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Status Updates posted by haketa

  1. Can you hurry and tell me please if i got accepted or not please 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. TeaLulu


      haketa wtf is even with you literally i can't even begin

      this is why im never having children

    3. garentoft


      lEAvE raMMerJammer AloNE

    4. haketa


      i said jk you eddiots


  2. omg its takeing them so long


    1. Kvasir


      yea it happens

  3. can you look at it now dont know what im doing and yes i speck proper eng but im american

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kvasir
    3. haketa


      can you tell them im 10 and dont know many words


    4. Kvasir


      It doesn't matter - just use the words you know and go with it, it just has to have some detail and substance.

  4. yo thanks for helping me out kinslayer 


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. haketa


      k dose that give me time to edit 

    3. Kvasir


      try to edit it fast!

    4. haketa
  5. im 10 10 for god sake my pc is 8 years old please accept me im bored and if you get a in less you want my dad to do it

    my granny is sick and i got nothing to make me happy shame this was supposed to help me escape real life for goodness sake

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. haketa


      yall could have told me the first time


    3. Kvasir


      yeah they're kinda hard

    4. haketa


      its so hard when your 10


  6. why do i keep geting denied i did every thing right

    i just want to play the fun server 

    1. haketa


      i love the sever look and i cant play on a sever that i like why should i have made a account to play on this site if i keep geting denied whats the use in given you my info on my gmail account in less your a hacker 

      or something


    2. Apeena_


      @haketa In your applications you have failed to follow the proper Application Format.


  7. idk why i need to wait 24 ours but ok


    1. z3m0s


      It's okay that is just a preset message, go ahead an re-post it if you can be quick.

    2. haketa





  8. idk why i got denied idk what im doing becouse the stuff makes 0 sence to me


    1. Lirinya


      You were denied because you missed a good portion of your application; the bit about your character.

    2. Mj.


      You didn't spell because and sense correctly lol

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