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Posts posted by Gemini

  1. 2 minutes ago, Goblinberg said:

    Maya questioned who and what were the sky gods, why all this was happening. She seem help as she was clouded into the pure and raw void and lack of chunks; at the end her gaze ended up onward Miss Nuala who in her point of view was floating in a sitting position. "why are you floating ?! And you can even, move... ?!" she'd exclaim, very astonished by the powerful Nuala who was able to defeat the strength of the Void and the mistakes of the sky gods. 

    As the halfling began to spoke to, a slight eye roll could be seen As dumb as always, I am sitting on a chair, Tali’valahThe elfess commented

  2. 4 hours ago, Samler said:

    Seth looks at it before grinning. “Ah I see. Work in clinic is less than those listed. Surely the same oppinion wouldn’t be held if we didn’t save the lives so often.” He would state to himself amused or directed at a nearby physician.

    Nuala thinks how there are a million jobs and how it was impossible to fit them all on an A4.

  3. Haelunor2.png.9d42df2385017a940386eb04516d33ef.png






    A letter to all citizens of Haelun’or

    Issued of the 4th of the Deep Cold, 1749



    In the beginning, when we were failed by our false father, Malin, Larihei never stopped her progress, her tireless work towards a nation where we now live. 


    Did Larihei stop working? No she did not!
    Did Larihei give up, when she was met with obstacles? No she did not!
    Did Larihei ever think that she has given enough? No she did not!


    Larihei, our Haelun never stopped providing. That is the reason we are here today. It is all because she worked non-stop. 


    I urge you, Mali’thill and the favored lesser citizens of Haelun’or to contribute. There is no such thing as “Giving enough”. 


    We lack resources!

    We pride ourselves with getting rid of such lesser needs as taxation. We pride ourselves of being totally self-sufficient. But for what? Those filled by greed fail to share of their own. 

    For you only need, what the Motherland gives you. 


    Go and get us everything you can. 

    For we need: 

    Iron [As much as possible]

    Food [Bread, meat, vegetables]

    Feathers [As much as possible]

    Flint [As much as possible]

    Wood [As much as possible]

    Coal [As much as possible]

    And whatever you, out of pure desire wish to contribute. 

    The Aldin talonnii set a great precedence with their colossal donation to the library, but that should not be the only contribution. I urge all Talonniian; Contribute to the state. 
    I urge all citizens to gather up and work as hard as Larihei did and provide their home with what it needs. We can not be self-sufficient if you, citizens fail to contribute. 


    Join the Sillumir

    Join the Elemyumiran

    Join to work alongisde the Okarir’akaln, Evelon Telperion

    Regardless of status, all Mali’thill are expected to work as tirelessly as Larihei. 






    Secretary Nuala Telperion



    The Bortu Quartermaster will get mad and he has a hammer if you do not donate


    [[OOC: We do not need Minas IRP, but OOC we do. We do not have taxes, but please do consider donating since we really need the money.]]


    I don’t wanna set an amount of how much we need, but just know what we need a lot. So work hard! ❤️



  4. MC Name: Geminisole

    Character's Name: Nuala Telperion

    Character's Age: 190


    Character's Race:

             High Elf


    What magic(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:

             Delos Telperion


    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is undergoing an activity trial and fails said trial, that you will lose the magic? And that if it is apart of the Lore Games, it might drastically change soon?:



    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:

             No. But I want it denied. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/187747-arcanismmageminisole/

  5. Name: Nuala Dorberos
    ((MC Name)): Geminisole
    Age: 180
    What magic are you trained in, if any? Electric Evo and Household magic :3

    How do you lay claim to the fact that you are pure Mali'aheral? Nuala is a but a pure bean working not one, not two but three jobs and making time to work as hard as she can, ensuring the prosperity of the Motherland. She is also deemed pure by Larihei for she has shown her light upon Nua


    How long have you resided within Lareh’thilln? Uhm, like 80 years

    Will you follow the maehr'sae hiylun'ehya to the letter in the pursuit of arcane knowledge? Y'all know she will. 

    What magical knowledge do you wish to acquire, if any? Arcane shielding, transfiguration and more but I havent decided what. 


    ((she speaks of herself in 3rd person because she is so selfless)) 

  6. Oh my, oh myThe elfess remarks, taking a sip of her wineSutica is but a liberal cesspool filled with its atrocious inhabitants. It should be incinerated, just like Alderyn once was The ambassador would mumble to herselfThough, I do appreciate the hard work of my colleague” 

  7. As Ankan said, acid has been a major player in the High Elven history as well as the whole culture after it was discovered. 


    I’ve been playing solely in Haelun’or for what a year and a half now and not a single time has it been used outside of its original purpose. To rid the realms of the impure. 

    I personally find it stupid for there to be even a need for specific lore. For it simply is and it always will. Lore gives it the possibility for non-high elves to make it, and it has always been exclusive to Haelun’or. 


    It literally is the same as any other execution method, but as Ankan said, it is just High Elven. 

    2 hours ago, Amayonnaise said:

    Making lore for something that’s only going to be used to insta-kill characters, without adding any additional features, is kind of lame. Rp is about extending the story and providing enjoyable rp that can help other people develop their characters’ perspectives and progression. Even if that ‘enjoyable rp’ is torturing someone half to death, their character still gains a new perspective of their torturers and new features to add to their mc skin – burns etc.

    May I ask how a regular beheading, for example, provides “enjoyable” roleplay and character development for the victim? None. 

    But it does provide enjoyable roleplay and character development for every single one who is taking a part in witnessing the whole execution. 


    The same thing goes for acid.

    “Pitting” as we call it, has always been an event and does not happen that often.  But when it does, more or less the whole player base of Haelun’or is witnessing the trial and the pitting that follows it. Just as a regular, non-high elven execution. 


    Beheading or mostly any other execution method is simply vulgar, it lacks any High Elven properties and that is why acid is used. It’s clean and does not require any physical aggression from a High Elf towards an impure.

  8. Do not know much of you but certainly what I have heard has been nothing but positive ? the little RP I had with you was also rather pleasant! 

    Thanks for everything you have given the community and the server itself, we do all appreciate such. 


    This person is a gentleman of complete integrity! 


    [!] Mali’thill children started running around, knocking on doors and pinning messages on them and around the city,

    this Missive was surely seen by everyone within the Silver walls



    Issued on 22nd on Malin’s Welcome, 1715




    Dear Blessed Citizenry of the blessed bastion of Haelun’or, friends and family.


    Since the announcement of the additional Okariran to the Elheial’thilln,  it has been once again lovely to watch how the Mali’thill run faster than ever for the position of a humble servant of the blessed bastion with their ideas and opinions just waiting to be let out.


    Yet, there are many things we could do better, us Mali’thill for the Motherland.

    I once read a book of a good friend of mine which was about the economy, currency and everything related to this need for gathering things for oneself and only for their own personal use, it was horrific.

    It is the job of all Mali’thill to ensure the prosperity of the Motherland, it is the job for all Mali’thill to make sure that the Motherland has what it needs.

    For Larihei worked more than hard to make sure we would get where we are now, it is the job of us my fellow Mali’thill to ensure that the Silver City will only go forward. For Larihei. For us.


    For these words, I, Nuala Dorberos am nominating myself for the position of Okarir’akaln among the other candidates.

    For I shall work day and night alongside my fellow Mali’thilln to make sure the blessed citizens have what they need to make sure Haelun’or will triumph as it always has.


    If granted the position, I am not alone-- I might be called an  Okariran but I still am no more than a humble citizen of the Blessed Bastion who will be transparent, a listener and an executioner for all blessed ideas of Mali’thilln.   


    Please state your support for me, for I will not fail you.


    I wish for all friends to come forward with any questions, ideas or just a friendly chat between two ‘thilln.


    Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya!


    Signed by:

    Nuala Dorberos

  10. Nuala Dorberos would take a moment from her book to read the missive, commenting to herselfSelf-nominations are what gladdens my heart, to see all Mali’thill come forward with their need and want to help, come forward with their most ambitious ideas. I wish you all the best She would then glance the sky for a brief moment before returning to her book. Sitting on her favorite spot

  11. MC Name: _FluffyGemini

    Character's Name: Nuala Dorberos

    Character's Age: 132


    Character's Race:

             High Elf


    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Electrical Evocation


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:

             Vexalia Lothryne


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is undergoing an activity trial and fails said trial, that you will lose the magic?:



    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  12. Application


    Name: Nuala Dorberos

    Race: High Elf

    Age: 132

    Desired role: Medic

    Reason for enlistment: Nuala is hoping to learn new skills to help and protect others. Such as using a sword and healing. Also since a friend recommended she should.



    Username: _FluffyGemini

    Discord Tag (Example#3333): Geminisole#4164

    Timezone: GMT+2

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