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Creative Wizard
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Posts posted by Sorcerio

  1. 26 minutes ago, Demotheus said:

    I'm just curious. How will anybody know the alphabet runes to start? 

    Likely taught from their teacher. Should this be accepted I’ll do my best to spread the information out to teachers who can then pass it onto their students. Books can also be written about the formula.

  2. EYPNTuxutSk79WuYFm1rggIvy9V2rSnn7GR_VU-ENRoC5jwBXyxcNgZOH_9O8nfHkco3QNfUkPMBMNaTfgx9g3GaG9dEtc64qdK5vJT7mZX_xFkyf_GLM3m4q7jq0YcBBvbzydn0


    Water, throughout history, has been crucial to the progress and development of life. Whether it be used to replenish a weary traveler wandering the harsh deserts, to supporting an entire peoples by means of transportation, it has always played an important role for descendants. Yet, as magic grew, so did the number of those who sought control over this vast power. And with that desire, the art of Water Evocation was born.



    Water Evocation, in simple terms, is the drawing of pure water from the Void and then distributing it in the form of projection, better known as ‘casting’. Water Evocation is very diverse, able to be used to create anything from a small puddle to play in, to a flurry of ice and snow to decimate one’s opponents. The only limit to such a power is the mage’s own creativity.


    • Water Evocation takes up [1] magic slot.
    • Water Evocation can be practiced with a valid [MA], which can be obtained by learning under a mastered water evocationist with a valid [TA].
    • Water evocation requires a stable connection to the Void. 


    Learning and Casting

    In order for one to cast water evocation, they must first establish a connection to the Void, known as a Mana Anchor, picture the water within the Void, then pull it into the material realm and cast it. Yet, this connecting is no simple feat for any admiring scholar with a tome to perform, but actually requires years of dedicated practice and study. Even some of the brightest minds in the realm may find themselves struggling to grasp the basic concepts of Voidal connection.


    Like any Voidal Evocation, the art of water takes years of repetitive study of its element, requiring the mage to know everything from how water moves, to how it feels, to how it vanishes. Another thing of note is that the water evocationist must have a master to teach them in the ways of the Void and water, one who has mastered their art to the tee.


    Once one has learned to connect to the Void and studied true water in its regular state, they will be able to draw it from the Void, this applying similarly to ice. They must connect, picture the water or ice in the void, form it, then summon it from the Void and project it. 


    Properties of Conjured Water

    Water is very diverse, possessing all sorts of properties that make it useful in nearly any situation a mage may find themselves in. However, like water is often calmed and collected and flowing, so too must a practitioner of such an art be patient and calm in their cast, lest they risk destruction like the tsunami’s of the south.


    • Water makes wet whatever it touches and may absorb into surfaces. However, should the Water Evocationist lose line of sight or disconnect, the remaining water found absorbed and on wet surfaces will vanish back into the Void.
    • With a high enough heat intensity, water may vanish or evaporate more quickly than normal. For example, should one conjure water in a searing desert, it may vanish faster than one who conjures water within a lush forest. Water will also begin to freeze as well, though not as quickly as regular water unless soaked into something.
    • Water cannot be consumed nor provide any nutrients, due to the fact that it requires line of sight and maintenance from the caster. Should one attempt to ingest it, they will receive no benefit as the water would simply vanish the second it leaves the mage’s sight.
    • A mage may not boil their water, though they may make their water somewhat frigid or uncomfortably warm. They cannot form ice until [T3], and this must be studied akin to water.
    • Most ice is fairly fragile to blunt force and can be melted by fire or heat, though is not as weak to sharp attacks. However, if conjured in the form of a substantial barrier, and in a large enough quantity, it may perhaps be more durable.



    Abilities of Water

    Water flows and is one of the easier evocations to control, as its nature is not necessarily chaotic. Water is more orderly, yet also strong and unyielding. In more recent years, users of water evocation only become more powerful in their art, able to use it in ways never imagined before.


    Abbreviation Key:

    N - Non-Combat

    C - Combat


    Conjure Water / Ice [N] - A water evocationist can conjure water, and ice at later levels, from the Void and manipulate it into any shape that they so wish. This can be used very diversely for non-combative purposes - from simply washing dishes, to creating a mighty storm of aquatic or frozen fury.



    • Water in this form is rather shapeless, dripping from its own form unless conjured at a higher tier and shaped.
      • A water evocationist may manipulate their water in any way, shape, or form they see fit so long as it remains out of combat. At [T2] their water can be crudely shaped, albeit dripping a lot; at [T4] they can manipulate their water much more smoothly, hardly dripping; at [T5] they may manipulate their water extremely smoothly.
      • In the case of ice, which may not be conjured until the mage has reached [T3], their ice can only be crudely shaped when starting out, while at [T5] their ice can be incredibly smoother and more detailed, elbeit not razor thin. 
    • All non-combat water spells may have a maximum size of one meter at [T1], five square meters [T2], fifteen square meters [T3], twenty-five square meters [T4], fifty square meters [T5]. Each tier the mage progresses, the details they may use in their water increase from [T1] rather shapeless, to [T2] being more moderate, to [T4] which is very refined, though cannot be razor thin.
    • All non-combat ice spells may have a maximum size of five square meters at [T3], fifteen square meters at [T4], and twenty-five square meters at [T5]. Each tier the mage progresses, the details they may use in their water increase from [T3] rather shapeless, to [T4] being more moderate, to [T5] which is very refined, though cannot be razor thin.



    • Any non-combat spell requires at least one emote of connection, and one emote of conjuring the actual water. The larger the spell, the more emotes required. The higher the tier, the less emotes required. Use common sense when determining emote counts for non-combat spells. If you make a giant tidal wave, obviously it will take more than three emotes, likely closer to around six or seven.


    Water Blast [C] - By conjuring water and ejecting it in the form of a blast, a water evocationist can essentially send a jet or projectile of water directly towards an opponent, enough so to knock them back or cause them to topple over.



    • By conjuring forth a congregation of water, a water evocationist can send forth a jet or projectile of water to blast opponents backward. While not very physically damaging, it’s force is moderately strong possessing enough force to send one toppling backwards, though holding no more force than a descendant’s push, likely causing them to stumble back around [3] blocks on initial impact of Water Blast, and [1] block per sustained impact if unprepared, or even cause them to fall over.
    • This spell can either appear as a ‘jet’ of water, or a sphere which may be cast towards an opponent. This may be modified aesthetically, though must remain in the general shape of a jet or globule of water.
    • Requires three emotes to cast [1 Connect + 1 Charge + 1 Cast] regardless of shape. The water blast itself may be held back for up to two emotes before needing to be fired lest it simply dissolved. The attack can be sustained for up to [4] emotes assuming the mage has adequate concentration and mana. 



    • Has no solidarity in and of itself, but still possesses moderate force.


    Water Shield [C] - A water evocationist may conjure a shield of water which swirls in front of the, creating a barrier which can deflect lesser projectiles and as well as other conventional purposes such as putting out fires. 



    • A water evocationist may create a disc, wave, or shield of shifting water which can deflect some projectiles, such as arrows, and can also extinguish flaming projectiles, assuming they can be extinguished. 
    • This spell requires three emotes to cast [1 Connect + 1 Charge + 1 Cast]. The water will appear to swirl about or rise upwards in a wave which will span no more than two meters in diameter. It may be sustained for up to [4] emotes before dissipating. This barrier will deflect projectiles traveling at the speed of an arrow or slower, as well as extinguishing flaming projectiles. 
    • For aesthetic purposes, the shield may appear as a small wave, disc, or other barrier, so long as it holds no solidarity and offers no protection against melee attacks.



    • The water shield will always be rather formless and lack solidarity, only providing protection against projectiles going at the speed of an arrow or lower. This means it cannot deflect spells such as crossbow bolts or other magical projectiles, with the exception of flame oriented attacks. It may, however, knock these projectiles off course. 
    • The mage must dedicate their concentration to the shield. Performing other actions while maintaining the spell will cause it to drop.


    Water Whip [C] – A water evocationist may, after having learned to conjure ice, conjure forth a hybrid whip of both water and ice in which they may use like any regular whip. The whip is typically conjured next to the mage, following whatever movements the evocationist so wishes as long as their concentration is upon it.



    • A water evocationist who has learned to conjure ice can form a whip of water with spiked ice on the end. While being a [T3] spell, the ice will be rather crude and blunt, likely causing a few bruises should it hit. However, upon reaching [T4], a water evocationist may opt to make the ice more sharp, causing cuts, slashes, and even lacerations rather than providing blunt force.
      • Alternatively, a mage may create the whip out of pure water to lash at unprotected foes, leaving scratches and scrapes wherever it hit, as well as lashes.
    • The spell requires three emotes to cast [1 Connect + 1 Charge + 1 Cast]. The whip itself will not extend beyond eight blocks in length, the spikes on the end of it being no longer than four inches.



    • Should the mage lose sight of the whip, it will vanish.
    • While more effective against skin when sharp, the whip will shatter when hitting plate, making it near useless against heavily armored foes.


    Ice Projectile [C] -  Water Evocationist can create shards of ice which they may cast or project towards opponents. This ice can be as detailed or as crude as they wish, ranging from a small chunk of frozen water to a small and detailed dagger shape for aesthetic purposes.



    • A water evocationist who can conjure ice may form shards of ice which can either be sharp or blunt - one or the other, you cannot mix the projectile types.
      • The projectile/s themselves are typically baseball-sized. The shards can be either sharp or blunt. Should it be sharp, it would be equivalent to a simple ferrum sword in terms of sharpness, though able to be shattered easily if it comes into contact with blunt force. 
      • Blunt projectiles are less brittle, hitting at the force of a baseball going arrow speed, though typically do not shatter.
    • Requires three emotes to cast [1 Connect + 1 Charge + 1 Cast]. Each projectile requires an additional emote to conjure, with no more than three able to be charged at once. Once a maximum of 3 projectiles have been summoned, no more can be summoned and the spell must be cast again. Projectiles can be held back for 3 emotes before they fizzle out.
      • One projectile charged may be around the sharpness of your average ferrum blade.
      • Ice spikes may be capable of piercing unarmoured foes just as a regular blade would, but will likely only dent heavy plate, instead leaving a mild bruise where it hit regardless of sharpness.
    • Multiple projectiles may be fired at once, however, they must all be within the mage’s line of sight at once and all be fired in the same direction if this is the case, lest they dematerialize. 



    • Can be no greater than the size of a baseball. Can be any shape for aesthetic purposes only.
    • The shape of the projectile cannot change the effect of the spell, besides blunt or sharp.
    • If multiple projectiles are fired at the same time, they must all be fired at the same direction.


    Water Wave [C] - By conjuring forth a large amount of water and sending it pushed forth, a Water Evocationist can create a wave of water that rushes towards the intended targets. The force of such an attack is great, picking up more momentum the further it moves, able to push back nearly anything in its path.



    • A water evocationist can conjure a large wave of water which they may push towards their targets in an effort to send them backward. The spell itself is very destructive, pushing back both people and objects alike in a small area.
    • The attack itself has a range of up to ten blocks, though can travel for up to fifteen once cast. The wave has a width of two blocks, though a length of up to five, constantly pushing whatever comes into contact with force equivalent to that of an orc constantly shoving the person backwards for as long as it is sustained.
    • Requires Four emotes to cast [1 Connect + 2 Charge + 1 Cast]. The wave can be maintained until it reaches its limit of fifteen blocks, though may disperse earlier if the mage’s concentration is disrupted.
    • The spell itself, aesthetic wise, can be very creative. For example, one could make it appear as if there were a horse in the water running along with the wave.



    • The wave can only be maintained by line of sight. Should the mage be deprived of this, even when it is already cast, the wave will cease.


    Ice Spikes [C] - Water Evocationist can conjure force large spikes of ice which may act as an defensive offensive attack. Such an ability can be quite devastating if used against multiple opponents, making it great for crowd control.



    • A water evocationist who can conjure ice may create large spikes of ice to rise up from the ground and pierce or deter foes as a wall. The spikes are often large, ranging from 1 foot to two meters in length, and up to three meters in height, the sized typically varying in a single attack. 
    • Ice Spike has a width of up to two, and a length of up to five blocks. has a ten black range. 
    • Requires Three emotes to cast [1 Connect + 1 Charge + 1 Cast]. The spikes may be maintained for up to five emotes, though this time is shortened if the mage is distracted or breaks their connection.



    • Ice Spike is not an instant trap. The spikes themselves must gradually grow from the ground in front of the mage.


    Ice Shield [C] - By conjuring a large amount of ice in front of them, water evocationist may create a shield or wall of ice which may be used as a barrier to protect against a variety of attacks, a testament to the versatility of an art such as water evocation. 



    • A water evocationist may create a barrier of ice in front of them which may be no greater than [3] meters wide and [2]meters tall.This barrier may appear however the mage wishes for aesthetic purpose
    • The barrier itself can take about four blunt hits at maximum. Sharp attacks will chip away at it over a longer course of time, though will hardly be as effective as blunt force. Direct flame or heat can melt the shield easily in two emotes.
    • Requires three emotes to charge and cast [1 Connect + 1 Charge + 1 Cast]. The shield may be maintained for up to [4] emotes, though will shatter if sufficient blunt force - such as that provided by two-handed blunt tools, like Sledgehammers or strength enhancing metals such as boomsteel- is applied, and will dissipate if the mage loses concentration.

    • Usable at [T3].



    • So long as the shield is being sustained, the mage may not make sudden movements, only able to traverse half of what they could normally traverse in a single emote. Jumping out of the way or moving faster than at a light jogging pace will result in it vanishing.
    • The shield must be gradually formed over the course of emotes, not something that instantaneously appears. 


    Ice Dome [C] - A greater feat of defensive water evocation which a water evocationist may perform, allowing them to create a large dome of ice to protect them and their allies should they so chose.



    • A water evocationist may create a large dome of ice around them and other people/objects. The dome itself has a three meter radius at maximum, with the mage being in the center. 
    • Requires four emotes to cast [1 Connect + 2 Charge + 1 Cast], and can be maintained for up to [6] emotes, assuming that it is not shattered by blunt force or melted by hot flame. Likewise, if the mage loses their connection or concentration, the spell will also fade. 
    • The dome may hold its own against only [3] harsh blunt strikes before it is shattered. Shattering the dome will also stun the mage who is casting it for a minimum of [1] emote, preventing them from casting for that duration. The mage will need 1 emote to recupurate if they choose to end the spell themselves. 



    • The mage must be at the center of the dome to cast it.
    • Ice may be murky, though some movement can be seen from within the dome. 
    • The dome must be gradually formed, not instantly conjured.
    • The mage must dedicate their concentration to the dome. Performing other actions while maintaining the spell will cause it to drop.


    Hail Storm [C] - A most devastating and powerful attack of a water evocationist, incorporating all which they have studied and learned into a single spell of unbridled fury of ice and water, laying waste to their foes if used in a proper manner.



    • A water evocationist who has mastered their evocation may conjure a flurry of ice and rain which may fall upon their foes. Snow is an option aesthetic though offers no benefit beyond chilled air. The storm has a maximum radius of five meters, able to be conjured with its edge up to ten meters away from the mage. Once cast, the mage may cause the storm to move [1] meter at the start of each of their turns, with no range restriction so long as they remain stationary and maintain eyesight on the storm. This spell may be cast normally indoors, though if the room is smaller than it's maximum radius, it will meld to the room's shape and loses the ability to be moved.
    • It requires five emotes to cast [1 Connection + 3 charge + 1 cast], and can be maintained for up to [4] emotes, raining sharp fractals of ice, snow, and cold rain upon all within the storm cloud. The maintenance of the spell may be increased to [8] emotes, though once the fifth has been achieved, the mage is considered to have used all of their mana for the purposes of casting other spells if they are interrupted/the spell ends.
      • Hail and Fractals are small, each around the size of a grape with round and sharp edges respectively. As such, those within the storm are battered with painful bruises and cuts by staying in it. On the first emote of contact, cuts and bruises to a minor degree are left. By the second emote, they grow to a medium degree of severity. By the third emote, the cuts and bruises are quite large and will require medical aid, though not urgently. By the fourth, the storm leaves more severe wounds. Not enough to kill anyone outright, but they are considered heavily wounded and will require medical aid immediately on the conclusion of combat. The storm does not deal more damage beyond this.
      • Targets wearing light or medium armor(leather, gambeson) are considered immune to the storm's damage for their first emote of being inside of it. Targets wearing medium armor(half plate, chain) are considered immune to the storm's damage for their first two emotes of being inside of it. Targets wearing heavy armor(plate armor or similar) are considered immune to the storm's damage for their first four emotes of being inside of it. After these emotes are met, they begin taking damage as though they just entered it for the first time.
    • If the mage's concentration is disrupted while they are charging or maintaining the spell, the storm will dissipate. Likewise if they are unable to see the storm, the spell will be rendered null.
      • Abjurations and other abjuration-type effects can destroy this spell as normal if they make contact with the cloud where the storm originates from(or the caster themselves where applicable), not the individual fractals/hail/rain. For Wards, they would lose 1 point per emote of contact with the fractals/hail/rain, increased to 2 at the final emote for a total of 5. Other blocking effects can be used as well, such as a thanhic shield, would work similarly.
    • Can be learned at [T5].



    • The mage must be able to see where they are conjuring the storm, as well as the storm itself the entire time the spell is being charged and active.
    • This spell may only move a maximum of [1] meter/emote starting on the turn following its initial cast.
    • If a 5th emote of maintaining the spell is reached, the casting mage is considered exhausted for the rest of the day. Being unable to cast any further spells beyond the completion of Hail Storm's 8 Emote Maximum.
      • This applies even if the Mage is interrupted in their casting right after the 5th emote. No matter what, they are considered exhausted.
    • Any fire in the spell's radius will be doused instantly. Extremely hot [blue] flames can persist, but will not leave lingering fire. This doesn't apply to malflame or other similar magical fires bar fire evocation.
    • The storm by itself will never kill an unharmed opponent. But those who remain in it for extended periods of time while already holding injuries can die or fall unconscious, under a common sense ruling.
    • The storm does not significantly effect visibility through it. Ranged attacks can pass through normally.



    Tier Progression


    T1 - Novice

    The mage has just begun to connect, assuming they haven’t learned to already. Assuming this is the case, they will have trouble connecting for the first two tiers of their training. If they have already connected, they will only be able to conjure a few droplets of water before becoming exhausted. Lasts two [OOC] weeks.



    Spells – Conjure Water, Water Blast


    Skill Level – All non-combat spells may have a maximum size/radius of one square meter at [T1]. The detail level of water at this stage is practically nonexistent, as they may only conjure a few droplets before becoming exhausted. This stage is typically used for studying water itself, rather than casting.


    T2 - Apprentice

    The mage has gained better experience in connecting and near mastered it, as well as being able to conjure a few bubbles and orbs of water before becoming exhausted. They can form vague shapes, though nothing complex or large. Lasts three [OOC] weeks.



    Spells – Conjure Water, Water Blast, Water Shield


    Skill Level – All non-combat spells may have a maximum size/radius of five square meters at [T2]. The detail level of water at this stage is a bit more evident, albeit still crude. The evocationist may only conjure a bubbles or orbs of water and maintain them briefly before becoming exhausted.


    T3 - Adept 

    The mage is has now practically mastered Voidal Connection and is able to maintain greater concentration in stressful situations, permitting them the ability to conjure water more easily and fluidly when in combat. They also are able to form their water into more defined shapes as well as begin to conjure water, though most water shapes are still a bit liquidy and ice is very crude. Lasts five [OOC] weeks.



    Spells – Conjure Water, Water Blast, Water Shield, Water Whip, Conjure Ice, Ice Projectile, Water Wave, Ice Shield


    Skill Level – All non-combat water spells may have a maximum size/radius of fifteen square meters at, while all non-combat ice spells have a maximum rsize/radius of five square meters. The detail level of water is much more refined. The evocationist can now summon forth more adept spells of water, as well as begin their studying of ice. Their ice at this stage is crude, unable to be sharp or refined.


    T4 - Expert

    The mage now has near mastered their fluidic element, possessing far greater combat and out of combat abilities, the shapes of their spells now much more precise than before, though are still not perfect. Their ice capability has vastly improved as well, allowing them much more versatile attacks and more refined art. Lasts six [OOC] weeks.



    Spells – Conjure Water, Water Blast, Water Shield, Water Whip, Conjure Ice, Ice Projectile, Water Wave, Ice Shield, Ice Spike, Ice Dome


    Skill Level – All non-combat water spells may have a maximum size/radius of twenty-five square meters, while all non-combat ice spells may have a maximum size/radius of fifteen square meters. The detail level of water is very refined, practically mastered. The evocationist can make much more detailed ice as well. now able to make it more sharp and distinct.=


    T5 - Master

    The mage has completely mastered their Voidal art, able to manipulate their water to a very fine degree as well as maintain a far greater concentration than before. They can use all the spells of water evocation, able to perform powerful feats of their art in both combat and non-combat.



    Spells – Conjure Water, Water Blast, Water Shield, Water Whip, Conjure Ice, Ice Projectile, Water Wave, Ice Shield, Ice Spike, Ice Dome, Hail Storm

    Skill Level – All non-combat water spells may have a maximum size/radius of fifty square meters, while all non-combat ice spells may have a maximum size/radius of twenty-five square meters. The detail level of water is mastered both in and out of combat, able to be as refined as the mage wishes. The evocationist can now make very refined amounts of ice and in larger portions.



    Water evocation, being as diverse as it is, often yields powerful effects when used in conjunction with the art of transfiguration. Objects imbued with water evocation by an enchanter will sustain any of the aforementioned water spells in a non-creative enchantment, as well as hold the properties of regular water when used in a creative MArt. Of course, even when in a creative MArt, the enchantment still must apply to the most basic redlines of evocation in general, even if the artifact breaks a few of the lesser ones.


    • All non-creative enchantments must use one of the spells listed above, holding all of its properties aside from not needing to be cast directly due to the fact that it’s an enchantment.
    • Creative Enchantments, while more freeform, must adhere to most of the base redlines of Water Evocation, aside from any the MArt permits to be cast aside.


    • Cannot enchant in the middle of combat, and one must practice transfiguration to enchant.



    General Redlines of Water Evocation

    • A water evocationist cannot manipulate real water, only control what they themselves have conjured forth from the Void.
    • All spells require line of sight, that being their maximum range, unless specified otherwise. The further the spell is casted, the more draining it may be and the more time it may take to charge.
    • Any aesthetic of any spell cannot change its mechanical function. For example, one could make a small bird out of water evocation as a projectile only, though not as a primordial conjuration, rather simply being a projectile comprised of water that appears in the shape of a bird.
    • Ice can only be conjured upon reaching [T3], and must be studied like any other part of an evocation. Steam and boiled water are not possible to be conjured either. For aesthetic purpose alone, a water evocationist may make their water feel a bit warmer or colder than normal, though this cannot cause any harm on its own.




    The purpose of this lore was to, obviously, rewrite Water Evocation in a way that adhered to the requirements of Lore Games, while also allowing for more diversity and roleplay potential in its powers and rituals. Since nobody opted to rewrite Water Evocation within the Evocation Community, I chose to rewrite it myself to prevent it from being shelved.



    • Removed steam and boiled water, though these may be an addition later on.
    • Defined enchanting with water evocation
    • Clarified tiers and abilities



    Pundimonium – Author 

    SaltyOlog – Suggestions


    Everyone in the Lore Games evocation channel for all feedback provided. 


    Former Authors





  3. ltr6yo53A7YzYkJrmr4TC6rFdGoMde1Ul2LWXJe0z-OcHjoITtDLsqK-ixtwY6DJpdLnAbSWvgz_jIwv_8ezD4o2lQyXifczlpEzqxytm3Psb9O2SCpmB_kJrJ2sULe1V0v6szH-


    Ever since the discovery of fire, descendants have strived to be able to control it, to harness its power and use it for there own purposes. Whether it be used to warm oneself at the fireside, to lighting an enemy camp aflame, fire was always a vital tool, playing a crucial role in descendant development. As magic was discovered, so was the use of flame in Voidal evocation, the very element which descendants strived to control now within their grasp.



    Fire Evocation, in essence, is the pulling of fire directly from the Void and projecting or ‘casting’ it in a certain direction and shape. While most spells of fire evocation are quite simple, some of the higher tiered can be a bit more complex, anything from throwing a fireball to conjuring forth a storm of flames to rain down upon foes.


    • Fire Evocation takes up [1] magic slot.
    • Fire Evocation can be practiced with a valid [MA], which can be obtained by learning under a mastered fire evocationist with a valid [TA].
    • Fire evocation requires a stable connection to the Void. 


    Learning and Casting

    Firstly, in order to cast fire, a mage must establish a Mana Anchor, picture the flame they want to summon in their mind, and pull it out of the Void and into reality, like any Voidal Evocation. Such a skill, however, requires years of dedication and study of the Void and its powers. Even the quickest of learners will still require much time to fully master connecting to the Void.


    As any Voidal magic, mastery of fire evocation is based on repetition and study over the course of many years. To even begin to consider the learning of fire evocation, one must understand the fundamentals of fire itself, knowing everything from how it acts to how it is snuffed out. One must also have an adequate teacher, one well versed in the use of Voidal Fire, a master of their craft.

    Once one has learned to connect to the Void and studied flame itself, they will be able to draw fire from the Void. They must connect, picture the fire in the void, form it, then summon it from the Void and project it. 


    Properties of Conjured Fire

    Fire possesses a wide range of properties, making it a formidable weapon if used properly. However, a hotheaded mage with fire evocation may lead to some difficult circumstances for themselves and others - hence why a fire evocations should be extremely careful when casting. 


    • Fire consumes whatever it touches, so long as the object is flammable, though slowly spreading across the entire surface of the consumed object. Once it makes contact with the physical realm, it is no longer within the mage’s domain to control - not vanishing back into the Void once it makes contact.
    • Fire burns, meaning that any flammable objects it touches will slowly and painfully be consumed by its searing touch. Should flesh be the surface upon which the fire is caught, a typical orange flame will yield first to second degree burns assuming the flesh is not wet nor has anything to protect it. 
    • Fire is not a solid nor a liquid, but rather gaseous. Fire may be given harsh solidarity in the form of an explosion by making a spell combustive.
    • Fire cannot pass through objects, especially water or sand, though will begin to consume them assuming they are flammable. 
    • Upon contact, the smaller flames will typically stick around the area of contact, allowing for prolonged exposure to the flame rather than rapid expansion. The burns themselves are typically 1st to 2nd degree upon immediate contact to descendant flesh, though may worsen depending on how long the fire remains exposed.
    • Despite the tenacious nature of the fire, it is fairly easy to put out if one has the proper means. Water or suffocation are the easiest way to get rid of lingering fire, though simply ‘brushing it off’ will likely not yield much effect. Assuming the fire is not impeded, it will usually die out after combat is over. 
    • While it is not impossible for the fire to spread across a surface in combat, assuming any adjacent surfaces are flammable, the fire will spread rather slowly. Non-Combat fire can expand much quicker, however. Obviously, a stone manor will burn slower than a thatch hut. 
    • Should fire be exposed to a vital region for more than four emotes, the victim will begin to die unless unaided quickly. 
    • Combat conjured fire will always hold a red or orange color, though the shades may vary, with the exception of Blue Flame. Out of combat, fire can be any color besides black or white, and will always have the same temperature as normal fire.



    The Powers of Fire

    The powers of fire evocation are dangerous and hard to control, especially when starting out. Even masters of this art have some trouble controlling their conjured fire. Yet over the course of years, mastery of fire has come a great way, allowing mages to manipulate their fire to a much finer degree than before, as well as the conjuring of different colors for aesthetic effects. 


    Abbreviation Key:

    N - Non-Combat

    C - Combat


    Conjure Fire [N] - A fire evocationist has the power to conjure simple flames or smoke from the Void in order to manipulate it and form it into a certain shape. They may then use this fire to create many feats of magic, whether they be creating a simple butterfly of fire for a child’s entertainment, to creating fireworks for a marvelous display.



    • Fire in this form is very free and shapeless, unless formed into something more.
    • Upon reaching [T3], a mage may manipulate the color of their flame, albeit no change in heat. For example, a fire evocationist may create purple flame for non-combative purposes. The only exception to this rule is blue and white flame. Smoke may also be conjured at this tier, with similar flexibility in hue.
    • A fire evocationist can manipulate their fire in any way, shape, or form so long as it remains out of combat. At [T3] a mage can crudely shape their flames, but at [T5] a mage may have much greater control of their flame, able to make it almost smooth.



    • White flame and black flame cannot be conjured at all, whether in or out of combat.
    • This may not be used in a combative or destructive manner whatsoever. 
    • Any non-combat spell requires at least one emote of connection, and one emote of conjuring the actual flame. The larger the spell, the more emotes required. The higher the tier, the less emotes required. Use common sense when determining emote counts for non-combat spells. If you make a storm of pure fire rain upon a crop field, obviously it will take more than three emotes, likely closer to around six or seven.


    Cauterize [C] - When in a controlled and less stressful area, a fire evocationist may burn other’s own wounds in order to temporarily seal them shut. While this is a very crude and painful method of temporarily sealing wounds, it’s better than bleeding to death or risking infection.



    • A fire evocationist may briefly seal the wounds of themselves or others by burning them shut. This method is excruciatingly painful, forming a dark red or even blackened scab around the wound itself.

    • Two-inch deep wounds require three emotes to seal [1 Connect + 1 Charge + 1 Cast], three-inch deep wounds require four emotes to seal [1 Connect + 1 Charge + 2 Cast], taking two [2] active emotes of burning the wound to seal it. Anything larger cannot be sealed by Cauterize.
    • The seal only remains for about one OOC hour and can easily be torn back open. Even after the seal fades, a burn will remain in the formerly sealed area.



    • Cannot be used to treat fatal wounds.
    • Pain must be emoted.
    • A mage may use this on themselves, so long as they are standing still and there is very little distracting them, such as dodging or moving. They cannot cast anything else for up to [2] emotes after using Cauterize on themselves. 


    Flame Projectile [C] - Allows a fire evocationist to cast simple projectiles composed completely of flame. While former fire evocationists could only create crude fireballs, modern magi are gifted greater control over their element, able to morph it into more specific and exact shapes for aesthetic purposes. 



    • A fire evocationist may create baseball-sized projectiles to cast towards their target/s. While the size is fairly limited, the shape and detail of the projectile may be more complex than a mere ball of flame. For example, one may choose to create a small knife made of flame rather than just a fireball. 
    • Upon contact, a non-combustive Flame Projectile will be stopped by any surface it touches, leaving several smaller flames left burning in the area. Over time it will slowly burn away the skin or any thin and flammable materials.
    • Requires three emotes to cast [1 Connect + 1 Charge + 1 Cast]. Each projectile requires an additional emote to conjure, with no more than three able to be charged at once. Once a maximum of 3 projectiles have been summoned, no more can be summoned and the spell must be cast again. Projectiles can be held back for 3 emotes before they fizzle out.

    • When firing multiple projectiles they may be fired in a single direction so long as said directions remain within the mage's line of sight. Multiple projectiles may be fired all at once or at different times, so long as the former is only in one direction at a time.

    • Combustive Flame Projectiles often have the force of a hard baseball throw directly at you if made combustive, creating an explosion of flame no greater than one foot in radius around the point of impact. It will also have the regular effects added on. Still leaves small flames to eat away at flesh/cloth.
    • Should any Flame Projectile make contact with any person or object, they will give them second degree burns upon touch. Should it be combustive, one will likely cause them to stumble back no more than a block, while two or three projectiles may cause them to be pushed back by up to three blocks should they all make contact.



    • Can be no greater than the size of a baseball. Can be any shape for aesthetic purposes only.
    • The shape of the projectile cannot change the effect of the spell. For example, a fire knife cannot be sharp.
    • Fire projectiles are never solid unless combustion is added and will simply dissipate upon making contact, leaving several smaller ‘fires’ in the area which it touched.
    • If multiple projectiles are fired at the same time, they must all be fired at the same direction.


    Flame Trail [C] - Should a fire evocationist so wish, they may send a trail of flames spiraling or extending in any direction along the ground. Such a spell can be used for multiple things, such as making a wall of fire or creating a direct line of flame towards a target.



    • A fire evocationist may send a jet of fire along the ground in order to form various shapes which enable it to act as a formed barrier of some kind. It may either be directly shot out in front of the caster, around the caster, or around another target.

    • Not unlike fiery projectiles, Flame Trail will leave several smaller flames upon any surface that attempts to pass through it, slowly eating away and burning cloth, flesh, and other flammable materials.

    • Flame Trail requires four emotes to cast [1 Connect + 2 Charge + 1 Cast] regardless of the shape. Shapes themselves are limited to direct lines or encasements. The flame itself can only reach about a meter in height, though may extend for up to five meters if used in a straight line. If used as a circular barrier, the ring may have a three block radius from the center, which is either the caster or the target.
    • The mage can actively maintain the fiery wall after it has been summoned for 3 additional emotes, consuming enough mana equal to a T3 spell. This wall will ether be 5 blocks long and one meter high, or around the caster/another target.

    • The fire from flame trail is only severe enough to grant first degree burns with the occasional second, though the latter is more prominent if the spell is made combustive.

    • If made combustive, the fire will create a trail of small explosions which dash towards their target. The explosions themselves have enough force to break or dislocate a few minor bones, though nothing too severe and not exceeding about a block radius each. 



    • The fire must always remain on the ground.

    • Cannot use Flame Trail over wet surfaces.

    • Cannot shrink flame if it is a ring. 

    • Can not maintain a fiery wall if the spell is made combustion.

    • If made a firry wall, the spell can only be placed vertically or horizontally. The wall cannot be placed diagonally.


    Enwreathe [C] - Allows for a fire evocationist to cover their weapon in a shroud in fire.



    • Spoiler
      • A fire evocationist may enwreathe a potion of their own or an ally's weapon in flames provided that portion of the weapon cannot be damaged by fire.
      • The flames from Enwreathe can be any colour permitted under 'Conjure Flame', with the exception of White or Black.
      • The fire from Enwreathe causes 2nd degree burns on contact with skin, unless used with Blue Fire, in which case it will cause 3rd degree burns instead.
      • Enwreathe requires two to three emotes to cast [ Connect -> Optional Charge -> Enwreathe ], with the optional charge emote being required for Blue Fire or Combustion.
      • Once cast, Enwreathe can be maintained up to [6] emotes, provided the spell is focused on.
      • If used with Combustion, Enwreathe will detonate when making contact with another object or person, ending the spell prematurely but likely knocking a single opponent back up to four blocks, possibly causing minor fractures should they be thrown into a solid surface.
      • Can be learned at T2.



    • Spoiler
      • Enwreathe cannot be used on weapons that can be damaged/burned by fire.
      • Enwreathe cannot be cast on Thanhium, it'd just absorb the spell.
      • Enwreathe cannot be cast on Ironwood, because Ironwood is resistant to fire, not immune to it.
      • Enwreathed flames do not bypass or cause burns through armour. Regular clothing does not count as armour.
      • If Enwreathe is cast on an ally's weapon it follows all of the same redlines.
      • If Enwreathe is currently being focused on, the caster cannot cast any other spells.
      • If your focus is broken, Enwreathe vanishes. It does not grant you the ability to maintain concentration greater than you normally could.
      • Combustive Enwreathe has the force of being thrown back by a descendent-strength creature, meaning Golems, Ologs, and other similar (very large, very heavy) creatures may not be knocked back by its detonation, though might stumble from the blow.
      • You cannot Enwreathe armour


    Flame Blast [C] - While Flame Projectiles are used for a quick and simpler attack, Flame Blast is a more powerful and devastating attack of a fire evocationist. These projectiles are much larger and more potent than the lesser ones, becoming quite deadly when made combustive.



    • A fire evocationist may charge a beach-ball sized blast of fire to expel towards their target/s. While the size is fairly limited, the shape and detail of the projectile may be more complex than a mere sphere of flame. For example, one may opt to form a sword out of fire and propel it at their enemies.
    • Upon contact, a non-combustive Flame Projectile will be stopped by any surface it touches, leaving several smaller flames left burning in the area. Over time it will slowly burn away the skin or any thin and flammable materials.
    • Requires four emotes to cast [1 Connect + 2 Charge + 1 Cast]. Only one may be charged and cast at a time.
    • Combustive Flame Blasts often have the force of being thrown back by an orc-strength creature, creating an explosion of flame upon contact no greater than five-block radius in radius around the point of impact.
    • Should any Flame Blast make contact with any person or object, they will give them second to third degree burns upon touch. Should it be combustive, one will likely cause them to be thrown back up to seven blocks, probably breaking a few bones should they be thrown into a solid surface.



    • Can be no greater than the size of a beach-ball. Can be any shape for aesthetic purposes only.
    • The shape of the projectile cannot change the effect of the spell. For example, a fire knife cannot be sharp.
    • Fire blasts are never solid unless combustion is added.


    Smokescreen [C] - By conjuring purley the smoke byproduct of fire, a mage may create a screen of smoke in front of or around them to obscure the vision of those around them, or even use it as a distraction of sorts.



    • A fire evocationist may create a cloud of smoke in front of or around them, the cloud itself able to be any hue of grey or black the mage wishes, the color not having any effect upon how hard it is to see through the smoke. When looking through smoke, one will be unable to see more than a meter in front of them very much, save maybe very faint shadows all about.
    • Requires three emotes to cast [1 Connect + 1 Charge + 1 Cast], making it excellent for a quick distraction. It may also be held back for up to [3] additional emotes after its initial charging, before being released. If held for too long it will merely dissipate.
    • Can be learned at [T3].



    • A mage cannot see clearly through their own smoke.
    • Smoke may be uncomfortably warm though cannot burn.
    • Smoke cannot be used to suffocate, though may induce uncontrollable and uncomfortable coughing.
    • Smokescreen may extend to 5x5x5 meters at the fullest extent.


    Flamethrower [C] - By concentrating their into a small area, a fire evocationist can then effectively project their attack in front of them in the form of a jet of pure fire. Such an attack can be devastating if maintained upon a target for long enough, doing enough damage to near charr their flesh.



    • A fire evocationist can concentrate on forming their fire into a small space, creating a very volatile spell which shoots forth flames towards a target in the form of a jet or flamethrower. This is a very concentration taxing spell, making focus crucial to its formation.
    • Upon contact with descendant flesh, Flamethrower will instantly offer a second degree burn upon the applied area, the damage worsening the longer the flame is exposed to  its target. Like other attacks of fire evocation, it will leave several small flames in the area contacted which continue to slowly burn whatever they touch.
    • The attack itself only has a maximum range of twelve blocks and a width of two. The shape of the spell itself may be a really vague jet of flames which gushes forth , though the mage may add detail to this if they wish, making the flamethrower appear different for aesthetic purposes. 
    • Requires four emotes to cast [1 Connect + 2 Charge + 1 Cast]. The flamethrower itself may be held back for up to two emotes before needing to be fired lest it explode. The attack can be sustained for up to four emotes assuming the mage has adequate concentration and mana. 



    • Cannot be made combustive.
    • Requires line of sight and cannot exceed stated range.


    Blue Fire [C] - By infusing a greater amount of mana into their spell, a mage may create a new type of flame which is twice as hot as regular fire, though twice as costly, applying it to their spells and casts. Such flame is much more potent than average, causing devastating damage to descendant flesh and flammable objects alike.



    • Blue Fire still has the same effects as regular fire in terms of spreading, however, it is twice as hot, meaning that while one would only receive first to second degree burns from regular flame, blue fire can grant third degree burns easily - occasionally even charring the area applied. This means that it takes roughly 2 emotes of exposure to leave a person in a critical condition, rather than 4 emotes as detailed within Properties of Fire.

    • Blue fire can be applied to any spell by adding [1] additional emotes to the beginning of the spell. Whether or not the spell is blue must be pointed out upon the second emote of charging. Examples of such a tell may be the fire beginning to change shade from orange to blue.

    • For aesthetic purposes, the flame may have any tint of blue, though this does not change the heat/effect.



    • Does not change the effects of a spell beyond the level of heat and damage it can cause.

    • A proper tell that the fire is blueflame must be shown on the second emote of charging (when the blue flame is applied). This can be shown as the flame visibly becoming the color blue, its hue slowly changing shape, the air around the fire becoming warped due to intense heat).

    • Cannot be applied in conjunction with combustion, such as draining too much mana from the mage and causing them to collapse.

    • Blue Fire counts as a Tier 4 spell. Whatever it is added to is thus equivalent to a Tier 4 spell in reference to requirements of a certain tier of effectiveness. Aswell, any enchantment including Blue Fire would require a [Tier 4] Grand Enchantment.

    • Blueflame adds only [1] Tiers worth of mana consumption onto a spell. If the spell is already Tier 5, it does not increase the cost.


    Combustion [C] - Should a mage so choose, they may allow their fire to temporarily become solid and explode with moderate force. After being cast, the effect of combustion will fade along with the spell it was used on, having to be recharged again for any use in another spell.



    • Combustion only explodes on contact, creating a concussive blast which sends people back. It cannot have any other solid properties, such as sharpness.

    • Combustion adds only [1] Tiers worth of mana consumption onto a spell. If the spell is already Tier 5, it does not increase the cost.

    • Combustion counts as a Tier 5 spell. Whatever it is added to is thusly equivalent to a Tier 5 spell in reference to requirements of a certain tier of effectiveness. Aswell, any enchantment including Combustion would require a [Tier 5] Grand Enchantment.

    • Combustion adds one emote of charge onto a spell.



    • Combustion only explodes on contact, creating a concussive blast which sends people back. It cannot have any other solid properties, such as sharpness.

    • Combustion adds only [1] Tiers worth of mana consumption onto a spell. If the spell is already Tier 5, it does not increase the cost.

    • Combustion counts as a Tier 5 spell. Whatever it is added to is thusly equivalent to a Tier 5 spell in reference to requirements of a certain tier of effectiveness. Aswell, any enchantment including Combustion would require a [Tier 5] Grand Enchantment.

    • Cannot be applied in conjunction with blue fire, such draining to much mana from the mage and causing them to collapse.



    Flaming Tempest [C] - By concentrating all of their knowledge and power into a single spell, a fire evocationist may create a devastating storm of flame and smoke which may inflict great ruin upon the battlefield and one’s opponents.



    • A fire evocationist who has mastered fire evocation may conjure a storm of fire which falls from the sky in a terrible cloud of smoke and ash. The storm has a maximum radius of five blocks. This may be cast with its central point within 12 blocks of the casting mage, and up to ten blocks from the floor itself.
    • Requires six emotes to cast [1 Connect + 4 Charge + 1 Release], and can be maintained for [4] Emotes, raining small embers, flames, and ashes onto all below the ashen cloud.
      • Flames are no larger than the size of a coin at most, able to light anything flammable upon touch. This fire will grant second degree burns upon exposed flesh, though this can get progressively worse if one remains within the storm. It will burn flesh like any other flame, and will char surrounding fauna such as grass, leaving the landscape ashen and burnt, with RO Consent.
    • If RO consent is not given, the storm will have the same effects upon opponents, though will not scorch the land.
    • If the mage’s concentration is disrupted while they are charging or maintaining the spell, the storm will dissipate. Likewise, if they are unable to see the storm, the spell will be rendered null.
      • Abjurations and other abjuration-type effects can destroy this spell as normal if they make contact with the cloud of ash and smoke where the flame originates from(or the caster themselves where applicable), not the individual coin-sized fire droplets. For Wards, they would lose 1 point per emote of contact with the storm, increased to 2 at the final emote for a total of 5. Other blocking effects can be used as well, such as a thanhic shield, would work similarly.
    • Can be learned at [T5]



    • The mage must be able to see where they are conjuring the storm, as well as the storm itself the entire time the spell is being charged and active.
    • You may not make the storm out of blue fire.
    • The storm cannot be moved once it is cast
    • If you add combustion to Flaming Tempest, it gains the physical force of medium hail behind the raining fire. Additionally, the cost of the spell doubles - taking all of one’s mana pool by default by the end of it for the encounter, unless bolstered by an outside force.


    Tier Progression

    As any sort of skill or art requires practice and dedication, so too does the art of fire evocation requires time, effort, and study in order to be mastered. While some mages may seem to master their magic faster than others, there is a bare minimum requirement for how long it takes for the mage to reach each tier. They are listed below.


    T1 - Novice

    The mage has just begun to connect, assuming they haven’t learned to already. Assuming this is the case, they will have trouble connecting for the first two tiers of their training. If they have already connected, they will only be able to conjure a few small sparks before becoming exhausted. Lasts two [OOC] weeks.



    Spells – Conjure Fire, Cauterize


    Skill Level – All non-combat spells may have a maximum size/radius of one square meter at [T1]. The detail level of fire at this stage is very crude, practically nonexistent  as they can only conjure up to a few sparks before becoming exhausted. This stage is typically used for studying fire itself, rather than casting.


    T2 - Apprentice

    The mage has gained better experience in connecting and near mastered it, as well as being able to conjure a few candle-sized flames before becoming exhausted. They can mold simple shapes, though nothing complex or large. Lasts three [OOC] weeks.



    Spells – Conjure Fire, Cauterize, Flame Projectile, Flame Trail, Enwreathe


    Skill Level – All non-combat spells may have a maximum size/radius of five square meters at [T2]. The detail level of fire at this stage is still rather crude, though the mage is able to conjure a few candle sized flames before feeling fatigued. This is the stage where the first lessons of real casting typically begin.


    T3 - Adept 

    The mage is has now practically mastered Voidal Connection and is able to maintain greater concentration in stressful situations, permitting them the ability to conjure fire when in combat. They also are able to form their fire into more defined shapes, albeit a bit crude. Lasts five [OOC] weeks.



    Spells – Conjure Fire, Cauterize, Flame Projectile, Flame Trail, Enwreathe, Flame Blast, Smokescreen


    Skill Level – All non-combat spells may have a maximum size/radius of fifteen square meters [T3]. The detail level of fire at this stage is more refined, able to be molded into more distinct geometric shapes, such as a sphere or cube. They may now learn to use their flame more effectively in combat as well as begin to conjure smoke and different colors of flame.


    T4 - Expert

    The mage now has near mastered their fiery element, possessing far greater combat and out of combat abilities, the shapes of their spells now much more precise than before, though are still not perfect. Lasts six [OOC] weeks.



    Spells – Conjure Fire, Cauterize, Flame Projectile, Flame Trail, Enwreathe, Flame Blast, Smokescreen, Flamethrower, Blue Fire 


    Skill Level – All non-combat spells may have a maximum size/radius of one twenty-five square meters [T4]. The detail level of fire at this stage is much more precise, able to have more refined details in their fire, albeit still a bit more crude. The evocationist has practically mastered non-combat casting and are able to use their fire diversely in combat.


    T5 - Master

    The mage has completely mastered their Voidal art, able to manipulate their fire to a very fine degree as well as maintain a far greater concentration than before. They can use all the spells of fire evocation, as well as have the opportunity to make their fire combustive if they so wish.



    Spells – Conjure Fire, Cauterize, Flame Projectile, Flame Trail, Enwreathe,  Flame Blast, Smokescreen, Flamethrower, Blue Fire, Combustion, Flaming Tempest


    Skill Level – All non-combat spells may have a maximum size/radius of fifty square meters [T5]. The detail level of fire at this stage is incredibly precise and refined, able to be used to create detailed works of art from pure fire alone. The fire evocationist has completely mastered both combat and non-combative fire evocation, able to perform great feats of the art. They may also chose to pursue make their fire combustive, dealing extra concussive damage in the form of explosions.




    When used in conjunction with transfiguration, an enchanter can imbue the effects of fire evocation into their enchantment, whether that be in the form of a tool, weapon, or other miscellaneous object. The general effects of a fire evocation enchantment are to produce flame and project it in some way, shape, or form. In non-creative enchantments, most of the enchantment is limited to producing one of the typical spells of fire evocation. However, in the form of creative enchantments, fire evocation can be used in much more inventive ways, which can break the limits of the typical caster.



    • All non-creative enchantments must use one of the spells listed above, holding all of its properties aside from not needing to be cast directly due to the fact that it’s an enchantment.
    • Creative Enchantments, while more freeform, must adhere to most of the base redlines of Fire Evocation, aside from any the MArt permits to be cast aside.


    • Cannot enchant in the middle of combat, and one must practice transfiguration to enchant.




    General Redlines of Fire Evocation


    • A fire evocationist cannot control real flame, only flame conjured from the Void, as well as voidal flame that makes contact with the real world. For example, if a fire evocationist sets a house on fire, they cannot simply will the fire away.
    • All spells have a range merely requiring line of sight unless otherwise specified.
    • All spells require line of sight. Should this crucial factor be taken away from the mage, they cannot cast.
    • Any aesthetic of any spell cannot change its mechanical function. For example, one could make small birds out of fire evocation as projectiles only, though not as primordial conjurations but rather just projectiles that appear like birds.
    • White fire is never possible, attempting to conjure either will result in a PK of the mage due to the mana cost and heat intensity. Black fire may only be used in conjunction with a magic that permits it (i.e. shade), though still possesses the same temperature as regular flame.




    The primary purpose of this lore was to allow fire evocation more diversity in terms of aesthetic and roleplay, as well as adhere to Flamboyant’s wishes for the direction of evocation in general. However, fire evocation is by far one of my favorite arcane magics, having contributed a lot to my character’s development, hence why I also wanted to rewrite it.



    • Gave more aesthetic potential for spells.
    • Defined enchanting with fire evocation
    • Clarified tiers and abilities



    Pundimonium - Author


    Everyone in the Lore Games evocation channel for all feedback provided. 


    Former Authors

    Gladuos, Toxcat





  4. 9 hours ago, Tha_Mystery_Man said:

    A -  In making a magic idiot proof, Consumption was redline’d in order to stop some spazzoid from going about and trying to completely cut down a house with magic without PRO permission. (There are already magics that could do ALOT more damage to surroundings and structures than something like Consumption)

    I feel targeted. But good lore! I look forward to seeing how this plays out!

  5. 8 hours ago, _Hexe_ said:
    On 12/15/2019 at 5:44 PM, Olroxx said:

    Atronachs may hold particularly special relationships with mages who practice the same magic as their element as well, seeing them as allies or even best friends. To be betrayed by one of those corresponding mages is like being betrayed by family and is especially heartbreaking for an Atronach - despite them not knowing exactly what sadness is. They may also have a particular dislike of mage’s wielding their opposing element, though not always, especially in the case of it being their master.


    Personally I thought this made them more interesting, giving them relationships with those they know beyond just servitude.


    8 hours ago, _Hexe_ said:

    again, for what reason. theres so much to this lore that i just can’t see a reason for being.

    If you have any suggestions please feel free to comment them or discuss them in discord. Arcane Atronachs are made vulnerable when casting because they are neither just liquid or solid, so they can cast but also have decent durability.


    8 hours ago, ScreamingDingo said:

    hot take -


    lore for servant emotionless characters that are aligned to a single person with no actual personal development are boring filler characters that aren’t too necessary for lotc. Should be used for NPCs and environmental pieces instead of having them as fleshed out CA’s

    If you read the lore, I did my best to try and make it so that way Atronachs would interact more positively with other people and can develop some character. In my rewrite, Atronachs are not 100% bound to the will of their creator though rather feel a natural compulsion to satisfy the needs of their creator.

  6. Atronach Limbs

    Atronach forgers do not always have to create the whole atronach, but rather only parts of them. They may use these parts of atronachs to replace parts of a descendant if needed, allowing them new feats that they could not have performed before. Such extensions are recharged like any regular enchantment. 


    Creation of Atronach Limbs

    While a typical atronach requires conjuration in order to grant them sentience from their core, atronach limbs are not so. As the wearer of an atronach limb already has sentience and animation, only the evocation of choice and transfiguration are required to make a limb in a freeform process. This process cannot be done in combat, even with the necessary materials on hand. 


    Atronach Arms/Hands

    Arms can be forged from fire, water, ice, air, and earth elements. The limbs themselves hold very little magical potential, only able to perform weak magical art. The strength of the limbs themselves is typically around that of a typical descendant. Partial limbs may also be made, be it from the elbow down, or just a hand. Notably however, minute details such as individual digits cannot be crafted on their own.


    Abilities of Atronach Arms/Hands

    As Atronachs hold the properties and abilities of their designated element, Atronach Limbs are similar in that sense. While they may only hold minor and harmless versions of the true powers of an Atronach, they can still allow for some degree of uniqueness and artistic ability for the welder.


    Elemental Affinity [Non-Combat] - As Atronachs are the literal embodiment of their elements, it seems fitting that they are able to manipulate their element to a very fine degree. This affinity allows them to create passive art with the evocation that they represent.



    • Elemental Affinity allows for the weirder of an Atronach Limb to create passive art using their evocation. This art, however, is often crude and simple as they are only a small portion of the element. Due to such, Arcane Atronachs can conjure their element to the level of precision of a T3 Evocationist.
    • This ability is identical to the non-combat Conjure Element ability of each respective evocation, as used at T3, and follows all relevant limitations.



    • Elemental Affinity can only be used in non-combat situations. 
    • All evocation art is limited by all the redlines of the original evocation. 
    • Requires line of sight.
    • Telekinesis Limbs cannot use this ability.


    Telekinetic Affinity [Non-Combat] - While telekinetic atronach’s cousins are fluent in a particular evocated element, the telekinesis atronach possess vast strength. This subdued trait carries on to atronach limbs forged from the powers of telekinesis, granting the wearer strength to manipulate objects as if they moved on their own.



    • Telekinetic Affinity allows for the wielder of an Atronach Limb to manipulate objects within a [3] block radius; be that to make items float, move heavy debris out of the way, open doors on their own, etc. This cannot be used combatively.
    • The wielder cannot manipulate objects larger than themself. While smaller animals can be moved, players cannot. Again, this cannot be used combatively.
    • The heavier an object, the slower it travels and more difficult it is to move.
    • Objects traveling at high speeds (anything faster than a thrown ball) cannot be suddenly stopped.
    • Multiple objects can be moved at once, but their combined weight cannot exceed the user's racial strength.
    • A Telekinesis Atronach Limb has strength equal to a voidal mage's base limb strength.



    Atronach Legs/Feet

    Lower limbs can also be forged from any element. They do not perform any elemental abilities on their own but can allow the wearer to hover passively off the ground akin to familiars themselves. The hovering cannot exceed one meter off the ground and provides no mechanical advantage. Speed and agility are also unaffected by the legs, though if they are damaged enough then the hovering effect fades. Partial limbs may also be made, be it from the knee down, or just a foot. Notably however, minute details such as individual digits cannot be crafted on their own.


    Abilities of Atronach Legs/Feet

    Like Atronachs, those gifted with Atronach legs are once more able to walk like they once could – assuming they had lost the ability. With their gift of movement also comes the boon of floating, which allows the welder of an Atronach leg the ability to float off the ground passively for aesthetic purposes.

    Float [Non-Combat] - Akin to how familiars can float, so too do atronach limbs allow their wearer to perform such a feat. Should anyone use atronach legs they will be able to hover no more than half a meter off the ground.



    • Allows one who wears Atronach Legs to hover half a meter in the air for aesthetic purposes only. It does not effect speed or agility and requires one emote to transition to hovering and one emote to transition out.
    • Should the legs be damaged or destroyed, the effect fades.



    • Float grants no roleplay or mechanical advantage, simply aesthetic.


    Enchantment of Atronach Limbs

    All Atronach Limbs are capable of receiving Voidal enchantments in the same fashion as anything else. All relevant limitations apply, and in the case of Grand Enchantments, the limb must be primarily constructed from Arcanium, as magegold lacks sufficient structural integrity. They are unreceptive to any other means of enchantment, be it deific, dark, or miscellaneous.


    OOC Purpose

    Formerly, Atronach Limbs did not hold much clarification in what could/could not be done. With my rewrite, I chose to grant a more aesthetic based approach for such objects, allowing their users to perform non-combat abilities with the exception of the Telekinetic Limbs.


    Credit for this Lore


    Pundimonium – Author


  7. Electric Atronach - Liquid

    One of the most feared Arcane Constructs, and most powerful. Able to send deadly jolts of electricity, the Electric Atronach is one of the most destructive of all the Atronach types, besides fire. Despite its formidable attacks, the electric Atronach is fairly frail and can only sustain a few blows to their core before being rendered defeated.


    An example of an Electric Atronach



    Creating an Electric Atronach

    In order to create an Electric Atronach, one requires transfiguration, electric evocation, conjuration, and Atronach Forging to be present in the same place. Either the Atronach Forger may have all the magics required to forge the Atronach, or else they must use the help of other mages with the required magics. They must then follow the creation process, which is listed here.


    Abilities of an Electric Atronach

    Lightning is a powerful element, able to perform devastating feats on the battlefield. The electric atronachs, while having little strength and constitution, make up for it in their powerful attacks of pure electrical energy which they may send flying towards foes.


    Elemental Affinity [Non-Combat] - As Atronachs are the literal embodiment of their elements, it seems fitting that they are able to manipulate their element to a very fine degree. This affinity allows them to create passive art with the evocation that they represent. 



    • Elemental Affinity allows for an Arcane Atronach to create passive art using arcanism evocation. This art can be as complex or as simple as they like, as they are not just masters but rather the embodiment of their element. Due to such, Arcane Atronachs can conjure their element to the level of precision of a T5 Arcanist.



    • Elemental Affinity can only be used in non-combat situations. 
    • All evocation art is limited by all the redlines of the original evocation. 
    • Requires line of sight and must be formed directly from the Atronach’s own body.


    Jolt [Non-CombatCombat] - An Electric Atronach has the distinct ability to send small jolts through objects or people, lightly burning tissue at the touched area. While this is not enough to kill someone, it is enough to put them through an incredibly distracting amount of pain.



    • Jolt allows for an Electric Atronach to send brief and faint jolts of electricity through an object or a person. This can either be used to give a metallic object an electrical current, or distract someone with a fair amount of pain. The area touched will be burned if it is descendant flesh, though it is not severe and is mild enough to be soothed by water.
    • Jolt requires two emotes worth of charging and can only be administered by touch, the pain from the touch only lasting about an emote. It can do no more than this.



    • Requires touch to administer and cannot cause severe damage or paralysis, merely distracting pain.


    Electric Beam [Combat] - A powerful and more deadly attack of an electric atronach, allowing them to discharge an incredible amount of electricity from their core and send it towards opponents. Such an attack often yields severe burning if not death. 



    • Electric Beam allows for an Electric Atronach to send a small beam of pure electrical energy directly towards a target. The effects of the attack are often third degree burns, if not being shocked to death. 
    • The ‘beam’ itself is more like a single strand of lightning which projects itself towards its target. It can only aim for one target at once, unless the target is directly touching another person/object, in which case the shock will spread. 
    • Electric Beam requires five emotes to charge and has a range of up to ten blocks. The beam only has a radius of about one meter.



    • Electric Beam, can only be an expulsion of the atronach’s form and cannot come from another location, say the sky.
    • Death is not guaranteed or instantaneous, though is quite likely if the victim is left unadministered to.


    Contingency [Combat] - When an electric atronach’s core is damaged, the core releases an incredible amount of mana which sends an EMP-like blast outwards from the form of the atronach. This ability can cause weapons and armor to flow with searing electrical energy and cook foes inside.



    • Should an Electric Atronach opt to use their Contingency, their core will expel all the remaining mana left within it to send a large expanding sphere of electric energy outwards from the Atronach almost like an EMP blast.
    • The radius of the attack is only five blocks, the Atronach being the center. This attack is often in the shape of a dome. 
    • The electricity administered by the attack is enough to give living tissues second degree burns, though not likely death. It also has the chance to briefly paralize targets should they roll below a 10 when hit, though this effect only lasts for three emotes. 
    • Contingency requires an 18+ roll in order to perform, lest the Atronach simply die quietly, as well as four emotes of charging. 



    • This attack can only be used when the Atronach is at one hit, lest this attack simply kill them and they die quietly. 
    • An Atronach using Contingency is incredibly obvious and is not something that can be done subtly. 


    Atronach Weaknesses

    As Electric Atronachs are quite weak physically, blunt force is key in defeated one as their armor will likely deflect sharp attacks. They charge quite slowly, making them an easy target if all alone. Electric Atronachs are also weak to water and ice, as causes their lightning to overload and their core to freeze.


    Overall Redlines and Guidelines

    • An ice atronach has around the strength and constitution of a novice mage (T3). Their core can sustain three hits before they are incapacitated. 
    • Electric atronachs can only wield light weapons though may wield light enchantments.
    • Elemental abilities must adhere to all the redlines of their specific evocation, unless stated otherwise. 
    • Requires electric evocation, transfiguration, conjuration, and atronach forging to create, and requires a valid MA to play as well as a valid creator.


    OOC Purpose
    The overall explanation for such is posted on the primary Atronach Forging lore, found here. I made this particular type of Atronach a separate post due to that fact that Electric Evo may not be staying after Lore Games and I didn’t want my whole lore to be denied because of this Atronach.


    Credits for this Lore


    Pundimonoum – Author 


  8. MC Name: Olroxx

    Character's Name: Alfius

    Character's Age: ~100


    Character's Race:

    Human - Heartlander


    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?



    Summarise the Lore of this magic(s):


    Arcanism, in essence, is the conjuring forth of Arcane Wisps from the Void and molding them into specific shapes which can be used for combative or non-combative purposes. It is the most diverse of all Arcane Magics, allowing for both non-combat and combat artwork as well as large room for aesthetic. There are four specializations of Arcane magic, each offering a different and unique uses. The specializations are as follows:

    • Art: The conjuring forth of Arcane Wisps in order to form very detailed artwork from the Arcane Energies. While having little combative purpose, it is extremely diverse.
      • There are multiple forms of Arcane Art, and they are as follows:
        • Conjure Solid – allows the Arcanist to form any solid object they so desire from arcane wisps.
        • Conjure Liquid – allows the Arcanist to form imitation liquid substances from arcane wisps, often used for artistic purposes though may also be used as a distraction
        • Conjure Arcane Energies – the summoning forth of Arcane Energies in order create a little light for party tricks such as fireworks.


    • Shielding: The conjuring forth of Arcane Wisps and forming them around or infant of the mage to create a barrier which can protect them from physical attacks and projectiles. While it can be useful in defending against swords and perhaps arrows, extreme blunt force and repetitive attacks will easily shatter the barrier. The barriers do not deflect magic either. 
      • There are multiple different forms of Arcane Shielding, and they are as follows:
        • Discs – typically small barriers, usually plate sized which are typically infant or around the hands/wrists.
        • Flat Shields – a moderate sized shield set in front of an Arcanist, used to block incoming projectiles and blunt attacks.
        • Bubble Shields – a shield which completely surrounds the Arcanist, defending against projectiles and incoming attacks.
        • Colossal – a massive shield which can envelope an entire home or even city, exceedingly draining.


    • Projectiles: The use of Arcane Energies in the form of projectiles, ranging from simple missiles to beams of pure Voidal energy. It is very diverse and on occasion can be quite dangerous.
      • There are multiple different forms of Arcane Projectiles, and they are as follows:
        • Arcane Missile – the use of Arcane Energy in order to create smile projectiles to fling at targets.
        • Arcane Orb – the use of Arcane Energy in order to create hard hitting projectiles to fling at targets.
        • Arcane Disc – the use of Arcane Energy to create a disc which flies towards targets almost like a frisbee.
        • Arcane Arc – the use of Arcane Energy to create arcs which home in on their target.
        • Arcane Beam – the use of Arcane Energy in order to create a concussive beam of energy.
        • Arcane Ray – the use of Arcane Energy in order to create a beam of concussive energy from above a target.


    • Tools: Should an Arcanist so desire, they have the ability to make tools from pure Arcane Energy, mostly for non-combative purposes.
      • There are multiple different forms of Arcane Tools, and they are as follows:
        • Arcane Tool – the use of Arcane Energy in order to make simple tools such as axes or hammers.
        • Arcane Lens – the use of Arcane Energy in order to make objects such as looking glasses and telescopes.
        • Arcane Chains – the use of Arcane Energy in order to make chains which wrap around and bind a target.



    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.



    Do you realize the magic may change fundamentally during Lore Games and that you may have to change to compensate?


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