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Posts posted by Sorcerio

  1. Alrighty! I am terribly sorry for this late response, as I was a bit caught up in stuff and totally forgot about this afterwards. But, nevertheless, this lore must be satisfactory for both the community and the Lore Games requirements. Hence, I would like to ask for any suggestions with this lore, as I myself am not a water evocationist. While I worked to the best of my ability with any knowledge I could find, I would still appreciate feedback, as there are likely things that I missed. Thank you!

  2. 1 hour ago, nepir said:

    Not true, we were able to controll plant life. that is now also gone. I normaly use my telekenisis for herb collecting becouse some are very tender and required a low or not even the touching of the herb in question using telekenisis was a good way to collect them. definatly when the were toxic or corrosive.

    Organic matter, of any kind beyond dead, cannot and could never be manipulated. So you could manipulate a dead and broken off tree branch, but not while it was connected to a living tree.

  3. OOC

    MC NAME: Olroxx
    DISCORD: pundimonium#9142


    NAME: Olrin Maehr’tehral
    AGE: 51 

    An additional note would attached:

    ”While the current accusations against my family are a great notion in denying me my application, I wish to assure that my loyalty still lies with the Silver State and that the promoting of the Maehr’sae Hiylun’eya will be my only goal and desire.”

  4. An old and weary man would squint at the missive, humming to himself as he stroked his graying beard. “Perhaps...” he told himself, taking one of the applications to sign.


    ((mcname: Olroxx))

    ((discord: pundimonium#9142))

    Name: Alfius

    Age: ~85. Old yet maddened by his vast experiences.

    Relevant experience: “Well, I’m old. That means I know a lot. And I’m wise - I think.” were all that was written upon the application.

  5. MC Name: Olroxx

    Character's Name: Olrin Maehr'tehral

    Character's Age: 48


    Character's Race:

             High Elf


    What magic(s) will you be learning?

             Air Evocation


    Teacher's MC Name:



    Teacher's RP Name:



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is undergoing an activity trial and fails said trial, that you will lose the magic? And that if it is apart of the Lore Games, it might drastically change soon?:



    Have you applied for this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:


  6. Chimeras


    Within the darkened caves of madness and delirium, hidden behind the shrouds of darkness and damp, lies the heart of insanity and intelligence simultaneously. The powers of lunacy converge within, yielding horrors and abominations beyond that of fathomable reality, that is, creatures and entities merged with another, melded in both body and soul in a most barbaric fashion, inspiring disgust within even the aenguldaemons themselves. 


    Such an abhorrent practice is known as Chimera Crafting, an art oft considered dark as it offers its practitioners dominion over the creation of life itself. This detestable feat permits those who practice it the capability to ‘sew’ together living animals into a single ghastly entity known as a Chimera via the powers of alchemy.




    An artist’s depiction of the abominable entity known as a Chimera...


    Rediscovery of Chimera Crafting

    circa. 1757


    For many years has the ancient art of Chimera Crafting been forgotten, abandoned, neglected. Yet true insanity oft yields greater possibility than that of sound minds, permitting those with such chaotic aspirations to focus their energies beyond the feasible. 


    Madness and zeal for such arts yielded a maddened pursuit, a terrible effort to recreate the accursed beasts which once roamed the realm. For many days and nights upon afterward— this man delved deeper and deeper into the maniacal arts of times passed, reworking every single flaw which former chimera crafters failed to perfect. Finally, upon a midnight eve so clear, resounded a loud shriek from within the depths of the laboratory— followed by a raspy growl and a monstrous figure, writhing in agony.  


    “Finally, I have done it.” spoke a cold yet astonished voice, a shadowy figure peering over a large vat, old animal corpses scattered the floor all about him. Another shriek was heard from below, the figure holding a candle up to view the beast, illuminating the cold dark cavern about him.


    An abominable creature it s, with the head of a ram yet the feet and body of a lion, large bat-like wings protruding from its back, casting menacing shadows upon the ground below. It howled, bellowing in utter anguish as thrashed about, each of its counterparts in torment and disarray. The man watched with evident bewilderment, his eyes filled with both fear and amazement at his creation, an amalgamation of both life and death merged into one being. 



    Feat Explanation

    Chimera Crafting is a recently re-discovered feat of alchemy which permits the alchemist to merge together animals and even descendants into monstrous horrors known as Chimeras. These creatures are chaotic and disordered in nature, set to wreak havoc upon near anything that they encounter. Forging such abominations requires one to study the method of going about such, requiring much trial and error before one can create the Chimera. 


    • Chimera Crafting takes up [0] magic slots, as it is a feat of alchemy.
    • Chimera Crafting requires the user to have an understanding of basic and further alchemy.
    • In order to practice, one must submit a valid Feat Application.
    • While a information via a detailed journal entry may assist one in grasping the concept of Chimera Crafting, the creation of Chimeras must be explicitly taught by one who understands its direct process.


    Creating a Chimera

    The art of Chimera Crafting is one that involves the powers of further alchemy, using the ancient worldly alphabet in order to create the monstrosities otherwise known as Chimeras. These atrocities are created in a complex process which involves the use of a concoction known as ‘Transmorphic Tincture’. Once the tonic has been measured correctly in proportion with the creature’s size, it must be carefully poured into a vat of lukewarm water, then stirred for a moderate duration of time.


    After these ingredients have been stirred, they must be allowed to sit for a short period in order to ensure that the contents remain melded together. This can be determined by the solution becoming an opaque violet color, though be careful not to leave them there for too long. One must then gently place the chosen life forms within the vat for melding, ensuring they all remain a good distance away from each other to ensure they do not meld prematurely. After this, one must slowly stir again, moving closer towards the center to draw each of the creatures closer together, at which they will be melded.


    Melding Process

    ((steps and procedures are below))


    [1] The alchemist must first take a large vat of lukewarm or boiled water. Note that the vat must be marked with a material symbol of Rebirth in order to be used.

    [2] The alchemist must place the animals or descendants desired in  the vat in order to create the Chimera. The corpses must be plate in separate regions of the vat in order to prevent premature melding. 

    [3] Pour the Transmorphic Tincture into the vat of water, which will spread throughout the water like a red ink.

    [4] Stir the vat thoroughly.

    [5] Once all the steps have been completed, the Chimera will emerge from the vat and will more than likely have to be subdued by the alchemist before it allows them control. 


    [NOTE] - These numbered steps are not emote counts. This is a very long process, likely taking several emotes to perform each step, not including the amount of time to create the Essence of Life and gather other materials. This is not something that can be performed in combat.


    The Tincture

    The creation of a Chimera is seldom a natural occurrence, requiring a particular reagent in order to ensure the beings desired are melded into one, even in death. In order to perform this god-forsaken process, one must first concoct the Bonding Concoction, which pulls the soul essence from the deceased descendants or creatures together, melding them into the ultimate amalgamation known as a Chimera. 



    Transmorphic Tincture Ingredients:

    - Life x3

    - Endurance x1

    - Connection x2

    - Oil x1


    Transmorphic Tincture Concoction Process:

    [1] The alchemist must take the symbols of Connection and mix them into the oil. 

    [2] The alchemist must let the oil boil once the Connection symbols are mixed in. Over time the oil will become a strange brownish-yellow. 

    [3] Mix the Life and Endurance symbols together, usually while the oil boils. 

    [4] Pour the Connection solution into the mix of the Life and Endurance. This will explode into a cloud of red and will result in a dark red solution, almost like blood, which is the Transmorphic Tincture. 



    - This alchemical concoction is a primary ingredient in the creation of Chimeras. It has near no effect upon living beings, though when applied to one, their flesh may ripple very briefly as if something under it were trying to escape. This offers no unique boons or banes, purely flavor. 



    Types of Chimera

    “It is often the maddened who are the most innovative of all peoples, not subjecting themselves to the limits of the sound of mind.” - An old scholar


    Beastial Chimeras

    An inhumane act of Chimera, which is the melding of multiple recently deceased creatures into an amalgamated living one. While some of these ‘creatures’ pose less of a danger due to their traits, others can impart a deadly threat to an unprepared and careless alchemist, as well as those around them. 


    Beastial Chimeras may be formed from up to three recently deceased animals, assuming they are of similar size - for attempting to meld different sized creatures will oft result in the Chimera’s demise due to the unmatching, smaller-scale features attempting to merge with that of the larger one’s characteristics.


    Another important detail of note is how the creatures’ internal systems combine within one another. For example; digestive tracts must match up. An herbivore cannot be mixed with a carnivore and vice versa. In the case of an omnivore, they may be melded with anything, as the nutrients will be sapped through the superior digestive system. Respiratory systems work in a similar manner.


    Melding Mechanics


    - Beastial Chimeras must have semi-similar traits in the cases of size and digestive system in order to be melded and will die otherwise. Herbivores can be melded with Herbivores and Omnivores, while Carnivores can be melded with Omnivores and other Carnivores. 

    - A small creature such as a rabbit cannot be melded with a larger creature such as a wolf. However, a cat could potentially be melded with a similarly sized dog.

    - Respiratory systems must be similar for the creatures to be melded. A creature that breathes through gills cannot be melded with a creature who breathes only air.

    - No more than three animals may be melded together into a Beastial Chimera.



    Beastial Chimeras will often appear quite rough and disfigured, having bald patches of fur, feathers, scales, and other outer coverings. They will often possess unaligned body parts, such as unaligned maws and crooked teeth, unusually placed deformations as well as asymmetrical features.

    Appearance Mechanics


    - Bestial Chimeras are exceedingly disfigured and ugly, regardless of what animals were based in its creation. It will often have many unaligned body parts and asymmetrical features. There is no such thing as a perfect chimera in terms of appearance.

    - Bi/Tri-headed Chimeras are not all that common, most of the creature’s facial expressions being melded into a gruesome shape resembling the head. Should one of these heads be slain or damaged, the Chimera will be rendered essentially half-dead, akin to that of bi-headed Ologs. 

    - Most limbs and tails are realigned, likely giving the creature four limbs like any normal four-legged creature. Additionally limbs are possible though will not serve much function. 

    - The strength of a Beastial Chimera is dependent on its base creatures, though is rather the average of all three strengths. For example, a mouse melded with a rabbit would have strength in between the two.


    Psychology and Behavior

    In terms of behavior, these creatures will be twice as ferocious as their whole counterparts due to their distraught state. Taming creatures such as these is no simple feat, regardless of the pure separated forms the chimera was forged from. This is, however, quite dependent on what animals were melded together. Should you, for example, meld a dog and a wolf, one would find the chimera to base its behavior off the basic docility and obedience of the dog as well as the complex ways of the wolf. 


    Beastial Chimeras also greatly dislike regular animals, being jealous of their whole and pure forms in comparison to the Chimera’s melded amalgamation. Due to such, Chimeras will typically disregard or stay away from whole animals, particularly ones that made up the Chimera, assuming they don’t try to kill the animal either. 


    Behavior/Taming Mechanics


    - Bestial Chimeras are tremendously feral, their entire personality being one of outright chaos as their individual souls are in constant conflict with each other due to their unholy amalgamation. They will also embody the combined mentalities of the animals which were used in its creation. A small rabbit melded with a large rat may indeed be more vicious than its counterparts, though hardly as much as, say, a wolf melded with a mountain lion.

    - Taming a Chimera is a complex process, likely requiring many months, if not years of getting the Chimera to be comfortable around their creator. The more feral and wild the combination of creatures is, the harder it will be to tame. Always take into account the behaviors of the base creatures when taming. It will always be harder.

    - One may tame Chimeras no larger than that of a lion. Even if their creator manages to tame them, they will not always listen to direct orders. So, in theory, it is possible for them to be independent combat animals of the creator, though they are not guaranteed to listen to commands and will typically do the opposite.

    - Up to one Beastial Chimera may be used in combat at a time. While multiple may be tamed, they may also compete with one another for dominance, hence why they cannot be placed in combat together. Beastial Chimeras cannot be larger than the size of a small tiger, lest they require an ET.

    - Beastial Chimeras have a resentment of whole animals, particularly those who make up the Chimera’s form. When coming into contact with a typical animal, the Chimera will either stay away from them, ignore them, or outright kill them depending on the viciousness of the Chimera in question.


    Other Mechanics


    - Due to their conflicting bodily systems and functions, Chimeras will only live a fraction as long as their original counterparts. While this may slightly vary depending on what animals were merged, the typical lifespan of a Beastial Chimera is 10 - 20 years.

    - A tamed Beastial Chimera may be roleplayed by the creator so long as it remains the size of a lion or smaller. Larger sizes require an ET to be played.

    - In order to meld uncommon or rare creatures together that could not be typically found, one must gain LT managerial approval.

    - Once a Beastial Chimera is made, it must be documented by the LT and approved.


    Beastial Chimera Redlines


    - Cannot tame Chimeras larger than a small tiger. Taming cannot be roleplayed as an easy process, as even when tamed the Chimera may still resist commands and often run rampant.

    - Upon creation of a Beastial Chimera, the alchemist will more than likely have to subdue it by force.

    - Can tame more than one Chimera at once. Cannot use more than one Beastial Chimera in combat at once.

    - Added onto the rule that all creatures must be relative size, this also applies to their fully grown sizes. For example, should you meld a human infant with a house cat, the Chimera will die once the human portion reaches its supposed growth spurt.

    - Chimeras cannot reproduce nor partake in ‘procreational activities’. The creation of another Chimera will require the entire melding process to be carried out once more. 



    Descendant Chimeras

    Considered a much darker act of Chimera Crafting, the melding of descendant and animal bodies and souls together in a cruel and abhorrent amalgamation known as a Descendant Chimera. They typically are quite unsure of themselves when it comes to making decisions, as their descendant side is in constant conflict with their animal counterpart.



    A Descendant Chimera, unlike a Beastial one, can only be melded from a single descendant and a single animal. The size rule must still be maintained, lest the Chimera perish due to the extreme and unorderly physical imbalances. As the respiratory and digestive system rules apply to the Bestial Chimeras, so too do these rules apply to Descendant Chimeras.


    Melding Mechanics


    - Descendant Chimeras must have semi-similar traits in the cases of size. As Descendants are, for the most part, omnivores, they can be merged with any digestive system. 

    - A small creature such as a rabbit cannot be melded with a grown human male, for example.

    - Respiratory systems must be similar for the creatures to be melded. A fish could not be merged with a descendant unless that descendant somehow had gills.

    - Only one animal may be melded with a descendant in order to form a Descendant Chimera.



    Descendant Chimeras are not unlike that of a Beastial Chimera in terms of appearance, often having multiple asymmetric features and physical imbalances. Their bodies, for the most part, will appear humanoid, though they may also lean towards quadrupedalism rather than walking on two legs. 


    Appearance Mechanics


    - Descendant Chimeras are often humanoid in appearance, though holding several traits of the creature the descendant was melded with. The individual physical traits of the Chimera are far from beautiful or handsome, being just as disorganized as a Beastial Chimera.

    - Descendant Chimeras cannot be bi/tri-headed unless paired with a rare creature that would allow such an appearance. They may have tails, though they will, for the most part, have two arms and two legs. Occasionally the Chimeras may utilize all fours for transportation rather than being bipedal.

    - While wings are possible on a Descendant Chimera, they will likely be unable to fly with them due to the bodily proportions. Any exceptions to this should be listed on the CA.

    - The strength of a Beastial Chimera is usually determined by the base descendant strength, regardless of the animal, it is paired with. Small boosts in strength may be possible, though they are not major by any means.


    Psychology and Behavior

    While a bit more docile due to the half rational mind of their descendant counterpart, mental imbalance still plagues the Chimera which can often lead to severe brief bouts of animalistic behavior. In terms of decision making, they are quite indecisive due to the conflicting preferences of the descendant and animalistic standpoints.


    Descendant Chimeras, while less ferocious than their Beastial cousins, still hold a larger degree of feral personality than any typical descendant or animal. They may be tamed a bit easier than Beastial Chimeras, though it is still quite difficult due to their monstrous nature. A Descendant Chimera will always have a more rational side, albeit they are only half as rational as a typical descendant - their animal counterpart kicking in more prevalently during encounters that may require more primal instinct, such as fighting or hunting.


    Behavior/Taming Mechanics


    - Descendant Chimeras, while not as feral as Beastial Chimeras, can never be truly tamed due to their half-descendant nature. They can, however, be reasoned with to a degree - though true and full submissiveness will never be a guarantee when interacting with a Descendant Chimera. The mentalities of the descendant and animal individuals prior to melding will also determine the Chimera’s behavior.

    - The intelligence of a Descendant Chimera will only be half that of the descendant race which the animal was paired with. For example, an elf paired with a lion will only have about half the intelligence of an elf, with also the primal cunning of a lion.

    - The maximum size of a Descendant Chimera is up to that of an olog, though the larger size will yield severe drawbacks for such a beast. Using an olog paired with a bear, for example, the creature would be severely lacking intelligence as well as being much more primal. 

    - Multiple Descendant Chimeras may be “tamed” at once, more so than Beastial. Do keep in mind, however, that these creatures may still compete with each other should any hint of favoritism be shown. Descendant Chimeras attacking and killing each other for dominance is also not uncommon.


    Other Mechanics


    - Due to their conflicting bodily systems and functions, Descendant Chimeras will only live a fraction as long as their original counterparts. While this may slightly vary depending on what creatures and descendants were merged, the typical lifespan of a Descendant Chimera is approximately 35 years. However, their lifespan may be prolonged up to 200 years if the Alchemist frequently sustains them using the ‘Retaining Tonic’, the process of making this being listed below.

    - A Descendant Chimera can only be played with a valid CA, as well as having a valid creator.

    - In order to meld uncommon or rare creatures together that could not be typically found in the wild, one must gain LT managerial approval.


    Descendant Chimera Redlines


    - Chimera sizes are limited to that of the descendant size used. You cannot meld an olog and a large bear to get an eighteen-foot tall creature. Most of the time, the size of the animal will not change the size of the Chimera, the descendant size determining such statistics. 

    - While multiple Descendant Chimeras may be tamed at once, do note that they may begin to compete with each other for dominance should more than two be present at once.

    - Added onto the rule that all creatures must be relative size, this also applies to their fully grown sizes. For example, should you meld a human infant with a house cat, the Chimera will die once the human portion reaches its supposed growth spurt.

    - Chimeras cannot reproduce nor partake in procreational activities, meaning they cannot sexually FTB.

    - Descendant Chimeras cannot learn magic.

    Descendant Chimera’s do not remember any of their previous descendant nor animal life. They may, however, express some interest in activities they enjoyed as a regular descendant.



    Greater Chimeras

    You are unwise, boy, to approach such an ill-begotten beast on your lonesome.

    - An old knight to his squire, circa 1749


    Ill fated are those who come to find a Chimera in the wild, for these creatures are an enigma of the material realm, for seldom should such creatures manifest themselves in a natural means such as this. Often the result of an untamed experiment by a careless alchemist, these beasts tend to congregate around particularly gruesome animal deathbeds, creating layers amidst the flesh and rot. They are often far more vicious than any tamed Chimera, owing no allegiance to neither man nor beast. These creatures can greatly range in their size, some being only the size of a young bear cub, while others may be large as an elephant or greater, all depending on the size of the creatures initially conjoined.


    Vicious Nature

    The vicious nature of a wild Chimera is untamed by any intelligent man or superior beast, thus creating a dangerous breed of abomination which knows no bounds. These creatures will more often than not seek to kill or devour anything which they come across, sparing little and often leaving their prey in a gruesome heap after consumption. While unable to effectively reason, wild Chimera can be exceedingly cunning despite their conflicted state, able to hide, set traps, and take note of patterns of their prey. Additionally, their strength can vary, occasionally even rivalling that of the gruesome ologs themselves.




    - Greater Chimera are naturally formed creatures which may be played by an ET only. They may be found in the wild though often lurk around areas plagued with dead animals, often where forest fires or hunting parties took place, the dead souls amalgamating into a Chimera. 

    - These creatures can vary in strength rivaling that of an olog and often having several traits of the animals which melded to form them, from cheetah speed, to flight, to keen eyesight, to even breathing underwater. The abilities chosen must still depend on the animals conjoined. 

    - These Chimeras cannot learn magic and typically have no unnatural abilities unless one of the creatures conjoined possesses such. For example, if a creature could breathe fire pre-melding, the Chimera might be able to breathe fire. 

    - Only Beastial Chimeras can be formed naturally, meaning that the Chimera has no ability to reason, though it's better nature may be appealed to if at all possible. Regardless of the animals which are conjoined to make up the Chimera, they are still very vicious and will try to attack and consume other animals and descendants.

    - Alternatively, these may be created by a regular Chimera Crafter for event purposes only, and still necessitate being played by an ET. 


    Greater Chimera Redlines


    - Only playable by an ET for event purposes.



    The Retaining Tonic

    Being creatures whose' souls are thrust into an endless turmoil, years are taken off of their life, their lives being significantly shortened due to their spiritual and physical state. However, a means of sustaining a Chimera’s life beyond the typical was devised by only the most astute Alchemists. By creating what is known as the Retaining Tonic, Alchemists are able to sustain their creations beyond their years, up until the very peak of their abominable existence. 




    - Perseverance (Earth) 1x

    - Endurance (Earth) 2x

    - Rejuvenation (Water) 2x

    - Descendant Blood x1


    [!] Descendant Blood referring to about 2mL of blood of any descendant race. It must be no more than a single OOC day old, lest it not be efficient.




    [1] Firstly, the alchemist must take the descendant blood and heat it to boiling point. 

    [2] Place the endurance and perseverance symbols as the blood is still at a boil, and mix them in carefully. This will slowly turn the solution a pale violet color.

    [3] Let the mixed solution cool to room temperature before mixing in the rejuvenation symbols, which will result in the solution turning back to red, though a much juicier red than before. It is now completed.




    - This solution, once mixed, will result in a concoction which will reset the Chimera’s age should they take time to absorb its rejuvenating properties.

    - In order for the effects to take place, a Chimera must sit within a vat of this solution for one OOC day, the solution being absorbed by them and thus restoring their life. This is recommended to be done before the Chimera reaches the end of the 35 year period.

    - Should a Chimera not properly bathe in the solution, they will crumble to dust upon reaching the end of their lifespan, their strength slowly weakening as they grow closer to their ‘expiration date’. Once this has occurred, the Chimera’s timer will reset, allowing them another 35 years before death or rejuvenation. 

    - This solution requires ST signage to be approved.



    Chimera Physical Traits and Attributes

    As Chimera are combinations of various animals, it would be reasonable to assume that the amalgamation would inherit some of the abilities or boons of their base creatures. While a majority of them are simple and passive, some may be more combat-oriented. However, at most a Chimera will inherit no more than one skill for each animal within the creature. So if one were to only use two animals within a Beastial Chimera, they would only have two abilities/boons. In the case of Descendant Chimeras, this is only one.


    The following examples are potential boons/abilities/instincts a Chimera may inherit depending on the creatures used. 



    Smell - The creature has a stronger sense of smell.

    Night Vision - The creature can see a little bit better in the dark, albeit not full night vision.

    Claws - The creature may have especially long or large claws, no stronger than that of normal.

    Wings - The creature may be able to perform brief bouts of flight, though only for a short period of time and not very high off the ground. Entirely dependent on proportion.

    Improved Eyesight - The creature may have improved eyesight range or a more keen eye. 

    Scales - The creature may have more protective scales, no better than that of the base creatures’. This may also apply to stronger skin/hide.

    Flight or Fight - When in a stressful or dangerous scenario, depending on the base creature(s) instinct, the Chimera may opt to flight or fight. 


    [NOTE] - Other abilities/traits may be used so long as they have LT Approval.




    - Chimeras may possess some of the boons/traits/instincts of their original counterparts, only able to have one trait for each animal melded. For example, a Beastial Chimera made from two animals can only have two traits. 

    - In the case of Descendant Chimeras, they may have up to one trait, stacked onto any traits or abilities of the Descendant base.

    - All traits must be given to the LT when confirming the creation of a Beastial Chimera. They are not interchangeable. In the case of Descendant Chimeras, abilities must be listed on the CA. 

    - Chimera traits must match up with the traits of the base animals. A Chimera melded from an eagle and a large cat cannot have scales, for example.

    - Should one wish to use a more unique trait or a trait from a rare creature, they must receive approval from the LT. Should this trait have major combat mechanics (such as breathing fire), the ability format must be used - entailing both mechanics and redlines of the ability.

    - These abilities typically do not have much combat determining potential, beyond that of typical scales and claws. While flight may be used in combat, it is entirely reliant on the portion of the animal attempting to fly. 

    - Speed and strength only receive minor boosts or debuffs for Descendant Chimeras depending on the animal they are conjoined with, their strength primarily being determined by the strength of the descendant. In the case of a Beastial Chimera, their strength is the mean of all the creatures melded. 



    Chimera Weaknesses

    Chimeras, due to their unholy and ungodly natures, have several weaknesses akin to that of darker creatures, as even the gods themselves seek to eradicate such an infernal existence. All forms of Chimera are weak to aurum as it is already effective against spectral creatures - targeting the amalgamation of souls within the Chimera. Prolonged exposure to aurum acts as a poison to the compounded creature, eventually killing it should aurum be within its vicinity for too long. 


    Being the abominations of nature that they are, even the monks refuse to resurrect such blasphemous creations, even in the cases of Descendant Chimeras. Thus, alchemists developed a way to revive their precious creations, reassembling the amalgamation using a variety of reagents.


    Weakness Mechanics


    - Aurum will poison a Chimera slowly if the Chimera is locked within a room with a large chunk of aurum for a relatively long time (2 OOC Hours). Direct exposure to aurum, such as touch, feels like fire for the Chimera.

    - Being creatures which defy nature, Druidic Communion can by no means control, speak to, interpret, or directly interact with the Chimera by any means.

    - Upon death, Descendant Chimeras become either ‘shelved’ or PK’d, the latter occurring if they are not reconstructed. They can, however, be revived if the alchemist finds their parts and reassembles them using the necessary alchemic means. The same applies to Beastial Chimeras. 



    Chimera Death and Revival

    Being the abominations of nature that they are, even the monks refuse to resurrect such blasphemous creations, even in the cases of Descendant Chimeras. Thus, alchemists developed a way to revive their precious creations, reassembling the amalgamation using a variety of reagents. However, this process can only be performed if the Alchemist has located their precious Chimera’s corpse, or whatever is left of it.


    Reviving Ingredients


    - Rebirth (Water) 2x

    - Life (Fire) 1x

    - Liquid Mana 1x

    - Chimera Part/Corpse 1x

    - Animal Carcass (Optional)

    - Water 1x


    Reviving Process


    [1] The Alchemist must first obtain the corpse of their chimera, or a part of it if the entire body is not intact. At the very least, a limb must be used. A ligament or smaller part such as an eyeball will not be sufficient. 

    [2] The Alchemist must create a particular concoction which will reassemble the corpse of the beast.

    [2a] The alchemist must take the symbols of Rebirth and mix them into the Liquid Mana, which will turn the concoction a pale green.

    [2b] The alchemist must then place the pale green concoction over a fire for [3] emotes, before mixing in the symbol of Life. This will turn the liquid a vibrant orange and rather warm to the touch.

    [2c] The newly created tonic must then be poured into a large vat of water, along with the part or carcass of the Chimera and the animal corpse. 

    [2d] The alchemist must stir the vat for six emotes consistently, at which the liquid will turn a dark

    shade of violet and begin to bubble, the Chimera being successfully revived.


    Reviving Redlines


    - Descendant Chimeras cannot be respawned at CT and must be manually brought back to life by their creator or another Chimera Crafter. 

    - Cannot be performed in combat.

    - The animal carcass used must correspond to the animal half of the Chimera. Using a dolphin corpse to bring back a tiger Chimera will not yield any result. 

    - An animal carcass is only required if the body of the Chimera is not mostly intact. A Chimera only missing only a leg would not require a corpse, while nothing being left of a Chimera but a leg would require one. Descendant corpses are optional, though not required.




    Chimeras are an amazing part of alchemical roleplay, allowing a unique experience for their creators, the Chimeras, and monster hunters alike. With this lore I hope to add a more maniacal route for further alchemists to take, allowing them traverse a path of madness as opposed to perhaps more order as would be normal. 


    Credit for this Lore

    Pundimonium - Author

    Mordu - Writer + Consulation 

    LeoRabbit - Consultation


    Previous Authors

    Matheus, LeoRabbit99



    Chimera Lore: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/148649-✗-lore-submission-creature-chimera/ 

  7. RP Name: Alfius


    MC Username: Olroxx


    Discord: pundimonium#9142


    What Nation Are You Affliated With?: Paladins


    Why Do You Wish To Come?: “Because it’ll be fun.” – Alfius... but he has other reasons to go.


    What Skills Can You Bring?: He’s old, he’s wise, but he knows ****. Also alchemy and magical knowledge.


  8. 7 hours ago, Jenny_Bobbs said:

    Neurospace - Non-Combative

    Every Mental Mage has a way they see their mind and organize it. This is there mental space or Neurospace. A weaker mage may only have a single room but a master of the magics can have vast and complex constructions only limited by their own creativity. The creations within a mages Neurospace can be strange and abstract as it does not need to obey the normal laws of physics, creation or sense. The mentalist can also give her neurospace emotions that is passively emits to all within but they are a gentle suggestion not an overpowering force.

    The Neurospace acts as a mentalists outermost line of defense against others invading their minds, unlike a mental barrier it is always in place. The space allows a mental mage to setup intricate areas of their mind to unlock and bypass to access their mind. While also offering as a hub of interaction, a mentalist can invite others to their neurospace after channelling a circle with them through divergence of consciousness. Bringing others to your neurospace however does have consequences if exploited, both you and those brought would be in phantasm ethereal body of oneself able to cast spells and abilities which can potentially damage another. The spells used have no physical manifestation of damage on the user but can be enough to break ‘free’ and awake from the neurospace and spell effects of unconsciousness, leaving you or the individual brought within your own space to contemplate or wreak havoc. 


    Neurospace is the first line of defense which requires to be breached prior to accessing the mentalists mind, allowing an individual in your neurospace eliminates this factor allowing them to manipulate your mind at will and thus cause damage. Allowing mental mages within your own neurospace to not require willing consent to edit or modify memories. 


    The reasoning to bring others to your neurospace would be for control, an area created by a mentalist unbenounced, you as with others within your phantasm bodies experience the world within as if it is real, illusions, walls and structures would all be physical within this place to your phantasm. Damage occurred only affecting you mentally, it’ll still take a long time before one can break out of the neurospace. 



    3 Emote after Diversion of consciousness to bring another into your Neurospace. Neurospace passive has a ‘feel’ or emotion of the mages choosing. The look of neurospace can be anything the mage wishes and do not need to obey real world physics, laws or sense.



    • The construction of a mage's Neurospace don't need to obey real world physics

    • You are more open to attack from people within your neurospace.

    • Other mental mages don’t need willing consent to affect your mind in your neurospace. They will still require consent if you do it to them. (RP consent isn’t required, OOC consent is for your own mind).

    • No physical damage can be done on any individuals, mental damage as the ‘phantasm’ can affect your ‘phantasm’ body believing you’re suffering from those injuries/illusions.

    • Everything in your neurospace will be ‘physical’ created by the neurospace owner.

    • Neurospace entities cannot be altered heavily while others are within.

    • Requires all parties (except for the caster) to be under Diversion of Consciousness.



    The Upside Down contains no life recognizable to descendants beyond plants and trees, instead harboring its own unique biology and ecosystem. Biological growth of various kinds, such as tendrils and flesh-like membranes, are prevalent across the dimension, permeating and covering most surfaces. These life forms appear to grow and spread in a similar fashion to fungi or plant life.

    (From Stranger Things - Upside Down definition)


    I deserve credit!

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