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Posts posted by DeusVult

  1. Endyn Jindle would learn of this missive on one of his many, many visits to the lands of Krug. He pulls his bandana down from his face, and looks up to the sky, falling down to his knees as he mumbles to himself  "Luara,  you will not only see the blood of Humans slain in your name, but now Dwed. I ask for you to guide my soul, into this new difficulty."   Endyn then lets himself stay silent for a few moments, before he pushes himself to his feet, once again tying the bandana around his face. WIth a glance around Krugmar, he finds a few allies, and heads East.

  2. bro PLEASE give me guard rp

    im literally crying and shaking rn please 

    i remember atlas guard rp in dominion that shit was FIRE noobs let people who shouldn't have come in all the time! shit was hype! there was like a banned character list and everything it was super cool

    -unrelated but

    now its like "ermm...what the deuce? You slaughtered five people in a neighboring nation? ok...you can live with us! plese give us activity!111"

    super lame shit unreal also bring back 1.8


  3. Endyn Jindle briefly considers this option presented by Pyabri. Are these Orcs to be trusted? Will they honor the centuries-long alliance between our people? Endyn sits within his small, peasant home, pondering to himself this question.

  4. This poster may be found by anyone travelling the road to Norland, or Haense. 



    To the Citizens and Officials of Norland-


    On behalf of all of those within House Jindle, we hope this letter finds its way to Norland. We have plagued your roads, stolen your cattle, burned your farms, and slaughtered your people, but we have decided to give you a chance to amend this relationship, based on monetary value. Given that our previous negotiation ended in us massacring your guards within your own throne room, your officials running away, and leaving an innocent woman to die, we are now writing to you through these means.


    House Jindle demands a weekly tribute of 1,000 minae, payable either through precious metals, food, or the raw mina itself. Upon receiving this tribute, we will extend our generous blades to your roads, defending you from others who seek to treat you as we have within the past. Do not make us regret this exceptional offer. 


    If there is no response given to us within a time of one Elfen week, we will continue our assault, with renewed vigor. We will bring more of our men, and knock upon your gate. We will salt your fields, poison your water, and destroy your walls, should this tribute not be met.


    Endyn Jindle






  5. *Endyn Jindle would return to this missive after witnessing the execution of the blind Celia'norian. After another read through, deliberately, and slowly, he would rip a poster down, and shove it into his pocket to bring back to his home. Upon entering, he would shout "Arandir, I believe we have business with Celia'nor." @HadvarAvMitteland

  6. Maengol Lennox ponders to himself for a few moments at this sudden declaration. He finally decides to fight against Aegrothond, and begins to seek employment under one of the many signers of this.


  7. 10 hours ago, Knightei said:


    Hi Swifty,

    Firstly, I believe this could of been posted in the original debate format, but nevertheless its not my place to moderate this. Therefore we should move onto your post.


    I do not believe the swing of 16 people in your screen shot (14 swing now as I write this) is a ‘mass majority’. This is barely scraping a simple majority. While this shows that yes, almost half the server don’t want firearms, almost half the server does. Which means we must actually weigh up the arguements.


    As mentioned in the main post, we aren’t asking for guns to be added as they would be seen in real life. Instead we wish for guns that are similar in power to crossbows. Also, banditry on the roads typically involves a group of people who are confident in winning the exchange. Therefore I don’t believe the use of firearms will change the balance of power on highwaymen to regular joes. Banning the use of pre-loaded guns makes that point moot. (I’ve only ever been held at swordpoint). Next cities have an inherent advantage by having walls, gates, large militias. Using guns will not change this.



    Same issues arise regardless of the tools used in the fights. Mass CRP is a pain unless everyone knows what they are doing, guns will not change this or impact it regardless. And yes, the multi-emote like crossbows is how the players wanting guns want them implemented. Again, no pre-loading so say hello to multi-emote readiness.

    Again, dodging crossbow bolts or arrows is ridiculous anyway, so again guns do not change the status quo. Olog charging is ALOT different to a projectile weapon, so I honestly can’t see the comparison. Therefore I’m sorry but I can’t see where this has any affect upon the status quo we already have in regards to projectile weapons.

    Next time, I think post on the main post, less work to move between threads.

    This. This guy straight up smartest on LOTC. 

  8. I think Firearms would be a great addition, if it were firearms that weren’t too advanced. Maybe like muskets and flintlocks, that take a really long time to emote reloading, so it might be like a once a fight kinda meme, that’d be cool

  9. No bandits mean no guards.

    No bandits mean not realistic

    You lost your pixels just like you’d lose your stuff in the real world if you travel alone. Banditry is realistic, however, it’s hard to be a bandit. Reivers had been disbanded because of moderators target banning bandits. There’s also the fact that Imperial patrols are out every so often, so it’s an incentive for bandit roleplay to be subpar. There’s also the fact that crp always drags because people don’t like losing, or cry about not being able to roll, or literally anything to stall for people to come. Then there’s the fact that mods can’t act on very blatant metagaming because of no evidence. 

    Banditry prevents the server from getting stale, it gives characters something to roleplay about. 

    Example 1: I am going to travel to Sutica to get roleplay. I traveled to Sutica for roleplay and now I am sitting in a tavern roleplaying. Yay.

    Example 2: I am going to travel to Sutica to get roleplay. I traveled to Sutica, when all of a sudden I saw someone on the road crying for help! I decided that I needed to help them. When I bent down to try and pick them up to their feet, five bandits jumped out of the bushes with their swords drawn! I knew that I had  no chance to beat them six on one, so I complied to their demands to save my life. I then continued on my way to Sutica, to alert them of the bandits on the road!


    Bandits make things much more interesting, think random Skyrim encounters.


    PVP is also necessary so you won’t get metagamed. Deal with the **** ******* conflict rules before you listen to rpers complain about pixels.

    28 minutes ago, Quavinir_Twiceborn said:

    Loot based banditry has been my bane on my time on LOTC. It is not looked at with fear, or as a challenge to be overcome, but as a chore, a tedious mess. It is a pain to fight with bandits, it is a pain to circumnavigate around with bandits, even capitulating to bandits and letting your things be taken, its a coinflip whether they shall decide to murder your character or let them go. 


    Even moreso, the vast majority of bandits arnt random rag-tag brigands hiding away from society in the woods-... They’re people in full order uniforms, acting the will of some militairy or religeous order. I have had interactions with bandits roughly about 13 times within the past 2 months, of those times,  only 2 of those 13  were not comprised of many members of one established order in matching uniforms.

    These arnt in-character bandits banditting- these’re just random joes who already have a 9-to-5 deciding to go attack the travelling townies for loot...


    It doesnt help that these bandits do their best to bend the rules to try and have things go in their favor. (Claiming defender default if someone attacks first to a raised weapon) This is so common, I even managed to catch it on stream a good bit ago.





    Nobody respects Quavinir because he powergames lawl

  10. *A poster is hung up, written in strikingly neat penmanship reads the following*

    The Cursus Honorum




    Beware to those who travel the roads

    We have no mercy 

    We fight to the end

    We run from no nation

    And we  do as we please


    When you bring us nothing as tribute, we will find a way for you to pay.

    When you pull a sword on us, we will pull a limb from you

    If you wish for a fight, we will give you a massacre.

    Beware to those who cross The Cursus Honorum




    (If you wish to contact me about joining the group, my tag is PCSwift#9754)


  11. Character's Name:

    Shi Lan

    Character's Age:


    Character's Original Race (N/A if not applicable):


    Transformed form:


    Creator's MC Name:


    Creator's RP Name:


    Briefly explain the lore behind this construct or creature:

    The Hou Zi started off as primates given sentience by Metzli, who designated their initial leader as Hou Shen. The Hou-Zi built a large and sprawling empire across the jungles, expanding to the border of the early Elven realms. In time, war broke out between them: at first, the Hou-Zi slaughtered the Elves but were eventually beaten back in the great war. Some of them, monks, stayed back and refused to fight. Eventually, the Imperial Capital of Jing Taiyun was attacked by the Old God Poison and they were forced into hiding. Many Hou-Zi believed Hou-Shen will eventually return and lead them to greatness once more. 

    The Hou-Zi have three subraces; the Fei Zhu, swift and colorful baboons who serve as Imperial nobility and live to 250 years, Hei-Zhu, large gorillas that live longer than the other races at 250-300 years, and Laobai Zhu, which are fairly simple and normal monkeys living to around 100.

    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:


    Do you agree to keep the MT updated on the status of your magic app by using the Magic List Errors topic?:


    Are you aware that if this creature's lore is undergoing an activity trial and that trial fails, you will no longer be able to play this creature and will be forced to either revert the character back to its normal form (if it was a transformative type) or stop playing the character entirely (if it is an entirely new creature)?:


    Do you consent to accepting what may happen to this character?:


    Have you applied for this creature on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  12.   Minecraft Name (s): (Include any alts)


    Blacklist Reason:

    Poor Raiding Role-play

    How has your blacklist helped you improve your overall/villain RP?:

    My Blacklist has made me realize that there is more to this server than just clicking people. I was a victim of other people doing villainy rp, but I didn't feel cheated out of gear, and felt immersed as if the bandits were real. I now understand that playing a villain is a way to better people's rp experience. I believe that normal roleplay has also improved how to actually play a villain, and how to not be a big bad evil bandit, and just play a bandit that has depth to it's character.

    Are you aware receiving another blacklist after this one, will be more severe?:


    Why should you be un-blacklisted?

    I believe that I should be un-blacklisted because I learned my lesson, and I want to play a villain to improve the roleplay experience of the map in general, and not for my personal gain. I believe that playing a bandit will allow people to have more depth in their character, and give them a choice to respond in character. I understand that when people complain ooc, they are no longer having fun and I should help them through the experience so they don't feel cheated, or angered in any way.


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