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Status Replies posted by BoyWonderr

  1. please send me crowns

  2. Question for ST/Admins: Would a siliti rewrite (or any new vampirism) ever be considered for approval or is it simply something not looking for a come back? 

    1. BoyWonderr


      Hot take, the thing that killed Siliti was the idea of Cannibalism. It was one of the factors in the shelving of Striga (however, it was not the leading factor), and it formed a problem when it was written LATE into Siliti. Siliti never started with cannibalism. It began with the famous coffins. Which in my opinion, was a much better take on the whole 'immortality' thing.

      I've never liked Corcs. Sure, they're fine and act as an entry level 'dark' magic. But, I strongly feel they shouldn't be the replacing CA/Magic in terms of Vampirism. The Siliti CA wasn't bad, it was the additions after that triggered some bad faith RP within the community. I think that if someone rewrote Siliti without the addition of the cannibalism, and left it 'default' like it was when it was originally written, I think it would have a much better chance on the server. 

      In short, I think it's possible for a Siliti rewrite. I'm not too sure on ANOTHER take on Vampirism. 

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  3. Crying and sobbing myself to sleep rn because I have to RP on my RP server this is literal discrimination 

  4. LOTC is a big pyramid scheme

    1. BoyWonderr


      Yes, hello, this is the NCA. Officers will be at your address in 40 minutes. Please don't run away, sir.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  5. bricks are domesticated rocks

    1. BoyWonderr


      thats pretty true


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