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Posts posted by Islamadon

  1. On 7/24/2023 at 10:18 AM, SlitheryC1 said:



    12 hours ago, Laeonathan said:


    I'm not an expert on this particular topic so bear with me... Voidal connections do not modify the soul, and thus Malchediael would be unaware for all intents and purposes. As it is described currently in Voidal Lore, Voidal Weakness is derived from stamina is drained in exchange for Voidal Power. Though your mana and ability to cast magic is derived from your mind/soul, the Void does NOT leave a lasting mark on your soul or blueprint.

    QUOTE: "Thus, by breaching the Veil, the mage allows the Void to influence their person more heavily, sapping away their energy in exchange for the spells they conjure. It is for this reason that mages are made less hearty and frail, their vitaly slowly eaten away by the Void — for everything has a cost."

    Even if for the sake of argument that Malchediael kept a close eye on you and was able to feel when you conjured the Void, it would be the same level of haram as someone violating the ozone layer by using hair spray. The lowly voidal mage is so insignificant that higher powers simply do not notice. As long as you are courageous, Malchediael would not care but he'd probably slam a hammer into you if he found out.


  2. 51 minutes ago, Terry said:




    19 minutes ago, LatzMomo said:


    The problem fundamentally lies in the fact that it's pretty unprecedented for two deity magics to merge like that. Semantics and deeper arguments aside, it was a thing that should have never been. Be it Loreheads, other LT or the Templars I've hung around - all have stated that it's a compatibility that doesn't make sense. I understand the frustration and how it will negatively affect the people involved with the Druid-Templar combo currently. Fundamentally, though, it makes no sense.

    Soul connections aren't a matter of worship - an Aengul lays claim to you and lends their power. Descendants who are tethered to them act as their mortal agents. Why would an Aengul want to share their food with another, or have their agents doing stuff that doesn't align with their will? Templarism is also incompatible with Machine Spirits (Garumdir claim), Paladinism, etc. These do not require direct worship either. Seer is the only exception because the whole shtick is that Vassek hides his connection so that his people blend in and spy. Aenguls do not want to share.

    Though Malch CURRENTLY does not have a Realm, what if he acquired one? Where would the soul of a dead Templar go - theoretical valhalla or the eternal forest? The hybrid templar wouldn't get to choose, one deity would have to take precedent over the other. Does Malch want his Templars to commune with and be merry with an elk, or does Malch want them to make a trophy of the elk? If a Templar were to visit the Eternal Forest with a ritual, would they be considered an otherworldly invader due to their Malch smell? It's these mini considerations that break the mechanics of cosmos/deities.

    Once again, I understand completely how this might upset some people. At the end of the day if I could justify the compatibility other than just saying "we have it currently", I would have. It just doesn't make sense to me as a guy who reviews lore 24/7 and did considerable research before writing this proposal. If someone can give me a truly compelling argument that makes sense with the in-universe mechanics, I will 100% change my opinion.

  3. 28 minutes ago, xMuted said:



      Reveal hidden contents

    -Sadly, all of the dogma in this current iteration still seems a bit up to interpretation in my opinion.

    -Vigorous Blow.
    With this current range, you explain it as a 'wave', but I am still a bit confused with how that works, can you jump this wave, does this mean if you are in the 4x3 range you are automatically swung by a heavy hammer? Where does it hit? If i Vigorous Blow at your chest, does that mean the heavy hammer swing hits there?
    What does a 'heavy  hammer' mean, a heftier Bob the builder's hammer? A one-handed battle hammer? or a full on warhammer?
    If I have a Carbarum weapon, why would I ever Vigorous Blow at point blank instead of just stabbing them thrice.

    I agree with the over-reliance on Vigorous Blow for Templars, but I feel like nerfing it is justified, but we do not get anything back. I will cover this more on what I dislike.



      Reveal hidden contents

    -We nerfed Vigorous Blow because of our over-reliance on the spell, which is justified.
    However, in my opinion we relied on it quite a bit because it was our ONLY offensive spell, these changes are nice but now we are lacking a spell that is reliable for one-target attacks.
    I would personally not limit the movement speed whilst charged, and allow us to combo the attack on a singular target, and have them be affected by whatever strength your weapon is, and have the heavy hammer hit afterwards, after your normal attack.
    Now in close up melee range, I would not do anything else then regularly attack, and in groups I would now be a liability due to the Touch of Jophiael. I would like to see an extra offensive option now that Vigorous Blow got nerfed, which I feel would be justified due to the drawback that The ToJ is, and the fact that we now take up three-magic slots.

    -Fervent Flare changes.
    I have never participated in a CRP where Burst Body was overbearing, and overly strong. Nor have I ever heard people complain about it when I CRP'ed with them using it. I do not feel it deserved the huge nerf that is an extra emote-count.

    -Touch of Jophiael.
    I agree with the fact we now have a drawback, however it feels a bit too much for me, especially as someone that often participates in big group CRP's.

    I do not mind many changes, but with the nerfs I feel as though this makes us a bit too much of a liability in group fights, without enough reward to back it up. Especially since our only offensive option got nerfed, and can now hit allies without us getting a single-target option in return, however I am a huge fan of everything else, especially the new aesthetics, they seem awesome.

    If anyone wants me to elaborate more, feel free to ask in DMs.

    With Regards to "I Am A Bit Confused"
    - Fair critique that Vigorous blow might a bit vague. You swing and an AOE attack shoots out with a range of 4 blocks and a width of 3 [same as standard combat, maximum of 6 if you walk 2 blocks forward]
    - A heavy hammer is a heavy hammer - I.E., swinging a sledgehammer. I can lift Bob the Builder's hammer with one hand - it's not that heavy. I can change "heavy hammer" with "sledgehammer" if we want to be pedantic.
    - If you have carbarum weapons you can absolutely strike independently of vigorous blow, but not everyone has carbarum nor should we be amplifying the DPS potential of a metal that already slices through armor and swords.

    With regards to "Personally, Not a Huge Fan"

    - Vigorous Blow is NOT the only offensive spell. Furious Flame gives any weapon you are holding the properties of aurum - the ability to add damage amplifiers to Dark CAs and to hit ghosts. Templarism is a melee magic - you should be in melee range. Standing off to the side indefinitely charging your attacks before waddling forward defeats the whole purpose of being a melee magic - you can just fight and get 3x the attacks in as you previously said.
    - The movement speed was already limited to 2 in the current iteration; I am not a fan of allowing one attack to be stacked with another because it borders on independent summons. For each enemy you are attacking they are dealing with only 1 attack, not 2, but your attack can hit up to THREE. If you have a proposed additional combat spell, I'd be willing to hear it and possibly implement it.
    - Indeed, you would be more of a liability in a group fight. It's a proposed hinderance that forces you to rethink strategy as opposed to no-brain fighting. It also encourages Templars to stick together so that they have one another's back. If you wish to no brain fight, you can start RDMing when you take too much damage IMO. 
    - From my experience Burst Body gives people very little opportunity to react and, given that alchemical potions and other blinding spells require [3] emotes now, the proposed change keeps it in line. Not only does Fervent Flare have the same emote count, but it has an AOE effect and a considerable range - far more potent than a standard enchantment or alchemical potion. It's not a massive nerf.


  4. 47 minutes ago, MalchediaelVult said:

    I like The Touch of Jophiael a lot but I def think it should only last a certain amount of time, and either have the Templar completely drained or straight up K/O'd when it runs out (akin to the mythical berserkers), rather a complete rage-train with no breaks. After all, if the ToJ triggers but the Templar still wins the encounter, what then?


    Thats pretty much my only concern though, I think the rest of it is perfect

    I guess my take would be that, given the wounded state a Templar would need to be to enter ToJ, they could naturally pass out from injuries. Alternatively I think it’s hilarious if you’ve a frothing rabid Templar going around rdm’ing people and being in need of pacifying 

  5. 3 minutes ago, Demented_Delila said:


    I'm not against it, It's just that everyone I spoke with said Three. Three feels right to me, IMO, given that I think it should be a main magic that isn't so easily stacked. If more people insist on having it be 2 slots I don't mind, it's a hill I don't care to die on...

  6. 39 minutes ago, Valannor said:

    How do you intend to handle the matter of the population of Druidic Templars given you've entirely cut their compatibility? This would even disconnect such individuals as Bhased, the writer of the current gen of templar, from the magic. 

    The unfortunate truth is that Druidic Templars are a paradox in that they hold multiple deific connections, when Malch would more than likely say "no lol". Its an answer that's blunt but compatibility doesn't make sense, and there really isn't a solution aside from saying "make a choice".

    My prior comment is my "proactive" solution, as in - its how we'd have to handle it in the future. But as a "reactive" solution, IDM letting the current people keep their compatibility like the recent Kanidrazi situation. They'll just be apparitions.

  7. 22 hours ago, Tabby64 said:

    When do you think you will quit lotc?

    When it no longer is interesting to me. As it stands it’s a fun creative outlet; should it no longer serve that role I’d walk away.


    20 hours ago, Borin said:

    How much has lotc decreased your braincells?

    How detrimental has lotc been to your physical and mental being?


    LOTC is the reason I flew by in college, it gave me the writing skills I needed for success!


    Otherwise LOTC had definitely stunted my social growth by providing an intangible illusion of comradery. When you don’t have interest interacting with people outside of the game you don’t tend to take care of yourself much. It’s an issue I’ve been tackling with great effort.


    15 hours ago, DahStalker said:

    What's your favorite food item 


    What's your most notable memory of me that you recall


    Have I gotten better or more evil over the years 


    Who would eat more chicken nuggets; you or shady


    Are you content w/ your lifestyle nowadays and your balance of lotc w it


    When you blew up the OSL


    Me, easily

    Yes, though I wish I had more energy to be creative when I do log on.


    6 hours ago, TeawithFrisket said:

    Least Favorite lore to read and why?


    You been here for 10 years. From the time of being a normal player to being a fairly well known Lore staff member, how has it been affecting your view upon the lore of this server. It’s evolution and creations?


    As a Story member who deals with a lot of lore or events, what is some advice for both new and mid game players would you give about them creating lore or going into an event?

    I answered a similar question before. The setting interests me more than any ability or super power set. I like reading lore on the realms and how the universe of LOTC works because it shows me what potential stuff can be done. In truth, I don’t care much for implementing head canon I just like discovering story avenues.


    In my 10 years I’ve spent 8 being a toxic PvP/Nation goon. Lore is fresh to me because it isn’t about beating the other side but having good archetypes and story for the best setting we can have. I find the second part to this question more interesting though because, as a relative outsider to lore, I use to always perceive lore as something cringebags cared about and hoarded because they wanted to power trip. I have also not forgotten the big LT push in 2016 to say that the Creator was dead as to spite Human RPers. Since then, the recent administrations of Dingo and Squak have done really good in making lore coherent and tangible. There’s a lot of potential and it’s way more fun to me now than it used to be.


    My advice for events is to take it seriously and to stop quipping; it isn’t fun for the ET who is trying to build a story only to have it griefed by Reddit posters. It’s more fun to me to use my head, take hits, and occasionally lose if my strategy was terrible. As for writing, try and build on pre existing concepts rather than create new OC. LOTCs strength is its history and there are old story beats that can be updated and made fresh. For instance, instead of writing a new niche German Culture, the Minitizers have done a great job of adding their flare to the old waldenian culture and history.

  8. 3 hours ago, Lojo613 said:

    Can I have templarism?


    Where does name Zhulik come from?


    Where does name Islamadon come from?


    Favorite lector?


    Favorite Oyashiman?


    Favorite Anime?


    Favorite wowj moment?


    Least favorite Lore?


    When I was a noob in Runescape I wanted to be edgy and the username "Rogue" was taken, so I looked up Rogue in Russian.
    A certain online song.
    When he spoke for the first time


    2 hours ago, Mordhaund said:

    What do you think are some moments or fuckups that happened with the Lectorate that are memorable to you that you might regret, and, if you had the chance to turn back time, would change?


    How do you feel about Elliott Smith? 


    What was your favourite social media application from back in the day on LOTC? Teamspeak, Skype, Discord? (maybe some more I'm forgetting about). If you had the chance to somehow force everyone to use one application to communicate on LOTC, what would you choose out of those options, and why?

    What's your opinion on the Canonist Church over the last couple of years and how it's changed over time? 


    If you had the choice to bring back 5 people that've since left LOTC to play with one final time (your map, setting and event of choice), who would you bring back, what would you do, and why? 


    Considering your opinions on the old Varg Lore and the community itself, what is your opinion on the new lore versus the old (if you've read it)?

    I regret encouraging the Lectors to spread Alchemy so willy-nilly. It has since diluted the feat and I think the damage may be irreparable. 

    I don't know who Elliot Smith is.

    I have very fond memories of Teamspeak, but it was definitely prone to IP snatching. I don't think any media application can rival teamspeak's 100 man rallies with ear-blasting soundboards and screamers screaming. Discord isn't the same, too orderly. I don't want to force anyone to use any specific application, 🤷‍♂️.

    I think the Canonist Church lost all of its soul by repeating the same thing over and over again. There are so many avenues to explore with Canonism - Raevir Orthodoxy, Horen Traditionalism, Godfreyism, ETC. But the Church is content to just sit around and repeat the same dogma they have for the past seven years. I would say the reason the Lectors were successful was because it was a new take and we emphasized ritual over politics and status.

    I wouldn't ask any person who has left to come back, since they're free... But I would use this hypothetical to summon an IRL friend of mine that disappeared!

    I have not read old or new varg lore in any substantive amount... I didn't mind vargs, but I wish they embraced lycanthropy a bit more.

    1 hour ago, creamynoteblock said:

    top five pie flavors

    1. apple
    2. cream
    3. ???
    4. ???
    5. ???


    46 minutes ago, flexMate said:

    Favorite Albanian?

    Don't know any Albanians.


    29 minutes ago, megavolter said:

    Are you the zodiac killer?

    I'm not sure

  9. 4 minutes ago, warlord of filth said:

    #1 fav beatles song start to finish


    if you could go back in time and change one LoTC historical event, what would you change and how do you think it’d change the server in character?

    favorite Morrowind moment / quest? 

    if you had full creative control over the greater narrative of the server, what is something you would introduce or an eventline you would start? 

    fav memory w/ me :3 



    Too many are great start to finish. I have a guilty pleasure in “Cry Baby Cry” and the Abbey Road medley. 

    I would have coup’d after Mog’s abdication in Axios and destroyed the empire in glorious all-or-nothing civil war with Haense as opposed to the cringe Courland coalition. Maybe it would have culled the Imperial Restoration trend and, if successful, maybe the Fifth Empire could have survived.


    Best Morrowind moment was robbing all of the House vaults and breaking the Enchantment system.


    If I was in Squaks shoes I’d have Yeu Rthulu die and crash on the material plane a la Meztili EARLY ON. Then, in order to feast on the God shard, I’d have practically every Aengudaemon go into action in some capacity for a RuneScape tier God War with rabid factionalism in the street and battles between the Godless, Holies and Evil.


    The shadow hours…



  10. 8 minutes ago, Ramon said:

    of all characters you've played, which ones do you consider the most memorable and why?

    whts it feel like being a boomer? 


    I think, objectively, my character with the biggest historical impact was Leopold. As for my personal favorite, it would be my Lector man; I enjoyed exploring the lore side if the server and staying out of politics.


    Boomerhood doesn’t really mean anything… Just replace school with work and embrace your sense of “everything is worse than x”.

  11. 5 minutes ago, Diogen said:

    being around for 10 years, you pretty much grew up with this server. in what ways has lotc affected you in regards to your growth as a person, and is it positive?


    also whats ur taste in music

    LOTC, for a kid who had no friends, provided a sense of community and an avenue to feel worthwhile. That said, in the old days, the greater  communities I found myself accepted in often justified terrible behaviors such as Doxxing, DDOS'ing, and everything else you could imagine. In time, after coughing a few bans, I would like to think I was able to mature and found the need to stop fronting in order to feel welcome. The benefits, I would say, was that the toxicity I was around gave me a thick skin, but I do think without it I could have matured as a person far quicker. Also the server is genuinely unhealthy - I fear that many people probably take it way too seriously instead of a hobby, and it's bad. As for music - Classic Rock & Roll (50-90s); I possess a stupid degree of knowledge about this era.



    2 minutes ago, Poor_Fellow said:

    What is your favorite LotC moment?

    What is your favorite map?

    What is your favorite lore piece?


    What is the Lector community up to now?

    Favorite LOTC Moment was probably when the OSL managed to trick a raiding Raevir rally of ~50 into our fortress and then surprising them as our dining hall changed into a death tra (with the help of a few pistons) and lava melted them. The instant they realized that the nut they were so happy to have cracked wasn't cracked at all was very satisfying...

    Anthos was my favorite map. The size, the variety in terrain, the Soul and just everything about it I loved. I think more maps should've had a Frozen North tier event zone where players could explore and get owned by the event team. I might just have rose tinted goggles though since it was the first.

    My favorite Lore Piece is hard to say because I truly dislike what others would consider to be "Lore Pieces". Magics and CAs are just rulesets for people to powertrip, IMO, and they don't actually add anything to server lore beyond a contract for people to powergame within certain bounds. I would say, then, I like lore pieces pertaining to the cosmos and greater universe because that's where the meat of creativity is. I've been working on compiling all the cosmos pieces, it's very interesting to me. If you want a feat or magic - Arcane Displacement.

    Lectors are boomers now. We decided to end the Lectors because we felt we explored everything we could and everything beyond that point would have been milking a dead horse and perpetuating a feat stack mentality. We lost what made us characters and instead we became a group where noobs could ask for Feats and we could lecture them on 1000 things. It was boring. Now, we just do whatever we want. Shady and I personally do Japanese style RP because anime posting is hilarious.


    4 minutes ago, Ropceek said:

    Which st event was your favourite?

    I loved the whole Anthos Setherien event line where we could explore a vast and unexplored Northern Waste (beyond the wall in GoT) while being hunted down by ET and GMs. The cherry ontop of Griff killing Setherien in the PVE event was also peak. I like events that feel like life or death instead of a long and drawn out dungeon crawl with no real stakes.


  12. The entire reason weakness was given to enchants is because people were stacking 5+ voidal items in full plate and basically just being a voidal mage without having Kani or Arcane Scion. It was a work around and, in an ironic twist, people who could stack enchantments became better voidal mages in CRP than voidal mages themselves. Not only would these enchants grant powerful spells (the only spells really required tbf), they could save slots for other magics with 0 drawbacks. Now if you wish to use a voidal spell enchantment there's a cost that makes stacking less viable.

  13. I think that, given the effect is practically just an expedited extraction, that this could be a common recipe. I actually like and encourage people to develop alchemical lore based upon the alchemical legends. I think it could actually help players to engage in a mentality shift with alchemy, to stop simplistic bomb creation and instead attempt to innovate again and/or actually provide some explanation for symbol production. I would like to see vats of Leo Viridis in laboratories.

    Currently, Alchemy is in a "Tragedy Of The Commons" state where there is absolutely no drawback to skipping symbol extraction - everyone does it, and it becomes IRRATIONAL to actually RP out extraction given the time consumption and boring RP. I would hope you reconsider having this be a rare recipe but if you'd prefer it to be niche and esoteric, that's your prerogative.


  14. Haganeki 鋼木 - The Iron Sakura







    A relative of the Ikurnamon tree, Haganeki is the result of the hybrid pollination between the Cherry Blossoms of Aevos and that of Elvish Ironwood. As a result, the Haganeki Tree has adopted characteristics of both parent pollinizers. Its pale, pinkish-gray trunk and branches are typically wavy, twisted and intertwined much like that of a standard Ikurnamon. The primary difference to the naked eye lies in the canopy of the tree in that, depending on the season, the Haganeki will blossom with vibrant flora of varying colors ranging from pink (spring), green (summer), reddish-orange (autumn) and white (winter). In further contrast, Haganeki welcomes both shade and plenty of water as it enables its vibrant flora to remain healthy and protected from withering. 


    Were Haganeki to be collected in the form of logs or sticks, it would maintain that pale, pinkish-gray hue and feel both soft and waxy. Resistant to flame due to its moisture, Haganeki is not an ideal source of fuel for flame. Incendiaries placed upon the Hagakeni would instead catch alight for a few moments before pittering out as a plume of smoke. 




    In its base form, Haganeki could be planted to act as decoration about an arboretum, settlement or property. Otherwise, this wood can be used as any other high-moisture, soft and waxy wood might. 


    This said, the pedals of a Haganeki tree may still be considered useful. Possessing a tranquil and jasmine-like flavor, the pedals of a Haganeki’s blossom may be brewed into a tea. When consumed, the tea would endow a sense of focus and clarity of mind to its drinker. Because of such, it may prove to be a delicious and refreshing addition to any barkeep’s stock.




    1. Raw Haganeki is soft, waxy and possesses a high moisture content. For this reason Haganeki cannot be used as fuel and would require means beyond a mere flint and steel or torch to set alight for arson.

    2. This is simply wood. It cannot be used for things standard wood cannot.




    Haganeki can be harvested in a manner akin to any other tree. An axe, saw or other cutting device can easily render the tree into a stump and thus its wood may be collected. Those with the intent to continually harvest may find success in instead pruning branches selectively, akin to a bonsai, to both maintain the beauty of the tree as well as to collect its severed branches. It is worth noting that, due to the soft nature of the wood, the process of cutting is generally an easier task.


    DESCRIPTION: A gray log which possessed a slightly pink hue. Seemingly waxy to the touch, one would find it a very easy material to whittle due to its soft and flexible nature. Too was the log seemingly resistant to flame, perhaps a testament to the wood’s high moisture content. One can only imagine the potential that this timber holds.





    Reinforced Haganeki, though being granted the endurance of ferrum by virtue of a lacquer-like coating, retains the flexibility of what could be expected of wood at the cost of remaining perpetually dull. Smooth and glossy in its refined state, Reinforced Haganeki can be stained with the hues of whatever dye or flora is added during its treatment. 




    Reinforced Haganeki enables craftsmen and carpenters to create woodworks of many varying colors while also ensuring its longevity. More importantly, Reinforced Haganeki is well sought after for the creation of bows, training weapons and other wood-based tools. In combat, Treated Haganeki would be able to resist the bite of weapons similar to that of 


    It is once more noted that Reinforced Haganeki remains perpetually dull due to the softness of its raw form and that, no matter how hard one attempts, it cannot be sharpened through magical or mundane means. 




    1. Reinforced Haganeki possesses the endurance of Ferrum and the flexibility of standard wood. Thus, Haganeki can both bend and resist attacks from most weapons. This is to say that wear becomes noticeable when clashing with tools possessing a strength greater than steel.

    2. Reinforced Haganeki is perpetually dull and no means of magical or mundane methods will result in a sharpened product.

    3. Treated Haganeki, much like its Ikurnamon counterpart, possesses a weight approximately ¾ that of Iron.

    4. Reinforced Haganeki, due to its flexible state, is compatible with that of Kani with regards to tools up to 5 pounds. Resonance cannot be achieved with Haganeki armor (plate, chain, etc.) due to armor’s density, weight and thickness. This is also to say that heavy two-handed weapons such as greatswords, axes, clubs, etc. cannot be used to achieve resonance. It is also noted that attempting to mix-and-match woods to reduce weight will also result in resonance not being achieved by virtue of varying density.

    5. Tempered Haganeki does NOT require an ST Signature.






    Much like Ikurnamon, raw Haganeki can be strengthened into its reinforced state through a process of carving, heating and botanical treatment.


    First, the bark of the Haganeki must be stripped to enable the innards of the timber to soak up the fluids of the eventual botanical treatment as well as to receive the colors of any applied dye. Stripping is also required in order to permit the wood to heat correctly given its waxy, high-moisture bark. 


    Once stripped, the wood-worker must carve the Haganeki into whatever form is sought. Unlike its Ikurnamon cousin, Haganeki will not shrink during the process of treatment and thus can be handled in a 1:1 ratio. It is imperative that the craftsman carve inlays, etching, inscriptions and other designs at this stage prior to heating lest it be too brittle or hard to work with.


    Haganeki is then brought to a smoker for five hours whereby it will begin to bask about in the fumes of burning wood, the type of which does not matter. The smoke will gradually dry the Haganeki and reduce its moisture content. It is worth noting that simply exposing Haganeki to flame will result in the wood burning away. Further, attempting to dry stripped material in sunlight will not affect its core and thus cause a failure in further treatment.


    Once the moisture of the Haganeki is removed from the smoking, it may be cooled and prepared for botanical soaking. The wood-worker can make this treatment by mixing a base of Amberiddle Sap with Distilled Water. Once fluid, the craftsman may add ground Jailor’s Moss, Blood Lotus, Aqua Nymph and Elf’s Hair vine to the solution. One may also choose to add a dye at this point in the process. Finally, The Haganeki is soaked in an airtight container for a period of one week as the herbs rehydrate and bind with the wood.


    At this point, the Haganeki adopts a lacquer-like texture and becomes resistant to both flame and rot. The wood itself would adopt the endurance of ferrum, albeit with the bend of standard wood. It is noted that once reinforced through the refinement process, Haganeki cannot be dehydrated and worked upon again lest the wood crack and turn to splinters.




    1. For the process of drying, Haganeki cannot be set ablaze with fire lest it burn away. Haganeki is also unable to be dried via a sunbathing session. The most effective way is to smoke the material over a period of a period of five hours.

    2. A solution containing a water infused Amberiddle base and the added ground herbs of Jailor’s Moss, Blood Lotus, Aqua Nymph and Elf’s Hair vine is required to strengthen the material. 

    3. Though dyes can be added, other ground herbs with properties will not endow their effects onto the product without sabotaging the reinforcement. In this vein, the addition of Athin, Paddfoot, etc. into the solution will only serve to ruin the strengthening process.

    4. Due to the nature of the strengthening process, attempting to add other botanical treatments after the fact (I.E. Paddfoot for silencing) will result in failure as the wood’s internal structure remains unaffected and its glossy exterior repels further treatment.

    5. The process for refining Haganeki is considered to be COMMON KNOWLEDGE. Do not use this to metagame the process for standard Ikurnamon.




    CITATION: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/193681-✓-world-lore-ikurnamon-elven-ironwood/








    An extraordinarily dense stalagmite located in the depths of Aevos, Kingstone is matte-gray in hue yet possesses streaks of varying values which stretch throughout the material. At first glance, the mineral would be unsuspecting as it seemingly blends in with any stalagmite cluster that one might come across. However, upon interaction, one would soon be able to realize that it possesses the strength and durability of ferrum, albeit with 1.5x the weight. 


    Kingstone can be found in the deepest bowels of the earth, most commonly nestled amidst lengthy caverns or within the centers of mountains. Though uncommon, Kingstone can also be uncovered amidst ruins in a processed form, most likely the result of ancient handiwork.




    Kingstone is quite simply a stone that possesses the strength of ferrum. Without the labors of a craftsman, this mineral may be used in any other way a rock might, albeit with greater durability. In this sense, Kingstone in its unprocessed state could be strapped to sticks to make makeshift primitive tools which could strike away at mundane minerals and bark with ease.




    1. Refined Kingstone possesses the strength of ferrum and 1.5x its weight. Though it can be used for tools in its raw state, one must take into account the added weight and potential hindrance of such.





    The method of harvesting Kingstone is a simple yet laborious task wherein the stalagmite is separated from larger chunks of mundane rock (granite, andesite, etc.) via the crushing of its surroundings. One may choose to penetrate the surrounding stone with the more accurate pickaxe, though it may result in a lengthier harvest. Striking at the mineral directly will only yield results if one uses a tool possessing a strength greater than that of steel.


    DESCRIPTION: A matte-gray chunk of stone which exhibits streaks of varied value across its surface. Possessing the strength of ferrum, Kingstone has been widely used by the primitives of Aevos as a means of producing tools without the need of a forge. Dense and heavy, this stone would resist much trauma albeit would begin to shatter and crumble if struck by tools greater than steel in strength.




    1. Kingstone, in its natural clusters, would produce quantities comparable to that of a standard stalagmite.

    2. Kingstone can only be chipped and/or shattered directly should one use a tool possessing strength greater than steel. Using tools of steel strength (or less) would render no discernible effect, given that it would be similar to striking a solid block of iron.





    Kingstone, if refined, would retain the durability of ferrum and is simply distinguished from its raw counterpart via its form and shape. Dependent upon the refinement technique, Kingstone which had been ground would retain the streaks of its natural counterpart whereas Kingstone that had been casted would become entirely a matte-gray.




    As a result of refinement, this variant of Kingstone may be sharpened and shaped into an ergonomic form for more advanced tools, weaponry, armor and even jewelry. Ultimately the limit of the uses for refined kingstone lies in the creativity of the artisan, and merely acts as an alternative for base ferrum.




    1. Due to its stoney composition, Refined Kingstone is unable to bend and can snap and crumble if enough force is applied. This is primarily intended for ET discretion.

    2. Refined Kingstone is unable to be used for golemancy limbs and golems themselves. This is due to the material being too hard for sigils to properly transfer energy.

    3. Refined Kingstone possesses the strength of ferrum and 1.5x its weight - the same as its raw counterpart. This means that though it can be used for armor, one must take into account the added weight and potential hindrance of such.

    4. Refined Kingstone may be chipped and/or shattered directly should one use a tool possessing strength greater than steel. This is not to say that Kingstone is invulnerable to anything weaker than or equal to steel, but that it would behave as standard iron armor and tools up to that point.

    5. Refined Kingstone does NOT require an ST signature.





    Possessing two methods of refinement, Kingstone may adopt new forms either through the gradual grinding of its surface by materials greater or equal to that of steel, or by rendering it into a magmatic state for casting.


    With regards to grinding, a Kingstone stalagmite may be harvested and then ground away over a lengthy period of time with tools greater than or equal to steel. Doing such would require the stonemason to utilize a delicate touch lest the piece be irrevocably scarred by careless technique. 


    With regards to casting, Kingstone may be brought to the heat of a forge and rendered into a viscous magma whereby it can be poured into casts to expedite fabrication. Careful tapping of the mold is required to remove any air pockets in order to ensure the strength of the material. The drawback in casting, however, is that the material will lose its aesthetic streaks in favor of a completely matte-gray product.




    1. Kingstone is nonmagnetic and is thus unable to be alloyed with other metals. Though inlays and inscriptions of other materials are permitted, such is purely cosmetic and in no way affects the strength of Kingstone.

    2. Kingstone is naturally resistant to heat and in order to render it into a magmatic state, only the heat generated from a forge’s fire (or greater) would suffice.

    3. Opting to cast Kingstone will result in the material losing its aesthetic streaks of varied value.

    4. The process for refinement is considered COMMON KNOWLEDGE.



    CREDIT: Norgeth_ had the idea!


    An Account of Otherworldly Expedition

    3 Mensis Tobialis, 2A 131


    I am a religious man. Like my brother Lectors before me, I have always strived to maintain my virtue and to spread the word of KAMISAMA to the most desolate of lands. For decades I thrived with the purpose given to me - to lead my brothers and to collect knowledge. The Lectors and I spread what we had learned, and the world was changed for the better, or for worse. Regardless, many of my comrades perished or faded into obscurity. When the Lectors officially dissolved, my purpose became but a leaf drifting in the wind.


    In the years following the dissolution, I became isolated. I had witnessed a lifetime’s worth of acquaintances turn to vice, and I had lost faith in my fellow man. I reached the conclusion that the maintenance of one’s own virtue was more valuable than extending a helping hand. I had incorrectly believed that participation in ANYTHING would benefit some greater evil.


    Fate is gravity. Even though we may leap towards the heavens, we are ultimately pulled back towards the earth. The thread of fate is no different; we may try to defy it, but our end remains the absolute end. Only KAMISAMA possesses the foresight to truly understand predestination. 


    Despite this, a year or so ago this day a being from the stars delivered unto me the means to continue the greater quest of the Lectorate - the acquisition of knowledge. Though not an Aengul, this being spoke truly and harshly. I longed for purpose, yet rejected the calls of others. In my hubris, I had believed that I already understood my fate and destiny - but with this simple fraying of the thread, my future was changed forever.



    With a coin toss and a thunderous crack, I was home no longer. Though I now know it to be an instant, this single step felt like days. I awoke upon a jagged outcrop; the skies were black as ash and the air lingered with an acrid scent - brimstone. 


    Where had I gone, and how could I return? Seeking these answers and believing that height would grant a vantage point, I ventured forth towards a range of hills possessing many holes through a lowland of crimson bones. Smoke billowed from natural vents and, as I approached, I could see what appeared to be men. Yet, they stood still - ever so still.


    Ever closer, I came to know why they were as stone. Bound in chains, these desolate souls were pinned to a Lorraine and weeping in agony. Besides them, yokai howled and cackled with madness as they peeled flesh and crackled bones. I can only speculate as to the severity and length to which they suffered. I squatted in prayer, and to plan.


    Yet, as if cosmically aligned, my presence seemed to coincide with the awakening of the hills. Their pits no longer belched ash, but instead were adorned with the glow of a thousand red eyes. In but an instant the skies were swallowed by a sea of beasts who swept down and devoured the offerings. At that moment I had realized why the valley was littered with the remains of thousands. Caught amidst a feeding frenzy, I buried myself in the surrounding carnage as horrid screeches resonated throughout the land. 




    Those who had perished before me likely had loved ones, and no doubt  possessed dreams. An entire lifetime snuffed as it became equivalent in worth to a slab of grit tossed to a hound. They suffered in life, but what is suffering? Is it pain, or perhaps loneliness? Is it the dread of anticipation? I believe that suffering is life itself, and all the obstacles that one bumps into before the sweet ascent to the Skies; such was the miracle of Owyn’s Penance. It is for this reason, in death, those men did not suffer.



    After what felt like eternity, I emerged from my self-made coffin. The beasts had gone, and all that remained of the fallen was yet more bone for the field. I diverted course and now ventured forth towards the sound of flowing water. By the grace of KAMISAMA I had found it and, parched beyond comprehension, began to suckle at an ice-cold stream.  A mistake for as soon as I felt respite, I had drifted to the realm of the subconscious.


    Upon awakening I reached the dreaded realization that my belongings had been severed from my person. After a brief search, there was but a singular explanation: I had been the victim of theft. Determined to find this thief, I followed the water’s edge, my visage adorned with my men-yoroi to hide my human nature. In time I came across a silhouette slithering through the depths - a yokai. 


    It looked like a scorpion, albeit made of wax, and in one hand it bore a lantern of a chilling blue flame. Its stinger whipped about in the water as it emerged to the shore. Gazing down upon me it spoke:  


    “Yours is not like the others… You were robbed by an Imp of Nem - a foul creature... I saw, but could not move. You arise in the Still of Judgement to cross my River, wherefore?”


    Though hesitant, I could not afford to lose this lead. I yielded and conversed briefly with the creature as it ferried me across the frigid waters. It spoke again: 


    “You shall cross into the land of the dead - but know what you walk into. Your punishment is eternal, and it is noble that you walk into it. You are bound for one of the harshest punishments Iblees can bestow. It is a shame you were saved from Heaven.” 


    It queried yet more, unresponsive to my own interrogations. I concluded that the yokai would not answer, yet told it that I was still alive and not a forlorn soul. It replied: 


    “There must be a particular hatred for thee - to be here before death. I would wish you well, but such things are not possible within Drownedreik.”



    Upon disembarking my head swirled with the dread of Iboku. Had I truly been sent to the bowels of the deceiver’s kingdom? Had I ever truly gone on an adventure, or had I perished in sipping poisoned water? As if compelled, I persisted forth. Perhaps my belongings would confirm as to whether I were a revenant or not.


    The answer would soon be revealed as I came across a pit of imps. Akin to an Uruk’s camp, these creatures were engorging themselves upon the flesh of fallen men. They cried out for bloodshed and howled with malicious intent as if preparing a warband. Broz'Dak, an Imp who seemed to be their chieftan emerged and addressed his tribe:


    “BROZ’DAKZ, Mi haz the key to endless klomp! Mi haz key to land of flezh! Zhomo say so, mi bring to lower circle - BUB DEMON. Burzh Soul. Give Broz’Dakz many klomp, many meat! NUB FIGHT UNTIL BROZ’DAK RETURN!”




    As I listened from afar, I came to realize that this demonic creature of Krug had had on him my belongings; perhaps he sought to bring proof to the Demon he had spoken of. In a bout of good fortune, he left the camp by his lonesome. I followed from afar and, as we moved, I began to collect stones. I dug them into my clothing so that I might become adorned with spikes; such would help with a demonic disguise.


    Though my memory begins to blur, I recall the Imp coming across a great fortress of blackened stone. Two guards crossed wretched axes and the scamp before me sought to pass. The guards were unmoving and seemingly annoyed with the small creature, though the Imp was insistent on handing over my trinkets. With no time, I was forced to act and mantle the beast I had disguised myself as. As quickly as I emerged from the shadows, the Imp’s neck was crushed.  Impressed with the ferocity of the attack, they granted me both passage and the belongings of the Imp. It seemed as if, at least here, the strong would flourish and the weak would crumble. They referred to me as a “Revenant” on account of my white garb. Even though I now had proof for myself that I had not yet been slain, the words of the Demon made me question whether my isolation and sense of superiority made me more akin to them than my fellow man.


    I wondered why they could not sense my human scent, though my curiosity swiftly faded. My nostrils flared as the horrid stench of souls being prepared for sinister purpose clung to the air. All around me poor beings were being tortured. Limbs were shredded and sewn back together; intestines were slurped like udon; crucifixions were aplenty. Though my script cannot convey the horrid nature of what I bore witness to, it was of such great magnitude that I began to falter in both disguise and confidence. I meandered down the many corridors in a daze.


    Eventually, a yokai in the form of a boar uncovered my identity - perhaps a demonic aspect of Brother Harold. Understandably it assumed I to be an assassin and he handedly blitzed my person, throwing me through a door wrought of iron.  My ribs cracked and all I could do was await recourse as an onyx-figure descended a throne. I had tresspassed farther than I realized. The figure spoke to me:


    “You have been watched since you first arrived. Do not think yourself clever for fooling the Imps, or the Slaves. You were to be brought to me, and thus it was ordained, and thus you are here . . . We know you. We know your Kind. You know not who I am. I am In-Saabth, master of these wastes. Charged eternal by my mistress, I await her return. The armies grow under me, the flesh-sows bred for one thing . . . Your doom. Surrender to me, and I will use your soul to feed my armies when they march upon your world.”


    Refusing, I raised my bokken in my left hand defensively as I began to call upon the blessing of Machiman. The figure seemed half-amused by the defiance and it rose a great and bloodied morning-star:

    “Mmm . . . Before I commend thy soul to Iblees, give me thy name. Realmwalker. Know that you will be honored, immortalized, for the greatness you have given. I give thee human courtesy, do not take it lightly.”


    I conceded defeat, yet maintained the only defensive posture I could. My blade began to shine with light and I said my name: “I am Ugokoyama Danzen.”


    In-Saabth accepting this honorable surrender swung down, only to meet the Bulwark of a seasoned Templar. Seemingly taken by surprise, In-Saabth began to cackle with amusement before pressing harder. Too little and too late, my concentration began to fade as my power waned. The mace of the Yokai shattered my feeble wooden blade and smashed into my left forearm, flattening and tearing it clean off. My left eye too could not escape the wrath of the Black Demon.




    As I barked in agony a second thunderous boom rattled the room. An ample time as any - the last second - ordained by good fortune. Though the shock of a smashed arm soon subsided to agony, those few first moments I had emerged back on our homey with serenity. In-Sabbath was proven incorrect in his proclamation of fate.



    I write this now as a record of events leading up to my death. At the point of authorship, I had managed to stem the bleeding and pain with my leftover supplies and medical skill. Almaris is abandoned - everywhere I look is empty as I evade the patrols of Juli’el’s Tribe. Felder’s Rock served me as a refuge for these few months - I pray that its magnificence does not fade even after I leave it for good.


     I can only assume now that my comrades are imprisoned as slaves for the Mori mines, much like I witnessed within Drowned Reik. I returned to Savoy and ventured into the depths. Should my body be found in these caverns, I hope that this account may serve as a warning for the greater cosmic scheme. Then again, mayhaps this will be disregarded as the ramblings of a dreamer. 


    Ugokoyama Danzen

    Arch-Lector of the Flaming Covenant Cohort, Shugo of Tetsugawa, Templar of Machiman, Practitioner of Shindo no Hamon and Penitent Brother of Owyn.





    This is an RP account of a shunt experienced with the feat “Arcane Displacement”. The story and terminology is purposefully misinterpreted per the character’s experience, I.E. mistaking Imps for Goblins or the realm of Draudreich as Drownedreik. 


    Given that this is a private account, it is requested that this information is not metagamed. This is also NOT a PK post, but written as a “what if” scenario had the character Danzen died in the caves between Almaris and Aevos while tailing the descendants.


    I thank Breeni and Shorsand for acting as my DMs for this shunting experiment.

  17. I understand both sides of the argument.

    Moderation is NOT at fault in the slightest for wanting to uphold a modem of Minecraft law where actions on server determine your sentence rather than mob rule. I'd rather have a mod team be more hesitant to ban people for ANY issue than one which is willing to quick-draw and dome players. With regards to the latter, Mods could easily disguise target bans as ones which are justified. It could also lead to GMs developing sentences purely based upon someone's ideological differences, or someone's extra server behaviors. In this sense, I agree with the right to privacy so long as the sexual deviancy is kept out of sight and not involved in the server. 

    Yet, that leads to the risk of leaving the server's defenses open to potential predators. Thus, I also understand the points levied by Jihnyny and Crevel. If an individual joins our community and they make no effort to hide their off-platform hedonist acts, and have google links that directly lead towards someone's comission for ERP, then that's a massive red flag. I get why people would want to be proactive rather than reactive to defend the server which, unfortunately, tends to take greater priority in peoples lives than their real ones (This is not to say that the author or any other supporter of Jihnyny prioritizes MC over IRL, but that for many players this could be the case and thus they want their little world to be safe).  If GMs are hesitant in banning, then it stands to reason that the community would also like to play a role in self policing to warn others to stay away from potentially dangerous individuals.

    My take, however, is that the GMs should not be banning other players under the pretext that critique and investigation is in some way harassment. I understand that this can be weaponized, and that false allegations can be hurdled, but if the community was allowed to self police and naturally filter dangerous individuals by word of mouth, then chances are the number of victims could reduce. From experience of playing on this server for ten years, many problem players that were later TOS'd were identified early but more often than not received some level of moderation backing that silenced players from attempting to speak out. A particular Orenian emperor who got coup'd by Nectorist did wonders with this tidbit as he gaslit and threatened others into burying his accusations. If players are unable to self police their own communities, then the GMs are in effect forcing people to RP with radioactive individuals.

    If people are allowed to accuse others of racism (hai Language :3), homophobia, metagame, etc. on the server without threat of bans, then it should also be permitted for the average player to also identify potential sexpests. And I understand that it could be construed as harassment or a witch hunt, but I believe the moderation can determine whether accusations are purely malicious through an investigation and punish slanderers accordingly.


  18. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:

             132 (32 In Klone Body)


    What feat(s) will you be learning?

             Arcane Displacement


    Teacher's MC Name:

             Minecraft Book


    Teacher's RP Name:

             Gal Elnath, The Third Script https://i.imgur.com/GiUw59b.png


    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your feat app?:



    Have you applied for this feat on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app:

             Yes, self deny because I gave the book to Shorsand. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/208105-arcane-displacement-fa-max_danger/


    Are you aware that if this feat is shelved, it will be unavailable to use?



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