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  1. Kamui


    Lily is a Heartlander born in the Kingdom of Marna, she lived a fairly regular and quiet life with moderate wealth to provide for the family. Lily has multiple sisters and brothers, some who are twins and all generally look alike. The families main work related to being Servants, this trait coming more from her mothers side, thus all the children were raised to learn how to cook, clean and look after people and their needs. Lily is the youngest child of her large family. Lily takes the last name McBride from her Father, who in turn has a brother and a daughter of his own. Rose McBride, which is Lilys cousin. Having finally reached the age of 18, Lily continues to grow her Servant career and begin to seek out work. Finding out that her older cousin Rose McBride had a farm and was looking for someone to help her work. Lily begins to leave her home, saying goodbye to her brothers and sisters to go travel the land and work for her cousin.
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