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Posts posted by Islamadon

  1. It's good that the Mods are attempting to uphold forum standards to make sure it's quality over "R" posting (I hate these, you didn't have anything important to say in the first place!), but I can't help but feel as if the spirit of the enforcement does not revolve around the pursuit of quality.

    To me, and I emphasize I'm not trying to go at anyone's throats, the way in which this has been enforced previously comes across as two adults attempting to impose their moderation authority onto a bunch of teenagers and college kids. It doesn't seem so beneficial as it does making a vendetta to put oneself in the spotlight and impose control over the forums.

    From my experience, most people who receive the snarky one-liners are making snarky one-liners themselves, and who end their posts with their character twirling a dagger or something in their private room. How, unless through anonymity or vague-posting, are people meant to respond to this kind of forum reply? By the logic of moderation, any attempt to do so legitimately cannot be done - it's Metagame. Are we meant to wait for the Blues to clean it up? Further, in the event that posts are indeed always IC and can be responded to regardless of reasonable presence, do I not hold the right to walk over to them in-game and rip their tongue out?

    It is my opinion that whatever you put out on the forums should be fair game to respond to in any way one sees fit. We do not moderate the number of words, hostile intent and so on in-game. I understand it is a false equivalence to equate the forums to the in-game server, but the forums are meant to be an extension of the in-game world whereby people can see law posts and character threads. If people didn't want others to respond, why are they even making a thread or reply in the first place? A solution to not receiving feedback would be allowing for OPs to lock their own threads off the bat.

    To conclude - begging the rules as law doesn't address the spirit of those rules. Being a pedantic enforcer of rules which deter player enjoyment (and indeed - a good portion of the players thinks this is annoying) only means that Mods themselves are deterring player enjoyment. As long as no one is causing harm through doxing, posting IP grabbers, slur-spewing, ETC. I don't see a need to be so tight-fisted about the forums. They've always been sassy.

  2. As a merchant "RPer" who had eclipsed Urguan's National Treasury, I can say with pure confidence that my wealth was earned not through roleplay but by letting my stall passively sell vouchers. I did not Roleplay in the slightest. Merchant RPers are fake. Let me buy wacky items late at night again.

  3. A samurai meditates beneath gently rustling Sakura pedals. He reflects a great cultural disparity, in how the Lubba had yet to realize that a Samurai’s envoy was his trusted sword.  Too does the Samurai ponder why their king need be groveled to, when his sworn deputies were already both aware of and responsible for the transgressions of the Lurinite. They do not truly see, he ponders with format-less thoughts.

  4. @Sander Oyashima Lore-Writers recently went back to Oyashima and clarified things that were strange and odd. For instance, Oyashima meaning "Eight Great Islands" yet being part of the greater continent. We fixed these problems recently and basically with the consent of Esterlen, Dingo, Jules (co-Author of Oyashima Culture Post) we revamped the area a bit to be consistent. We also fleshed out the islands.

    If you would like to rework your map, simply Bump Oyashima north of the Cathant Peninsula into the Shattered Sea, and carve a bit south to make a little bay. Current Zoomed in Oyashima map.



  5. [!] A Letter is delivered Post-Haste . . .

    Rex Kybal’Akaal "The Ram";

    I, Ugokoyama Danzen, shall be issuing the reply on behalf of my greater country. The reasoning for this perceived slight by an underling of your defensive ally is simple: The Oni involved are my Brethren, my Wings and my Responsibility.

    This in no way implies that I shall prostrate myself nor sell out my Clansmen nor the country of Nor-Velyth. In fact, it is the contrary.

    As it stands in FACT, not fiction, three oathed and binded members of the Ugokoyama Clan had ventured to the sandy capital of the Orkish Horde with the intent of training in preparation for their fight against the Nether-Olog. Once arrived, they had come across a friend of the Oyashi people being beset upon by a lonesome Uruk - Brevias. Not one to allow a friend to be accosted without righteous action, they had intervened and engaged in a KLOMP. 

    Amidst this battle a Short Honorary attempted to intervene himself, and screeched "RAID, RAID RAIIIIID!" In response, the Oni rightly beat him up for being stupid - for it was not a raid, and this short-man was simply squealing untruths. After the Uruk Brevias was defeated, in honor and in friendship both my Clansmen and the Uruk enjoyed a steak dinner as FRIENDS. And so closed the Nether-Gate, and the Heavenly-Gate opened.

    This heavenly peace did not last long, due to an attempt by further Uruks to accost, enslave and murder - again - Friends of the Oyashi. These friends were Atemu-Ta and his Sister, who subsequently took her own life in defiance of imposed bondage. The Righteous Oni - Bound by the Code of Budo - would not stand for this. Such is the tenet of CHŪGI, and to step away after seeing such a distasteful scene would have besmirched their character so DEEPLY that they would have been better off joining her with ritual suicide.


    It was then that the ring-leader of this Orkish altercation proclaimed "SLAY THEM ALL". This is a query indeed, for the implications of your proclamation imply that it were the Oyashi - In a MILITARY capacity - had engaged in an unprovoked attack upon the Horde. As the story plays out, it appears that it was in fact your own brothers, in a military capacity, who sentenced ours to DEATH. Then again, perhaps they were not deputized with such a power.


    In response to the sentencing, the Ugokoyama-Oni opted to FIGHT, lest they willingly extend their necks as sacrificial cattle to be slain by beings of fragile Ego. Indeed, a further Klomp ensued, and the wrathful gang of Uruk began to vanish one after the other, though some were certainly slain. The most perplexing factoid of all of this is - following the altercation - it is reported that my Oni and your People embraced in a brotherly embrace, and of no ill-omen and friendship. 


    It is now evident, after the fact, that there was quite handful of survivors from this ignoble Oyashi Aggression! Indeed, survivors so clairvoyant that they had managed to peer through their tears, bow before the Honorable Rex, and whine with such high pitch that they would now invoke WAR between our two peoples, when the righteous KLOMP had already settled the affair.

    This matter has weighed upon my mind, and in contemplation I had comissioned the Samurai - Kato Eren - to paint me a depiction of the event so that I may remember the day that an Uruk need grovel before his Rex to seek vengeance for a fight he rightly lost.


    In consequence, should your Country TRULY persist in the belief that the acts of the Ugokoyama Oni were without honor to the point where the Iron Horde would now exist in a state of war with the Nor'Velyth people, I offer this remedy: A duel between Ugokoyama Bata and the Ringleader, whose name betrays me. Regardless of the outcome, the matter shall be settled and no more tears shall be shed from either side.



  6. Regardless of the vote outcome, I am updating those who may read this that I have made a request to cut the Touch of Jophiael given recent developments in Malchediael's front facing (no direct mention of madness any longer!) and update the background now that things have been clarified and not stitched together from outdated threads. I would modify these sections immediately, but given it has already gone thru mag I cannot make these proposed changes without consent :3.

    EDIT: I guess it wasn't wrong after all -.-












    • Islamadon
      • Oskunoshima, Ihon, Fukukaze, Dodaitose, Gushiken and Hokei-ida. Kaninokyo.
    • Shady Tales
      • Yamatai, Oni and Bachi-Shoto
    • FunTzu
      • Gushiken Concept + Naming + Consulation
    • JoanOfArc
      • Oyashima Consultation + Original Lore
    • ScreamingDingo
      • Aeldin Consultation
    • Esterlen
      • Aeldin Consultation
    • Monomakhos
      • Original Lore
    • TauFireWarrior
      • Original Lore
  8. GUSHIKEN 具志堅




    Gushiken is one of the Eight Great Islands of Oyashima and is located due north from the Cathantese province of Lu Zhou. The homeland of Clan Shimazu, this Island has become the symbol of Oyashiman exceptionalism in recent centuries. In a display of great atonement, those of Gushiken have remodeled their society to embody the cultural and spiritual expectations of Oyashima to their fullest extent. As a result, the Island and its capital of Kō Shihon is often considered the harshest to live, yet also the most prestigious to succeed in.


    Historically, the ruling clan of Shimazu had been known both amongst the mainland Descendants and those of Oyashima as being one which embodied the Samurai way. Textbook through and through, Shimazu enforced Budō culture across the island and treated the Samurai class with reverence. Shimazu had always done right by Oyashima, shedding blood amidst the first occupation and suffering greatly at the defeat in the Shinzo Plains. However, great dishonor befel the clan when the Daimyō Shimazu Satomi offered his services to the Li Dynasty amidst the second occupation in a bout of selfish ambition and a pursuit for the sacred knowledge of silk production. Though the silk provided great wealth for the Island, those of the Shimazu Clan became collaborators. 


    When Ishikawa Kais led his rebellion, the Shimazu host joined with the Li Ren regime at the city of Lu Zhou. Together, they sailed and marched on the rebels at the Yamamoto woods. As the battle turned to chaos, the Daimyō issued an order of dishonor as they turned upon their Li Ren allies and began to slaughter them from behind. The battle was a decisive Ishikawa victory and served as the turning point in the war for Oyashiman liberation; ultimately, Daimyō Satomi was rewarded. However, those of Shimazu who maintained their belief in the way of Budō were overwhelmed with shame for subsequent collaboration and betrayal, and bided their time for the passing of their patriarch. Eventually Satomi met his end upon consuming a surfeit of squid, becoming deathly ill. None are quite sure as to whether Ishikawa, Shimazu or the Squid itself was responsible.




    In the subsequent power vacuum, a Yōsei who had been adopted into the Shimazu Clan managed to secure power on the promise of a new future for Gushiken and the clan itself. Adopting the title of Onna-musha, Shimazu Eumura sought to wipe away the shame of the clan and impose the will of the Kami Izakuno who embodied Punishment, Law and Order. The focal point of their ambitions lay in rigid education and indoctrination. As a result, a darwinist mentality was fostered about the island and where the “lessers” would be weeded out in favor of the ideal Oyashiman. 


    The island of Gushiken was subsequently reorganized to host the primary capital of Kō Shihon and its four orbiting districts of Ichimura, Nimura, Santoshimura and Gomura. These districts are distinct from one another in that they represent the class of those who reside within it. For example, Ichimura became home to the wealthiest and brightest Shi whereas the district of Gomura hosts the Kegare, or the undesirables. 


    Naturally, there were those of Gushiken who resisted the new Shimazu way. Due to a belief in the freedom of Budō and a rejection of newfound tyranny, a great many of Gushiken’s population opted to live beyond the walls of Kō Shihon in squalor, and have since formed pockets of resistance and rebellion. The Ronin agitators of these vagrant gangs have since earned the ire of Gushiken’s Samurai class, thus resulting in numerous expeditionary campaigns of “justice” whereby Shimazu retainers would hunt down and detain perceived rebels. Shanty towns are occupied or razed, and those who are captured are forced into penal labor until assimilated.


    Despite the rigid class system and strict tyranny of the Gushiken, Clan Shimazu offers a path of upwards mobility via the Shimazu Exams. In order to even be considered for the test, one must first display adept etiquette and verbal competence. Applicants must present themselves in a clean and uniform fashion, most often adopting bob and bowl cuts. Further, an acceptable level of knowledge pertaining to the propagandized history of Oyashima must be showcased. The test is imperative to the family, for failure or success dictates their future. Those who fail will be placed on a ten year probation from subsequent testing due to their less-than-satisfactory way of living and those who succeed may take their family to the superior districts so that they might attend the Gushiken Academy.




    Kō Shihon itself is home to the Gushiken Academy, an educational facility that prides itself on its one-in-ten graduation rate and is the primary rival to Hoke-ida’s scholars. At the academy, aspiring students are educated less in the ways of tomes and more as how to act as patriots and true warriors. Students are corralled with busy schedules, severe discipline and a stream of nationalistic lessons. Students aspire graduation from the Gushiken Academy, for it guarantees access into the inner districts of Gushiken whereby they would be afforded a high standard of living and, hopefully, a position within the Onna-musha’s court. Too are alumni Samurai and administrators sought throughout the isles as graduates have built for themselves a reputation of work ethic, discipline and traditionalism.


    In the modern day, Gushiken is an island of great national reverence and order. Shimazu Clan and its subservient Samurai continue their endeavor to erase the shame of their flippant Daimyō and the guilt they still harbor. Silk production has only increased in the years following the Oyashiman incursions into Cathant as trade between the two empires has come to a halt. This has resulted in a boom of wealth for the people of Gushiken as they are the only island capable of producing the raw material. Too are aspiring Samurai sent from across the isles to receive sermon at Gushiken academy, for the prestige of its graduation practically equates to title and land.



  9. DODAITOSE 土大外勢




    The Isle of Dodaitose is one of the eight great Islands located within the domain of Oyashima. Sitting alone and acting as the furthest extent east, Dodaitose is believed to be the last civilized outpost before one were to vanish into the endless expanse of ocean. The Island itself is very lush, temperate and possesses a singular dormant volcanic peak - Great Igo. Dodaitose’s unique and hospitable terrain has resulted in the ancients' belief that the island itself was the shell of a great sleeping tortoise.


    Dodaitose finds its roots in the ancient population of Yōsei, or Elves, who had lived harmoniously with the nature of the Island. Atop the peak of Great Igo, the Yōsei of Clan Fujiwara erected a great shrine, Hannya-Ji, to Chiyoko, Kami of Life, Healing and Fertility. It has since retained its importance as a place of great spiritual pilgrimage. It is for this patronage that the island was said to have been blessed by the Kami with good weather and friendly wildlife.




    When the Farfolk of Oyashima settled upon the Island, they discovered peaceful coexistence with the Yōsei. Each found mutual respect in one another and though the Oyashimans originally believed the Yōsei to be woodland spirits, they soon realized that they were only flesh and blood. For many generations the two populations lived harmoniously; they intermingled, traded and even intermarried. This said, the average resident became practically indistinguishable from the standard Human Oyashi due to the infertility of the Yōsei. As a result of this cultural exchange, it was not uncommon for the Dodaitose Oyashiman to possess both the knowledge and the skill to perform magic, not to mention the other mysteries of the Yōsei.


    It is because of this openness that Dodaitose was one of the least affected during the Golden Empire’s occupation of the greater archipelago. Inherently peace-loving and servile, Dodaitose accepted the domain of the Hou for fear of bringing strife to their peaceful island. Luckily for the Dodaitose’s residents, its isolated location and its overall lack of resource made it a territory not worth garrisoning; instead, the Golden Empire merely exacted a tithe of basic raw resources. When the Imperial Clan was restored, the Samurai clans of Goro, Sushi and Ishimoto migrated to the isle in order to maintain order and incorporate it into the greater Oyashiman fold. As a result of the Samurai’s martial prowess, the balance of power began to shift from Fujiwara to these sprouting clans.


    In an ironic twist, it would be the Oyashiman - not the Cathantese - who brought about the tragedy of war to the island. Clan Sushi, seeing opportunity, had sought to sever their allegiance from the Ishikawa Bakufu and managed to repel the forces of the Island’s appointed Shogu. A Goro clansman by the name of Akumon ventured to make peace with the Sushi clan, but was betrayed and slain under the guise of guest rite - a grave insult to Budō. In retaliation, Goro Clan assembled a host and marched south to Sushumi under the cover of darkness. Sushi clan was eradicated with great wrath and by morning their settlement had been adorned with finely chopped appendages.


    Though Goro emerged as the preeminent force of Dodaitose, the incursion of the Li Dynasty onto the isle brought with it the perpetuation of violence and newfound occupation. The resistant Samurai class spent its days staining the isle with the blood of Li Ren. Death became commonplace, and though the occupiers were eventually repelled with Ishikawa Kais’s victory at the Yamamoto woods, Dodaitose became accosted by a malicious swarm of migrant yokai. Deemed to be the result of Chiyoko’s divinely administered punishment, the ancient legends of the Isle began to resurface and its residents sought to restore the balance and peace of nature;. To do this, they would need to put an end to the Yokai menace.


    Unlike the other provinces of Oyashima, those of Dodaitose knew that nature could be communed with and tamed. The Samurai spent many years traversing the Island in an attempt to hunt down the most vicious of yokai in order to restore order. The creatures that could be subdued without death were bound in chains and domesticated, often used in games of sport or to aid in productive tasks. As a result, the Samurai of Dodaitose found themselves becoming beastmasters, each warrior measured by the power and rarity of their catch, not dissimilar to headtaking.




    Beast taming became so popular and common that even children would play along the roads of the Island in hopes of capturing woodland creatures. Too did Dodaitose’s villages begin to develop a series of dojos where beast and master alike could synchronize their skills with one another. As a result, many disputes are now settled with non-fatal bouts between these creatures as opposed to duels of steel. It is believed that this method of conflict is superior to the spilling of fellow Oyashiman blood.


    In the Modern day, the Clan Fujiwara retains de jure, albeit weak, power over the island. Due to the cultural beliefs of harmony and peace, Fujiwara seldom interferes in the affairs of the local Samurai. More importantly, Clan Fujiwara has been passive with regards to the rise of Shōgun Yorinobu; the clan fears conflict and desires to focus on maintaining the balance of the Island. As a result, the bakufu-aligned Ishimoto Clan has been free to shift the economy of the isle from timber and agricultural products to that of beast poaching. Ishikawa Yorinobu finds great potential in using these beasts for war, and has since been amassing them by contracting numerous yakuza and smugglers to transport these yokai back to the Imperial Capital of Yamatai.



  10. FUKUKAZE 吹風




    Fukukaze is one of the eight great islands of Oyashima and is located due west of Yamatai. Acting as the literal and metaphorical barrier between the more sociable western edge of Oyashima and the xenophobic east, those of Fukukaze emphasize a belief in the Four Elemental Kami and later that of Nokumi, the Kami of Passion, Shadow and Poisons. It is an island of great geographic diversity, be it the molten volcanic peak of Hinoyama to the tranquil, rolling meadows of the Kazenomori. In modern times, it has been given the colloquial name of “Kojima no Shinobi'' as it now finds itself hosting the clandestine Shinobi Clans of Oyashima.


    When the Empire of the Golden Sun laid claim to the isle during the Rentai period, the locals of Fukukaze found themselves woefully outmatched as foreign garrisons took control of its isolated harbors and villages. Cathant soon realized the untapped potential of the diverse terrain and began to extract its ores and till its plains. Seeking to reduce costs and increase profit, the occupiers colonized and enforced the isolation of the island, issuing high tariffs upon neighboring Oyashiman Islands and lowering them upon Cathant-made products. In essence, the isolated villages of the island were forced to labor for and engage in transactions solely with the Cathantese. This caused unrest, and the more recalcitrant villagers would sneak from their homes to spread news and smuggle goods to their fellow Oyashi.


    When the word of rebellion and resistance sprouted throughout Oyashima, those of Fukukaze too felt the fervor and sought to reclaim their land from the hands of foreign beastmen. However, due to the isolated nature of its population, a traditional bushi resistance was unable to ferment. Instead, the commoners of the heimin class began to resist through means available to them, adopting the mantle of “Shinobi”. Wielding farm tools as weapons and bearing the darkness of night as their armor, the rebels of Fukukaze began to engage in espionage, assassination and sabotage. 


    Cathant trade-masters were found bloodied in their shops, and merchant vessels were sunk. Hou-zi officers and appointed Governors found themselves sipping poison or, if less discreet, impaled with steel. Even the mission critical supply routes of the islands found no peace as the Shinobi established unlawful checkpoints for the seizure of armaments and valuables. As a result, a cult of Nokumi began to flourish and many across the island attributed their victory to the lady spider.




    With the successful restoration of the Imperial Clan of Oyashima, the Hou invaders were forced to retreat back into the depths of their humid province. For a time, Fukukaze was liberated, but before long the Kawato War between Ishikawa and Sato would rage in the east. Wary of what would become an eventual reckoning, the villages of the Fukukaze began to prepare. At the request of the Ikedo Earth Clan and the Saganaka Fire Clan, the Shinobi of the Isle agreed to disperse themselves into four distinct strongholds, each paying homage to their preferred elemental Kami; the hidden strongholds of Tsuchikutsu (Ikedo), Hinoyama (Saganaka), Kazenomori (Imeda) and Mizunotani (Ujagawa) were thusly erected. In time, the fears of Fukukaze were justified as the Li Dynasty returned with a vengeance.


    The Li Dynasty, fearful of a repetition of their prior failed occupation, decided to engage in a full military occupation of the Island. The Li Ren would engage in punitive campaigns in search of the hidden Shinobi strongholds, but found themselves outmaneuvered and unable to meet any distinct army in battle. The Shinobi once again used the night to their advantage and harassed the Li Ren as they had done during the original occupation. This resulted in violent reprisal by Li Ren upon the more accessible villages of Fukukaze. As a result, an asymmetric conflict of attrition arose as the Li Dynasty was unable to uproot the Shinobi while the Shinobi were unable to repel the invaders from the island. Only through the decisive Ishikawa victory at Yamomoto were the Li Ren finally forced upon the back foot.


    While the shinobi clans celebrated this victory, jaded extremists of the Nokumi cult were not satisfied. It was during this current occupation that a band of sullen-robed and clanless Shinobi arose to great fame due to their willingness to inflict as much pain as possible unto the invader. They were the Shinohasu 死の蓮, or the Death Lotus. Taking advantage of the evacuation’s chaos, the Shinohasu descended upon the Li Colony of Huisheng-Ya. With great malice, the Shinohasu went about butchering fleeing soldiers and slaying any Li Ren that showed their face, regardless of role, age or gender. Legends even say that these shinobi had mastered Nature itself as they stepped upon water and ran across the trunks of trees. In the end, their once dark robes had now been coated in a deep red ichor; and though a victory, it was a solemn reminder that wrath could lead to dishonor and the perpetuation of the cycle of hatred. 




    As a result of the dishonorable atrocity, the great Shinobi Clans of Fukukaze deemed the Shinohasu to be exiled lest they be exterminated in a great ninja war. Though initially resistant, the Saganaka clan with their ferocious Fire Style forced the Shinohasu into hiding and exile. This said, these exiles were not forlorn for long as they soon found service in an ever more militant Shogunate. Now acting as the primary secret police of the Shogun, the Shinohasu enforce the will of Shogun Yorinobu and engage in subterfuge abroad. Their newfound legend has inspired many shinobi to turn from their traditional clans and instead to forge a destiny of their own as Rogue Ninjas.


    In the modern day, the fabled rebel shinobi are considered folk heroes and the true nobility amongst those of Fukukaze. Children and nobles of the Isle care little for the samurai way of life, for the mystique and legends of the Shinobi class inspires them to master the arts of stealth and the harnessing of one’s mental and physical fortitude. A Shinobi need not have noble blood to become the hero of the village; they simply must never go back on their word nor must they ever give up, no matter the odds.



  11. IHON 異本




    Ihon, a land of trial and death, is the Island located closest to the Lu Zhou peninsula of Cathant. For centuries, this Isle of the Eight has served as the setting of countless battles, and is now home to the remains of unmourned thousands. At one time, the Ihon Province was the fiercest rival to Yamatai due to the ambitions of the dominant Sato Clan. However, upon the resolution of the Kawato War and the rise of the Ishikawa Bakufu, the influence of Ihon has shrunk tremendously. In the years following, Ihon served as the primary theater of war between Ishikawa Kais and the Li Dynasty. It is also ground zero for the flood of otherworldly yokai.


    Geographically, Ihon is temperate and well forested with trees possessing twisting trunks and bizarre shapes. These odd forms have given legend that the trees themselves host the spirits of those who had suffered an untimely demise. Due to the constant wars and the salting of local paddies, much of Ihon’s farmland has been ruined beyond use. The population has thus taken towards fishing and trade as their primary means of sustenance. As of current, the Yamamoto War’s constant incursions into the Lu Zhou peninsula has resulted in well stocked and well populated port cities.


    One cannot speak of Ihon without delving into its war-torn origins. In the age of the Golden Empire, Ihon served as the stepping stone for the invading Cathantese to reach the other isles of the Oyashiman Archipelago. Much like its neighbors, a Bushi culture flourished and gave way to the rise of the Samurai. By the end of the Occupation and the restoration of the Imperial Clan, much blood had been spilt across the isle by both Hou-Zi and Oyashi alike. In the following Heisei era, the Samurai Clan of Sato gained great prominence through their martial skill and diplomatic cunning. In due time Sato became one of the Four Great Clans, who were practically immune from the scrutiny of the Imperial Court. 




    In the following Tenbatsu Period, Sato grew ambitious. Envious of the positioning of Ishikawa and their influence within the Imperial Court, Sato sought to capitalize on their newfound power and stretch their Clan’s territory beyond the Ihon Strait. In response to ambitious maneuvers, Ishikawa had engaged in a diplomatic mission with Sato when the negotiations turned sour. As the host of Ishikawa Clan began their return trip to Yamatai, Sato and its retainers launched an ill-prepared strike against their rivals in hopes of cutting off their head. The two hosts met at the Arihawa bridge and the battle ended indecisively. Both Sato and Ishikawa had lost men, but neither were able to deliver a killing blow. What is known, however, is that the key figures of Ishikawa managed to return to Yamatai and prepare for the conflict to come. Thus began the Kawato War.


    The conflict lasted into the Tengōi Period, with both Ishikawa and Sato repeatedly trading defeat with one another. However, rumor came through to Daimyō Sato Kagetoki that the Inoue clan of Hoke-ida was on the verge of raising a host of their own to capitalize upon the war as a third party. Sato  Clan engaged in a preemptive campaign upon the Inoue isle in hopes of dismantling their ability to wage war. Much like Arihawa Bridge, the Sato Clan had underestimated their unblooded neighbors. The Inoue clan fought fiercely and managed to repel the incursion; in a self fulfilling prophecy, the Sato attack had caused the Inoue to enter the war on Ishikawa’s side. Now attacked from two fronts by sea, the Sato Daimyō perished in the decisive Naval Battle of the Ihon Strait. A crushing defeat for Sato, it is said that the bodies of the dead washed for days onto the western shores of Ihon, their souls not finding rest in the depths.




    The Kawato War met its conclusion following the seizure of Sato Castle and the rise of the Bakufu under the now unrivaled Shōgun Ishikawa Nobumune. In the following decades of the Zantei Period, the holdings upon Ihon were redistributed to Shugo who were loyal to the Bakufu. And though the years were peaceful, such was not meant to last for those of Ihon.


    Following the abrupt death of the Shōgun Fujinami, the Li Dynasty of Cathant sought to reclaim the lands they had lost decades prior. A naval invasion was mounted and the woods of Kamaichi served as the landing point for the Cathantese. Sato Hitoshi’s host was the first and only line of defense; unfortunately, as fate would have it, the Sato Clan had been made too weak from the reprisals of Ishikawa. Sato experienced no less than total carnage as they were crushed and slaughtered. Ihon was painted red with blood. 


    The Li Dynasty was tyrannical, and Ihon continued to suffer at the hands of their occupiers. The Samurai of the isle found only suffering in their resistance. In response to the defiance of the Samurai, the Li Dynasty proceeded to round up the very villagers that the warrior class had sworn to protect - executing them. The Li Dynasty, in these purgings, had committed such atrocities that reality itself was thrown into chaos. The northern woods of Yamamoto, a site of massacre, became the birthplace of many a wretched Yokai. The lurking maw of vengeance had, at last, manifested in the form of evil and vengeful spirits. They made no distinction between Li Ren or Oyashi - they merely hungered, and sought to perpetuate their undeath.




    In a twist, Ishikawa Kais managed to outmaneuver the host of Li Zhao and use these malevolent creatures to his advantage at the Battle of the Yamamoto Woods. Though Oyashima had been freed, Ihon remained plagued by these Yokai for decades to come. Oyashi of all classes, Samurai included, began to disappear. Ihon became associated as a cursed land. It was only through the aid of “Tsuru no Gakkō 鶴の学校”, or the School of the Crane, that the demonic Yokai began to become contained. These Yokai Hunters would find great prominence about Ihon, being hired by Daimyō and villagers alike to engage in pest control. To these noble warriors, Yokai are the enemy of mankind and must be eradicated.


    Ihon’s strategic placement can not be understated, for it remains as the primary stepping stone between greater Oyashima and Cathant. For the first time in Oyashima’s history, Shōgun Ishikawa Genjiro used Ihon as a staging ground for a counter attack into the weakened Lu Zhou peninsula. Malicious omens once again filled the air, and the Yokai were emboldened. It is said that there was an Eclipse which cast Oyashima in shadow during the time when the Inferi ravaged Arcas. Spilling out from the Yamamoto Woods, hordes of Shinigami and Yokai managed to engulf all of  Ihon and, ultimately, reach the other isles of Oyashima. Rumors persist that it was the doing of Shōgun Ishikawa Yorinobu.




    In the modern day, a culture of death has swept across the Isle of Ihon. Mass graves litter the Island from the countless wars and massacres, and a very real fear of evil spirits has seized its population. Superstitious and ready for death, a majority of the locals have turned to Aritsuki, the Kami of Darkness, Souls and Death for guidance. Civilians who engage in potential taboos are reprimanded harshly, for it is feared that such could attract the ire of a Yokai. In order to safeguard their villages, the population has turned to maintenance of the many graves, tombs and subsequent shrines to appease the lingering spirits of the dead. 


    Though Clan Sato remains the de jure masters of Ihon, the years of devastation and the instillment of Bakufu aligned Shogu have left their political situation wanting. Further, the average Samurai of the Island have lost the imagination of the people, for they specialize in the slaying of men rather than beasts. Instead, Yokai Hunters such as those within Tsuru no Gakkō are hailed as heroes. It is not uncommon for these local-born Yokai Hunters to be elevated to the status of Samurai within Ihon, nor is it uncommon for Yokai Hunters to find an excess of employment opportunities throughout Oyashima.



  12. HOKE-IDA ホケイダ




    Hoke-Ida, an isle of mystery and the arcane, serves as one of the Great-Eight of Oyashima. Mountainous and secluded in its geography, Hoke-Ida finds itself cresting from the sea south of Ihon and Yamatai. A vast majority of the population dwells within its mercantile coastal cities while the more recluse (and arguably more powerful) individuals have hidden themselves away in its vast rocky outcrops. 


    As of today, Hoke-Ida remains the last predominantly Yōsei island of the Great-Eight; as a result, the influence of the native Aeldenic elves can be felt amongst its population. To an outsider, the Island would feel as if it were frozen in time. Centuries old bureaucrats, merchants and laborers show no sign of age. Beauty too is maintained within Hoke-Ida’s architecture, a subtle serenity purposefully designed to radiate from each structure. For all intents and purposes, Hoke-Ida is not all that dissimilar from standard High-Elven society.


    The earliest records from the Isle indicate a cult of Zezubi, the Patron Kami of Knowledge, Obsession and the Sky. To this day the cult thrives and most of Hoke-Ida’s population pays reverence to Zezubi or his derivative children - the Sky Dragon Kami. Regardless of patron, the Hoke-Ida embrace the quest for knowledge issued by Zezubi. Embedded into the minds of each resident of Hoke-Ida is the belief that one may always improve their skills and banks of knowledge.  To become the best one can be is to display the ultimate degree of exceptionalism. 


    This reasoning has resulted in the Hoke-Ida to place a great emphasis on study, be it academic or martial, and many opt to research the very nature of the universe. Hidden away in the rocky hills of the Hoke-Ida interior a series of Observatories have been constructed to study the sky. Equipped with powerful lenses and reflecting pools, these Observatories provide an accurate record of the stars’ movement, as well as prophetic omen. 



    Albeit originally intended for cosmology, these observatories have become more akin to wizard towers. Many scholars who seek to uncover the nature of heavens make an effort to find employment within these observatories, and many have branched from charting the night sky to the study of the arcane. Otherworldly powers are drawn upon and artifacts of mystery are imbued. To the Hoke-Ida, there is no need to fear the unknown - it welcomes a master.

    For generations immeasurable Hoke-Ida engaged in these studies, but before long the Golden Sun Empire arrived upon its rocky shores. Seeking to reap the boons of Hoke-Ida’s research, the Hou-Zi made a deal whereby the Yōsei would pay a tithe in artifacts, charts and research and in exchange the Golden Empire would not engage in violent reprisal. The Yōsei, who could not be bothered with such affairs, agreed and were more than willing to showcase their vast wealth of knowledge to whom they perceived to be uncivilized. 


    In time, as the neighboring isles Oyashima revolted, a coastal clan of warrior yōsei known as the Inoue too joined in the fight to remove the yoke of the Beastmen. Deeming the tithe of artifacts and knowledge to be unacceptable, they became determined to keep the knowledge of Hoke-Ida contained for Oyashiman use. Having spent centuries harnessing their skill, this singular clan managed to defeat the light-occupation of Hoke-Ida with little casualties and, as a result, were rewarded with the title of Daimyō by the restored Imperial Clan.


    In this interim period, Inoue rose to great prominence within the Imperial Court. Although few in numbers, their mastery of swordsmanship and the arcane made them a truly feared Samurai clan. Even so, the Kawato War disrupted the peace of the Oyashiman archipelago as the clans of Ishikawa and Sato engaged in war. The Sato came to the belief that the Inoue had been conspiring against them and, fearing the sudden entrance by a third party, Sato sought to deliver a devastating preemptive blow. 


    Sato Kagetoki brought his fleet south where they attempted to besiege the aptly named city of Hoke-Ida by surprise. Certain that numbers and the element of surprise would win them the day, Sato Kagetoki was left baffled as powerful arcane energies rained upon his fleet by the Inoue defenders. An exchange of arrows and swords were shared and fires spread between ships. Though many Inoue retainers perished upon the sands of their shore, the Sato were forced to retreat. Enraged by such an attack, the Inoue Clan gathered what forces it could muster and pursued, soon joined by Ishikawa who had realized the Sato blunder. A devastating defeat soon came for the Sato as their fleet was wiped out in the Ihon strait. Ishikawa became the dominant faction of the Isles. The Shōgunate had risen, and Hoke-Ida was on the winning side.




    The Shōgun acknowledged the strength of the Hoke-Ida Yōsei, yet feared them all the same. Though the Inoue clan were rewarded for their aid in bringing the war to an end, it was mandated that the spellcasters of Hoke-Ida be registered and monitored lest their power be amassed in secret. As a result, Inoue and the Shōgunate began to recognize sanctioned Sēji 聖人 who would serve as arcanic advisors, academics, and weapons of war. 


    Peace was short lived, however, as the Li Dynasty soon returned to reap Oyashima when it was at its weakest. The Inoue clan, given their Yōsei heritage, was by no means prepared for war. Many retainers had died during the Kawato war and given the curse of Iboku, repopulation was untimely. As a result, when the Shōgun was defeated at Shinzo Plains, the Inoue bowed their heads in defeat. Survival was prioritized, and those of Hoke-Ida did not wish for their libraries to be lost in fiery reprisal. As such, Hoke-Ida was looted of its mystic relics and its population forced to labor in the hills.


    Greatly ashamed of surrender, Inoue Yoshihiro pledged himself to commit seppuku before the legendary rebel, Ishikawa Kais, after he had traversed the treacherous terrain of Hoke-Ida to pursue aid. Ishikawa Kais refused the pledge, and extended a hand of friendship in turn. To live and defeat their shared enemy would redeem Inoue’s dishonor; all of Oyashima would benefit. By morning, the Ishikawa banner of rebellion hung upon the walls of Inoue Castle. Before long all of Oyashima would rise up in rebellion, and the Battle of the Yamamoto Woods put an end to the Cathantese occupation.


    Since the liberation of Oyashima, Hoke-Ida has existed in relative peace. A pseudo-renaissance, the population took to rebuilding their stores of knowledge and the crafting of new mystical artifacts. To organize the effort the Inoue Clan erected a university of great renown. Dubbed the “Dai Tenmondai”, or the “Grand Observatory”, this center of knowledge finds itself equipped with the finest tools, scholars and library in all of Oyashima. Beyond mere study, the Dai Tendmondai also serves to train aspiring arcanists to become Sēji so that they might aid in future conflicts and the quelling of yokai. As a result, those who graduate from Dai Tendmondai are considered some of the most intellectual and wise of all of Oyashima.




    However, ill omen befell Dai Tenmondai and the Inoue clan when Ishikawa Yorinobu perpetrated the coup of Arashi Castle. The act had coincided with the Great Eclipse and the resurgence of Yokai across the archipelago, and the Hoke-Ida scholars were quick to make the connections. It is now believed amongst the more prominent Sēji that Yorinobu had made a pact with the Yokai and had meddled with demonic powers, though they could never say such publicly. Shōgun Yorinobu’s Shinohasu now keep a close eye upon the scholars of Hoke-Ida as to ensure their loyalty, and many have begun to disappear without a trace. Whether these individuals had fled, were executed or were kidnapped for some greater purpose is unknown. 


    This is not to say, however, that a Sēji could not be seduced by the prospect of power within the Shōgun’s court. Yorinobu is always looking for useful servants and is more than willing to provide the means for experimentation should he will it. Such has since given rise to the wicked connotation of the Sēji as they use given authority to perpetrate horrid acts upon domestic Oyashi and foreign Li-Ren alike. After all, the Yamamoto War provides an ample theater to toy with death.



  13. OSKUNOSHIMA 大久野島




    Oskunoshima, otherwise known as “Kojima no Kaiju”, is the second largest island in the greater Oyashiman archipelago. Geographically, Oskunoshima arcs down due North of Yamatai and acts as a barrier between the vast expanse of sea that is the Tor Minos Bay and the sister Oyashi Islands. Primarily governed by the great samurai clan of Hiroji, Oskunoshima has benefited greatly from its relative lack of wars and abundance in raw materials. As a result, the island has become the greatest center of manufacturing and art within the whole of the Oyashima, with many a master blacksmith and artisan finding their roots, and success, within the provincial capital of Kōji-shi. It is thus no surprise that Gochuso, Kami of Artisans, Innovation and Pride has become the population’s favorite figure of reverence upon the isle.




    Not dissimilar to the other islands of Oyashi Archipelago, Oskunoshima rose up in defiance against the initial conquest of the Golden Empire. Though bloody, the eventual removal of foreign masters was unremarkable upon the Island. Hou were slain and their yoke was overthrown. Though the island prospered greatly in the interim between occupations, the Li Dynasty’s invasion brought to the island catastrophe. Yokai began to lurk throughout Oyashima, and none could rival the sheer horror witnessed by the Oskunoshimans bar the Isle of Ihon. Towering crimson Oni would descend from the hills in the pursuit of grub and steel. Many Villages were sacked and damaged beyond repair, their civilians often disappearing without a trace. Too did monstrous, reptilian Kaiju begin to emerge from the depths. Though the Li occupants sought to deal with these would-be demons of the sea, the Samurai-led resistance forced the occupation into an untenable conflict between Oni, Kaiju, Li-Ren and Oyashi rebels. As a result, thousands perished before the Li Ren were eventually forced back into Cathant.




    Bolstered with newfound liberation and duty, those of Oskunoshima began to rebuild their decayed infrastructure. As inland workshops found restoration, the islanders determined that great weapons of war were needed to combat their immediate sea-born threat. Thus, the seven major daimyo of the island combined the skills of their greatest surviving blacksmiths and that of yōsei mystics to forge seven magical suits of Kozane-gusoku, or armor. This armor endowed its bearer the boons of speed, strength and snappy reflexes far beyond the limitations of a normal man. And so the greatest warriors from each clan were equipped with this armor, and each city was protected from the terrors of the hills and the sea. For generations to come, the firstborn of these clans would be trained from birth to adopt the mantle of the “Hīrōu~ōkā”, or Hero Walker.




    The art of weapon making did not cease with the advent of the Hīrōu~ōkā. Punitive campaigns commenced by order of Shōgun Ishikawa Genjiro into the Cathantese mainland, and Oskunoshima was more than obliged to lend their masterful crafts. Cannons, alchemical armaments and other mundane contraptions of war were produced en masse upon the isle and shipped south for the Yamamoto campaign. Multiple generations of Samurai and Ashigaru have since campaigned south, resulting in the need for aspiring adolescents to fend off the many lingering threats at home. 


    The wars of Yamamoto still rage, and many craftsmen of the island have sought to leave their mark upon history. No such artisan has left a mark as literal and philosophical as the alchemist Hamotori. Believing himself to be the Hero of Peace, the prideful Hamotori developed the Alkahest - an acid so potent that it could dissolve through anything it touched. Hamotori had peered too distantly into the future and had ignored the precautions of the present. In his hubris, Hamotori failed to devise a container that could withstand and deliver the Alkahest. As a result, Hamotori, his workshop and his village were swallowed by the furious appetite of his creation. This left a craterous scar in its wake. The site, affectionately dubbed “Hamorotori’s Chasm”, has since become a warning to the locals of Oskunoshima.




    In the modern day, the dominant Horoji clan finds favor with Shōgunate as they and their subservient daimyō are more than complicit in the development of new weapons of war; to do so ensures financing, recognition and service to Oyashima. Oskunoshima has also retained its reputation for being a hub for manufacturing and art, many a masterpiece blade, ceramic or other hand-crafted goods hailing from its dense port cities. Kaiju remain a threat upon Northern coasts and frequently engage in battle with the Hīrōu~ōkā. Oskunoshima is the beating manufacturing heart of Oyashima, and its greatest shield against the monstrosities of the sea.



  14. YAMATAI 邪馬台国




    “As I look back upon my home of Yamatai, no longer as Shōgun but as a mere commonfolk, I cannot help but stand amazed as we rowed away. The Imperial City stretched miles and miles into the horizon, with walls upwards of a thousand feet tall. Even the blockade we rowed past only missed us due to their great size. It would take a hundred thousand men to breach that city. It was then, I admit my samurai, that the war was lost.” - Memoirs of the Deposed Shogun


    Yamatai refers to one of two entities meaning “The Rich Autumn’s Island”. There is the island of Yamatai itself, one of the eight main islands in Oyashima and the seat of the Imperial clan and Shogunate. Then there is The City of Yamatai, a sprawling megalopolis that almost fully encapsulates the island. Many are drawn by the rich opulence of the architecture or the unheard of decadence of life in the inner walls but almost all are swept off by the swirling chaos of the City Typhoon.




    It’s uncertain when the foundations of the megalopolis were first set as they predate the Imperial era and even the semi-mythical origins of the Tenjō era. It’s reported there was once an empire that stretched across the waters and would become known as The Empire of the Seas to us today but may have been named Yamatai itself. The empire is said that after an unknown catastrophic event it would sink into the sea forming the archipelago of Oyashima we know today. Some relics of the past remain however. Buried blackstone beneath the city’s cobble and ancient ship remains sunken beneath the waters surrounding Yamatai today are testament to what could have came before. Whether these were some kind of proto-Oyashiman or Yosei inhabitants before their migration no one can agree on. Historians date the city of Yamatai’s construction to the era of Emperor Heisei in contradiction to the belief of the Empire of the Seas narrative. During this era the city was a relatively rural, self-sustaining economy that relied heavily on fishing. With the fall of the Hou-Zi however, Emperor Heisei would gain control of the city and he was quoted saying “May we, the peoples of islands, control our fate and build ourselves a utopia. A beacon against the darkness that was the Hou-Zi.”


    This dream created Yamatai today - a mega city encompassing almost the entirety of the island Yamatai itself. The city is documented to be divided into three layers that mark demographic changes of who is allowed to occupy what. The outer layer of the city is ever expanding and changing, made primarily of fishing platforms stretched out over the surrounding seas. This layer of the city is reserved typically for the poor commoner fishermen and for the approved gaijin. Little care for the well being of these people are given with the annual tsunamis typically making the unprepared here the first of their victims. Because of the squalor conditions of this layer, life is not valued highly and crime is abundant. Yakuza maintain some semblance of order within the communities they control with an iron fist as they fend off both yokai and those who want to take what they have. Often those with a dream of prospering in Yamatai find themselves trapped in the outer layer and made broken before ever being able to leave again.


    The middle layer of the city is the image of Yamatai more often received by outside masses. This layer is intended for the more well to do citizens of the Empire descended from government officials, samurai or those favored by the Emperor or Shogun. The people of Yamatai have a unique fashion sense found primarily only amongst them where they often dress up in outlandish wear and color their hair from various choices across the rainbow spectrum. Even the pets kept by these citizens are exotic ranging from pet tigers to badlands reptilians. Surprisingly, many of the amenities within the middle layer are free - taken care of by the Imperial government. It is believed that a care-free life helps foster the creativity of Oyashima’s best without the trivial worries of expenses to bother them. Festivals are held monthly here with some lasting for the entire week. These festivals include the infamous Lunar New Year festivals, the Winter Solstice where people wear oni masks while out on a night of drinking, and festivals to Kais Ishikawa’s reconquest with reenactments of his more famous battles taking place. The overall happiness and safety of the people catered to here allows for them to experience minimal crime and typically what is seen trickles from those of the Outer Layer sneaking in.




    At the Heart of Yamatai lies the Imperial Residence - Kogane Palace, and the seat of the Shogun - Arashi Castle. To those unaccustomed with the city center, it would appear as if it were a city within a city. The Palace district showcases a hedonist display of exaggerated wealth, an example being its molten gold rivers that flow through ornate canals. The Heart of Yamatai is strictly off-limits for commoners, Samurai and even most Daimyo; only the Shogun, the Emperor, their immediate families and most trusted retainers are permitted upon the grounds. Due to their centuries of isolation, the families (and branch families) who dwell within the Heart have developed reputations akin to that of Gods, and many within flaunt their power with abhorrent actions. It is not uncommon for a resident of the Heart to venture down into the lower levels of Yamatai and capture residents for entertainment or labor, effectively enslaving them. Too are those within the Heart so empowered that there have been many cases of them chopping down commoners for merely crossing their path, or sacrificing them as impromptu bridges upon the molten-gold canals.


    The Imperial Clan’s power, in truth, is merely symbolic in the current era and true power lies with the Ishikawa Shogun. At the same time the Inferi Crisis ravaged the descendants of Arcas, an event known as the “Red Eclipse” overwhelmed Yamatai when Ishikawa Yorinobu murdered his brother and seized the seat of Shogun. Yokai spilled out across the Isles yet, bizarrely, the Heart of Yamatai was left unscathed even as the lower levels were terrorized by wretches of Iboku. Immediately following the event, many had sought to leave Yamatai but lacked the financial means to do so, often driving their focus to find means of smuggling their way from the megapolis rather than opposing the Shogun. Too have rumors begun to spread that slavery is no longer the norm for captured civilians, but instead fueling evil arts. Regardless, far more Oyashi dream of Yamatai’s glistening opportunity for success rather than the baseless rumors which surround its shadow. As Yamatai stabilizes, it continues to flourish as the center of government and culture for all of Oyashima. 



  15. BACHI SHOTŌ 鉢諸島




    Bachi Shotō, or the Bowl islands is an archipelago surrounding the main island of Himajima and making up one of the eight great islands of Oyashima. It differs from most of the other islands bearing a subtropical climate where rice, soy, tea, sweet potatoes and lemons can all grow within the vicinity of volcanic activity. Life is generally slower on these islands considered the gateway into Oyashima. Kaolinite collected from the smaller islands around Himajima has resulted in porcelain wear being a notable export from these islands with iconography made both to the kami and Creatorist iconography of that of the Aeldenic Church of the True Faith. 


    A propagated legend around the islands is that in life after the Exodus, Saint Lucien came to the Bachi Shotō and performed miracles of the Creator amongst the people who were unfamiliar with this ‘Kamisama’. Saint Lucien is said to have given the ruling clan sunflower seeds which have since grown throughout the islands. As a result the ruling clan would take on the name Himawari and name their seat of power in the Bachi Shotō “Himajima” where the sun would never set. Sunflowers have become an important symbol to the inhabitants of the Bachi Shotō which has led to the significant rise of converts to the Aeldenic True Faith, The Church of Gaekrin and the Church of Canon over the following centuries. 


    Lemon orchards, tea, soybean and rice fields also scatter the islands with much of the region being developed towards agriculture instead of urbanization. Bachi Shotō, besides the shape of the island chain, also derives its name from being a figurative rice bowl to the other islands and providing them sustenance. In recent years though as some of the other islands look into self sustaining farming methods, the Bachi Shotō’s key to power is threatened leaving them further to the will of the shogunate.


    The Himawari Clan stands out from the other Daimyo clans of the Oyashiman islands as they have abandoned their Kamist roots for the foreign inspired True Faith, welcoming the foreign trade and spread of non-Oyashiman ideologies into his lands. In the island’s capital of Aminishi, one may find a shrine dedicated to the kami Tamo-Tamo alongside what would look reminiscent of rural Imperial chapel. 




    This diversity is not without its consequences though. The Shogun Yorinobu distrusts the Himawari Clan and believes the True-Faithers to be conspiring against him and his agenda. He frequently sends his Shinohasu agents to the Bachi Shotō to rile up religious infighting amongst the Bachi Shotō inhabitants. In response to the violence, groups of Warrior Monks, or Sohei, have taken up arms to protect their Kamist temples and mountain dwellings from the crossfire of True Faith Missionaries and that of the Shogunate. Neutral by nature, the Sohei adorn themselves in white cloth and will engage in battle with any faction that poses an immediate threat. That said, they most often clash with the Missionaries who blame the Kamists for the acts of the Shogunate. Though the Himawari Clan often attempts to impose monetary and martial retribution upon those who engage in violence, the Sohei are a thorn as they are more than capable of meeting the Samurai in battle. As a result, the once peaceful coexistence of Bachi Shotō 鉢諸島 has since become fractured and volatile.




    Aminishi, capital of Himajima, is the place most often seen by gaijin in Oyashima and is very accessible and accompanying to them with Churches and missionaries being present to help guide foreigners around. The influx of tourists and trade is a great boon to the local economy. The local izakayas have become renowned for the lemon shochu brewed and sold at them. An entire entertainment district has been dedicated to mimicking the exaggerations and businesses of the Middle Layer of Yamatai, becoming known as “Little Yamatai” as a result. The patron kami of this city and for Bachi Shotō Kamists as a whole is Tamo-Tamo, the patron of Fraternity and Brotherhood. Traditionally during festivals in Aminishi, Creatorists and Kamists alike have usually celebrated together before the spikes of violence between the two religious groups.


    Since the events of the Red Eclipse and the rise of Shogun Yorinobu, a small rebellion discreetly funded by non-leading members of the Himawari clan and sympathetic Sohei has begun to brew and seeks to reinstall the Emperor under the divine will of Kamisama, or the Creator, as the true leader of Oyashima. Their True-Faith leaning ideology and extremist tactics however has left the rebellion with much to be desired from other clans outside of Bachi Shotō who are compelled by their Shogun to tariff and rely more on home-island farming to the detriment of the Himawari clan whose Daimyo is forced to walk a middle ground between faith, his power and for the empire.



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