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Child Neglecter

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Posts posted by Child Neglecter

  1. everything that has been stated here in the comments I agree with for the most part


    really doesn't require much thought, if you remember the axios days dark mages were shunned so much OOC (it was not only IC, those who state otherwise have an incredibly moot point) that they made Devirad, a culmination of all unholy edge


    going back to these days with a whole 'we counter dark mages specifically' rather than specifically dealing with the problems that pass your sight / get in your way on a case by case basis as any normal non-toxic individual would do is something I do not exactly like to see suggested


    you're supposed to be a holy warrior and a guardian of the innocent, not a warmongering hunter seeking the heads of the evil no matter what he has to do


    where both sides choose to actively antagonise one another with roleplay that can be done well and achieved easily, there is no opportunity for a tug of war - there is only wholehearted communication between said two parties


    creeds and tenants should be applied not only to the dark but to all things on a case by case basis


    you have my discord if you want to talk about it @Fury_Fire

  2. The old father raised a gauntlet, brushing over his blade, and a blood-spattered missive. Smoke fogged from the censer that laid at his side, pine cleansing what it could of his accursed air.


    “The cold invader has been vanquished.”


    He laid the letter aside, saving it for a rainy day, humming an age old tune.



  3. 6 minutes ago, Master Baiter said:

    That feel when you get destroyed so bad that the only thing you can comeback with is “look we rallied 15 guys to kill one person.”


    english isn’t my mother tongue and i say things better than this

  4. I feel like it’s time.


    While my time on the server may have two to three years in my presence, it's been one that's been greatly impactful on my online presence. I've been here for a long time on my character and have met many people who I still respect, some of who I still talk to.


    Call this an extended hiatus. I don't know when I'll return, or if I ever will, but over the next few weeks my presence will slowly become less noticeable, before finally being extinguished. I'll tie up any loose ends I have before then. I've lost my drive to play on the server, but it's time to walk.


    Everyone who I still speak to – you know who you are. I appreciate all of you, and you’ve all been friends through thick and thin. I’ll likely stay in contact.

  5. In the distant lands of the south, a stalwart Alaric quietly slumbered, a courier bearing directive conveying to the Father the matter. He visibly twitched, his tone growing gravelly, harsh as he roared, his manner heretofore idle, now wroth. He clutched a Cross of Lorraine, the ground figure piercing his thick, pale hide.


    “A great loss.” He barked.

  6. This has happened to me too, I can say that this is because of some kind of rollback. However, the entire chest was wiped because of the usage of the /evict command, which puts all of it in Stormcloak’s eviction itemcache. This isn’t really a bug, more of a fault of a rollback that caused it, your items are in his itemcache as far as I can tell. Evict commands return all of the items to the lock owner.

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