray of the bloody battle at the square, overseen by a tree. The goblin fought with all his might and all his strength. His bones ached and his muscles screamed as the battle felt like days, perhaps months.

    As the battle ended and the dust cleared from the square now splattered with the blood and carnage of all descendants. He noticed Fishbref kneeling before a large figure, Aki. The shaman removed his bone plated helmet as he knelt next to the Warboss. The goblin felt a tear roll down his face for his former battle brother. The shaman simply looks to the rest of the battlefield, then to the blood gorged tree which witnessed the battle. He lets these words slip his cracked lips:


    “Gazigash-hai, Gothlob ob Grish agh Azht… Is this enough?”

  12. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    What feat(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:

             Self Teach


    Teacher's RP Name:

             Self Teach


    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:



    Are you aware that if this feat is undergoing an activity trial and fails said trial, that you will lose the feat? And that if it is apart of the Lore Games, it might drastically change soon?:



  13. Fizzard’Raguk, a shaman fighting for the Sons of Nagg, removes his bone plated war-headwear, letting out a relieved sigh. He glances over the town square, littered with crimson blood and freshly cut bodies. The goblin looks upwards to the sky as he says between the guttural tongue of old blah and common “Gazigash-hai, Gothlob ob Gish agh Azht… I hope this is enough.”

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